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Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 5:37 am
by Legendary Apophis
What people are missing here is that the story existence is mainly to blame due to the nonsensical "genders theory".

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 5:49 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Ra wrote:
[KMA]Avenger wrote:I hear you Jim. i read the title and stopped...i couldn't take reading more than that!

And THIS is EXACTLY why i am against gays/poofs/queers/homos being able to adopt!

I feel so sorry for that kid. they will grow up screwed up because that kid will be raised in an unnatural environment thinking that what they know is natural and correct....SICK! ... etail.html ... child.html ... 22525.html
here's a nice litte list.. ... ries-ever/
casey anthony..

lots of parents are bad, no need to be a bigot. :roll:

How am i a bigot...did i say "straight" parents are ALL angels and never do anything wrong?

I love my kids beyond anything anyone can imagine...does that translate to mean i have been the perfect parent?

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:02 am
by ramen07
xDaku wrote:A child doesn't mature at the age of 8 or 11, FM. Your imagination is wilder than your perception of reality at that stage, and going on a child's statement for something this big just shows that these two women aren't fit to be parenting.

A parent's responsibility includes knowing where to put a limit on your child's wants. This is one of those cases.

Arguments against homosexuality aside, this ^^ best describes the problem here. You don't give a child something because they feel like they need it, do you? Sure, if he decides he wants to go back to being a boy when he's 14 (still a HE at this point- only hormone blocking is taking place), he can. But even at 14, he won't actually know what he really wants. Hell, male brains don't fully mature till what, 20? The fact that he's adopted and that the adoptive parents are lesbians is completely irrelevant.

Bottom line, his parents should KNOW they shouldn't let their kid make such a drastic change so young.

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:04 am
by _Bjorn_
i believe this sort of thing should be made illegal also it says the parents always knew. the kid doesn't even no cause he/she wasn't even old enough to understand. this worlds gone crazy hopefully i don't last another 60 years cause god knows whats gonna be happening than.

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:30 am
by jedi~tank
Field Marshall wrote:
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
Field Marshall wrote:
Legendary Apophis wrote:Well ballerina is a hobby, an activity, the child can give up after one lesson or continue but it's being a dancer, it's not changing your nature, your being, your gender. There it's something that will lead to something different, totally different, changing the person's nature/gender. We aren't talking an adult going to change their sex, but something being done on a child. It's totally wrong.

It depends on the child. Some children have clear ideas of where they want to be in 20 years time and some get there. You don't know the maturity of this particular child. Sure, i'm playing Devil's Advocate a little here but I do not feel that a child which could still potentially be considered as one of the most intellegent mamuals on planet earth is incapable of making a decision.

Comes down to human rights. It's the kids body, not ours.

Does that mean we should allow children the right to buy booze and fags? it is there body after all so by your logic-we have no right to tell them they are not allowed to drink and smoke until 18.

Why not? I was smoking at 14 and drinking about then. Still am....sure, it's damaging my health. Should people have the right to tell me to harm my body? It was a decision that I made then and one that I've stuck with. I obviously think it is right for me?

Jedi~Tank wrote:No **Filtered** this lol, this child will either committ suicide or become a killer because his or her head will be so **Filtered** up nobody could fathom it.
The fact is homosexuals cannot reproduce so why marry lol. They can only recruit and corrupt. It's sick.

...and if one of your daughters came to you and said that they think that they are attracted to the same sex?

Just out of curiousity Name removed by request of user....?

I'll cross that bridge if I ever come to it. ;)

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:45 am
by [KMA]Avenger
ramen07 wrote: The fact that he's adopted and that the adoptive parents are lesbians is completely irrelevant.

I disagree. would "his" "parents" have made the same decisions as these 2 have had they been a straight couple (assuming of course they are capable, of sound mind and responsible people)? I seriously doubt they would have allowed this to happen.

ramen07 wrote:Bottom line, his parents should KNOW they shouldn't let their kid make such a drastic change so young.

Regardless of the fact they are queer...i couldn't agree more!

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:42 am
I have nothing against Gay of Lesbian couples raising children, Im sure they can be as good or as bad as any hetro couple, this is NOT about bigotry, it's about common sense and doing whats right for the child.

The only experience of gender a Prepubescent child has is stereotyping, stereotyping is bad, if a girl wants to play football, or a boy wants to do ballet fine let them, they dont have to change gender to do those things, BUT there is NO way a child can comprehend the consequences of this permanent and extreme surgery or even know what it means to be a man or a women, or which gender they would want to be given the choice AFTER they become an adult.

This child is also losing all possibility of having children of their own one day.

You ask a child if they want to be a robot, or a lion on the right day and they would say yes, so this year maybe the boy does think he wants to be a girl.... will he still want that next year ??

Doctors swear an oath to 'do no harm', yet participating in the action they cant possibly know if they are doing harm or good. It's not just child abuse, it's child mutilation.

There is also the fact that although medical science can do wonders, it CANNOT make a boy into a girl, or man into a woman, at best it can give the appearance nothing more, the bits might look right, but they can never function like the real thing.

There is also the fact of when happens when this child does mature, what effect will it have on the possibility of relationships, will anyone want a woman who is not a real woman ?

Words dont even do this subject justice, the whole thing is just fracked beyond written expression.

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:49 am
by Drought
This is why I say same sex partners should not adopt:

"we always knew he wanted to be a girl"

Talking about prejudice ... sjees

This young boy's perspective on live has been malformed by two women believing their perception is best for their child. This is now resulting in a very young boy having his genitals removed and create something that isn't even truly a women/girl.

Really .. this is some sick stuff ... what will they tell him in a few years:

You are not getting your period because you are not a 'real' girl. But that fake vagina will at least help a little.

Seems like a severe case of a child being influenced by something he should not be.

Arent transgenders getting hormone shots for the rest of their lives too ?

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:33 am
by Psyko
I don't see anything wrong in that article.

I'll write up a more detailed debate against each one of your comments later. It's clear a few of you did not even read the whole article and/or are picking single quotes and taking them out of context to further your opinion.

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:39 am
by _Bjorn_
are your serious ? u don't see anything wrong with a 11 year having hormones to stop him being naturally what he is ?

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:51 am
by Eelyzabth
ramen07 wrote:
xDaku wrote:A child doesn't mature at the age of 8 or 11, FM. Your imagination is wilder than your perception of reality at that stage, and going on a child's statement for something this big just shows that these two women aren't fit to be parenting.

A parent's responsibility includes knowing where to put a limit on your child's wants. This is one of those cases.

Arguments against homosexuality aside, this ^^ best describes the problem here. You don't give a child something because they feel like they need it, do you? Sure, if he decides he wants to go back to being a boy when he's 14 (still a HE at this point- only hormone blocking is taking place), he can. But even at 14, he won't actually know what he really wants. Hell, male brains don't fully mature till what, 20?The fact that he's adopted and that the adoptive parents are lesbians is completely irrelevant.

Bottom line, his parents should KNOW they shouldn't let their kid make such a drastic change so young.

I'd argue that point, lmao

to say an 8 yr old 'knows' they were meant to be female is really really scary, I think at 8 my son still thought he could grow up to be a ninja turtle...

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:58 am
by Psyko
form fist wrote:are your serious ? u don't see anything wrong with a 11 year having hormones to stop him being naturally what he is ?

I don't see it as my place to tell someone they can't get a tattoo, or put a ring through their nose, or shave their head bald and wear a wig for the rest of their life. I also do not see it as my place to judge someone who does such things. I do, however, have a fairly poor opinion of people who force their own beliefs and values upon other people, and judge those who do not fit their ideal of human perfection (Hitler anyone?).

The first thing this boy learned to say was "I am a girl." He has two older brothers who could have been male role models to him. Guess what, they weren't. When told he could pick out his own clothes, he chose bras and dresses.

Most children facing a gender identity crisis have zero understanding people there to support them, so they turn to suicide. These parents--the fact that they are a lesbian couple should not matter, since that has NOTHING to do with the boy's decision--chose to support their child in this decision.

But they did not go out of their way to turn him into a girl. They waited until he tried to mutilate his own genitals and then they listened. But they didn't just hand him what he wanted. They are giving him hormone suppressants which will stave off puberty until he chooses to go through puberty. He is likely undergoing counseling to help with his gender identity problems. He has the option to go through puberty whenever he likes, be it 14 or 20, and when he does it can be to become a male or a female.

The parents played no part in this other than supporting their child in a way that keeps him healthy and happy. There's no electroshock to un-gay him; there's no shame being thrown around; there is no unhealthy parenting going on.

So I will not judge them or throw a fit about gays being parents or even claim that this is what is best for him. The truth is that no one knows. Just because we are stepping away from Christian traditions of hiding homosexuality, transgenders, and other gender/sexuality concerns does not mean any of this is new. This kind of thing has been going on since the dawn of time, but they are surviving now instead of being killed or killing themselves to make a world that doesn't understand them happy. Deal with it.

Stop condemning what you refuse to understand. He was adopted at age two, raised with two older brothers, given boys clothing and toys, and provided a happy home to do what kids do. Yes, the lesbian lovers CLEARLY forced him to want to become a girl. Problem is, he's nowhere close to becoming a girl...he's just being held back from puberty for a while until it is more clear (likely through counseling) what his decision truly is. Oh **Filtered**, let's shoot him now! Know what, let's shoot them all. Damn fags and their meddling ways!


Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:03 pm
by _Bjorn_
Psyko wrote:
form fist wrote:are your serious ? u don't see anything wrong with a 11 year having hormones to stop him being naturally what he is ?

I don't see it as my place to tell someone they can't get a tattoo, or put a ring through their nose, or shave their head bald and wear a wig for the rest of their life. I also do not see it as my place to judge someone who does such things. I do, however, have a fairly poor opinion of people who force their own beliefs and values upon other people, and judge those who do not fit their ideal of human perfection (Hitler anyone?).

The first thing this boy learned to say was "I am a girl." He has two older brothers who could have been male role models to him. Guess what, they weren't. When told he could pick out his own clothes, he chose bras and dresses.

Most children facing a gender identity crisis have zero understanding people there to support them, so they turn to suicide. These parents--the fact that they are a lesbian couple should not matter, since that has NOTHING to do with the boy's decision--chose to support their child in this decision.

But they did not go out of their way to turn him into a girl. They waited until he tried to mutilate his own genitals and then they listened. But they didn't just hand him what he wanted. They are giving him hormone suppressants which will stave off puberty until he chooses to go through puberty. He is likely undergoing counseling to help with his gender identity problems. He has the option to go through puberty whenever he likes, be it 14 or 20, and when he does it can be to become a male or a female.

The parents played no part in this other than supporting their child in a way that keeps him healthy and happy. There's no electroshock to un-gay him; there's no shame being thrown around; there is no unhealthy parenting going on.

So I will not judge them or throw a fit about gays being parents or even claim that this is what is best for him. The truth is that no one knows. Just because we are stepping away from Christian traditions of hiding homosexuality, transgenders, and other gender/sexuality concerns does not mean any of this is new. This kind of thing has been going on since the dawn of time, but they are surviving now instead of being killed or killing themselves to make a world that doesn't understand them happy. Deal with it.

Stop condemning what you refuse to understand. He was adopted at age two, raised with two older brothers, given boys clothing and toys, and provided a happy home to do what kids do. Yes, the lesbian lovers CLEARLY forced him to want to become a girl. Problem is, he's nowhere close to becoming a girl...he's just being held back from puberty for a while until it is more clear (likely through counseling) what his decision truly is. Oh **Filtered**, let's shoot him now! Know what, let's shoot them all. Damn fags and their meddling ways!


great this is why this world has gone tits up i don't care if someone is gay but he is to young to no anything to do with being a man or woman the problem is this crap with rights now a days if someone would have said no to him it would have been the human rights crap being sung from the trees.

i dunno why you had to bring religion into this i hate it lol worst thing ever to happen to humans.

also tattoos and piercing and wigs are all a bit different to changing sex dont ya think ?

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:11 pm
by Drought
Psyko wrote:The first thing this boy learned to say was "I am a girl." He has two older brothers who could have been male role models to him. Guess what, they weren't. When told he could pick out his own clothes, he chose bras and dresses.

wasnt he adopted by them at the age of 2 ? :smt017

""Unhappy: Tammy was adopted aged two by Debra Lobel and Pauline Moreno"

soooooo ... who were these role-models again ?

