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Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:10 am
by J.S.
Here is a proposal to save the forums.

Shorten everything down. And I mean EVERYTHING..

Cut all the forums down to the basics. More activity then.

Create new forums for Quantum, Chaos and Ascended, and when you click on the forum link in the top right it will bring you to those forums not to this one.

Create a helliopilious (sp) of information that can be accessed by everyone, basically the collective knowledge of the forum here.. Like useful posts. Or just have "the great libary" more visable

Drop the following secions

Forum & Mod Feedback want to publicly say something about the current Forum Mods? The Mod setup? The Rules of the Forum? here you go...

Talk to the Mods Direct Want to address a Forum Mod directly? Here you go...
If you want a SPECIFIC mod, use PM, but for any mod, this is the quickest place...

StarGateWars IRC Chatroom Discussion Offical Chat Forum - if you have question about the chat or anything related to it ask here

Forum Specific Issues/Requests/Bugs (NOT GAME ISSUES) for FORUM issues, complaints, requests, bugs, etc - - not game related...

Other everything else

Main Race Forums

Quantum Wars


This, That, Those... some of this, a little of that.

Quitting.... for all the 'I quit' threads....
worry not - if you come back, you are not punished :)

None of those are needed for main, and i don't need to know what is going on in ascended all the time.

Make it so that if you are creating new usernames in another SGW game, that you can't take on one thats already taken. Example you can't have EnterTheLion in chaos and quantom, that way when EnterTheLion in Main masses Rek in Main, Rek's alter ego in Chaos can't just type in EnterTheLion and mass him there. (using them as examples cos they are the most famous) What this will accomplish is hopefully less hate and anger towards players all being vented out here.

I doubt that last part will happen but hey..

Finally scrap all current mods. AKA have it so that none of the existing mods with the exception of 2 or 3 (you know who you are :) ) stay as mods, becuase they are NOT corrupted with the "power"

And as a final note to the existing mods.

The reason the forum went so downhill is becuase of all the crap that you allowed to be posted here for "friends". I admin forums, I mod forums, and I don't bend the rules for anyone. I will come down on my best mate if he breaks a rule and I have. Ask Tok'ra himself he is a 2ic in one of the games I admin and he posted out of bounds, I corrected him as soon as I saw it and guess what HE'S A MODEL POSTER!!!! If you lot didn't hold grudges and stop with the crap that you lot all bring to the forums as moderators then we wouldn't be having all the current problems.

I hope the next round of mods aren't as thick as some of you are!! I don't care if I insult you right now becuase you lot are a disgrace. Even when ETL was running the forums and it was "an omega" forum it was still a good place to come to and laugh.. Even for the ones who hated omega.

So mods SHUT THE HELL UP!! Just do your bloody jobs and don't complain... If you can't handle being a mod on these forums don't do the job. There are hundreds of people who can and will do the job 10 times better then you.

Now i'm off to buy some popcorn for the new series of Heroes tonight.. :-D So mods go away from the computer, players you too and look into the mirror and ask yourself. Who I am on the forums does it really matter in real life?? Then come back here and say sorry to everyone for being an ass.

Good luck


EDIT: This does not include any female mods, they are cool :)

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:52 am
by Tivadar

very good JS

btw: new heroes series??? gotta watch ...

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:05 am
by Amon
I say let it die it's all crud anyway

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:09 am
by [KMA]Avenger
J.S. wrote: Even when ETL was running the forums and it was "an omega" forum it was still a good place to come to and laugh.. Even for the ones who hated omega.

1st off, love the post J.S.

as for the above...theres only so much scorn you can take before you finally ask yourself "why the hell do i bother???"

bring back ETL!

Amon wrote:I say let it die it's all crud anyway

if thats what you think then you know where the door is, and dont let it hit you in the backside...

i remember when these forums were fun to read, the clash of ego's was fantastic!

i happen to think these forums are worth saving so some of the players of old will come back, even if they choose not to start playing again...

call me a sentimentalist :wink:

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:22 am
by Amon
[AK]Avenger wrote:
J.S. wrote: Even when ETL was running the forums and it was "an omega" forum it was still a good place to come to and laugh.. Even for the ones who hated omega.

1st off, love the post J.S.

as for the above...theres only so much scorn you can take before you finally ask yourself "why the hell do i bother???"

bring back ETL!

