Relations -- Both parties should agree to a relation change


[quote="owen9292"]why should war have to be 2 way if currently you declare total peace with someone you and your officers can't touch them even if theyare able to attack you before their commander sets relations to total peace also[/quote]

Actually, I said that neutral and peaceful relationships should be two-way, and that War can be one-sided, as it is something that happens unexpectedly.

[quote="Lord_Zeus"]I use the declare war trick, however I would like to see it changed to 1 day before anything takes effect.[/quote]

I like this idea (that changes should take 24 hours to take effect), but I still think that both parties should agree to a neutral or peaceful relationship.

It doesn't make sense that one can hit somebody for money, then all of a sudden have a neutral relationship with them again...

I'd like to see this idea given a trial run of a couple of weeks, just to see how people like it. If people end up not liking it, then it can be taken out without any complaint from me. But yes, I'd be very interested to see how this would work out...

Forum Grunt
Posts: 97
Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:11 am

I agree... you normally know when your going to be in a war.

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