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Re: questions and help to build up a badass account

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 7:33 am
by *~Starry~*
:? you can get offtopic as you'd like...

<< doesn't see a lot of people minding...

Re: questions and help to build up a badass account

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 7:36 am
by _bileric_
lol this has gone abit off topic *sniff :D * reminds me of the DT forum!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: questions and help to build up a badass account

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:21 am
by R1cardo
:D I don't worry about the veteran players, it are the newbie's.

afther reading this post they might all discide to get themselfs a rock, and place it in front off them while playing the game :D

Re: questions and help to build up a badass account

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:07 pm
by novaness
so what kind of help is this section for because i know the rock thing didnt work for me lol. (j/k) :D whats the best way to build up to G&R.
How many miners should i have b/f i attempt to go for G&R.
Whats a good defence to have to protect my 865 million a turn?
and should that defence be in normal soliders and mercs? so i can sell when i ascend? curently i have 1 mill 50K normal def 1 mill supers and mercs all highest weps.
i curently have 1300000 miners is that enough?

Re: questions and help to build up a badass account

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:40 pm
by OvR
For the income and defence question, I guess that would mostly depend on how long you're away from sgw/day.

*doesn't know much*
*trying to help*
*doesn't want to say anything stupid...*

Re: questions and help to build up a badass account

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:32 pm
by R1cardo
yep, and you have to keap in mind that you'll loose all your human forms when you ascend.

getting a high covert ranking is also a good idea.
the statistics on you MS you keap when you ascend.

if you havn't ascended for a fist time yet then it might be better to just keap off the regular farmers. but i wouldn't build up your def to high.
following whit the experienced players isn't possible at this point.

getting a high UP is important, maybe getting some UP planets and some income planets.

try to build up your army size the faster that grows the faster your stat's will rise.

try to use your market turns every week. ( all 3 off them) and when you attack, go farm or raid.AT's are crusial.
but make sure they have low defences. especially when you are starting out.

Re: questions and help to build up a badass account

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:06 pm
by _Hades_
best way to defend your naq is to hide it with a nice covert... if they cant see it they cant take it

Re: questions and help to build up a badass account

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:46 am
by Lister
Craig86 wrote:best way to defend your naq is to hide it with a nice covert... if they cant see it they cant take it

No they can still take it, they just probably will go for a target they can see. No one wants to waste turns. :lol:

Re: questions and help to build up a badass account

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:53 pm
by HairyMehoff
if u havent ascended at all, keep ur Unit Production as low as possible. You will profit far more by just raiding people with turns and using their UU to build ur armies. u will grow faster and spend less naq on UP.

a low UP also decreases the cost of ascension.

Re: questions and help to build up a badass account

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:28 am
by Lister
Get a UP (Unit production) of no more than 20 000 base. Build up to at least 50 000 / turn with planets. Find a good CO and build your covert and defense. Once you get those ranked about 2.5 K you can start to raise your other stats attack and mothership till glory and reputation range.

Thats what I did anyway :P