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Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 6:09 pm
by Tetrismonkey
wasmguy wrote:
tetrismonkey wrote:Now PLEASE explain to me how the minority of the player base, the perg players, are the majority of the active player base?

that I can do

What was actually meant was in relation to just the perg players.

So, I stand by my olriginal point. This effects a very small minority of the game, benefiting them to continue to hide from the rest of the game, enabling them to play closer to how MAIN is played, but in relative safety. Yes, this idea sounds better each time someone discusses it further.

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 6:15 pm
by wasmguy
Tetrismonkey wrote:So, I stand by my olriginal point. This effects a very small minority of the game, benefiting them to continue to hide from the rest of the game, enabling them to play closer to how MAIN is played, but in relative safety. Yes, this idea sounds better each time someone discusses it further.

Alright then, opinion noted. How about some others?

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 7:55 pm
by Sylus
Apologies for my absence in this discussion, my internet isn't exactly stable so I will reply to as much as I can (which should have a double apology for the block post that will be made)

Nice to see you in the thread Admin. I'm much happier with you here saying what you like and don't like in regards to suggestions than just the lay community bickering.

Forum wrote:firstly, I am good with perg only tweaks. Its true that it rides on main code, and sometimes unintentional effects come up.
Perg is not for beginners (although can be used as such) but is simply a different style of play.

On the suggestion below: complex. I would prefer something simpler.
How about : Max hits on other player = 60AT + AT they used on you in last 24hours.

More to come...when discussions finished can look at actually making updates :)

Is that streamlined in terms of coding or preference? I can see a case for both. Each places some control of the escalation of aggression in the hands of the defender.

However it still fails to address the issue of the change from 1-3 AT minimum in the 60AT context. I would still like to see this recalibrated, the most obvious way would be increasing the standard 60AT to a new minimum. I'm not suggesting a massive increase but a rebalancing of existing standards in line with the current state of the game.

That said, onto the bickering! As my next portion will mostly be retorts to Tetris Monkey, I will place them all under a spoiler banner so that it does not detract from the issues at hand.

Tetrismonkey wrote:Why not just remove Perg? I'm sorry, but removing some restrictions to ease Perg up a bit is just pointless. If you want less restrictions, go to main.

Well the obvious problem with this argument is that there is a substantial proportion of active and semi active players in purgatory. Yes this is less than main. But it is at my last check around 100 players that I would consider active/semi-active. This would be my conservative estimate, I'm sure Wasm can give a more definitive figure. In a game that is constantly trying to grapple with keeping players, why would you push them out of the style of play and most likely make them quit. Who benefits from this move? No one. You lose players. You lose activity. All realms lose. This is simple and I shouldn't have to argue this.

Tetrismonkey wrote:Anyways, to counter Admin Jasons point, about the game not being intended for new players. Thats a load of poop. It was introduced for that very reason. To allow less active players and new players somewhere to play without being massed for pointless things.

Whilst I am not necessarily contesting the original purpose behind purgatory as it is muddled in the mists of time, it is obvious what purg is now does not represent the claims you make about its purpose. So the most logical thing to do would get a new perspective. Arguing something that isn't relevant anymore is a waste of time.
Why would anyone argue about the current state of gatewars relying on an 8 year old perspective?

Tetrismonkey wrote:Now onto your next point. If you want a different play style, is that not what the other 4-5 games are for? Origins, Ascended, Newgrounds, Quantum. Im sure a missed one or two games...

This argument is against freedom of choice. In its simplest form, you are arguing that choice is bad, and more choices is worse.

Tetrismonkey wrote:My point is, changing Perg, expanding Perg, serves no damn point. If you want to play the game like everyone else, then go to main. Stop asking for changes that will once again benifit the few, leaving the rest of us to combat the same **Filtered** from 4 years ago.

No no no no. This is false. Stop casting false assertions as truths.

Like my other posts, people who play purgatory don't want to play in norm. And why should they have to? Answer me that TM.

