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Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:52 pm
by Hells__Angel
I like Mojo's idea that way I get like 40% bonus :-D

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:20 am
by ~Phoenix~
chargin wrote:lol 50% bonus? that's way too much. it should be tied to ranking and be max of 15%, if there were no other advantages to main except this and descention. if an account is not logged in for over 1 week it is considerd inactive an not included in calculating the top % of players.

top 1% of players: 15%
top 2% of players: 14%
top 5% of players: 13%
top 10% of players: 12%
top 15% of players: 11%
top 20% of players: 10%
top 25% of players: 9%
top 30% of players: 8%
top 35% of player: 7%
top 40% of players: 6%
top 45% of players: 5%
top 50% of players: 4%
top 60% of players: 5%
top 70% of players: 4%
top 80% of players: 3%
top 90% of players: 2%
top 100% of players: 1%

Erm you'll get it one day wont you??

You cant base it on rank because then only certian ppl ill get the rank, noone else iwll have a chance.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:31 am
by chargin
heh i've never liked people called phoenix. you are playing against other people, if everyone has the bonus, there is no point in having it. :roll: u have a chance, it's called playing better than other people! or failing that, playing for longer than other people and thinking ur a better player than them. :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:03 am
by GeneralChaos
Some of them ideas are neat, i think the problem is/was, was that when the older guys who ascended and didnt play it, didnt have to, as there was no descending and there was only ever talk of it being put in, but forum never did it, so they didnt play, the problem we have now is, newer guys see this ascend button and think oh whats that, and maybe dont even realise its another server,

I think if we want more people to actually start playing ascention, we have to make it public also, ( it was suggested in another thread on the forums already ) so that people who are coming into the game now, know there is another server out there that offers a good bonus over time, but they have to work hard for it, it might also make people invest better into it aswell.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:55 am
by Shooting Star
chargin wrote:lol 50% bonus? that's way too much. it should be tied to ranking and be max of 15%, if there were no other advantages to main except this and descention. if an account is not logged in for over 1 week it is considerd inactive an not included in calculating the top % of players.

top 1% of players: 15%
top 2% of players: 14%
top 5% of players: 13%
top 10% of players: 12%
top 15% of players: 11%
top 20% of players: 10%
top 25% of players: 9%
top 30% of players: 8%
top 35% of player: 7%
top 40% of players: 6%
top 45% of players: 5%
top 50% of players: 4%
top 60% of players: 5%
top 70% of players: 4%
top 80% of players: 3%
top 90% of players: 2%
top 100% of players: 1%

But you repeated 5% and 4% So the top 60% and the top 50% of the players are getting screwed. Unless of course they get all the percentages below as well. That would work for me. I am in the top 100% so I get 1%; I am also in the top 90% so I get 2%; I am also in the top 80% so I get 3%, etc. etc. So I would get 129% bonus. I am fine with that. Let's implement this plan IMMEDIATELY.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:04 am
by Raven
Shooting Star wrote:
chargin wrote:lol 50% bonus? that's way too much. it should be tied to ranking and be max of 15%, if there were no other advantages to main except this and descention. if an account is not logged in for over 1 week it is considerd inactive an not included in calculating the top % of players.

top 1% of players: 15%
top 2% of players: 14%
top 5% of players: 13%
top 10% of players: 12%
top 15% of players: 11%
top 20% of players: 10%
top 25% of players: 9%
top 30% of players: 8%
top 35% of player: 7%
top 40% of players: 6%
top 45% of players: 5%
top 50% of players: 4%
top 60% of players: 5%
top 70% of players: 4%
top 80% of players: 3%
top 90% of players: 2%
top 100% of players: 1%

But you repeated 5% and 4% So the top 60% and the top 50% of the players are getting screwed. Unless of course they get all the percentages below as well. That would work for me. I am in the top 100% so I get 1%; I am also in the top 90% so I get 2%; I am also in the top 80% so I get 3%, etc. etc. So I would get 129% bonus. I am fine with that. Let's implement this plan IMMEDIATELY.

