Make things fair for the Goa'uld

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3 posts in a row by esker...

If all the races were exactly equal, there would be no reason to have any different races. Come on, it is a war game. How often is it in a war that you have four opposing groups that have the exact same power "potential" when they specialize in different areas? Even with just two, how often would this happen?

If you don't like your race, the switch to one you can like. There are people who play for each of the four races, and many of them are sure that there chosen race is the best.

This was just my opinion...
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Yes 3 posts. 3 seperate reasons why we're screwed.

Each side is supposed to have strengths and weaknesses. As it stands, the Reps have none, the Goa'uld have too many. I didn't see you try and argue that point, so i'm assuming it's just your concept of logic that is flawed.

- Esker
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Esker what do you care your gonna switch races by the end of the month.
CRÅYSHACK_Toe wrote:*comparse his post count to the unspeakable one's*

[sarcasm]Yay I realy don't matter.[/sarcasm]
Some people are just so silly!
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no offence here esker, but if you tried to make friends as hard as you tried to make enemies, you would be unstoppable.

(it really is not necessary to insult everyone who does not see things the same way as you)
Better for everyone to think you are a fool, than for you to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
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And killing peoples fathers doesnt help either.
CRÅYSHACK_Toe wrote:*comparse his post count to the unspeakable one's*

[sarcasm]Yay I realy don't matter.[/sarcasm]
Some people are just so silly!
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foreigner wrote:If all the races were exactly equal, there would be no reason to have any different races.

There's equal and there's balanced. 2 different concepts, try to see the difference.

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Esker the disadvantage is a measly 5%, who gives a damn about that apart from you ?
C'mon get real, 5% isnt worth it, if you dont like the race then switch, 25% income is better then %30 covert boost and everyone knows it, Goauld arent disadvantaged compared to Tauri and Asgard, only to repli's, as every1 else is

so maybe the answer is give the replicators a disadvantage instead of giving the goauld advantage over the other races

ps. if you are willing to call people names over 5% then you truely are the twit
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i say 5% is alot and esker is stronger so 5% is even more then it is for me you just dont want the goa'uld to be strong again
Wolf359 wrote:I agree with hidden
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hidden wrote:i say 5% is alot and esker is stronger so 5% is even more then it is for me you just dont want the goa'uld to be strong again

Correct, the twit thinks that 5% is a small amount and he also (because he knows there is nothing he intelligently argue about it) leaves out the covert disadvantage which has no justification and he leaves out the defense / offense disadvantage because of the same reason.

Also, if you have to pay 10% off spy levels, 25% spy bonus, along with the Goa'uld covert penalty of 10%...

You have to pay 45% less in getting your covert up. Easily replaces the 25% income bonus and the possible 5% from banking.

I'm sure the numbers would be the same if compared to Tau'ri / Asgard bonuses as well.

- Esker
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Esker wrote:You have to pay 45% less in getting your covert up. Easily replaces the 25% income bonus and the possible 5% from banking.

- Esker

yah for spy level's and covert, but what about attack and defence ?
dont forget you can get them up alot quicker aswell

Goa'uld aren't disadvantaged "twit", repli's just have too much power which i agree needs to be lowered
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Umm... don't play idiotic Gala.

We know that covert powers "relieve" players of attack and defense quicker than they ever have in some cases. Covert is the main power in this game, more valuable than both attack and defense.

The Goa'uld are variable, and that seems to be the arguement everytime, but the simple fact is it's not enough at all to make a difference.

That and the covert penalty, and the defense penalty make the Goa'uld disadvantaged. If you want to talk about Replis being overpowered which I more than agree about, make your own topic.

- Esker
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First let me start off by saying that though i play tauri on qnuatum i'am still goauld on main and one of the oldest goauld to be around i stress my mind to think of anyone who's be around as a goauld longer few names come to mind and i wish they come and tell us what they think :
Brigon(about the same time)
I play as a tauri on qnuatum because it's become really hard to do well as a goauld , to give somone a Naq adavantage then to turn around and make them the second worst defenders in the game is Cruel LOL
and the goauld covert disadavtage was the straw that broke my back on qnatum and forced me to change to tauri .Now the tauri have a defense disadvantage and that's componded by the fact that we can no longer refresh on mercs as much (hence can't attack ) the goauld are still the weakest race in the game upgrade/uniqe wise .
There my words of wisdom :)

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the main problem with all of this from what i see is the discrepancy from what the Game says are the powers of the races and the actualy powers they have. they arent the same. either fix it to accurately reflect what the Game says are the powers of each individual race OR change what the Game says are the races powers are to reflect what they currently are.

that is the frustration. the age old peeve of being told one thing and something else happening. all a matter of failing to meet expectations that you (Game) have made.

thats all. we can all appreciate truth and who in real life appreciates a liar?
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I'm gonna be general here but I challenge somebody to say otherwise.


Goa'uld - Worst Covert

Goa'uld - Second worst defense

Goa'uld - Second best attack



Yay us?

- Esker
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Goa'uld - Worst Covert

Goa'uld - Second worst defense

Goa'uld - Second best attack

- Esker

Sleipnir wrote:There's equal and there's balanced. 2 different concepts, try to see the difference.

come now esker we talked about this for ages 8)
but i´ll say it again

you can only really compare the Goaúld with the replicator´s
because the aasgard and tauri races work in a different way as sle has pointed out :wink:

for every advantage thats here there is a disadvantage, try to realise that,

If you noticed they arent really worse in much
they are average in atk and defence


*the covert tech is what gives replis the covert boost, without the 3rd tech though they have no more covert then any other race

NOTE:plz note the % of certain things are not accurate

NOTE:remember this chart shows advantages and disadvantages there are pure to the race, i.e. the replis 30% covert boost is regarded as a tech upgrade as that is all it is

But now we have that we look for the disadvantages, well the 10% off something is common with all races as you can easily see, so thats not it

the replicators are fine, if you look carefully they seem to be a balanced race, a con for every pro, the only advantage they have is their covert siege tech, which adds 30%, although the tauri and asgard´s 3rd tech´s add 100%

you´ll see that the Goauld 25% income bonus greatly benefits over the puny 15% the asgard get for defence, the goauld can simply use the 25% to buy more weps, and they have -25% aswell, does that make sense? that means for a 15% boost they hav a 25% flop, and the same with the tauri

anyway by looking at that it shows that purely, tauri and asgard are equal, replicators are balanced, and goauld are just about equal aswell,

do you realize my point and the actual problem yet ?

its not the races as you can see its the Tech´s, they are not proporcioned out properly
and i must say that the Goa´uld are at a disadvantage only when techs are involved, as they are the only race without a 3rd tech, and they should get a new bonus to make up for that, or the other races should be capped, one of them anyway

Thanks for reading, i hope it has explained my point and hopefully a solution to the situation

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