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Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:14 am
by Nigatsu_Aka
Leg Apophis wrote:
Nigatsu_Aka wrote:Anyway, i've seen people in this thread and comments on media about what should do or what should not do to that octopus... IMO that animal behaviour should be investigated, because it's uncommon... and if i'd have an animal who guesses scores with such high rate of correct guesses for football matches i'd definately not make sushi from it. ;)

I am on the side of those who think he deserves a medal or something.
Even read somewhere on the internet someone said he deserves nobel prize. Why not! :-D
What he does is indeed uncommon, and I don't see why his uniqueness shouldn't be awarded...who knows...a nobel prize for animals? :razz:

how cute :)

I'd not go for nobel prize for animals, i'd investigate if that behaviour is "rational" or if he was trained to choose a certain team.

If the first, then i'd investigate further... it is said/presumed that squids could be very intelligent and they might have other senses than those we know... who knows...

If the 2nd, then i'd sue the owner for manipulating the public opinion... the owner caused a lot of damage to the animal (and perhaps to the specie - ordinary humans are not that bright, they harm the nature and the animals for silly reasons) and to the german nation (sentimental or worse) ...

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:18 am
by LegendaryA
Anyway, I don't understand why they want to cook him and kill him.
Seriously, an Oracle is an oracle, it is meant to say what will happen...and considering no team is invincible anymore, then it will say what will happen, whether they win, or lose. Those people induce they prefer an oracle that lies and tells what one wants to hear (victory victory victory) other words just like 99% of people who "foresee" the future which would make this octopus' predictions totally useless then lol.
If they cannot afford the truth they shouldn't have used this animal, because telling future is a double edged sword, it doesn't always go the way you wished it would.

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:33 am
by Nigatsu_Aka
I agree... :)

Speaking of fortune guessing... i still can't believe that modern humans still believe that shamans, witches, astrologists, etc. can guess the future of someone or of an event... those are frauds and scams. The fortune tellers only tell what the "believers" want to hear... which is going to happen anyway if the "believer" is a hard worker and actually works to achieve that certain goal and thus he didn't needed a fortune teller, or it's not going to happen if the "believer" is a sitting lazy ass waiting for plums to fall into his mouth. Which brings this question, or rather retorical question, why did the germans who are known to be rational and practical people choosed to "believe" in a prediction made by an animal?

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:39 am
by LegendaryA
Like I said 99% are telling what one wants to hear, because there's still this 1% of foreseer who can really see the future. But the rest doesn't..
Paul, football wise, is part of the 1%!

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:33 am
by LegendaryA
I sense a 3-1 victory for Germany in the coming match.




Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:36 am
by Juliette
Leg Apophis wrote:I sense a 3-1 victory for Germany in the coming match.



Klose won't play. He's injured. If they're smart, they keep him benched. Bring him in when there's a penalty or something to take, he can get his goal and go back to the bench. :)

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:40 am
by LegendaryA
It seems so; one goal away from Ronaldo record, he shouldn't miss that one.

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:58 am
by KnowLedge
here is what i did. After that match, I went on internet to figure out what type of octopus he was and tried to see if there was any record of intelligence from these guys in the past. IF he can see into the future, then we may very well have solved most of our problems. This proves a Higher power exists..!!
but killing nad eating him (ofcourse not by me) was the first bit of anger that came out of me after that game..

Indeed Germany shell own Uruguay, BUT isnt Sourez back? that can pose a threat to goals. Also Klose needs to get 2 goals to get passed Ronaldo, one would still put him in second place cause he was after Rolando. Meular needs 2 goals too. and screw podalski (douchebag who was day dreaming while hanging out at the pole) + he is polish, not even true german.

also, for the final. I think Spain deserves this victory. Even though David villa looks like a fag at times with his haircut.. (that was part of the anger, dont take it seriously lol)
like people have been saying, "spain consits of 1/3d of the worlds best of the bests", so therefore i think they deserve. Fernando Torres in 2008 did not score a single goal during the euro cup, and then in the final won it for spain by scoring 1.. (final 1:0) so if gets it going on, i think spain might win.

On the other hand, I love the holland player's names. I just love saying VON. lol reminds me of frankenstein for some reason. Having VON in front of your name makes you sound so much cooler.. Having Diago in your name sounds cool too (not as much as VON). ANYWAYS. