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Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:49 pm
by Sol
SVaRuN wrote:So if some huge ass guy is hiding in there in order to keep his planets safe, to hide from a certain alliance and so on...that is ok?

If someone goes to perg to hide planets I'm pretty sure some other people can follow and attack em. As far as I know ppt doesn't exist in perg, MPDSD's only go so far. They will eventually be trapped, this game is all about time and patience :P. Well..was...

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:53 pm
by Juliette
Sol wrote:
SVaRuN wrote:So if some huge ass guy is hiding in there in order to keep his planets safe, to hide from a certain alliance and so on...that is ok?
If someone goes to perg to hide planets I'm pretty sure some other people can follow and attack em. As far as I know ppt doesn't exist in perg, MPDSD's only go so far. They will eventually be trapped, this game is all about time and patience :P. Well..was...
Is. ;)

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:14 pm
by wasmguy
SVaRuN wrote:Yeah well people who came to me with the problem were basically whining that people go there to hide. Than they tell me a couple of examples. And I am like what? How can he possibly even go there. (not meant for him)
They say, he sends his units and so on and forth.

So if some huge ass guy is hiding in there in order to keep his planets safe, to hide from a certain alliance and so on...that is ok?

Well fine by me. But I do not think perg is meant for that.

game updates (2007) wrote:In short, this is a realm in which the rate of play is dictated by normal turn generation - for each player independently, since one player cannot 'give' resources to another. This should also eliminate the 'blackmail' or 'extortion' since the threat of continual massing is limited to enemy turns available/generated. Plus without the ability to actually give the extortionist resources while in Pergatory, the demands they can make are severely limited.
The above are the only differences at time of release, although the effect on gameplay will be monitored and changes made if required.

game updates (2008) wrote:Pergatory was always intended as a valid, albeit slower, gameplay style.

I think I fit well within these guidelines. I am not hiding from anything, I have been here since the inception of perg, and my reasons for staying in perg are my own. Now instead of talking about me, how about talking to me, I have you on MSN (and you have me)

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:29 pm
by Sylus
SVaRuN wrote:Well anyway. I personally could care less about some people like WW or whoever abusing the pergatory system.

And yet you've made a thread suggesting changes on this very basis.

Previously on incoherent posts

SVaRuN wrote:The point is that we effectively get rid of people who abuse the system on the basis of army size in order to bash the weak or hide their asses where their asses should not have been in the first place.

SVaRuN wrote:Yeah well people who came to me with the problem were basically whining that people go there to hide. Than they tell me a couple of examples. And I am like what? How can he possibly even go there. (not meant for him)
They say, he sends his units and so on and forth.

SVaRuN wrote:Some strong people bypass that send their army to someone and enter the realm to either hunt the weak or run from the strong and hide between weak.

Yep. He's right. He obviously doesn't care. I mean. What else could I possibly take from these posts.

No offence intended, but this is the stupidest thread I've read in a while. Everything you've said makes zero sense, and would objectively kill purg. And you've contradicted yourself almost immediately, hence my quotes.

And to quickly disperse my obvious hatred for stupidity, a sincere message to norm.

Dear Norm,

We've had our differences. You seem to hate anyone who plays in purg. You actively try and ruin the realm for anyone remotely active. You introduce all of these obnoxious game changes. Every single one has been introduced without any support from any purg player. And every couple of months it happens again. And again. And again.

And yet, you talk about activity. And trying to bring activity into the game. Yet everything you do in purg suggests the opposite. You don't want purgatory to exist, despite there being a fair share of players there. You actively ruin an aspect of the game some of us have enjoyed for years.

And no one will even read this post in the sincerity it was written. All the retorts will be "Limit purg" and "Stop all activity in purg to protect the smaller players"; despite the vast majority never spending time in the realm.

This game appears to be at a crossroads. It is trying to balance game mechanics for new players whilst maintaining incentive for older players. And the poor bystander that has been shot to hell has been purg.

So what I'm trying to say is. You ruin everything. For no reason. And everytime purg players offer suggestions. You throw the same irritating diatribe at us.

If you ever want a legitimate discussion about purg, and how to make it a more viable realm. I don't know. Maybe talk to purg players who are active and have played the realm for...I don't know, 4-5 years. Just a thought. You know where to find us.


Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:29 am
by Shezmu
Sylus wrote:
SVaRuN wrote:Well anyway. I personally could care less about some people like WW or whoever abusing the pergatory system.

And yet you've made a thread suggesting changes on this very basis.

Previously on incoherent posts

SVaRuN wrote:The point is that we effectively get rid of people who abuse the system on the basis of army size in order to bash the weak or hide their asses where their asses should not have been in the first place.

SVaRuN wrote:Yeah well people who came to me with the problem were basically whining that people go there to hide. Than they tell me a couple of examples. And I am like what? How can he possibly even go there. (not meant for him)
They say, he sends his units and so on and forth.

SVaRuN wrote:Some strong people bypass that send their army to someone and enter the realm to either hunt the weak or run from the strong and hide between weak.

Yep. He's right. He obviously doesn't care. I mean. What else could I possibly take from these posts.

No offence intended, but this is the stupidest thread I've read in a while. Everything you've said makes zero sense, and would objectively kill purg. And you've contradicted yourself almost immediately, hence my quotes.

And to quickly disperse my obvious hatred for stupidity, a sincere message to norm.

Dear Norm,

We've had our differences. You seem to hate anyone who plays in purg. You actively try and ruin the realm for anyone remotely active. You introduce all of these obnoxious game changes. Every single one has been introduced without any support from any purg player. And every couple of months it happens again. And again. And again.

And yet, you talk about activity. And trying to bring activity into the game. Yet everything you do in purg suggests the opposite. You don't want purgatory to exist, despite there being a fair share of players there. You actively ruin an aspect of the game some of us have enjoyed for years.

And no one will even read this post in the sincerity it was written. All the retorts will be "Limit purg" and "Stop all activity in purg to protect the smaller players"; despite the vast majority never spending time in the realm.

This game appears to be at a crossroads. It is trying to balance game mechanics for new players whilst maintaining incentive for older players. And the poor bystander that has been shot to hell has been purg.

So what I'm trying to say is. You ruin everything. For no reason. And everytime purg players offer suggestions. You throw the same irritating diatribe at us.

If you ever want a legitimate discussion about purg, and how to make it a more viable realm. I don't know. Maybe talk to purg players who are active and have played the realm for...I don't know, 4-5 years. Just a thought. You know where to find us.


Well said and lol @ "Previously on incoherent posts"

I think pergatory suits it's purpose well and facilitates an aspect of role play with it's current existence.

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:26 am
by Raven
Sylus wrote:
Yep. He's right. He obviously doesn't care. I mean. What else could I possibly take from these posts.

No offence intended, but this is the stupidest thread I've read in a while. Everything you've said makes zero sense, and would objectively kill purg. And you've contradicted yourself almost immediately, hence my quotes.

And to quickly disperse my obvious hatred for stupidity, a sincere message to norm.

Dear Norm,

We've had our differences. You seem to hate anyone who plays in purg. You actively try and ruin the realm for anyone remotely active. You introduce all of these obnoxious game changes. Every single one has been introduced without any support from any purg player. And every couple of months it happens again. And again. And again.

And yet, you talk about activity. And trying to bring activity into the game. Yet everything you do in purg suggests the opposite. You don't want purgatory to exist, despite there being a fair share of players there. You actively ruin an aspect of the game some of us have enjoyed for years.

And no one will even read this post in the sincerity it was written. All the retorts will be "Limit purg" and "Stop all activity in purg to protect the smaller players"; despite the vast majority never spending time in the realm.

This game appears to be at a crossroads. It is trying to balance game mechanics for new players whilst maintaining incentive for older players. And the poor bystander that has been shot to hell has been purg.

So what I'm trying to say is. You ruin everything. For no reason. And everytime purg players offer suggestions. You throw the same irritating diatribe at us.

If you ever want a legitimate discussion about purg, and how to make it a more viable realm. I don't know. Maybe talk to purg players who are active and have played the realm for...I don't know, 4-5 years. Just a thought. You know where to find us.


Wow, the offensive of the perg players.

I think everyone understands you want to keep your little playground. Svarun made a suggestion he thinks will make the game better, although he mixed it up with his personal vieuws.
That is not contradicting, just you not reading it well, and perhaps you are abit offended, someone wants to ruin your little realm.

