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Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:46 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
Ra wrote:the amendment is for militia.. American without that piece of **Filtered** amendment would be far better off.

You obviously have no understanding of the 2nd amendment....or you have been listening to to much TV brainwashing propaganda :-k

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:08 am
by Jack
I don't even think he's American, so yeah, I'm going with lack of understanding+ tv brainwashing.

America would not be better off without the second amendment. People like to blame guns for crime, but hey guess what. Two things have happened in the last decade.

1. Crime has fallen
2. Gun ownership has risen and gun rights expanded.

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:10 am
by jedi~tank
Dovahkiin wrote:I don't even think he's American, so yeah, I'm going with lack of understanding+ tv brainwashing.

America would not be better off without the second amendment. People like to blame guns for crime, but hey guess what. Two things have happened in the last decade.

1. Crime has fallen
2. Gun ownership has risen and gun rights expanded.

There are 2 very good reasons why this country can never be invaded then occupied

#1 its big
#2 the militia is the citizens with guns ;)

Any nation whereas the government is able to disarm the public through the red tape of endless laws will subsequently have more power over its people that it ought to have...if that ever happens in this country, this country will be in utter chaos of the likes that have never been seen before in human history.

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:34 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Jedi~Tank wrote:
Any nation whereas the government is able to disarm the public through the red tape of endless laws will subsequently have more power over its people that it ought to have...if that ever happens in this country, this country will be in utter chaos of the likes that have never been seen before in human history.

What do you mean "if that ever happens in this country"? it has happened!

In the US, the whole point of having the 2nd (VERY short) is a last line of defence and to guarantee the people are able to throw off a tyrannical Govt/Prez....dunno if you've been through an airport lately but they are groping the vast majority of fliers and are using scanners that show naked images. even police cannot do what the TSA are doing with out just cause, such as a policeman witnesses a gun crime and the criminal shoves the gun down their trousers (pants for you Yankees :-) ) many amendments are the TSA violating right there? i see 3 amendment violations...correct me if wrong.

There are FAAAR more examples even worse and even more blatant of treason, such as Obama starting wars without congressional approval and instead relying on UN approval...that is treason!
Even Panetta admitted to a congressional hearing he would do the same, he should have been removed and charged on the spot!

I can give you the link to Panetta's statement if you like?

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:37 pm
by jedi~tank
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:
Any nation whereas the government is able to disarm the public through the red tape of endless laws will subsequently have more power over its people that it ought to have...if that ever happens in this country, this country will be in utter chaos of the likes that have never been seen before in human history.

What do you mean "if that ever happens in this country"? it has happened!

In the US, the whole point of having the 2nd (VERY short) is a last line of defence and to guarantee the people are able to throw off a tyrannical Govt/Prez....dunno if you've been through an airport lately but they are groping the vast majority of fliers and are using scanners that show naked images. even police cannot do what the TSA are doing with out just cause, such as a policeman witnesses a gun crime and the criminal shoves the gun down their trousers (pants for you Yankees :-) ) many amendments are the TSA violating right there? i see 3 amendment violations...correct me if wrong.

There are FAAAR more examples even worse and even more blatant of treason, such as Obama starting wars without congressional approval and instead relying on UN approval...that is treason!
Even Panetta admitted to a congressional hearing he would do the same, he should have been removed and charged on the spot!

I can give you the link to Panetta's statement if you like?
It hasnt happened yet, but it is happening.

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:58 pm
by Ra
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
Ra wrote:the amendment is for militia.. American without that piece of **Filtered** amendment would be far better off.

You obviously have no understanding of the 2nd amendment....or you have been listening to to much TV brainwashing propaganda :-k

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

No.. I'm just not a gun nut with a small **Filtered**.

edit: LOL, you listen to Alex Jones. and you're going to talk about brainwashing? :smt043

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:15 pm
by Richard B Riddick
Ra wrote:
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
Ra wrote:the amendment is for militia.. American without that piece of **Filtered** amendment would be far better off.

You obviously have no understanding of the 2nd amendment....or you have been listening to to much TV brainwashing propaganda :-k

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

No.. I'm just not a gun nut with a small **Filtered**.

edit: LOL, you listen to Alex Jones. and you're going to talk about brainwashing? :smt043

love how you totally ignored my post, and still have yet to give any actually reasons other than cause i say so, lmao

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:32 pm
by Jack
Ra wrote:
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
Ra wrote:the amendment is for militia.. American without that piece of **Filtered** amendment would be far better off.

You obviously have no understanding of the 2nd amendment....or you have been listening to to much TV brainwashing propaganda :-k

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

No.. I'm just not a gun nut with a small **Filtered**.

edit: LOL, you listen to Alex Jones. and you're going to talk about brainwashing? :smt043[/q :smt056 uote]
You did not quote the amendment correctly. The punctuation you used turned it into a list and robbed it of all meaning. It states:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed.

The first half acknowledges that the first, last and only real line of defense from tyranny by the federal government is armed citizens.

