Fighter, Bombers, and Motherships - United or Divided?

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building motherships and fortifications

i think that stargate wars could become more realistic if you had to build ships so your men can attack other planets and systems but aslo you should be able to be forts to grassion your defense units so you can defend your planet better.
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even if we only have one mother ship and one fort that can both be upgraded and perhaps by having these 2 fortification you can upgrade a tecnologly (like the rings) so that units could be transfered from attacking postions to defending positions and visa versa but attacking and defending weapons would have to be built seperatly.
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Re: building motherships and fortifications

WaReHouSe wrote:i think that stargate wars could become more realistic if
The realism in the game is rather limited. Live with it!

Back to the topic at hand, please!
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we need fleets
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we sooooooooooooo need fleets
Lord Sept
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ok i would like lots of fleets
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i think that there should only be motherships no death gliders and alkesh class ships since we don't have a real equal for them in the asgard and replicators or even tauri for alkesh so it is better to just stay with what everyone has. also for defence there doesn't need to be anything special cause as with everything else in time they will have ships as well and they wont get attacked much since it would cost a lot to repair a ship/fleet.
Lord Sept
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us asgard would have the advartidge jack o'nell mouther ships thay can distroy repilcater ships very powerfull it would not loss
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i was just thinking about this and u could just have the death gliders and alkesh as upgrades which the asgards and replicators could also have
one mothership upgrades 1. death glider bays 2. alkesh bomber support

one asgard mothership upgrades 1. jack o'neall class 2. daniel jackson class

one x303 upgrades 1. f302 bays 2. asgard shield and weapons array

one replicator controlled mothership upgrades 1. jack o'neall class rep controlled ship 2. replicator mothership

i think that something like this could work so that all the ships would be equally upgradeable and also rep and asgards wouldn't have to have made up smaller ships.
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I think you should have to equip it that way if you had a fully loaded mothership and the other guys only had like 2 you could get a tactical advantage.
Lord Sept
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no what is a danul jackson class stuped he is a plonker
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tom7126 wrote:no what is a danul jackson class stuped he is a plonker

The Daniel Jackson class of Asgard Mothership is the newest design seen in the Asgard fleet, probably designed to replace the older Beliskner class Mothership in the role of science / exploratory / wave the flag mission role. Daniel Jackson may well not be the class name, the first ship of this type was seen used by the rogue Asgard 'Loki' and it was never said to be the same ship. Regardless, it is the ship name that shall be used until otherwise shown.
Supreme Commander Thor originally carried his flag on the Beliskner class ship 'Beliskner'. Known to many primitive worlds as 'Thors Chariot'. After its destruction, he moved to a second Beliskner class ship (named 'Valkyrie' according to the script of Small Victories). His movements after this were not clear, but appear to have him transferring to an O'Neill class warship until the Daniel Jackson class was put into production. At this point, he has been seen only in this new ship class, using it generally as a mobile laboratory and command ship. Loki used this ship class for genetic research into advanced cloning technology. Thor used it to research new technology to fight the replicators.
Like the O'Neill class, the Daniel Jackson class does away with the aft reactive engine technology present on the Beliskner class. This ship appears visually smaller then the other Asgard Mothership classes. But it shows astonishing manoeuvrability for a ship of this mass and size, far greater then a Goa'uld mothership. In fact, the evasive manoeuvres Thor put this ship through rival an Al'Kesh in turning and acceleration. The ships configuration is unusual for an Asgard ship. Comprised of two hull sections extending from the 'nose', with a gap joined by a pair of 'under - over' bridges. The two vertical 'rudders' of the ship are in line with other Asgard ships though. Which may indicate a functional purpose over an aesthetic one, given the unusual design for the rest of the ship and their retention.
In terms of conventional weapons, the Daniel Jackson is equipped with at least some offensive abilities, though they are said to be inferior to a Replicator 'blockship'. We can probably safely assume that the weapons would be much more modern and powerful then a Beliskner class...but this is an assumption that is unproven.
The ship also was modified by Thor to include a massive version of the Replicator Disruptor weapon designed by Jack O'Neill. Combining Ancient and Asgard technology, the weapon is effective against large planetary surface areas, through defensive shields and against spaceships of Ha'Tak size. Although the Replicators were quickly able to adapt to the technology after studying it.
Defensively, the ship is equipped with Asgard shields almost certainly superior to the older Beliskner. Daniel Jackson when confronting a Replicator infested (and enhanced) Ha'Tak took at least 11 and quite possibly as many as 20 shots without shield failure. In contrast, a normal (not Replicator infested) Motherships shields and systems fail after only two salvos from a Replicator enhanced ship. Though I will quantify this by saying that either at this point or at a later point, some Replicator blocks managed to penetrate this ships defences. Of course we know Replicator block 'missiles' are shield penetrating, at least on this class of ship.
We do not know much more then this. The ship is hyperspace capable and comes equipped (at least in the Daniel Jackson’s case) with the ability to virtually design objects and materialise them. However this may be a function of general Asgard Transporter technology rather then a specific 'Daniel Jackson' ability. The ship is equipped with the same cloaking technology as the Beliskner, given our inability to track Loki's ship while in Earth orbit. Prometheus could see the Daniel Jackson approaching Earth, though Thor was not trying to hide his approach like Loki was.
K that help u out lol found on a web at got loads of info on ships and other tech.
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first off i just want to say wow way to go Valha'lla your knowlegde is overwhelming. now i was just say that if u were gonna make it possible to have deathgliders and f302's in motherships that it would have to be done with technology upgrades due to the fact that asgards and replicators don't have enough ships to compete it would be an unfair advantage but as a upgrade all the spieces could have the same % of gain when upgrading and all this was my idea the names of the upgrades are what i think they should be with what we know about each race.
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scben wrote:first off i just want to say wow way to go Valha'lla your knowlegde is overwhelming. now i was just say that if u were gonna make it possible to have deathgliders and f302's in motherships that it would have to be done with technology upgrades due to the fact that asgards and replicators don't have enough ships to compete it would be an unfair advantage but as a upgrade all the spieces could have the same % of gain when upgrading and all this was my idea the names of the upgrades are what i think they should be with what we know about each race.

First off i can think of one rep aquivalant which is the replicator blocks they lanch as spears in order to board ships, and secondly it could be done as a weapons upgrade for a ship like have weapons persificaly for use with mother ships.
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as alwayz im too lazy to read the whole thread :-) and yeah r u shure only 15 cuz if i remember correctly in that ne ep where they blow up the sun, they send out like 50 gliders from one hat'ak to distract could be like 30-50 actually

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