Re: Child transformed gender by his two mothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:21 pm
by Psyko
form fist wrote:
Psyko wrote:
form fist wrote:are your serious ? u don't see anything wrong with a 11 year having hormones to stop him being naturally what he is ?

I don't see it as my place to tell someone they can't get a tattoo, or put a ring through their nose, or shave their head bald and wear a wig for the rest of their life. I also do not see it as my place to judge someone who does such things. I do, however, have a fairly poor opinion of people who force their own beliefs and values upon other people, and judge those who do not fit their ideal of human perfection (Hitler anyone?).

The first thing this boy learned to say was "I am a girl." He has two older brothers who could have been male role models to him. Guess what, they weren't. When told he could pick out his own clothes, he chose bras and dresses.

Most children facing a gender identity crisis have zero understanding people there to support them, so they turn to suicide. These parents--the fact that they are a lesbian couple should not matter, since that has NOTHING to do with the boy's decision--chose to support their child in this decision.

But they did not go out of their way to turn him into a girl. They waited until he tried to mutilate his own genitals and then they listened. But they didn't just hand him what he wanted. They are giving him hormone suppressants which will stave off puberty until he chooses to go through puberty. He is likely undergoing counseling to help with his gender identity problems. He has the option to go through puberty whenever he likes, be it 14 or 20, and when he does it can be to become a male or a female.

The parents played no part in this other than supporting their child in a way that keeps him healthy and happy. There's no electroshock to un-gay him; there's no shame being thrown around; there is no unhealthy parenting going on.

So I will not judge them or throw a fit about gays being parents or even claim that this is what is best for him. The truth is that no one knows. Just because we are stepping away from Christian traditions of hiding homosexuality, transgenders, and other gender/sexuality concerns does not mean any of this is new. This kind of thing has been going on since the dawn of time, but they are surviving now instead of being killed or killing themselves to make a world that doesn't understand them happy. Deal with it.

Stop condemning what you refuse to understand. He was adopted at age two, raised with two older brothers, given boys clothing and toys, and provided a happy home to do what kids do. Yes, the lesbian lovers CLEARLY forced him to want to become a girl. Problem is, he's nowhere close to becoming a girl...he's just being held back from puberty for a while until it is more clear (likely through counseling) what his decision truly is. Oh **Filtered**, let's shoot him now! Know what, let's shoot them all. Damn fags and their meddling ways!


great this is why this world has gone tits up i don't care if someone is gay but he is to young to no anything to do with being a man or woman the problem is this crap with rights now a days if someone would have said no to him it would have been the human rights crap being sung from the trees.

i dunno why you had to bring religion into this i hate it lol worst thing ever to happen to humans.

also tattoos and piercing and wigs are all a bit different to changing sex dont ya think ?

I never said he was old enough to make the decision, but I don't see too much wrong with delaying puberty for a few years. Most males don't go through it until 14-15 anyways. So he won't go through it early or grow unsightly hair for a few more years, is that really a bad thing? His parents are not turning him into a girl (that is a clearly biased title). They are simply suppressing his hormones until he knows more about himself and who he wants to be. Granted, most people who are 20 these days don't know that either, but that is where the therapy comes into play.

If someone would have said no to him, given his speech impediment and the fact that they are his parents, I doubt it would even make the news. However, you are right, the human rights campaign can be just a zealous in their mission as the other side of the argument. I was looking at this from what I consider to be an objective view point. The kid is alive, healthy, and happy....problem?

I did not bring religion into this. A couple of the previous posters mentioned God first, I merely included a little bit of my belief regarding God in my post.

Duck Dodgers wrote:
Psyko wrote:The first thing this boy learned to say was "I am a girl." He has two older brothers who could have been male role models to him. Guess what, they weren't. When told he could pick out his own clothes, he chose bras and dresses.

wasnt he adopted by them at the age of 2 ? :smt017

""Unhappy: Tammy was adopted aged two by Debra Lobel and Pauline Moreno"

soooooo ... who were these role-models again ?
Ahem...two older brothers. He's not the only child these women have. If you had read more closely, you would have seen that one of these older brothers even has a child. The article mentions the women have a grandchild by one of their sons. But yeah, I guess having two brothers that are older than you couldn't possibly be role models. :roll: