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Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:09 pm
by Tanith
Jack wrote:
killtacular wrote:could you please change the combination leter and use the letters that are supposed to used. Your a mod if you want me to listen or even try to comprehend any word you type I would hope your smart enough to make the change.

Can't you read it? I can. quite easily might I add, and I've never even seen the character used in such a way before, that's if I even seen the character as I don't think I have

I'm with Jackl, although I haven't seen it before, I can easily interpret the character into the proper letters already, it's not that hard :P

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:18 am
by General Mod 2
please keep on topic, thank you 8)

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:31 am
by Wolf359
Tanith wrote:
Jack wrote:
killtacular wrote:could you please change the combination leter and use the letters that are supposed to used. Your a mod if you want me to listen or even try to comprehend any word you type I would hope your smart enough to make the change.

Can't you read it? I can. quite easily might I add, and I've never even seen the character used in such a way before, that's if I even seen the character as I don't think I have

I'm with Jackl, although I haven't seen it before, I can easily interpret the character into the proper letters already, it's not that hard :P

It might not be hard - but that isn't the point - the whole point of being a forum mod/admin is to make the forums an easy/safe/better environment - not to potentially confuse people by using daft 'letters'! Where does it stop, you could create whole new 'letters' for groups of letters or even replace whole words - so lets have some common sense eh?

Mods and Admins should lead by example - doing pointless things only encourages others - until we get to the point where someone really gets upset over something and everyone falls out.

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:43 am
by RobinInDaHood
I suggest that from this day forward, all the mods posts are in Latin. Or Egyptian Coptic. You choose.

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:39 am
by buck
And this will be my final post...

forum wrote:1) mod names will reflect their mod role. ie - Mod Of Catagory XYZ will be the name of the mod, and the role of the mod. No 'player names' will be used in modding. this fits with the role change below.
2) mod term will be fixed. after a specific amount of time, they are rotated out of the mod role they previously held, given a break, or otherwise given a change... hopefully nothing will get 'stale' with this ongoing changeup.
3) mods will mod the forum. they will NOT comment on the right/wrong of specific views, ingame actions, inforum comments directed at others, inforum comments directed at themselves, or any other specifics. In short, it is not to be their job to pass opinion.
4) mods WILL mod the forum. they can edit/delete/ban/move topics, users and posts.
5) mods will NOT need to specify reasoning behind what they do.
6) mods CAN be reported as abusing powers. This will be done to a specific 'complaint' thread, the mod in question reviewed IN ENTIRETY (ie not for a specific single action) and a decision on whether the mod stays or not, is warned, etc made. (all mod actions, including delete/edit threads, are logged and recorded...).
Again - you can request a review of THE MOD, but not a single action/decision. Abuse of this system will remove your ability to report a mod and have it reviewed.
7) at the same time as this change, mod applications are being reviewed. The 'new' roles will be filled with both existing and new mods.
mods are under no obligation to reveal their ingame identities. change of mods will not be announced. you are in effect dealing with the 'role' or 'position' when dealing with the moderation, and not any given specific individual (well, you are, but the individuals may change, just as roles in companies are changed...).
9) mods MAY PM what they did, or why, or post it. it is NOT a requirement, but may be done. Bear in mind that point #3 will apply, in that they are not criticising, passing judgement or personal viewpoints. they will simply state why they did what they did, IF they choose to...

I believe these changes will help to remove the 'personal conflict' at the same time removing the political 'tie' between ingame personality and forum role...
The forums are game forums, meant to help the game community. The roles of the forums were not meant to be a 'game extention' but just a way to keep the forums usable, clear and clean for the community. I hope this update helps move the role of moderator back to that goal....

admin jason.

Pretty much what your doing there is specifically not what it says you should be doing there...Your giveing your moderator accounts personalities. Ive had quite enough of things being fixed that dont need fixing, and words not being kept so that ladies and gentlemen, is goodbye from me.

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:44 am
by Tanith
Jack wrote:Taking bets on a third "goodbye" from Buck :P


I know he's actually leaving as we discussed it on MSN for a while.

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:01 am
by Suggestive Disorder
buck wrote:And this will be my final post...

forum wrote:1) mod names will reflect their mod role. ie - Mod Of Catagory XYZ will be the name of the mod, and the role of the mod. No 'player names' will be used in modding. this fits with the role change below.
2) mod term will be fixed. after a specific amount of time, they are rotated out of the mod role they previously held, given a break, or otherwise given a change... hopefully nothing will get 'stale' with this ongoing changeup.
3) mods will mod the forum. they will NOT comment on the right/wrong of specific views, ingame actions, inforum comments directed at others, inforum comments directed at themselves, or any other specifics. In short, it is not to be their job to pass opinion.
4) mods WILL mod the forum. they can edit/delete/ban/move topics, users and posts.
5) mods will NOT need to specify reasoning behind what they do.
6) mods CAN be reported as abusing powers. This will be done to a specific 'complaint' thread, the mod in question reviewed IN ENTIRETY (ie not for a specific single action) and a decision on whether the mod stays or not, is warned, etc made. (all mod actions, including delete/edit threads, are logged and recorded...).
Again - you can request a review of THE MOD, but not a single action/decision. Abuse of this system will remove your ability to report a mod and have it reviewed.
7) at the same time as this change, mod applications are being reviewed. The 'new' roles will be filled with both existing and new mods.
mods are under no obligation to reveal their ingame identities. change of mods will not be announced. you are in effect dealing with the 'role' or 'position' when dealing with the moderation, and not any given specific individual (well, you are, but the individuals may change, just as roles in companies are changed...).
9) mods MAY PM what they did, or why, or post it. it is NOT a requirement, but may be done. Bear in mind that point #3 will apply, in that they are not criticising, passing judgement or personal viewpoints. they will simply state why they did what they did, IF they choose to...

