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Re: Bans

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:30 am
by Teal'auc of the Void
lmao, giving warning for calling someone a female? Man, now I am offended by that said moderator deems it insulting to be a female! :-D :-D


Re: Bans

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:40 am
by RepliJake
So when speaking to mods, is it better to not be gender specific, by callig them "IT's" or "Things"

Re: Bans

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:42 am
by Teal'auc of the Void
RepliJake wrote:So when speaking to mods, is it better to not be gender specific, by callig them "IT's" or "Things"

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


Re: Bans

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:31 am
by RobinInDaHood
geisha wrote:So being female is such a bad thing, that it's classed an insult? Wow, sucks to be given by me then, I guess... ;)

Yes, and Yes, more please.

Re: Bans

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:23 am
by Mukasa
Mc Killa wrote:first ETL now Mystake whos next ???? why not just ban everyone that doesn't like the mods ??? which means most of the forum. i seriously believe that this group of mods let friends go but people they do not like get banned (most anyway, some of them are quite fair)

u don't wanna know how i got 2 warnings..very ironic and stupid....

1. becuase i used that factorizer...u know..and i didn't know that it got forbidden because i was enjoying REAL LIFE for weeks or so and couldn't get on..1st warning..very stupid and unfair

2. i copied song of has insults in...of course i didn't know bout it well i totally forgot to check...and i got warning 2. yeah,i mean,couldn't someone tell me that? a mod or someone,so i would change it...or remove it...i know i'll get 3rd warning soon..but i just don't care anymore,these forums are getting extremely STUPID....and i don't care if i get banned now,but mods..start being fair and punish ur alliance mates and Commanders if they break rules!!!

Etl got banned because he was right in 1 way...mystake got banned because saying female to someone multiple about ya all go to GC and start banning all that use personal insults...won't take ya more than 5 hours to bann 65% of members that post in GC. also RL threats...guys who threat someone that they will kick his a$$ or something worse should be banned for 1 week to...but you guys just don't see it..i wonder why?

Re: Bans

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:32 am
by RepliJake
lol @ that sig Mukasa

Re: Bans

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:23 am
by Mukasa
General Pain I wrote:lol @ that sig Mukasa

i know,i may be in respect group but still, mods aren't fair at all. i mean...sorry,next time i won't go on holiday and i'll stay home and refrsh forum every 5 seconds so i will be able to see that something has been forbidden etc. i'm sorry again....for not being online whole day every day and that i couldn't see the topic bout factorziers being forbidden....i guess i deserve a warning :?

i was going to GC....found 5 members who were insulting other members of the forum,why aren't they banned or why didn't they get warning,why,why,why..i could as so many questions,but i can't get any answer.interesting....

it's ironic....SGW forums were very popular in past..what about now....less and less ppl on em everyday....i wonder why :roll:

you all can say i'm horrible as i wear respect "tag" least i have the round things between my legs to express my opinion :lol:

P.S. Couldn't use the direct word as i might get 3rd warning....(like i care)

also....i don't say ALL mods are bad..i'm sad that good ones left...but there are certain mods i don't like at all.

Re: Bans

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:44 am
by Trife
I think if people stopped trying to purposefully be a twit on these forums and stopped giving the moderators a hard time at every chance they could, this place would be alot nicer.


Re: Bans

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:07 am
by RobinInDaHood
Trife wrote:I think if people stopped trying to purposefully be a twit on these forums and stopped giving the moderators a hard time at every chance they could, this place would be alot nicer.


Trife wrote:Sounds like someone needs a tissue!

After such a tactful goodbye post (masked profanity), you might wanna watch out for the door hitting you in the <modded> on the way out :)

So we should all follow your lead? Would "every chance" include times like a moderator on the way out the door?

Re: Bans

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:44 am
by Trife
RobinInDaHood wrote:
Trife wrote:I think if people stopped trying to purposefully be a twit on these forums and stopped giving the moderators a hard time at every chance they could, this place would be alot nicer.


Trife wrote:Sounds like someone needs a tissue!

After such a tactful goodbye post (masked profanity), you might wanna watch out for the door hitting you in the <modded> on the way out :)

So we should all follow your lead? Would "every chance" include times like a moderator on the way out the door?

1) The (masked profanity) in my post was what I typed in my comment, because Buck felt the need to get around the swear filter by putting spacing into a certain word. (masked profanity) was exactly what I typed in my message - I was trying to point out what made buck's post tactful.
2) I did use the 3 letter word beginning with A, and I could see how someone could take offense to that - and for that I'll apologize. I should've used 'behind' or 'heiney' instead. I think that's my first modding of a post and I'll try to make it my last.
3) You cannot tell me with a straight face that buck's goodbye post wasn't trying to incite a response to it. When a long time/respectable moderator goes out in the fashion buck did, expect someone to call him out for his post, especially since he was trying to get a response.
4) I've gotten along wonderfully with the active moderators here for as long as I can remember. Don't even try to equate me calling buck out on his childish behavior as 'giving the mods a hard time'. He ain't no mod, and again, his post was asking for responses.

I think the moderators are doing a great job here. What I can't stand are players who feel the need to try to poke holes/make loopholes around the rules laid down by the moderators and that when a mod/someone makes a small slip up, it's ZOMG THEY R A WITCH BURN HIM!!! Some of these players are long long time veterans of this game and you'd think they'd a) have something better to do or b) be more mature than to go around nipping at the heels of the moderators.

Re: Bans

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:34 pm
by Moddess Goddess
General Pain I wrote:So when speaking to mods, is it better to not be gender specific, by callig them "IT's" or "Things"

I'm an It. And a Thing.

Re: Bans

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:26 pm
by Spacey
My 2 cents:
If you work with a wo/man and know she's a wo/man, but call her/him the opposite gender is it considered an insult?

For example, if I work with a woman but when I talk about him I use the language for the opposite gender (him, his, he, etc), would that woman consider me to be insulting her?

All in all, the new rules for remaining mods are in effect and it doesn't allow for personal reactions to comments to mods (if you are one), so aside from having a warn on the account, it isn't an issue anymore, or is it?

Re: Bans

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:14 am
by Mystake
So my week is over, and I never received official notification,

that and the reason for my ban became obsolete(i think) when the new rules were put in a day after.

Re: Bans

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 12:56 pm
by Co-Administrator
[OSL]Mystake wrote:So my week is over, and I never received official notification,

that and the reason for my ban became obsolete(i think) when the new rules were put in a day after.

How exactly do you think we should notify you officially? Theres a slot where I can put the reason shown for the admins and the reason shown for the user. I filled both when banned you. If you cant see it, thats maybe phpbbs problem or yours, but not the admins's.
You dont want me to call all banned users on phone an inform them, do you?

Re: Bans

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:01 pm
by ~Massin4Christ~
Co-Administrator wrote:
[OSL]Mystake wrote:So my week is over, and I never received official notification,

that and the reason for my ban became obsolete(i think) when the new rules were put in a day after.

How exactly do you think we should notify you officially? Theres a slot where I can put the reason shown for the admins and the reason shown for the user. I filled both when banned you. If you cant see it, thats maybe phpbbs problem or yours, but not the admins's.
You dont want me to call all banned users on phone an inform them, do you?

Yes please notify me when I get a violation my number is...


Thank you Co-Admin! :-D