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Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:54 am
by minisaiyan
but how would you be able to tell who owns which account. you are trusting too much on the honesty of many players

Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:29 am
by Lokiā„¢
Juliette wrote:The 'legitimate multi' is allowed. Everyone can see which accounts are NG accounts (they are marked in display name publically). Each IP/user will be allowed one NG account in addition to their Main account, legally. Any 'second or more' NG accounts on the same IP is banned, regardless of family size.
It is encouraged to use same username, but this is not mandatory.


Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:40 am
by Borek
Empy wrote:Can you buy other players NewGrounds accounts that have ascended to main and therefore have more than 2 accounts?
sure, if you want to risk getting banned you can buy extra ones. I would imagine there will be some leeway given when buying/selling is happening such as now, but the general idea is 1 "main" account and 1 "NG" account, if you have more at any one time then you risk a ban.

Best to put the extra account/s on vac mode ASAP same as if you are buying and selling accounts in main. Jason is not unreasonable and accepts there are times when owning multiple accounts does happen, the key is to make sure you keep the time when they are all in play to the minimum.

Everyone needs to remember some key points though.

1: Admin wants newgrounds to be a "success", to make that happen he needs active players. Now if he turned round and said people who already play main cannot play it, or cannot ascend to main, he has either a LOT less players to play the game and/or very experienced main players forced to sit in NG maxxing out with nothing left to do apart from dominate. Both options are not very good news for new players experiences.

2: The "legal multi" rule is going to be subject to amendment and tweaking over time almost without doubt. So yes it is a very good idea for people to voice their concerns about the issue so that we can all have a system in place that allows the general principle of playing NG and getting an account into main, but that does not affect the main server in a detrimental way.

Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:02 am
by Coulson
It'll be six months before the first can ascend to main.
There's some time to refine the process and rules. No rush.

I'm agreeing with Borek about giving feedback and asking cirticism questions. They'll be useful.

Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:23 am
by Empy
SuperSaiyan wrote:I would also hope that all contact between the two accounts is strictly off limits.
I believe the same IP restrictions will be in place that are in place with main accounts now.

Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:22 am
by Juliette
SuperSaiyan wrote:In regards to sales, in my opinion the only logical thing to do is make them the same as ascended.
Either you collect the whole set or you get nothing. ie, they come as triplets if applicable or not at all. So you have to buy and sell all of them together.
That is a good suggestion (something that we had in mind, but is still undecided). But then you would talk quadruplets; NG account, NG-Main, Main, Ascended. Not saying this is how it will be, but it is a good notion.
SuperSaiyan wrote:I would also hope that all contact between the two accounts is strictly off limits.
Yes. :)
Empy wrote:
SuperSaiyan wrote:I would also hope that all contact between the two accounts is strictly off limits.
I believe the same IP restrictions will be in place that are in place with main accounts now.
No hitting the same player, no sharing of resources (either direct or through broker), no attacking/spying etc.. would be pretty much the same in principle, but this is subject to amendment, as mentioned above. :)

Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:30 am
by Drought
How about the need for having the same emails on each account ?
And if you change the email address in either server, they get changed for all.

I'm still a bit baffled by the concept, legit multis.
All it will do is make it harder to spot real ones.

And with approaches as simple as sending resources to a friend who relays it to a main account ... well ... the whole ip management side of its restrictions are a yoke really.

Also, now, hyper active players have another stick to groom and grow.
While regular players, whom already spent their max time on one game, will now have to compete against players who have double everything. And they will have that. This game is full of veteran players who know most trick inside out. Them and their friends will benefit most from these events as most of them are strategists and tactical players.
And don't give me 'restriction are in place' as stated above, that's a yoke.

At some point, 1 player can start taking down two players from one alliance he or she is at war with, with its two separate accounts.

I personally took a look at newgrounds, and it didn't do anything for me, so I quit there.
Now, I'm also not willing to spent hours and hours extra to get a second legit account.
Perhaps an idea to compensate, to state in main, that you do not play Newgrounds, and get a special bonus appropriate for that, perhaps extra personal turns income.

anywaysz, drifting a bit left and right with my opinion on the matter, but the fact is its here and they will come.

Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:41 am
by Juliette
No one will be rewarded for not playing a game. That would only happen on 'Backwards Day'.

As with all things, you either invest time, money, or choose not to partake. Money = time, for all intents and purposes, with the difference that you can have more money, and not more time. That brings up an interesting concept worth investigating. Might get back to you on that.

We have more than six months -before the first might cross over- to come up with a good, well-oiled procedure, so keep the ideas coming. Just realise that because a bunch of people agree on something, will not guarantee it being implemented. It will guarantee that it gets investigated and considered, though. :)

Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:44 am
by minisaiyan
an issue with coupling accounts between main and NG. NG was designed partly at nublets... what use is trying to attach a main account to a NG account if no main accounts exists for said nublet

Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:52 am
by Empy
SuperSaiyan wrote:
Empy wrote:
SuperSaiyan wrote:I would also hope that all contact between the two accounts is strictly off limits.
I believe the same IP restrictions will be in place that are in place with main accounts now.

And if one would proxy whilst in newgrounds and continue to proxy once in main?
They would not be violating any rules but would however have the ability to engage in activities directly with the other account.
True enough if they used a proxy they'd be able to interact between accounts as much as they want.

Nothing stops people from doing that now with multiple main accounts though, I doubt they'd ever get caught really. The only difference is now it's legal and before it wasn't.

Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:47 am
by Drought
Juliette wrote:No one will be rewarded for not playing a game. That would only happen on 'Backwards Day'.

Why do you say that ?
That IS your personal opinion I hope, and not set in stone.

Perhaps its an idea to actually explain WHY it would be a bad thing, apart from "not playing = no bonus"
With you being a game representative in a brand new game of which its effects to main server will enter an uncharted terrain, might I ask you to tone down on the shooting down of ideas preemptively which do not coincide with your vision.

And backwards day, really ? you have a funny imagination at times :-D
It seems it has happened already, backwards day,... as we are getting legit mutis, that's why I suggest an appropriate suggestion, whether you personally like it, or not.
And if you keep shooting at it, I will push for it more :)

How about this simple approach ... no legit multis ... if you have a main account, you cant transfer. If you don't have a main account, you can.

that way, no legit multis, and players starting out in new grounds, could play main eventually if they desire with a good start.

Preventing the legit multis will save a huge load of balancing and reprogramming .... not to mention unforeseen side effects.
Also, I would like to think this new server is to benefit new players, who are actually new to the game, with a better chance of competing then on main. NOT to benefit those who are already in the main server who take up a schnabbel on the side for personal benefits .... (hence personal turns)

So, my suggestions, if we get legit multis .... I would suggest those opting out of the chance for a second account, get a personal turns generation, say like three per turn.

On the flip side, far simpler and less coding approach: no legit multis.
If you already have an account in main, you can not transfer from newgrounds to main.


Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:54 am
by Juliette
I will discuss your points with AJ. :)

Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:48 pm
by thorsworld1
I dont understand this

If newgrounds is about getting people into playing Gatewars, where the goal is to ascend into the main game

If pergitory was created as a slower way to play the game for those who for one reason or another could not play in main

why do we need another server game which ties into main ?

if your an existing player you dont need another server to get experience to ascend into main they already have a main account.

So what is this really about ?

is it about gatewars becoming past its time so lets breath a little extra life into it by creating a bolt on addition called newgrounds like they created pergitory to make it a more interesting ?

I dont really see a point of this server game being advertised as it is, like a training game for main,

Just make it a seperate game and maybe when it reaches the last ascension you get a boost to your main account, perhaps a
% overall power
extra sized weapons
larger bank
exceed plague size
free tripple planet
% planet attributes

things like that, afterall at some point it gets soooo expensive to do things in main, this could be something that would help those playing main to gain an extra boost in main

Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:52 pm
by curtthehurt1
im not completely sold on the multi buisness of this, as that would seem to give a lot of an advantage. if it were my suggestion I would simply add a special ascension available that gives a bigger 5% bonus. make it so that once you complete newgrounds and you already have a main account it just adds one extra available ascension (24th) or if you dont it automatically creates one that is halfway ascended and programmed to allow a 24th ascension. doesnt give everyone with time/money any overpowered bonuses, and you dont have two accounts on main to try to keep up with. would make it easier for selling too because you would be back at just main and ascended.

Just thinking out loud, though I know next to nothing about programming and what is realistically achievable to program in.

Re: Regarding Ascension to Main

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:36 am
by Mathlord
Another question...will this new account in main have a corresponding ascended account, or will it have the powers of an ascended account without the ability to be descended? If you tie it in with a pre-built main account, then it can have an ascended account associated with it, whose descension may affect both the original main and the new "newgrounds" main account. Even if that's the case, someone may invest in just getting a newgrounds account instead and never have to worry about being descended ever.

If it gets its own ascended account, then we now have 4 accounts we must deal with at a time...getting hairy...