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Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:28 am
by Cole
I miss the crosstrades because PPT had an omg price, ON MARKET, yea usually black market has bigger prices, but black market was cheaper as rates were crazy...Now only omg rates will survive, maybe nomore "crosstrades" accounts, but omg prices for ever, less farms, less attack turns, <==less trades on market...
All good things in less and bad in more (excepted multis)...

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:53 am
by zocko
id rather reserve judgement until after the age is under way properly but what happened to my SS?

I paid $$ for it and it was supposed to last forever.

what the hell is going on with admin?

is he just interested in the money grabbing side of things rather than the players?
they are after all the lifeblood of the game.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:56 am
by goodie

a rather interesting update

should stop most of the cross server trading dead in its feet, thus making quantum finnaly open to many more who dont have the time to either

1) farm theyre but of and trade Q naq for Q turns (scar)

2) have a main account with the recourses to sell of for Q turns/naq


will be a very interesting wave me thinks


Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:09 am
by diobella
It is my understanding that we still have our previously purchased SS, but that we will receive a weekly bonus ("Acquire Naq", "Invite Units", or "24 hours PPT" rather than have the ability to transfer goods to other players. I like this idea. Hopefully it will eliminate the stockpiling of turns, and accounts maintained solely for mercenary reasons.

Such a harsh accusation towards admin is unfair and premature. Many of us have paid for SS, and I feel that the bonus is an equitable acknowledgement of this fact. Our status was not removed; it was merely changed. I think this will be a much more fair wave and certainly more interesting.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:26 am
by Zeratul
we think that this wave will be much more interesting, especially as this is our second wave... last wave, we figured out how quantum works and a few other things there, this wave we intend to play to end up high-ranked... but then, who does not intend to end up high-ranked?

we also think that the market change was good, as we never managed to get enough naq last wave to buy ss, so we like that it will be unneccesary to do so this time around...

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:13 am
by radamanthos
Well, yeah, I like the not being able to trade from player to player, but at the same time those of us who arent yet old enough to have a credit card or paypal or whatever such as myself and floop are at a massive disadvantage. So massive that we cannot stand a chance against anyone who gets that instant UP bonus at the start. My suggestion? Removing or lowering the up bonus from SS. For example, were stuck at 50 or so army size, while 12ag here is sitting on 3 times that. Also, whats with that short ppt at the start? Im at school when that runs out, and I dont even have the opportunity to get all of the inactives' 200k naq. So to fix that, either have people start with much less money, which might be a good idea anyway, or just lengthen the ppts to balance it out.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:18 am
by Cole
Same for me lost my ppt naq, and anyway now advantage will be given to those who use tons of $$$...
QW a free game?
lol! :roll:
Unless cross trades wasnt unfair advantage for ONLY people with money.
Let's go for $$ wars :lol:
The one who will put most of 1000s of $$ will win :roll: ...ah...disableing cross trades then say hurray and hop noone saw that now only people with big credit card full of 1000s of $$ will win!
Skilled wave? no no...last waves?...yea yea...we farmed for naq with tons of 1000s of Put $$ on game and just work UP, covert lvls and tech and hop at end of wave buy 100k of each best weapons and boom! top 10!

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:21 am
by diobella
I agree that the wave will be imbalanced between those that can afford SS and those that cannot. However, there was a time that SS was not available on the market, so this is not a new concept. Unfortunately what happened then is that some people effectively "shut out" others. I suspect that if things remain as they are, the wave will be limited to a select few that can afford USS or even SS on a regular basis.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:24 am
by Cole
Anyway no need to mention game was very slow when there wasn't cross trades...seeing first wave stats can make us think firstly it was first so less experience in what to invest at! cross trades made the game fast!
Now it will be nomore PPT wars but $$ wars!
I nearly wanted to play full like in past thinking WRONGLY everyone was in equal feet, cross trades were far more equal than $$! Now if Bill Gates come here he'll be in top 10 surely!

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:47 am
by Neimenljivi
radamanthos wrote:Well, yeah, I like the not being able to trade from player to player, but at the same time those of us who arent yet old enough to have a credit card or paypal or whatever such as myself and floop are at a massive disadvantage.

Count me in aswel :cry: SS should be avalible to buy with ingame goods aswell (ok it must be much higher cost to buy it), otherwise some guys who have a lot of $$ will just buy some SSs and use every week bonuses and this crap. Now scince u cannot send stuff to other players, what diffrence would it make to have oppurtunity to buy SS on market?Those of us who aren't adult jet, don't even have paypall to buy it...So, game would only envolve faster if more players would be able to have SS. This SS could then dissapear every wave. Also, I think that 24hrs PPT should be removed that there won't be 50% of Q players that are active on PPT each week...

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:47 am
by WolfeReign
why are you people complaining so damn much as long as you are active and play smart you will do fine your dont have to pay $$ to finish in a good rank

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:52 am
by Neimenljivi
Yes, but some ppl have unfair advantage, big advantage if they have a lot of $$ and paypall...

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:58 am
by Zeratul
we do not mean to make people feel hurt but, we think some people need to learn that life is unfair...

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 12:03 pm
by WolfeReign
someone explain where this huge advantage is that people with money get ss only helps much right at the start of the wave

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 12:05 pm
by Cole
This game isnt life and if we play it is NOT to feel like in life :D .