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Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:53 pm
by Mystake
Oh, yes

more power because OSL told you to pee off right?
Maybe you should consider instead of calling me out for leaving my own, that you left your own too. You had your reasons, and I had mine. I was unsure about AK at the time.

That you admitted you were wrong, is like punching a kid in the face then saying sorry. Doesn't take away the pain does it?

To everyone else, please post your interpretations of what I said.
I should've been accused of knowing forum software, not of being an admin.

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:58 pm
by Mystake
Sorry Judo, its just that Taxo has twice attacked my character.

I don't feel he is in a position to talk to me about my INGAME decision to leave AK over on the forums.

Taxo and I don't get along very well, insults have been thrown and this is another attempt at ruining my reputation.

Doesn't mean I won't hold onto my role either, but then would you tell the mods that they shouldn't be mods either because in one post they mod someone but in the other they defend themselves from someone attacking their character?

chris, anyone can read what I said an interpretate it, regardless I'm not an admin and fact is your IP shows up with every post of yours. Where's the threat? Where's that I claim to be an admin?

This is a pointless argument, and you would do us and the community very well to take your negative feelings elsewhere, bring us some positive :)

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:11 pm
by Borek
Point your missing is that you will get many more antagonistic posters in your position of community liason and you obviously can't handle it. You cannot go around making percieved threats, people's IP address' are NOT public on this forum and never will be, Mods and Admins can see them and are trusted not to abuse that extra level of insight, not to threaten people with revealing it when they get p'd off.

I would ask for any Admin or mod to step down if they threatened to disclose private information about a poster who p'd them off, just like i am saying you are obviously not fit for the role.

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:00 am
by Mystake
Borek I'm going to ask you to point out where I threaten to reveal his IP.

Other then that, yeah people are going to try to make me look bad, but this is a stab by taxo that has more to it then to "reveal" what I have done... when in this case I know it is purely out of spite.

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:32 am
by Suggestive Disorder
þe power to see IP isnt one þat all mods have... all mods/admins shan't gain it eiþer... only þose þat can ban shalt gain þat power...

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:34 am
by Borek
stop using special characters.

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:41 am
by Mystake

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:04 am
by RepliJake
Suggestive Disorder wrote:þe power to see IP isnt one þat all mods have... all mods/admins shan't gain it eiþer... only þose þat can ban shalt gain þat power...

Act like a mod, not some kid who just found a new word.

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:06 am
by REK

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:51 am
by Hansbrough
Mr Mystake wrote:Oh, yes

more power because OSL told you to pee off right?

so says the guy who ran to mommy and daddy because he got called a name.

While i wanted to smash you into the ground ingame, I realized my problem with you, after our conversation, would be here on the forums given the new responsibilities you were bragging about.

However, if you want to keep up, I will continue my assaults ingame regardless of vegito telling me to lay off.

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:51 am
by RepliJake
REK wrote:maybe

he has you blocked

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:58 am
by Wolf359
Borek wrote:stop using special characters.

I second that - and it seems that my personal and public reasoning of why it shouldn't be used seems to have gone in one ear and out of the other!

@ Suggestive Disorder - Some people do not have English as their first language and already have some difficulty in understanding what is said - therefore for a member of the Mod Team to introduce a stupid (ridiculous) (pathetic) (trying to look clever) character is not only likely to make it more difficult for some of those people, but also makes a mockery of the Mod team.

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:25 am
by goodie
Taxonomist3 wrote:Luc - TKE says (11:07 PM): if u wanna sue the forums, u can use the address of
Luc - TKE says (11:08 PM): and Teh Internets vs. Chris
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:08 PM): I'm going to talk to jason
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:08 PM): first
Luc - TKE says (11:08 PM): i mean seriously chris
Luc - TKE says (11:08 PM): does it REALLY mean that much to u?
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:08 PM): like I said I'll be talking to jason
Luc - TKE says (11:08 PM): alright
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): and i know u know very well that ur ip adress is nothing short of public
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:09 PM): prove it
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): well go post on the forums
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): it shows up in the bottom right corner
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): for supermods and admins

Not the last time i checked, and ive messed around with PHPbb3 a lot, of course im sure it could be changed with the skin, but its not on the default one. GB2 PHPbb3 school.

Taxonomist3 wrote:[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:09 PM): well as a forum admin you see it
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:09 PM): if you make it public
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): atm I don't

Your wording here "atm i dont" makes it seem like you will have the power

Taxonomist3 wrote:[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:09 PM): then I've got a problem
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): whats ur problem?
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): omg ppl can trace an IP?

Whats the problem?

Things your agree to when you sign up wrote:The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that “StarGateWars Forums” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent

It will not be disclosed to a third party (users) without your (our) consent.

THATS his problem.

He doesnt want it disclosed, you cant tell anyone bar forum staff.

You basicly said, because its already public, it doesnt matter if you tell people, or post it. Guess what? Your wrong. KThxBai.


Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:15 am
by Suggestive Disorder
actually, unless it is aquired somehow else, then it wont be revealed... after all, as this one said above, only a select few will gain the power of IP check... (and those few are the ones given the power of banning/suspending)

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:22 am
by [GM]FreeSpirit
Sorry Mystake but i am going to back Taxo up in tyhis case. If he asked you to not share his IP adres around then don't. It has nothing to do with rules but with respect and honor for eachothers wills. Goodie said it perfectly clear in his post so i have no need to add anything to that. I am one of the admins of Taxo's teamspeak server and we dealt with enough fools to often giving out the adress while he doesnt want it opens the gate for more fools to come and ruins the sphere there. It is a friendly server, we all have fun and we do not want anyone who isnt welcome (if one member doesnt want him in the person will not be let in) to be there.