I believe these changes will help to remove the 'personal conflict' at the same time removing the political 'tie' between ingame personality and forum role...
The forums are game forums, meant to help the game community. The roles of the forums were not meant to be a 'game extention' but just a way to keep the forums usable, clear and clean for the community. I hope this update helps move the role of moderator back to that goal....

admin jason.

Pretty much what your doing there is specifically not what it says you should be doing there...Your giveing your moderator accounts personalities. Ive had quite enough of things being fixed that dont need fixing, and words not being kept so that ladies and gentlemen, is goodbye from me.

actually, it was Forum that allowed names for these accounts... and thus personalities... but no need to worry, names wont change all the time, since regular mod accounts simply dont have the power to change name... a forum admin has to do it...

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:43 am
by raistlin majere
Suggestive Disorder wrote:the way these new mod accounts is, is simply a new character, fully independent of the other account a mod has...

With that there you show you can type normally, quit trying to show off with archaic letterings.

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:58 am
by Suggestive Disorder
no need to always use thorn...

Þou needent worry, Þorn wont go into disuse...

also, admin has said, personality on mod account is allowed... so no complaining about that...

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:00 pm
by killtacular
If your to lazy to type TH I will be to lazy to respond to anything you have to say. I could care less if you look pretty in pink or your back in black. If your going to mod then mod. If your going to use thorn then there is a spammer section go do it there.

All I want is a mod to have a name I can identify you with. Numbers , colors it doesn't matter to me. Just mod be done with it then go back to your persona when your not moding. IS IT REALLY THAT HARD?

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:20 pm
by killtacular
LOL, I have something to say to you but I think I would probably get banned for saying it. So to be nice go fly a kite.

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:06 pm
by RobinInDaHood
Jack wrote:There's always PM's, and as for you, you can go cry in the corner emo boy

Okay, third time I've seen that reference. WTH is an "emo boy"?

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:25 pm
by killtacular
I guess Im an emo adult Im 32 LOL. Like I said I didn't have anything nice to say so I didn't say it. My momma taught me well. As for you well I have to say sticks and stones buddy.

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:07 pm
by Mystake
killtacular wrote:Im 32

And we thought Robe was old...





Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:53 pm
by Wolf359
Jack wrote:Srory, but I don’t dman if smooene gtes teihr fleeers hrut cusae I pestod lkie tihs rehtar tehn how tehy tnihk I suolhd psot, and no one esle solhud ehtier…

Aslo, fsirt you say “It mhgit not be hrad – but taht isn’t the pinot” tehn you go on to say “the wohle piont of bnieg a furom mod/amidn is to mkae the frmuos an esay/sfae/betetr evneirnmont” but if it’s not hrad, tehn it msut be esay no? So, if it’s not hrad tehn how is it piolanltety cfsuionng?

“Wrhee deos it sotp, you cloud ctaree wolhe new ‘leettrs’ for gopurs of lertets or eevn rplcaee wohle wodrs – so ltes hvae smoe cmomon sesne eh?”

And yet no one is alucatly donig taht, if we wree gonig to bsae all our rlues off of waht ppolee mhgit do tehn we mihgt as wlel prvenet poplee form pitsong, or at the vrey lseat mkae psntoig bmeoce mod arevoppd berfoe the psot is alcutaly aplepid to the trhead baescue soeomne culod psot sietnmhog taht mihgt hurt senmooe’s fengiles or barek the ruels

Aslo, if we are gonig to tlel ploepe tehy can’t psot lkie tihs, or use a sglnie spimle carachter, tehn wrehe wlil it sotp? Are we tehn gniog to csitshae polepe mdos and admnis for not usnig perecft gammrar? If one deos not use pcefret gmraamr tehn the raeedr can beomce cnfeousd….

Oh…. wiat…. we’re hnaums not curmeopts, we can A-D-A-P-T

If you coduln’t aapdt tehn you wduoln’t be albe to sepak two legaaungs, mcuh lses the ttrhiy smoe ploepe can saepk, we wuoldn’t be albe to leran cruvise hdnrwianitg etc etc

That's just a poor argument.

Some people are naturally not good with English, whether it is their first language or not and whether they have a specific learning difficulty or not - therefore introducing these stupid characters in a pitiful attempt to look clever (I can't think of any other reason - other than, possibly, sheer laziness), not only fails (on the looking clever part) but also potentially confuses those people who may have reading difficulties, or do not have English as their first language.

Therefore, I would put it to you, and everyone else, that a Mod or Admin using them is very poor practice (especially when they have to subsequently explain themselves and tell people to go elsewhere for guidance).