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Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:59 pm
by ~Dä Vinci~
16 years will go quick mate :) just hang on

Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:09 am
by reborn
Was thinking about this more, as its really bugging me, but how about something like this

Its not huge of whats being asked I think but.

If you farm say 1 quad , you will get 1% extra to the total your already getting for that day. This 1% will only last that one day.
If you farm 10 quad you would get 10% extra of the total you would of got that day, again only lasting for that day.
If u farmed nothing u get no % extra.

That's not asking you to double or even triple of what some are asking, I am mering asking for a little tweat, and some kind of a incentive if you want to get some of your Life Force faster you have to work for it. Which could also lead to some new or even older players playing there again.


Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:10 pm
by Huxley
reborn wrote:that could end up me having to w8 16 years for all my LF to be converted, not something I would look to be intrested in.
Why it was changed to this is beyond stupid as shown above.

It should be put back to how it was before people such as Reborn here, putting in a lot of effort, yet get nothing back from it quit due to stupid updates. Shouldn't those who sacrifice so much in main for their ascended be rewarded? Why was it changed so you couldn't convert it all in one go anyway?

Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:39 am
by reborn
Im guessing this is just a case then of deal with it. Im got my 23 ascended stats on main and the stats I want on ascension everyone else can w8. As this was opened over a month ago and not one post with anything saying I will look into it, or maybe consider some changes. When can post in others so easily.

Ive already worked out atm my next ascension that's only taken me 3 days to save up will take 80 days to convert, this aint just insane its complete madness. As ive got over 40 days to w8 for my last one to convert, at the speed im going that will mean my next ascension will take over 800 days to convert.

Just by doing a few cals, though I aint looked into it greatly, but for my stats to get to a half decent account, (not the best account) it would take over 3 years to get similar stats, even though you could have all the Life there w8ing for ages before hand to convert.

I think I few points have been missed when this button was removed or the conversion put so small.

1. PPL can ascend small and just go for the 23 ascension stats on main. ( Atm that's all that's promoted atm because no one in there right mind wants to w8 years to get stuff converted)
2. PPL can not use the convert to turns every 2 weeks, because who wants to convert 100's of tri of Lf for 4k turns?
3. If ppl want to ascend big to help there ascension account why are they being punished for doing so when they have to w8 years to see any improvement?

You want more ppl to play there but with them having to w8 and w8 and w8 for LF, it only leads to ppl ascending for the 23 as I said before and forgetting about ascended.


Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:28 am
by Sol
I've addressed it about 100 times already (hence the I can't be bothered to reply).

Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:10 pm
by reborn
You have address it and that being were?

Its seems to me from talking to quite some others in a few alliances they don't know why such button was removed or why the conversion is so low.

So if its been addressed quite a few ppl seems to have been left out of the loop.

These top accounts or even half decent, there stats didn't take over 5 or even 3 years to get them, I know a couple of them did all there ascending in less than a year, however if u was to start playing now your looking at for it to take atleast 5 years from the begining.

I know there been some talk about beening allowed to maybe ascend past 23, have you even looked at how long that conversion is going to be?

They will have to leave there account to there great gran kids to see the conversion finished.

I do already have one of the largest planet sizes up there, so converting 19 bil every 30 mins, while looking at 42 TRI Life force that took 2 days to save for is total **Filtered**. And since ascending knowing my next one is going to already give double that Life force is not just **Filtered** its a joke.

Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:34 pm
by Sol
Convert to turns, no 16 year wait, problem solved.

Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:23 am
by Slim87R
Should have ascended earlier when you had the option to spend it all at once. I still have 18 ascensions to go (I think), So big ascensions probably wouldn't do me any good. This does make sense to me, so people cannot pump dollars into main, ascend with an uber ascension steroid shot, rinse and repeat every few weeks to pass up everybody. If you want a huge flow of LF in ascended, be diligent about Farming and use the steady flow from ascensions as sort of a side LF income that just helps a little.

Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:42 am
by IFLuX
Slim87R wrote:Should have ascended earlier when you had the option to spend it all at once. I still have 18 ascensions to go (I think), So big ascensions probably wouldn't do me any good. This does make sense to me, so people cannot pump dollars into main, ascend with an uber ascension steroid shot, rinse and repeat every few weeks to pass up everybody. If you want a huge flow of LF in ascended, be diligent about Farming and use the steady flow from ascensions as sort of a side LF income that just helps a little.
At least one who get's the point! +1 :-)

Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:02 am
by reborn
If ppl want to spend lots of $$$$ though why is that a problem?

I aint done it myself but I wouldn't have a problem either if someone did it, but w8ing years when no one else did for over 6 years, then all of a sudden once "some ppl have finished ascending" it was removed then everyone has to w8 for their Life force.

Just a copy and paste from when it was first brought out.

Additionally - ascending is an OPTION. You can choose when and if to ascend -- there will be no automated forcing of ascension.
Thank you for your understanding :)
- admin.

So no one forced you to make your 23 ascensions so fast, you choose to go for your stats in main fast some choose to not too. However all the ones that choose to get the stats in main and not ascend with much didn't have to w8 at all, why the rest of us that CHOOSE to w8 to make are accounts better on both, but having a weaker account on main, now have to w8 years.

Seems some ppl want to have it both ways, get what they want in main fast aswell as ascend then make others w8 for it.

Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:42 am
by Clockwork
Actually, before Sol took over on ascended, the conversion ration for APP to life force was peanuts, you got almost nothing for APP, so older accounts ascended to unknown using the minimums, because nothing else made sense.

Sol took over on ascended about 2 years ago, at which point he buffed the conversion ration so that suddenly APP was valuable, that's when people started to buy huge stats on main and ascend with huge amounts of APP.

APP to life force has gone through a number of revisions over the year, I think the current method is the 4th revision. As it stands, your getting a lot more life force for your APP than any of the older accounts ever got, it's costing you nothing on ascended resource wise (other than maybe not having 4k turns every 2.5 weeks' but that's a choice in itself). It's all bonus.

Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:15 am
by reborn
I am one for those older account infact i was one of the first ppl to ascend and we wasn't ascending with "peanuts" we was stripping are account dry.
Ppl was ascending with huge APP before, I know this because Rhett and Me, Mojo Rising, High Empty was all doing it. Some of us was doing it fast some of us was doing it slowly, all choices. Just because they have been buffed alittle i still do not get the reason why ppl have to w8 so long for the conversion, when ppl that did it long ago when the conversion as u said was bad is still higher and it takes months if not a year to get to the same lvl area.

They may have been buffed, but I know from before I left like Rhett can even agree with this 5 almost 6 years ago, he had ascended 10 times before I had even did my Living God. He had already 1500 on defence/covert/ass/attack. I was also doing huge ascensions, but slower so I could end up getting more. He did all his upto 10 within 9 months. I had done 4 in that time took mine to 1300 or lower, but I had less ascensions behind me.

Now the point im trying to make is for u to do that now, what he did in 9 months, it would take u to around 1500 on only just them stats about a year from a new account.

For me to go from 1300 to now 1500 only doing them is around 240 days so pretty much 8 months, this is the w8ing time that just doesn't add up for what ppl was doing and w8ing for before.

But my last point and I think I said it lots and lots of times before and was even said when Admin J bought it out.

Ascend wisely, you choose when you want to ascend, people that ascend fast for there stats in main will suffer with there account on ascended. Ill try and find his own comment when I have more time but it was pretty much that^^.

There will be a time when u can ascend again, and those ppl with 41-42 covert lvls, (something I will prob never get nor do I care), we be confronted with the choice do I ascend and have this take 30 years to convert or not.
But I guess by that time the admin now playing the game will need to ascend himself so a convert all button will be put back in, or conversion rate incressed. I do not think for one second he would w8 himself such time.

Cant have it both ways, oh w8 you can because he makes the rules for his game play now.
That will be my last comment on this **Filtered**. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:03 am
by Caprila
The people with 41/42 levels will probably pay $10 to cash ascend, rather than losing all that naq :)

Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:10 am
by IFLuX
Caprila wrote:The people with 41/42 levels will probably pay $10 to cash ascend, rather than losing all that naq :)
+1 Even i would pay 10 $ :D **Filtered** that

Re: Speed up APP conversion

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:01 pm
by SVaRuN
Ok since I was doing some ascending this week. I tackled this math problem and results which showed up were not good at all. Bellow will only be pure calculations + my thinking, no general truth or whatever so take it as you will...

But it is interesting:


I believe the previous mathod of powerful ascensions which can be done every 2 weeks had possibilities of abuses so this more lengthy method makes sense since this is ascension we are speaking about even RPG wise its no fast way to reach glory...
It was though I believe fair had it been just limited to every 3 months or something. When people say they do not have the option of ascending any more that is correct. But people with $ or wast NAQ resources can still buy DMU with NAQ or $, those with $ are perfectly capable of bypassing the entire thing with simply buying a top ascended account... so what than...?


The time needed is the only good thing about it with which I will agree. Now let us see what the problems are.

a) problem number 1. NOT being able to reset ATs (while others can)
Even with a big number of planets on ascension and fastest possible conversion to LF cashe you will be waiting for about 4 months for the transfer of about 100 trills LF to finish. Meanwhile not being able to reset ATs, which other farmes can...
Meaning you are actually losing to competition because you ascended which is a bit moronic sorry the rough word used

b) problem number 2. NO GAIN
With the fastest possible LF conversion you will be getting 0,8+ trills of LF cashe per day which is about 8 quads+ of DMU which is almost nothing... so in 14 days time you will get 112 trills of DMU+ worth. However because you cannot refill your ATs other people can farm more than you so you migh as well deduce from all that "advantage". You can idk take 250 trills per farming hit as a base 4000 ATs = 266 hits = 66 quads+ of DMU meaning you are only left with 56 trills of DMU gain against the competition in 2 weeks time. (but only if your LF conversion is the fastest possible if lower you gain less)

Now lets say this lasts for 3 months or about 14 weeks = 7x 56 trills of DMU => so you gained 392 quads of DMU in that time. However how much is that worth in NAQ? Around 200 trills of NAQ

Now how much have you spent on ascension itself? Probably above 700 trills of NAQ

Now purely on maths you can deduce it is all very crappy. I mean you can just buy DMU with NAQ and get tons more.
The current method works only if the only purpose of ascension is to boost your main account bonuses (but than all big ascensions are waste of NAQ anyway)
If one of the purposes of the ascension is to grow on ascended as well and if you want to give an emphasis on that than this current method is not the way. The logical choice here would be to simply offer a good rate for NAQ -> DMU like Saying I ll give you 500 trills of NAQ and you give me 800 QUADS of DMU and be done with. Hack that way you can even do it as fast as you want...

But I do not believe this was what SoL intended with this mechanic.

In any case I am not living under no illusion to think this will be changed and also looking at SoL's words on the topic so far I have no reason to believe otherwise.

I will however say that I believe speeding up the conversion at least x2 + adding option of turn refill for those who are waiting for Cashe to fill without losing all of it would be a step in the right direction.

Just wanted to speak my mind, point out the problem which I think exists and express my opinion about it.

That is all from me. Sorry for the bother and hope no one is offended by my opinion or whatever, was meant only as a positive input nothing more.

Wish you all a nice day

