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Re: Stargate Sg 1 Season 10 (What do you think)

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:51 pm
by Dre Cool
I only got to see half of the season as Sky and Vergin Media has a fight halfway though, but what i saw was ok still the early stuff was better.


Re: Stargate Sg 1 Season 10 (What do you think)

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:36 pm
by Thesus
i loved every episode with the asgard in it especially the episode "Thors Chariot" that was kool

Re: Stargate Sg 1 Season 10 (What do you think)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:13 am
by Thesus
just thought i would bring this thread back. i think i have an idea to stop the asgards dieing, how about they create a copy of each of the asgards bodys and then keep them blank and put the cloned bodys in stasus mode and once the asgards old bodys were failing they could just make a copy of their stasus copy and continue doing that, obviously in about 10,000 years or so they will eventually have to make a copy again and preserve that but hey at least they aren't dieing

hope you followed that :)

Re: Stargate Sg 1 Season 10 (What do you think)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:35 pm
by *~Starry~*
well, yeah, but there will be degeneration over time, no matter who was preserved.

For instance, why don't humans, aka the tauri, marry their cousins etc. Because genetically, it's bad because the DNA mutatations compound and therefore produce offspring that is gentically less fit than others.

Hence, agsards are gonna die no matter what.

Re: Stargate Sg 1 Season 10 (What do you think)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:55 pm
by Thesus
wait a minute im not telling the asgards to have children with their cousins all i am saying is just keep one copy and copy form that copy i mean it will by them time until they can find a more permanent solution.

imagine the asgards having girlfriends hahahaha lol :lol:
[double post- merged posts]

Re: Stargate Sg 1 Season 10 (What do you think)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:21 pm
by *~Starry~*
Isn't that what the asgards are doing right now? :s

Even if one body is in stasis, nothing can be perfectly preserved etc.

And I believe asgards are asexual :D

Re: Stargate Sg 1 Season 10 (What do you think)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:24 pm
by Thesus
n idon't think they are doing tat i think they are just making a copy of a copy of a copy they aren't making a copy of a copy and then making another copy off of the first copy if you see what i mean besides the ancient stasus pods they would usually last about 10,000 years for a human body to properly die of old age there must be something they can do

Re: Stargate Sg 1 Season 10 (What do you think)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 8:42 pm
by Darth Optimus
The problem with the Asgard was they kept cloning themselves. Why not clone the Asgard they found in status. Then use that Asgards DNA and mix it with various human DNA creating Asgard Human hybrids. Hopefully if they would of did that they could of gotten back the ability to sexual reproduce. Or if they really wanted to cheat have O'Neil to use the Ancient time machine and go back to Earths history and bring back some Ancients to help the Asgard fix their their problem.

Re: Stargate Sg 1 Season 10 (What do you think)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:38 pm
by _Rube_Dragon_
the end WTH?? they are going to fix everythgin in one movie or will there be more than one?? and will Oneill and Sam get together cause they kinda just faded out and i really liek the hidden thing they had WTH kinda ending is that for a tv show!!!?!?!?!

Re: Stargate Sg 1 Season 10 (What do you think)

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:23 am
by Macrocosm
Well their is sopposed to be 2 movies, one about ending Baal once and for all, goes back in time. Then the one regarding the Ori.

I did not like the ending of season 10 at all, I was like this is way F***ing lame, whoever directed this just disappointed millions, if Richard Dean was directing I know he would have not gone with that crap ending.. even lamer the Asgards died due to something very retarded, WTH they live millions of years, yet somehow in the last 10 years that they meet sg-1 they suddenly are unable to control their cloned bodies and substancially become extinct....uuuuuhhhhh rather F***ing convenient if you ask me.... lol :lol:

Re: Stargate Sg 1 Season 10 (What do you think)

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:20 am
by Daniel
i think that the idea of how the asgard have been cloning themselves and lose the ability to propogate through other means is a metaphor for our own society and how medicine and some areas of science could be considered as a bad thing. for example if we heavily rely on something (lets say eyes) they would naturally develop and not waste away because then the human (asgard, cat, beachtowel :shock: )with the genetic predisposition for having bad eyes would probably die. but now that we can manufacture glasses or repair retinal damage these humans with these genetic predispositions would survive.

And suppose (just suppose, completely hypothetical) that people with glasses were on average found more attractive to the opposite gender then people with glasses and impaired vision WOULD ACTUALLY DO BETTER THAN PEOPLE WITHOUT THEM which would turn evolution against our eyes(omg my eyes!)

you can disregard that last paragraph if you want because it doesnt matter if you do or its not correct or whatever it just means that evolution becomes neutral (like a stab in the dark)

Another thing i just remembered, for everyone who remembers the ep where you see the like 30000 year old asgard in a stasis pod and how he is much taller and muscular than our good buddy thor well the same chain of thought can be applied to that in that the muscle is barely required (except for pressing some buttons on a console)

you can find these same ideas in "The Time Machine" by HG Wells (along with some interesting political/social messages)

sorry if this seems completely wacko to some people but i reread ttm about a month ago and it got me thinking.

Re: Stargate Sg 1 Season 10 (What do you think)

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:14 pm
by Thesus
Darth Optimus wrote:The problem with the Asgard was they kept cloning themselves. Why not clone the Asgard they found in status. Then use that Asgards DNA and mix it with various human DNA creating Asgard Human hybrids. Hopefully if they would of did that they could of gotten back the ability to sexual reproduce. Or if they really wanted to cheat have O'Neil to use the Ancient time machine and go back to Earths history and bring back some Ancients to help the Asgard fix their their problem.

i love this idea imagine you as a director of thi movie it would be brilliant. i will be there for the premier :) Love the hybrid idea too. i wish they would make a movie of the history of the asgards we know so little about them other than they are about the same height as me :lol: