So this is what the games about eh? Sad sad news

for all the 'I quit' threads....
worry not - if you come back, you are not punished :)
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Re: So this is what the games about eh? Sad sad news

falkon311 wrote:If all I have to look forward to is getting attacked by people vastly superior to me Im just gonna quit now. To the people that do this... get a life little boy, noone thinks your cool and you have no friends. Stop being such an ass in a video game and do something with your life.

This isn't a video game. :P
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Re: So this is what the games about eh? Sad sad news

falkon311 wrote:If all I have to look forward to is getting attacked by people vastly superior to me Im just gonna quit now.

hey dudez, you dont have to play that way! go lay your pimp smak oin some of the punks. the <insert name here>s have lots more to loose than you. go tke it.

ya ya, i hear the douters now

"if your a n00bz you cant take my stuff"

ask creampuff *proffiteroles* how his planets are doing :shock:

and the others will say

"cheater cheater cheater, nanny nanny boo boo" and "waaa!!!11 you have someone funding you"

ya whatever dudez. be stealthy like the ninja. hit em when they shut their eyes. strike them in their weakest point. then see if they dont cry like little nancy boyz and go on ppt (id = 18664)
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Re: So this is what the games about eh? Sad sad news

falkon311 wrote:If all I have to look forward to is getting attacked by people vastly superior to me Im just gonna quit now. To the people that do this... get a life little boy, noone thinks your cool and you have no friends. Stop being such an ass in a video game and do something with your life.

Why don't you then put more effort to it and get stronger yourself?
Usually you get attacked by other players for either uu or naq - hence don't have too much uu or naq out and that should keep most players off your back. Don't be rude and don't do stupid things - that should get even more ppl off your back.
Of course there is the possibility of getting massed for no good reason - take a beating like a man and get over the losses. I've lost around 1/5 of my total army size when i was massed for the first time ... :wink:
Now please, go rebuild and take it as a game or you have a nice thread if you scroll down the forum where it says quit.

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Get used to it, because it is the way of these game is you jsut have to work around it or if you cant take it then dont play. A few things to know and expect the forusm are full of double standads if you are not well known or have lots of friends you will always get the worst of those double standanrds. For isntance any player in a good alliance can mass you and its called part of the game if you try to attack them for any reason a good portion will mass you and sit on your account so that you never have any real pwr again. Also you must watch what you say on forusm and to whom if you say something to the wrong person and they think you are being disrespectful then you might be massed. Basically if you want to build yoru accoutn up you must be as invisible as possible you dont want anyone to knwo you are even around till later on when you have freinds to back you up or plenty of your own pwr.
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Im sure i speak for almost everyone when i say we've all been in the same position at one point or another, the key has always been to build as you go, take your knocks and come back stronger, by leaving you offer no resistance and allow yourself to be beaten.

By all means be angry, mutter under your breath, but keep at it, everyone starts out small so just keep building and remember, one day youll have the power to exact the kind of revenge your looking for.

Trust me, stick it out and the rewards far outweigh the attackings.
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Quit leaving yourself as a target. Spend your naq. Quit your **Filtered**.

Pog might eat you.

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hey i was in the same boat as you when i started and everytime someone took a large amount of naq from me i wrote down there name and id number and waited till i could do something about. nothing better then gain power and repaying the favor 10 fold to someone who farming you. also i must agree that i attack alot of people everyday and sometimes don't realize i attack the same person 2 days in a row. all they need to do is say please stop farming me and i do. so just put in a little time and you will no longer be a juicy target to bigger players. i suggest you raid for a while which is the best way to gain strength in this game.
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I agree with wmd999 just dont try raiding the guys who attacked you it wont work :P
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why won't it? cynic attacked me. I raided him. quite happy with my new uu, too.
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You win some and you lose some...

Everybody gets owned by someone stronger every once in a while in this game... I had half my army size removed by some stronger guys when I was a noob. Just don't let that bring you down.

Try not to make too many strong players mad at you, play nice and build up and you will have a decent account yourself soon enough.

time for my favorite Confucius quote again:

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

touched by his noodly appendage


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geisha wrote:You win some and you lose some...

Everybody gets owned by someone stronger every once in a while in this game... I had half my army size removed by some stronger guys when I was a noob. Just don't let that bring you down.

Try not to make too many strong players mad at you, play nice and build up and you will have a decent account yourself soon enough.

time for my favorite Confucius quote again:

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."


Wasn't just when you were a noob there geisha :P

Point of the whole story: If you get massed/Farmed shrug it off rebuild and then smack the crap outta the person that hit you....
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Well, dont know what he lost, is he just being farmed or did he put all his resources into Defence and walk away for a while.

The way to play is to be active, raid, bank, train all your UU, build your covert levels etc...

When you are attacked there is always a reason. Find that reason and look to see how you could avoid it in the future.

Some Possible reasons.

1. Too much Naq out for your defence.
2. Too many UU out.
3. Retribution for an atack you did.
4. Retribution for a forum post.
5. Belonging to an alliance under attack.
6. Being an Officer or Commander of someone under attack.
7. Having an inflamatory name.
8. Because it is the 5th monday of the month.

Just keep playing and look for advice here, you will find much more assistance than if you come to the forum whinning.
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Re: So this is what the games about eh? Sad sad news

falkon311 wrote:If all I have to look forward to is getting attacked by people vastly superior to me Im just gonna quit now. To the people that do this... get a life little boy, noone thinks your cool and you have no friends. Stop being such an ass in a video game and do something with your life.

Who is falkon311?
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Re: So this is what the games about eh? Sad sad news

Balladbird wrote:
falkon311 wrote:If all I have to look forward to is getting attacked by people vastly superior to me Im just gonna quit now. To the people that do this... get a life little boy, noone thinks your cool and you have no friends. Stop being such an ass in a video game and do something with your life.

Who is falkon311?

That guy :roll:
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The way you play determines the pain you endure. I suggest you get yourself into a decent alliance and have someone educate you on the finer points of game play.
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