You are really trying to give yourself to much credit ..... 129% bonus ....

You knew you werent ascending to get extra stuff back from ascended you got top spot now stop whining and just do your usual stuff ...... spending income......and.....ehhh....spending income

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:54 am
by ~Phoenix~
He being sarcy to that noob raven, calm down. And chargin id still quite happily have that in place, since I'll likely be in top 30 anyway.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:15 pm
by Raven
~Phoenix~ wrote:He being sarcy to that noob raven, calm down. And chargin id still quite happily have that in place, since I'll likely be in top 30 anyway.

Mojo and being sarcastic......i suggest you talk to him on msn sometime you will see he isnt sarcastic at all if it were him he would get a permanent 1000% bonus because he did SOOO MUCH work..... :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:32 pm
by chargin
top 1% of players: 15%
top 2% of players: 14%
top 5% of players: 13%
top 10% of players: 12%
top 15% of players: 11%
top 20% of players: 10%
top 25% of players: 9%
top 30% of players: 8%
top 35% of player: 7%
top 40% of players: 6%
top 45% of players: 5%
top 50% of players: 4%
top 60% of players: 3%
top 70% of players: 2%
top 80% of players: 1%

lol, i said the max u should get is 15%, some how i don’t think it would be cumulative if the top 1% of players already get 15%.

Phoenix, if you think everyone else is a noob because they are lower ranked than u or have different opinions on the game than u do, you should have an attitude readjustment and u might actually learn something from some "noobs".

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:36 pm
by Munchy
~Phoenix~ wrote:He being sarcy to that noob raven, calm down.

He has made suggestions that would give himself 100's of % bonus's in main, and ideas that would give him trillions of naq everyday. 129% is actually low on his impossible request list really.

None are ever going to be implemented because they would destroy main, but meh, whatever.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:41 pm
by Shooting Star
Munchy wrote:
~Phoenix~ wrote:He being sarcy to that noob raven, calm down.

He has made suggestions that would give himself 100's of % bonus's in main, and ideas that would give him trillions of naq everyday. 129% is actually low on his impossible request list really.

None are ever going to be implemented because they would destroy main, but meh, whatever.

Main is dead! It just doesn't know it yet. And before it goes off to join the Choir Invisible, I am trying to revive it.

Here is a suggestion that I made that doesn't involve me getting tons of Naquadah or bonuses AND actually slows my growth down in ascension.

Ascension Planets to Main Planets:
A Proposal

1.) Anyone can participate in the program. The maximum amount of planets you may create for your realm is equal to one millionth of your realm size, up to a maximum of 15 planets. You may still have up to ten planets but only one per million planets can be “ascended upgraded” (until you reach 11 million or more planets in ascension).
2.) Planets can have one; two, or three attributes (obviously dual or triple threat planets will cost more than single stat planets)
3.) Planets will start off at tiny size (or whatever the smallest planet designation is). Single stat planets require 100K planets to initially create. Dual stat planets require 250K planets to initially create. Triple stat planets require 1 million planets to initially create. The process of creating one planet that can be transferred to the main realm requires drawing the essence of many ascended planets (thereby causing them to die, ie. disappear from the realm), and the cost increases with the amount of bonuses it provides (one, two, or three).
4.) Increasing the size of the planets is somewhat easier, as it just requires the mass of the planets and not the essence (which is much harder to extract). Size increase costs are as follows:
a.) 1st: 1000 planets
b.) 2nd: 5,000 planets
c.) 3rd: 10,000 planets
d.) 4th: 25,000 planets
e.) 5th: 50,000 planets
f.) 6th: 100,000 planets
g.) 7th: 250,000 planets
h.) 8th: 500,000 planets
i.) 9th: 1,000,000 planets

5.) Planets may be recalled to the ascended realm at any time by the ascended being, with the expenditure of an ascended beacon. If they are recalled, they must remain for at least 24 hours before they can return to the main realm. During that time, the main realm cannot benefit from the planets, but the planets cannot be raided. If the planets are in the possession of a realm that the ascended being does not have influence over (ie. not the ascension realm’s linked main realm or an opposing ascended realm), he engages in a battle of influence for the planet. Influence powers are compared, with the realm possessing the planet gaining a 50% boost to his influence power (for possessing the planet). Whoever wins the battle regains/retains the planet, though if the attacking player wins the contest, the planet must stay in his ascended realm for 24 hours after the battle occurs. Another battle for the planet cannot occur for 24 hours. If one of the players does not have an ascension account or if one of the player’s ascension accounts is on vacation mode, the opposing player automatically wins this contest.
6.) You may not reduce your realm size below 750,000 planets. The Ascended Council frowns upon concentrating too much of your attention to the mortal realm, when you should be contemplating the wonders of ascension.
7.) As the Ascended Council is now allowing the creation of main planets on the ascended realm, your realm may no longer raid realms which have an influence power less than 90% of your current influence power.
8.) Existing planets in the main realm of an ascended being may be further upgraded, but need to be recalled to the ascended realm. A single stat planet may be upgraded to a dual planet with the expenditure of 150K planets, or a triple threat planet for 900K planets. A dual planet may be upgraded to a triple threat planet for 750K planets. Size and statistics may also be increased here with the appropriate expenditure of planets and/or DMU. Existing planets count against the number of planets available to a realm.
9.) Just throwing out some numbers, it would cost someone like me 44,115,000 planets to create 15 Monsterous triple stat planets. Not to mention the trillions of DMU I would have to throw in there to upgrade them. I wouldn’t be growing very much for quite sometime. It would allow those of us in ascension with large accounts to benefit our main accounts in some small way while slowing our growth in ascension down and allowing you smaller folks to catch up.
10.) Once a planet has been created on ascension or upgraded with ascension resources, it may only be upgraded with ascension resources from that point forward. However it gains certain advantages over its non-ascended brethren. Main motherships with fleet attack strengths less than the defense of an ascended-enhanced planet do NO damage (though the MS’s will still take damage). It is an all-or-nothing proposition when attacking ascended enhanced planets. You either take it or you suffer dire consequences. Such is the power of the ascended realm vs. mortal beings and creations. Also, ascended enhanced planets cannot be spied by mere mortals. Covert attempts upon the mortal realm of a being with ascended enhanced planets will reveal his mortal stats as normal and will show the existence of however many planets the mortal being has, but only non-ascended planets’ stats will show up. The ascended planets show up as ???? across the board. However, ascended enhanced planets can be detected from the ascension realm with a successful recon.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:56 pm
by Shooting Star
And, if you don't think main and ascension should be linked, then you can give up your bonuses for ascending and the associated ascended weaponry and take your ball and go home. But as long as you are "enjoying" the benefits of the servers being linked, then I would like to also.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:07 pm
by Raven
Shooting Star wrote:And, if you don't think main and ascension should be linked, then you can give up your bonuses for ascending and the associated ascended weaponry and take your ball and go home. But as long as you are "enjoying" the benefits of the servers being linked, then I would like to also.

Like a child who have been good all year and now really expects something from santa :lol:

Its asc whats not balanced.....main is alot better then ascension at this moment it actually includes more then just waiting for income......

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:22 pm
by Taure
The way to get more people to play ascension is simple, the big players just don't want to hear it: take away the ability to raid income planets. That way players won't just have their accounts reset to 0 every time they reach a certain size, and will actually have some motivation to grow.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:03 pm
by Raven
Taure wrote:The way to get more people to play ascension is simple, the big players just don't want to hear it: take away the ability to raid income planets. That way players won't just have their accounts reset to 0 every time they reach a certain size, and will actually have some motivation to grow.

we also need some kind of plague there wich will bring all players below 75mill planets or something and they cant grow further ........