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Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:22 pm
by Drought
ربهالنوع wrote:
Duck Dodgers wrote:
ربهالنوع wrote:Multi-ing in the game of life?
Wonder if people get banned for that.
It's called fraude or identity theft :-D
Only if the person you are roleplaying is real, and your roleplaying in the real world, I would imagine? :P
For instance, you dressing up as Mark Rutte and acting like you are him in public, using his creditcard and such. Silly duck. ;)

@McJim: Rule 24.

I would dress up as Wilders and have pictures taking while eating in some shoarma place :smt081

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:25 pm
by Juliette
Duck Dodgers wrote:I would dress up as Wilders and have pictures taking while eating in some shoarma place :smt081
Genius. :smt043 Wilders would be flattered by our performance, Duckie. :-D

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:17 am
by deni
It is amazing to experience the change of attitude towards someone depending on the role (male/female) they play. Being a girl makes it much easier to be granted access to alliances, forums, information etc. - especially in a game that is dominated by male players in their teens/twens :)

While gathering intelligence and having a laugh by playing someone of the opposite gender is entertaining, the fun stops when people start to get emotionally involved with someone claiming being the opposite gender.Playing with someone elses real feelings is neither entertainment nor funny.

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:28 am
by Juliette
Succinctly put, deni. Allowing the second would inevitably lead to the 'kick in the ribs' Louis mentioned.

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:51 am
by ƒëmmë
deni wrote:It is amazing to experience the change of attitude towards someone depending on the role (male/female) they play. Being a girl makes it much easier to be granted access to alliances, forums, information etc. - especially in a game that is dominated by male players in their teens/twens :)

I found it to be the older men that are more easily fooled.. a bit of a boost to their ego someone (supposedly)almost half their age (in some cases) paying them a bit of attention.
The teens seem to pay not much attention to the presence of a female, they infact are the ones that seem to keep their raging hormones in check from what I've seen.

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:02 am
by Juliette
fem fatale wrote:The teens seem to pay not much attention to the presence of a female, they infact are the ones that seem to keep their raging hormones in check from what I've seen.
Teens are generally oversexed regardless of the (perceived) presence of a female. ;)

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:17 am
by Eelyzabth
RP is one thing, lying about your real self is just that, lying, deception... not the sort of people I'd want as alliance mates, or friends. You wanna play a female IG all well and good, but don't lie during OOC conversations!

I play a couple of RP games where its all role play, my entire character is a made up persona, I play them female, but I have friends who RP males occassionally, but they do so without takingthe male persona on to MSN and into real life!

as for why people do it at all?

it starts off as 'oh I'll say I'm a girl to get an easy ride' then a few months on, hang on, I'm getting good at this, I'm making do I tell the truth now? and the lie snowballs out of control.

as for me, 100% female... possibly more than 100%, anyone doubts it... well tough. cos I ain't proving it unless you do first!!

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:46 am
by ƒëmmë

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:03 pm
by Zeratul
making a role realistic is more important than its gender.
when given the choice in a game between male and female characters, we've often chosen female characters because we find the challenge of understanding such a role interesting... It is also a far greater challenge to actually pull the role through. However, we fully agree that the moment feelings outside the role are involved, it should either stop and/or be thoroughly discouraged.
It is one thing to act as a character of the opposite gender, it is quite another thing to start playing with the feelings of others.

We've noticed that females playing female roles generally do it far more successfully than males playing female. We'd guess it comes from a combination of experience and understanding that is hard, if at all possible, for males to acquire. They also tend to cover areas that men don't think to cover.

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:06 pm
by Clarkey
In the SGW world i've experienced many people trying to convince others they are the opposite gender, normally boys claiming to be girls. This was usually because they realised that I was on to their multing asses. :-D I'd name them all but I won't, it would have been embarassing enough for them the first time round when I exposed them.

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:27 am
by ƒëmmë
I think we all roleplay to a certain extent depending on the company we are in at the time.. I'm different around friends then with family, different again with close friends then acquaintances

plus I also think we project an image of how we see others depending on ourselves.. ie if I was a 15yr old gamer male I'd assume most of the others playing were the same as me.

here's a big tip for the guys, any "female" that sends out semi naked pics of herself to numerous others but wont go on webcam or teamspeak even, because they are suddenly coy, be VERY wary off.. that's a tactic I've seen two "female" players use on SGW to lure men in..

the men that I've seen play women, usually do it in a way a males "ideal woman" would behave

The really sad bit is when you try to "warn/alert" others of the truth but are the one accused of making things up.

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:01 am
by Legendary Apophis
fem fatale wrote:here's a big tip for the guys, any "female" that sends out semi naked pics of herself to numerous others but wont go on webcam or teamspeak even, because they are suddenly coy, be VERY wary off.. that's a tactic I've seen two "female" players use on SGW to lure men in..

Lol! That's indeed a bit big! :lol:

the men that I've seen play women, usually do it in a way a males "ideal woman" would behave

Interesting point indeed, however I'd say it depends on guys because the "ideal" kind of woman isn't shared by all and differs between different guys...but I can see that there's few "stereotypes" yup.

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:35 am
by Dubby_CompGamerGeek2
I'd be interested in whether any women decided to try to play a male role,

say to try to assimilate into the gamer culture,

or to be a part of something that intentionally draws no "special" attention... :-)

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:21 am
by ƒëmmë
our miss Juliette has in the past ..

.. and a note of Juliettes deceit in the past, I know of some ppl that were that were scarred by those events.. it shook up their ability to ever trust anyone online..

Interesting the ingame messages you get too depending on your user name.. I like to get ones when I have a male name (from when I've gotten a new acc) and send back hugs and kisses... it tends to throw them a bit :smt050

Re: People pretending to be 'something else'

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:09 am
by Legendary Apophis
The only ones I received semi naked pics from on MSN were those crazy MSN bots that jump after you when you come online. Actually not very bright to send such things away: most women wouldn't be like that to send away such pics of themselves...these pretenders. :lol:

Would have made me spit my drink out if a SGW player sent me semi naked/naked pics of themselves lmao. Guess people who received them didn't notice the big thing.