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Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:49 am
by Zeratul
actually they "live" to attack, destroy and kill, the revenge part is only an excuse for destruction and killing... whenever the agressive and destructive parts of their coding is removed, they will be just like humans (or ancients)... besides, not all the Asurans want revenge, just some of them...

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:15 am
by MGZ
Zeratul wrote:besides, not all the Asurans want revenge, just some of them...

actually it's the other way 'round. most Asurans want revenge, but a small number of them realize that peace and ascension are more important (btw, who votes that Niam will become the new leader on the vengeance quest?)

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:46 am
by Zeratul
most of them do not neccesarily want revenge, they simply want destruction... for many it doesn't matter what they destroy, just that they destroy...

there is a slight difficulty with niam becoming the new leader of the vengance quest at the moment, he is after all just floating in space some distance from atlantis...

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:26 pm
by mastertianmat
this is getting weird, too many races figthing whit the ori, i think soon we will be watching ascended alterans walking arround sg1

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:38 pm
by Zeratul
the Asurans do not fight the ori...

but then, that is simply because they are in different galaxies...

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 4:21 pm
by BleedBlack
Sooo... I'm the only one who leapt in the air with excitement when I saw the hand retracting from Shephards head??

I was really, really hoping theswe Replis were a result of human forms escaping our Galaxy, but, for alas that was not the case, which, does make the story seem a little unoriginal.

Still, now we have a new enemy, and an intelligent one. Should definately prove fun.
Anyone else see the destruction of the Wraith coming?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:05 pm
by ha'shak ash'rak
Zeratul wrote:they didn't destroy the weapon, as you can see below:

Meanwhile, Bra'tac and General Landry travel to the Free Jaffa homeworld of Dakara. There they confront Se'tak, a Jaffa military leader, about his questionable tactics in the war against the followers of the Ori. But Se'tak stands by his decision to use a powerful Ancient device against their enemy, even though its use violates the Jaffa's agreement with Earth -- and will result in the deaths of millions of innocents.

link to page this was on:

and the difference between using the weapon on the human form replicators and the Asurans is that the Asurans act and think almost exactly like the ancients, and therefore they would be much better at thinking out ways to protect themselves... besides, the human-form replicators numbered at most perhaps ten, while the Asurans number in the millions... it would be extremely difficult to destroy all of them... after all, the ancients tried that, and they failed...

yeah but that just says AN ancient weapon,doesnt mean it is the one on dakara.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:25 pm
by Zeratul
how many powerful ancient weapons are there on Dakara capable of annihilating the entire population on a planet?

besides, the jaffa are not all that good with making things when they do not have the exact instructions for how to build them...

also remember, when fighting the replicators, the asgard tried to develop a similar weapon, and they failed.... how big a chance is there that the jaffa manage to develop what the asgard failed to develop?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:32 am
by The Dalek Empire
Zeratul wrote:how many powerful ancient weapons are there on Dakara capable of annihilating the entire population on a planet?

You owned yourself with your own question there matey - we simply do not know what there is sitting around on Dakara. The planet was the site from which the Ancients wiped clean and restarted life in the Milky Way - so I don't think it will be too much of a stretch to say that there could be other Ancient goodies on the planet too. There might not be, but you saying that this unnamed Acneint device is the Dakara weapon is just silly.

Furthermore, the weapon effects sound similar, but there is an important difference. The Dakara device opens up and discharged a massive, omni-directional blast wave. It encompasses the planet Dakara, and then if there are any Stargates near by it will head off through those too. Now, using the weapon to attack other planets is sound in principle - set the weapon to "liquify", dial target planet and press fire. Only problem... what happens to Dakara?! :P

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:16 am
by Zeratul
it was most likely set to disintegrate only human beings, and not anything else; genetically, jaffa are different from humans, and if they set the device to only affect humans, the wave would just pass through the jaffa, and then destroy the humans... and the stargate on dakara was most likely set back to normal dialing after the eradication of the replicators, so it would be easy for the jaffa to dial a single, ori controlled world, and destroy that world's population... besides, the control chamber for the dakara superweapon is most likely protected from the wave the weapon produces...

from the pictures of dakara one have seen from after the threads episode, the statue the weapon is built into still exists, so most likely the weapon was simply disabled after threads...