Second, restrictions have historically benefited the few. I am telling you, me, Sylus, as well as Wasmguy, both whom were Maelstrom HC during the height of the hate, have always benefited from the restrictions.

Tetrismonkey wrote:So, I stand by my olriginal point. This effects a very small minority of the game, benefiting them to continue to hide from the rest of the game, enabling them to play closer to how MAIN is played, but in relative safety. Yes, this idea sounds better each time someone discusses it further.

Every attempt made at "fixing" purg broke it. And each time it was easier to exploit.
Limited turns? Get a group of like minded individuals (maelstrom).
Increase effectiveness of Motherships. Invest in mothership.
Reduce the effectiveness of strike, 3 turn minimum attacks, and increase sabbing. Buy covert levels.
Limit covert capacity, and recalibrate sabbing on lower covert levels. Buy AC levels. Good luck stopping high ACs in purg now.
Hell we recruited Glownut because he understood what the latest round of updates meant, and changed his account accordingly.

You are responsible for the accounts you hate.

How can you be so blind to not see that. And worse, to think no one stopped and thought maybe this was a wrong approach. After the what...8th failed update. You keep doing it. But it has gotten silly. Too easy so to speak. So despite what ever you think, Wasmguy and I, and a few other individuals are committed to positive reform. We want the realm to be more balanced, and we want it to be an option for players. This does not mean we want to play in norm because we don't as that would objectively remove the reason many of us still play.

Tetrismonkey wrote:He asked for opinions, so he got one. I'm sorry but my opinion stems from nothing but bad encounters. Perg is a waste of coding, space and time. You want more freedom there, but refuse to return to main? That alone makes about as much sense as eating Mc Donalds and telling yourself it won't make you fat.

Bad encounters? When have you ever played purgatory? Every post you've ever made about purgatory has been made whilst playing in norm, and then not playing at all.

I asked for constructive opinions. I asked for considered reasonable debate. Everything you offer is available in the threads I quoted in my original post. Everything you have argued has already been countered in my original post.

Tetrismonkey wrote:Now PLEASE explain to me how the minority of the player base, the perg players, are the majority of the active player base?

What? Who said that? I have read over the thread twice just to make sure and...nope no one has attempted to claim that purgatory represented a greater proportion of players. Perhaps you misread.

Finally the prime contention you push Tetris Monkey is that Purgatory should be abolished, despite the obvious abandonment of a current players, in essence deliberately pushing more players away from the game? Why Tetris?

What part of an online MMO has blinded you so fully that you cannot entertain any idea of improvement, and instead you sit safely in the peanut gallery slinging mud and abuse without consideration for whom you are speaking?

Tetrismonkey wrote:Perg then progressed to a hit and run areana, which is where all the bad reputation stems from. The freedom to talk crap and be able to not get attacked? Maelstrom is the root cause. With this, a few main players got together and destroyed quite a few of those players. Yet causing more restrictions to prevent massings. Thus, changing Perg once again into a hidding place for those that wish to talk crap and have somewhere to hide.

Finally a point of order on this. This is an incredibly false accusation that you perpetually make. Never during my time in the original Maelstrom were there players coming onto the main forums posting threads, talking crap, whilst hiding. In fact, every thread of this kind was always made by a norm player whom had taken issue with maelstrom. The only times "trash talking" by purgatory players was in response to these many many many many many many many many many many threads.

Nobody beat the original Maelstrom. It disbanded completely undefeated. Only about 4 of the 20 players of that Maelstrom alliance went onto the Destruction alliance, and then Rudy Pena defeated that alliance with a heavily built account, at a time when I was the only active Maelstrom member. But hey, I obviously don't know what I'm talking about right, having been in purgatory for the last 6 years.

What I am essentially saying is, you Tetris Monkey, are a fool and a liar. Every claim you make about purgatory, and subsequent claims about anyone who played in it is shrouded in personal bias and outright falsehoods. This is systematic of your own game history where you perpetually claim an inherent superiority and hatred over a section of the GateWars community that you have, even in this thread, explicitly stated you don't care about; and yet feel compelled to almost copy-paste typical responses despite the lack of traction they now carry. Your continued reliance on the past is saddening. The only irony here is that in your past behaviour and poor decision making, you have had your many many many many many trash talking posts on this issue deleted.