Amon wrote:I say let it die it's all crud anyway

if thats what you think then you know where the door is, and dont let it hit you in the backside...

i remember when these forums were fun to read, the clash of ego's was fantastic!

i happen to think these forums are worth saving so some of the players of old will come back, even if they choose not to start playing again...

call me a sentimentalist :wink:

I would but someone locked that door, there is a reason alot of people have stopped playing and even more are leaving sad really

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:39 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Amon wrote:
[AK]Avenger wrote:
J.S. wrote: Even when ETL was running the forums and it was "an omega" forum it was still a good place to come to and laugh.. Even for the ones who hated omega.

1st off, love the post J.S.

as for the above...theres only so much scorn you can take before you finally ask yourself "why the hell do i bother???"

bring back ETL!

Amon wrote:I say let it die it's all crud anyway

if thats what you think then you know where the door is, and dont let it hit you in the backside...

i remember when these forums were fun to read, the clash of ego's was fantastic!

i happen to think these forums are worth saving so some of the players of old will come back, even if they choose not to start playing again...

call me a sentimentalist :wink:

I would but someone locked that door, there is a reason alot of people have stopped playing and even more are leaving sad really

Amon wrote:I say let it die it's all crud anyway

if you think its sad then help to make a change for the better. statements like the above don't help anyone :wink:

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:43 am
by Ergon
Tok`ra wrote:Lets hope some of the few remaining good mods( Jenny and rienna for example) and new ones like nox can learn from posts like this.

honestly why the hell does tokra care so much about the fourums. Does he have no life? There is such a thing as RL!!

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:00 am
by Mukasa
[AK]Avenger wrote:i say bring back ETL and put him incharge of the forum!

now i agree about that...personally...i think forums were much much better when he was in charge..but then again....i already here some ppl whining about Etl being in charge..... :?

why the hell can't we pick our mods? why the hell do other pick em? i don't like 70% of the mods...let forums members decide!

i miss those days when it was really cool and fun reading and writting here on forum...but now...describing the current situation of forums...not worth of my time...

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:07 am
by Mukasa
Tok`ra wrote:
Mukasa wrote:
[AK]Avenger wrote:i say bring back ETL and put him incharge of the forum!

now i agree about that...personally...i think forums were much much better when he was in charge..but then again....i already here some ppl whining about Etl being in charge..... :?

why the hell can't we pick our mods? why the hell do other pick em? i don't like 70% of the mods...let forums members decide!

i miss those days when it was really cool and fun reading and writting here on forum...but now...describing the current situation of forums...not worth of my time...

Hell ANYONE is better than pookie.

dunno pookie that much so i won't say anything...but to those mods that gave me the 2 warnings: frig off!!!!!

now ban be because of that!

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:18 am
by Mukasa
Tok`ra wrote:I once tried to talk with pookie about ways to fix the fourm.

But I wouldnt agree to not publicly disagree with a mod.

A within two weeks I was permabanned

how come u talk as u are tok'ra? and yet u said before..ur not him? i think ur lying....ur tok'ra.....the original one..if not..prove it....

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:25 am
by Mukasa
:lol: :lol:

u know...i'll get banned because of ya...i bet i will get another warning anytime soon....lmao

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 2:26 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
Mukasa wrote:
[AK]Avenger wrote:i say bring back ETL and put him incharge of the forum!

now i agree about that

the problem with the above solution is the fact that ETL (and omega in general) got sick of having people sling mud in they're face for every little thing.
lets blame omega was easier to do than to admit when someone is wrong...

my dog just crapped on the carpet...i bet replijake had something to do with it!

hey i just cut sure you wasn't tied down and cut by corkscrew?

hey my house just 100% sure ETL didnt nuke it???

i just got sabbd and all i can see is this>>>>?????????????????? omega must have done it coz they are a bunch of meany's and bullys!

i mean come on, how much crap can 1 alliance take?

i still say bring back ETL but maybe we should ask him if he's willing to go thru all that mud slinging again!

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 2:38 pm
by Teal'auc of the Void
No, thanks...


Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:21 pm
by Mukasa
i'm for it...forums were better when ETL was in charge.....might piss off some people..but i don't care....i want that forums would be normal ppl can talk normal....without BS and insults in every thread...yeh..i might of used insult too..but only after someone insulted me one way or another

Re: forum in decline?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:42 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
Mukasa wrote:i might of used insult too..but only after someone insulted me one way or another

and thats the problem with general section and gal com right there in those words.

so insulting someone is not are insulted 1st in which case you are justified in your actions and have every right to insult back?