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Re: Top Ascensions

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:55 pm
by S1eepy
He hasn't spent a penny actually...

He's using his prize for winning last era xP

Re: Top Ascensions

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:20 pm
by Corkscrew
Forums been dead lately, so what do you reackon top ascensions will be? I would of imagined 8, but ive been told 9. The cross over point between sacrificing UU for the added stats will be tight if you consider how much the covert levels will cost.

Was hoping we'd be reaching top ascension levels but i guess the naq per miner needed more restructuring.

Re: Top Ascensions

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:51 pm
by S1eepy
the sheer cost in UU becomes crazy, so I doubt anyone will hit max ascension. But the Naq we will have available at the end is going to be massive too.. because inactive farms are already 8-9b, and if i remember correctly, they were only 20b (or was it 30?) at the end of last era? Either way, they will be considerably larger this time round.

So spy levels should exceed last eras - due to the excess naq. So level 30 covert will reachable by most top players I would predict. But for that - you will need to be ascension level 9.

also, a quiet forum is nice sometimes, nicer than what we had previous to it anyway. A friendly and active forum would beat both, obviously. But for now, quiet is an improvement ^^

Re: Top Ascensions

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:50 pm
by Ronon Dex
Yeah gonna be expensive, the levels as they are now are very UU intensive. What a supprise everyone will probably hit roughly the same ascension level, everyone will have roughly the same covert level and same techs, gonna be very close at then end, between alot of people.

Oh and first to 6 au natural :P