But of course don't let me detract from you revelling in your own version of events that are as far removed from reality as everything you posted in this thread.[/spoiler]

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:49 am
by BenjaminMS
Why the hell is this even in Game Suggestions...

Jason, to jog your memory: as of the launch description of Pergatory, you yourself said 'it is meant for smaller players to learn and grow outside the established realm'. I might have gotten the exact quote wrong, but not the spirit. Only quite some time later you added to it 'and for those who wish a different playstyle'.

Personally, I wouldn't have had ANY problems with Pergatory at all - if it wasn't that MAELSTROM and it's successors resorted to random massing, threathening - for what seems to be out of boredom or whatever. Or must I remind you of an incident while I was in the Magnificents (over 5 years back), or show you an piece of an HVE-log of approx 2 weeks ago where someone got hit out of nothing for no plausable cause to be found?

I'll tell you the following: 4 of your current members (Sylus, Wasmguy, Glownut and Master Kavar) are on my **Filtered**, FOREVER, for random massing and/or threathening people I know while they were taking it easy in Perg and doing no harm to anyone. In Main, I'd have just vendetta'd you and be done with it. But since it happened in Purg (which is for both players to safely grow as well as for those with 'a different playstyle'), I'm not satisfied with that even if you were to emerge in Main (hell, I'd have to beat others to you, you're on a loooooot amount of **Filtered**).

If you had used a 'different playstyle', instead of the power-bullying you seem to use, I'd had never ever even bothered to comment on Pergatory. However, MAELSTROM and it's successors have proven 'a different playstyle' and it as a 'safe heaven' are a total illusion in its current form.

Does Perg need to be gone? No. Needs it to be restricted in amount of power one can have? Hell yes, and I suggest place the same % barrier on power as the army size has, but then of the AVERAGE power of the top-1000. That way you can still get into the 1 G&R range, but people cannot have such a difference that they can bully people around the place without having a very costly and problematic approach to it.

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:34 am
by Juliette
Brother, a 'different style of play' does not mean you can sit back and be a lazy bum without at some point attracting the attention of people who like to play rough.. ;)

If you want to do that, hit vacation. This game cannot (and should not) be played with just 5 minutes a day or less. :) (If you want to take a few days off, hit PPT. If you want to take a week off, hit vac.)

Ever since it's inception, Perg has been a place where you can play a different style, even if only because of the attack and size restrictions.. Admin has never said that you cannot grow powerful there. :P

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:30 pm
by Sylus
BenjaminMS wrote:Personally, I wouldn't have had ANY problems with Pergatory at all - if it wasn't that MAELSTROM and it's successors resorted to random massing, threathening - for what seems to be out of boredom or whatever. Or must I remind you of an incident while I was in the Magnificents (over 5 years back), or show you an piece of an HVE-log of approx 2 weeks ago where someone got hit out of nothing for no plausable cause to be found?

Yes I have randomly massed people. Yes so did Maelstrom. But are you sincerely going to sit there and say that you have never randomly massed anyone? Your alliance has never massed anyone for little to no reason? And that the only people that randomly mass people, in this game, are purg players, and Maelstrom members? Are you such a hypocrit to sit there and make this claim?

BenjaminMS wrote:If you had used a 'different playstyle', instead of the power-bullying you seem to use, I'd had never ever even bothered to comment on Pergatory. However, MAELSTROM and it's successors have proven 'a different playstyle' and it as a 'safe heaven' are a total illusion in its current form.

Ok. First of all. The different playstyle would obviously refer to purgatory and its mechanics in comparison to norm. Linking purgatory to how people play the game, and justifying game changes on that basis has objectively made things worse.

BenjaminMS wrote:Does Perg need to be gone? No. Needs it to be restricted in amount of power one can have? Hell yes, and I suggest place the same % barrier on power as the army size has, but then of the AVERAGE power of the top-1000. That way you can still get into the 1 G&R range, but people cannot have such a difference that they can bully people around the place without having a very costly and problematic approach to it.

You are approaching this in the following way.

All players once proficient MUST play in norm.
Purgatory is only used as a realm where people can build in peace.
Proficiency in the game is based purely on stats.
Once X stat is reached you're no longer able to play in purgatory and must play in norm.

But this falls down in a number of ways.
First of all, assuming that norm is the only way this game HAS to be played is idiotic. No one should be forced to play a game according to the whims of others. That's both unfair, and objectively removes the freedom of choice that helps make this game enjoyable.

Despite what you think, a lot of purgatory players like purgatory, and have no interest in norm. Its not just maelstrom, it's quite a number of active/semi-active players, and being FORCED to not play the way we want, will most likely cause more game quitting. You have to recognise this as a negative. You don't want people quitting the game.

Additionally, I, like many others like the mechanics in purgatory, we like some of the restrictions placed upon accounts that require regulars accounts to both be proficient with a certain army size, as well as knowing the best ways to stay under the boot limit. HOWEVER, we also agree that it isn't balanced as it needs to be. There is no incentive to fight back, and in actual fact, many of the most recent changes to purgatory has objectively removed the ability to do so. Hence why this thread was created.

Finally, I would argue that purg has seen too many restrictions. Whilst the spirit of purgatory is norm with some restrictions, the vast majority of limitations imposed on purgatory have unbalanced the realm; freeing up purgatory to enable players to retaliate without relying on specific stats (raw covert/ac and MS through freeing up some additional ATs would do wonders here). Further, I would say that the idea of capping power in purg will objectively kill the realm for most (you are pushing a dead realm agenda, and that a stupid idea). It is also still easily abusable. All you will do is make people untrain stats or sell weapons prior to turn change. It wont fix anything.

Less restrictions enable balance. Surely you can see that now. 5 years ago the game was infinitely more balanced. There were less convoluted, and unnecessary multipliers on stats. And accounts in purg were only suceptible to group massings. But in your folly, in trying to stop Maelstrom, you enabled accounts to become too untouchable. And now purgatory has no balance. That's why we're here.

Oh and:
BenjaminMS wrote:I'll tell you the following: 4 of your current members (Sylus, Wasmguy, Glownut and Master Kavar) are on my **Filtered**, FOREVER, for random massing and/or threathening people I know while they were taking it easy in Perg and doing no harm to anyone. In Main, I'd have just vendetta'd you and be done with it. But since it happened in Purg (which is for both players to safely grow as well as for those with 'a different playstyle'), I'm not satisfied with that even if you were to emerge in Main (hell, I'd have to beat others to you, you're on a loooooot amount of **Filtered**).


So for 5 years you've been carrying around a grudge. This grudge obviously makes you highly emotional and unreasonable to the point that you are using caps lock to YELL AT ME, and you're cursing at me. And the object of this juvenile tantrum? That in a webpage, for a free online MMO, some peoples higher numbers became lower numbers. And this reduction in numbers was done by someone clicking a mouse. And that mouse clicker has become something that agitates you.

I don't know about anyone else. But it makes you seem a bit simple minded.

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:31 pm
by Invidus
I thought I would add my 2 cents too this. I won't really be getting into any specifics about mechanics etc, as I will leave that to Sylus and Wasm but I thought I would give my viewpoint which is from a different 'angle'. In fact this will be more anecdotal then anything.

I've been playing GW for approx 4 years 7 months, in which apart from about the first 3 months in norm I have been in purg since, with approx last 3 years been with Maelstrom and then Sons of Destruction.

Why have I stayed in purg for so long? Part of it is because I have known nothing else but a major part for me has been the slower pace of purg. Because of the AT limit I feel that no 1 person can utterly destroy me within say 30mins, but that each (chess?) move has to be considered with at least a 1 day leeway. This then becomes interesting when more and more people became involved, but there was still a 'ceiling' as it were.

The most fun I have had with GW was working as a team in Maelstrom (and SoD) on MSN and fighting the other alliances within purg and fighting the beefed up accounts from norm coming over, plus the ascended server being a major battleground against norm and that was great for so long even when Rudy Pena finally ended it for us (#respect). I feel the reason we were successful and were a 'thorn' in so many sides is that our accounts were built for purg war and due to how organised we were. The whole 'bullying' thing may of happened here or there but 99% of the time, the simple rule was attack us and we would retaliate in force. Is that so crazy? Even though that was plainly clear many still tried to push our buttons and then when it got to hard for them started crying foul.

The other major aspect is building an account within the limits that are set within purg, getting as powerful as possible within those limitations. It was a balancing act that I felt made purg that little bit more focused.

So I would definitely agree with the different play style mantra and I wish the focus was more on that and making it better in that respect will always be better in my book. The limit to covert is a dangerous step in my eyes and any further 'power' limits would personally completely ruin purg for me. Changes since those times has in no way helped things in purg and has only served to neuter purg and for me caused the loss of magic.

So simply if people can agree to this different play style mantra; (which is a very positive way to go) and then get purg balanced again, (and I do not mean necessarily like old times as clearly some people were not happy back then,) then we can move forward and for me a hope that the fun times will return. Because otherwise if you decide to just make purg a dead realm (a negative way to go) I know myself and many others will have to seriously consider are futures with GW.

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:23 am
by Forum
ok I need concrete requests now :)

1) does the <max hits per 24hours> + <hits on you by them> work?
2) does the <max hits per 24hours> (currently set at 60) need to change due to recent overall updates -- and to what?? (recommendations welcome) and why?
3) which to remove: 5 level covert diff; 1/3 covert capacity -- or ?
4) regards the 'hit and run to perg' this is not a desired result. in fact, it is discouraged (but not disallowed). thus the time with no hits, cost in turns to move, etc etc. Should that get more strict? or ? I am not against moving between realms, but the moving itself ideally is not a tactic for main.
X) purpose of perg now is different than when it started. With newgrounds, for new players, perg becomes a different paced game while still allowing a re-entry into main...(unlike purely different that do not fully integrate with main).

What I do not want to do, is a complex war system :) simple is more likely to get coded (since less bugs and less conflict with existing code...)

happy new year :)

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:34 pm
by Forum
ok after some chat chatting (ya i said that. 1st is a noun - place.. 2nd verb...)
going with 60+ <hits on you over 24hours by opponent> max hits. this allows 'tit for tat' wars... up to an extra 120hits at a time.

and taking off the 1/3 covert capacity in perg, since the
enemy covert = max( your covert level) +5
limit is in place here now...

will see if i can implement in the next 2 weeks -- including a field on the stats page that lists attacks over 24hours on them, and max left...

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:28 pm
by Sylus
Excellent, I look forward to seeing them implemented!

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:14 pm
by Forum
ok now live and in the 'game updates' page.
if you are in perg, a note on the base page is added as well...


ps what is the next 'needs addressing' issue in perg? :)

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:35 pm
by Sylus
Ok well I might muck around testing the new updates, am yet to use the +60, but am happy to report that covert is increasing.

I think this will make a marked change in how purgatory works, and I am truly happy at the acknowledgement Admin.

I will speak with other purg players to give what is believed as the other 'priority' issues.

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:53 pm
by Sylus
Well this is a major abuse that has continued for far too long.
11:42 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Invidus [ MAELSTROM - Envy] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:41 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Invidus [ MAELSTROM - Envy] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:41 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Invidus [ MAELSTROM - Envy] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:41 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Invidus [ MAELSTROM - Envy] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:41 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Master Kavar [ MAELSTROM - Sin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:41 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Master Kavar [ MAELSTROM - Sin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:40 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Master Kavar [ MAELSTROM - Sin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:39 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Master Kavar [ MAELSTROM - Sin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:38 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:38 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:38 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:38 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:38 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:38 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Loss
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:36 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:36 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:36 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:36 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:35 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Loss
11:35 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Loss
11:35 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:35 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:34 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:34 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:34 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Loss
11:34 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:34 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:33 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:32 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Loss
11:32 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:32 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:32 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 15 Win
11:31 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 15 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:28 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:28 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:28 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:28 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Leucetius [ MAELSTROM - Assassin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:27 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Leucetius [ MAELSTROM - Assassin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:27 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Leucetius [ MAELSTROM - Assassin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:27 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Leucetius [ MAELSTROM - Assassin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:26 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:26 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:26 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:26 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win

Having someone empty turns on people in purgatory, then quickly raid over the boot limit, deliberately negating any form of retaliation is obnoxious. Especially when planets are involved.

This has been spoken about before in many previous threads (which had primarily concerned planet sniping then raiding over the purgatory threshold), but obviously it's a game abuse; and purgatory is entitled to the same protection as norm (which reads similar in the game updates).

I propose a 48 hour freeze on an accounts movements from realms if they have used any turns, PPT, or Vac in purgatory. If this means freezing UP and raid functions at the boot limit to stop people exceeding the purgatory limit, then so be it.

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:48 pm
by Tetrismonkey
Sylus wrote:Well this is a major abuse that has continued for far too long.
11:42 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Invidus [ MAELSTROM - Envy] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:41 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Invidus [ MAELSTROM - Envy] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:41 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Invidus [ MAELSTROM - Envy] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:41 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Invidus [ MAELSTROM - Envy] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:41 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Master Kavar [ MAELSTROM - Sin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:41 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Master Kavar [ MAELSTROM - Sin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:40 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Master Kavar [ MAELSTROM - Sin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:39 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Master Kavar [ MAELSTROM - Sin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:38 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:38 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:38 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:38 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:38 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:38 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Loss
11:37 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:36 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:36 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:36 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:36 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:35 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Loss
11:35 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Loss
11:35 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:35 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:34 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:34 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:34 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Loss
11:34 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:34 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:33 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:32 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Loss
11:32 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:32 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 3 Win
11:32 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 15 Win
11:31 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Glownut [ MAELSTROM - Vicious] attack 15 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:30 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:29 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:28 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:28 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:28 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:28 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Leucetius [ MAELSTROM - Assassin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:27 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Leucetius [ MAELSTROM - Assassin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:27 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Leucetius [ MAELSTROM - Assassin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:27 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Leucetius [ MAELSTROM - Assassin] ConquerPlanet 15 Loss
11:26 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:26 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:26 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win
11:26 Suinekra [ Forgotten Serenity ] Sylus [ MAELSTROM - Bloody] attack 3 Win

Having someone empty turns on people in purgatory, then quickly raid over the boot limit, deliberately negating any form of retaliation is obnoxious. Especially when planets are involved.

This has been spoken about before in many previous threads (which had primarily concerned planet sniping then raiding over the purgatory threshold), but obviously it's a game abuse; and purgatory is entitled to the same protection as norm (which reads similar in the game updates).

I propose a 48 hour freeze on an accounts movements from realms if they have used any turns, PPT, or Vac in purgatory. If this means freezing UP and raid functions at the boot limit to stop people exceeding the purgatory limit, then so be it.

I disagree with this. You have plenty of protection being in perg, you don't need anymore.

Re: The Great Purgatory Debate

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:54 am
by Sylus
Tetrismonkey wrote:I disagree with this. You have plenty of protection being in perg, you don't need anymore.

So you're against the idea of enabling players to retaliate? You honestly believe granting someone the ability to flee the realm after massing, removing all consequence is fair, and in the spirit of the game?

Technically this shouldn't even be a suggestion, but a post in the bug/abuse section, as updates June 29, 2010 state
Needs 48 hours of no attacking, ppt or vacation, to LEAVE (used to be just to get it is also to leave). The curtain between realms of existence requires a clean soul!

It is the illegimate bypassing of a formal game update. Anyone in breach should be thrown back to purgatory.

Unless you're proposing no delay should exist between realms, which I am perfectly fine with. Just have admin remove the delay from shifting from norm to purg, and all is balanced.