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Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:53 pm
by SGC_Replicators
it doesnt matter to me eaither way is good

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 9:01 pm
by Guest
What if we said that commanders and officers did not have to be of the same race, however if they are of the same race give them a small bonus or incentive for doing so. This way you could join with others outside your race if you so desired, but if you chose to stay within your own race, you would reap certain benefits from it.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:23 pm
by Raconar

Would that allow a Tauri Commander who has a Tauri Officer and an Asgard officer get the bonus? Also if the Commander gets it would the Tauri officer get it and not the Asgard one...

Just some questions...

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 12:46 am
by Guest

My last post was really broad, so allow me to clarify. Dealing completely in what-ifs here:
If an officer is of the same race as his commander he receives a bonus.

If an officer is not of the same race as his commander he gets no bonus.

If a commander’s officers are all the same race as him (and there are at least 5 of them), the commander would get a bonus times 2.

If some of and not all a commander’s officers are of the same race, then he should get the bonus times 1/2.

To borrow from Psi Kiya Trist, ‘does that make any sense at all?’

The bonus could be whatever. I was thinking perhaps a percentage of income…

Does that answer your question?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 5:24 pm
by forgive_me
well the weack is gone and the votes won :roll:

Allow officer/commander of different races?
Yes 61% [ 26 ]
No 28% [ 12 ]

so Forum wen dose the mix oficers upgread change?..:)...i luck fowerd to this.... 8)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:12 am
by andyconda
I think no. I don't like mixing races. 8==D

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:08 am
by forgive_me
Allow officer/commander of different races?
Yes 60% [ 27 ]
No 28% [ 13 ]
only on Tuesday... but not the 3rd Tuesday, or if it is raining. 11% [ 5 ]
Total Votes : 45

its very clear wath the majority wants.....its over half even....mixed oficers - commanders shoud be it wass before the upgread

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:37 am
by Forum
and so it shall be....

60% [ 27 ]
28% [ 13 ]
only on Tuesday... but not the 3rd Tuesday, or if it is raining.
11% [ 5 ]

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:39 am
by Fox
Just goes to show ya that democracy doesnt work...hehe How can 45 votes represent the majorty...thats just sad...

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:53 am
by Apocalypse.
the3rdlibra wrote:i vote "no" and i am losing, by a long shot.. i shall give you my reasons for saying no

i like that the game is a race battle, what do you get on the "Gate Page"? Yes... you see my point? Also i am getting a bit sick of all these petty squabbles between alliances. Most of my army is Goa'uld, most.

Well Said .