In the end Perg was a horrible upgrade, and i still think it is. Like some of you said, you have been playing perg for years, that kinda contradicts that it is a realm for new/smaller players. Who can learn slowly.

The only active players who play purg for years, will have their reasons to be there. And usually it is hiding from the bigger fish.

I'm gonna contradict myself like svarun did, i personally don't care what happens to Perg, but i would be glad if Forum accidently hits the big red delete button on perg :) (Or is that not codeable either? :smt117 )

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:03 am
by SVaRuN
wasmguy wrote:
SVaRuN wrote:Yeah well people who came to me with the problem were basically whining that people go there to hide. Than they tell me a couple of examples. And I am like what? How can he possibly even go there. (not meant for him)
They say, he sends his units and so on and forth.

So if some huge ass guy is hiding in there in order to keep his planets safe, to hide from a certain alliance and so on...that is ok?

Well fine by me. But I do not think perg is meant for that.

game updates (2007) wrote:In short, this is a realm in which the rate of play is dictated by normal turn generation - for each player independently, since one player cannot 'give' resources to another. This should also eliminate the 'blackmail' or 'extortion' since the threat of continual massing is limited to enemy turns available/generated. Plus without the ability to actually give the extortionist resources while in Pergatory, the demands they can make are severely limited.
The above are the only differences at time of release, although the effect on gameplay will be monitored and changes made if required.

game updates (2008) wrote:Pergatory was always intended as a valid, albeit slower, gameplay style.

I think I fit well within these guidelines. I am not hiding from anything, I have been here since the inception of perg, and my reasons for staying in perg are my own. Now instead of talking about me, how about talking to me, I have you on MSN (and you have me)

I have nothing against you, in fact I do not know you. Your reasons for being in perg are like you have said your own.
However mr. WW I will disagree on the part where you say you "belong" to the perg realm and like I said this is actually not about you, but the entire concept of pergatory, its purpose and so on.
We can talk on msn if you wish, sure why not, but I don't think it is necessary to talk about this suggested change to the game, because as far as I see it. It will not be implemented and that is that.

Again it is not about you mr. WW you were however the reason this entire ordeal even came up and the thought pop out that pergatory can be easily abused.

For example look at this.
SoL gives an example, well if someone can go and hide in pergatory, if someone else wants to they can follow him, so the option of hiding is irrelevant.
This is not true and I wont even have to think about all the options people can use I can just set one single example.
Lets say some big player pisses of someone, things get heated up. Player A wants to steal the planets of player B. Now since player B has 10 trills of defenses on his planets that is a good plan to make some damage, because player A just so happens to have fleets big enough to MASS that planet
Now player B runs to pergatory and player A follows.
Player A has a 60 ATs per 24h limitation. Good look with the massing of those planet defenses

And that really is just one of many options how pergatory CAN be abused just to hide there even if you are a big boy

Do you understand now mr. WW. That this really has nothing to do with you? I mean have you pissed someone off? Would you even have a reason to go and hide in there? As far as I know I dont think so...
However you being there proves in the future practically anyone can go there. And not for the reason to play this game at his own pace. But can simply be to save his ass for the duration of the war, for example.

I would have wished that people would get what this is about. I am pointing at the loophole which can be used and abuse the entire concept of pergatory.
Do I believe you mr. WW abuse it? No... but I also think that you being there points at the problem which could in the future exist.
Well once again. Nothing to worry about. Many people are against it so it will stay, so let us just move on. I will however continue to point out the problems I will see, I just suggest in the future people don't take it to their heart and so personally.
Because did you really think I have the power to change this game? To in this case implement this?
No I can only suggest and than if majority disagrees the update will not happen. And if the people support the idea, than I guess you shouldn't complain at me for pointing out something people agree with anyway.

@ Sylus

No comment about your entire post really other than, that it's extremely negative

This was my final post in this thread

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:25 am
by Shezmu
Pergatory is what it is and I view it as similar to the concept in the TV Show Supernatural, it's another dimension that exists with costs to get there and out of there. Sure people can hide, and I think that's well within the realm of reality. If someone is being massed or sat on by a bigger player or alliance the only thing one can do is have a decimated account on the daily or go to pergatory and rebuild. If my armies were losing I'd definitely find a way to escape including going to another dimension. Like I've said before its also part of the roleplay aspect which makes pergatory intriguing and work for what it is.

With limited amount of AT's used against a player in 24hrs there isn't much one player can do to mass another, but they are far from untouchable.

To those who complain about people hiding in pergatory is it because your too big to follow and don't wish to make sacrifices to follow? Why not just taunt them out?

Eliminating or drastically changing pergatory with more limitations would do more harm than good causing some players to stop playing, being active, and possibly spending money in the Market.

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:24 pm
by Raven
Jeez, everything removed, discussion perg. What a joke this forum has become.

You can't just delete every discussion, how the hell are you supposed to discuss anything on this forum, without a freaking mod coming in and random clean up.
This is a discussion about Perg dammit, what the hell did you think this thread was about?

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:33 am
by Sarevok
You know what I don't get? Main players moaning on and on and ON about how perg operates.

For heavens sake people (those of you in main), get over it. There is two playing styles, deal with it. Perg is slower, and thus army size, attack, etc limited.

I have to wonder, how would people in main would react, if perg players started saying "Hey, you should limit MS capacity to 500k/stat. Oh, and hard cap army size at 600m. And hard cap Covert levels at 45"

I'm with Juliette on this. Leave perg the way it is. If you've got nothing better to do, but complain about perg players:
Go mass someone in main.
Have a one-on-one.
Suggest updates that either affect both or ONLY main.
But of crying out loud, leave perg alone, geez.

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:36 am
by Shezmu
Sarevok wrote:You know what I don't get? Main players moaning on and on and ON about how perg operates.

For heavens sake people (those of you in main), get over it. There is two playing styles, deal with it. Perg is slower, and thus army size, attack, etc limited.

I have to wonder, how would people in main would react, if perg players started saying "Hey, you should limit MS capacity to 500k/stat. Oh, and hard cap army size at 600m. And hard cap Covert levels at 45"

I'm with Juliette on this. Leave perg the way it is. If you've got nothing better to do, but complain about perg players:
Go mass someone in main.
Have a one-on-one.
Suggest updates that either affect both or ONLY main.
But of crying out loud, leave perg alone, geez.

Well Said!

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:35 am
by Lokiā„¢
Sol wrote:
SVaRuN wrote:So if some huge ass guy is hiding in there in order to keep his planets safe, to hide from a certain alliance and so on...that is ok?

If someone goes to perg to hide planets I'm pretty sure some other people can follow and attack em. As far as I know ppt doesn't exist in perg, MPDSD's only go so far. They will eventually be trapped, this game is all about time and patience :P. Well..was...

If you can't take the planet def in 4 hits it cannot be taken in there. So a small 1.5t def is safe from anyone in the game except WW.

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:34 pm
by SVaRuN
Sarevok wrote:You know what I don't get? Main players moaning on and on and ON about how perg operates.

For heavens sake people (those of you in main), get over it. There is two playing styles, deal with it. Perg is slower, and thus army size, attack, etc limited.

I have to wonder, how would people in main would react, if perg players started saying "Hey, you should limit MS capacity to 500k/stat. Oh, and hard cap army size at 600m. And hard cap Covert levels at 45"

I'm with Juliette on this. Leave perg the way it is. If you've got nothing better to do, but complain about perg players:
Go mass someone in main.
Have a one-on-one.
Suggest updates that either affect both or ONLY main.
But of crying out loud, leave perg alone, geez.

What the hell dude. The suggested update only effects people who come FROM main to Pergatory

So technically speaking they are MAIN server players not the ones who are already in PERG

But sure, you guys can close up that server, make it a totally separated one for only those who want to play the slower pace game and have your fun, but dont start jumping in and out of PERG than

Do we have a deal? You guys staying in perg and thats it? Once you go in, you stay in?

Yeah thought so...

The only thing players in main care about pergatory guys is just, them leaving the main server to enter pergatory and then leaving pergatory to reenter MAIN

And that does effect and is concern of main players. Got it?

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:07 am
by Duderanch
You do realise there is a 24hr limit between attacking/PPTing and going to perg, so its not like you can just mass someone or steal their planet and run to perg. Also when you get to perg all your ATs are sold at Ingame market rates so its not exactly profitable to jump back and forth...

Re: Pergatory- limit

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:36 pm
by Sylus
^ 48 hrs