Wether or not the right to bare arms is restricted to the militias is irrelevant. The militia is every able bodied citizen capable of fighting.

I know people are going to throw a fit about the well regulated part. However, at the time of writing, regulate actually meant to make regular. Something that is clear from the ratification debates. Those that argue for a will regulated militia as demanded by the constitution is actually arguing for free guns to ever able bodied make from the age of 10 on up. I say, bring on the well regulated militias! :smt047

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:21 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
Erm...that had nothing to do with Alex Jones, i was going from memory of why your founding fathers included it in the bill of rights...i never claimed to be a constitutional expert, but i do know something of it, even if i did get the correct and absolute meaning wrong ;)

Obama on the other hand claims to be a constitutional expert who seems hell bent on destroying the parts of the constitution previous presidents did not destroy.

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:30 pm
by Ra
[KMA]Avenger wrote:Erm...that had nothing to do with Alex Jones, i was going from memory of why your founding fathers included it in the bill of rights...i never claimed to be a constitutional expert, but i do know something of it, even if i did get the correct and absolute meaning wrong ;)

Obama on the other hand claims to be a constitutional expert who seems hell bent on destroying the parts of the constitution previous presidents did not destroy.

You're the one who brought up "brainwashing".. and you're the one who claims that moron Jones to be some prophet or savior. :smt105

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:43 pm
by ramen07
Ra wrote:You're the one who brought up "brainwashing".. and you're the one who claims that moron Jones to be some prophet or savior. :smt105

I don't remember any prophet or savior references.

[KMA]Avenger wrote:As you guys know, i listen to the Alex Jones show.


"Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people." But my question is, does the fact that someone owns a gun make them any more aggressive? Nearly everyone in my family has a pistol permit and a pistol, and they aren't shooting anyone.

Seems to me once a nutjob with a chip on his shoulder shoots someone, everyone gets up in arms about EVERYONE who has a gun, not just that guy (even worse if the person that was shot was a minority). Overwhelming odds that you'll bump into a gun owner that's not a nut.

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:44 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
Ra wrote:You're the one who brought up "brainwashing".. and you're the one who claims that moron Jones to be some prophet or savior. :smt105

As ramen said...but to expand...who are you to judge if Jones is a "moron" or "prophet or saviour"???

Who are the "morons" when we listen to talking heads on the TV say 1+1=3 with no proof, but when listening to Alex he tells you 1+1=2 and shows you the evidence so you can research it for yourself, or will bring on an expert/s to talk more fully about the subject matter??

You are in no position to talk unless you have listened to at least a week load of the AJ show before you assume the man is a "moron". if you like i can provide you with a link to a YouTube channel where you can hear the AJ show minus all the ads....But i wont hold my breath.

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:04 am
by [KMA]Avenger
I'm surprised nobody (especially You Americans) has posted the "fast and furious gun scandal" (aka ATF gunwalking scandal). it's come out that Erich Holder-the US Attorney General-has lied to the American people and has lied under oath about shipping guns to Mexican drug gangs to demonise the 2nd amendment, which has resulted in hundreds of deaths, including some US citizens and boarder patrol agents.
Recently it has also emerged that grenades have also been shipped over the boarder by the ATF.

You can also listen to Holder talk in the 90's about "brainwashing" people to be retrained to be "anti-guns".

Listen at 3 mins and 8 seconds where Holder says the above quote.

if you want more info regarding the above scandal, just Google "fast and furious scandal" or "ATF gunwalking scandal" you will get mainstream reports. if you want more factual info and a bigger breakdown of what's going on i suggest going to either or the drudge

This is a false flag attack against the 2nd amendment involving many senior top Govt officials and NOBODY has yet to be held to account.

You don't think you are living in a dictatorship...think again!

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:29 pm
by Jack
I haven't really seem reason to bring it up. But you are right about it being a false flag. They have used those two operations as reasons for tightening gun laws. Yet many laws were violated by the people entrusted to enforce those specific laws.

Re: Gun Rights

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:06 pm
by ramen07
[KMA]Avenger wrote:I'm surprised nobody (especially You Americans) has posted the "fast and furious gun scandal" (aka ATF gunwalking scandal). it's come out that Erich Holder-the US Attorney General-has lied to the American people and has lied under oath about shipping guns to Mexican drug gangs to demonise the 2nd amendment, which has resulted in hundreds of deaths, including some US citizens and boarder patrol agents.
Recently it has also emerged that grenades have also been shipped over the boarder by the ATF.

You can also listen to Holder talk in the 90's about "brainwashing" people to be retrained to be "anti-guns".

Listen at 3 mins and 8 seconds where Holder says the above quote.

if you want more info regarding the above scandal, just Google "fast and furious scandal" or "ATF gunwalking scandal" you will get mainstream reports. if you want more factual info and a bigger breakdown of what's going on i suggest going to either or the drudge

This is a false flag attack against the 2nd amendment involving many senior top Govt officials and NOBODY has yet to be held to account.

You don't think you are living in a dictatorship...think again!



the television box doesn't feed us real news.