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:43 am
by BleedBlack
Zeratul wrote:it was most likely set to disintegrate only human beings, and not anything else; genetically, jaffa are different from humans, and if they set the device to only affect humans, the wave would just pass through the jaffa, and then destroy the humans... and the stargate on dakara was most likely set back to normal dialing after the eradication of the replicators, so it would be easy for the jaffa to dial a single, ori controlled world, and destroy that world's population... besides, the control chamber for the dakara superweapon is most likely protected from the wave the weapon produces...


The vast majority of jaffa are human, with the exception of a handful of aliens, which we don't hear about anyway.
You know what a jaffra is right? A host, incubating a symbiote?
Besides, I sincerely doubt there is anyone who can configure it to target DNA only present in the guys form the Orii galaxy.

The intention is probably to dial-up planets currently occupied by some Orii troups, killing them, but every other inhabitant of that planet in the process.

and will result in the deaths of millions of innocents.

Something tells me there are a few more than millions of humans in this galaxy :roll:

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:03 am
by Zeratul
the jaffa are Mostly human, do regular humans have a sort of womb in the front of their stomach region? and as we said; Genetically the jaffa are not exactly human, but that doesn't mean they look mostly like humans...

besides, another difference with the jaffa is this:

Jaffa term equivalent to puberty, a time at which the ceremony of implantation occurs and a young Jaffa receives his or her first prim'tah (larval Goa'uld symbiote). If one is not given, the child will die, as many Jaffa groups have been genetically engineered to become dependent on symbiotes.

but the weapon wasn't used on the fellows from ori galaxy, it was used on newly-converted believers... the goal in the attack was not to specifically destroy the ori armies, but to take out the believers; if they also slew some soldiers, that would be a bonus... they used the weapon to put fear into the human (and jaffa) populations in order to prevent them from converting...

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:13 am
by The Dalek Empire
Zeratul wrote:it was most likely set to disintegrate only human beings, and not anything else; genetically, jaffa are different from humans, and if they set the device to only affect humans, the wave would just pass through the jaffa, and then destroy the humans... and the stargate on dakara was most likely set back to normal dialing after the eradication of the replicators, so it would be easy for the jaffa to dial a single, ori controlled world, and destroy that world's population... besides, the control chamber for the dakara superweapon is most likely protected from the wave the weapon produces...

from the pictures of dakara one have seen from after the threads episode, the statue the weapon is built into still exists, so most likely the weapon was simply disabled after threads...

You don't understand how the Dakara super weapon works do you? It doesn't "target" anything, and you cannot set it to "target" certain genetic structures. It is not a magical "lets reconfigure it to only kill something with a tattoo on its forhead anda pouch in its stomach" button.

It sends out a wave that disrupts, breaks or cancels the bonds between different particles. If used as normal, it washes over a world and liquifies everything. The wave is not strong enough to reduce a planet to a cloud of individual particles (gravity and all that), but it will kill any living creature it passes through because of the massive and total disruption caused on an atomic level. Even if the person is not reduced to sludge, every synapse in their body would be ruined, their bones would deform, blood would fizzle and so on. That will happen regardless of whether or not you are a Jaffa, a human or a Prior (well, unless the Prior pulls Prior Trick 486643936 out of his hat).

They edited the abilities of the device when they wiped out the Milky Way Replicators so that instead of sending out a wave cancelling the bonds between all particles it passes through, it cancelled the signals being sent from the Repliblocks/cells. Same principle, but affecting a different form of bond if you will.

The device they are using to attack the Ori is something different. I'll bet you 50kuu.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:56 am
by Zeratul
when we said "target" we meant that it would hit only those targets that fit into a specific molecular pattern, so if they had removed all jaffa (and humans) from dakara, except for those manning the device, and then fired it, the device would dissintegrate all humans on the target world and on dakara, but since all but those few jaffa remaining had been removed, there would be no chance of their being any harm from possibly having set the device spectrum incorrectly... the control chamber of the weapon is after all most likely to be shielded from the effect of the weapon... and that about only killing those with a tattoo on their heads is impossible, as a tattoo is not part of the jaffa DNA...

the thing about affecting only the replicator blocks' bondings was done by narrowing the spectrum of what molecules the weapon would dismantle, it could most likely easily be set to only dismantle molecules that make up humans, or for that matter goa'oulds, or most likely even mosquitoes or some other form of life...

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:19 pm
by chunkysoup
The Asurans were intended to be the original bad guys in Atlantis, way before the Wraith were thought up... then the writers kinda bagged them, and are now bringing them back. So rest assured, all the writers already have tons of ideas of what to do with the Asurans, they planned their whole show on it originally.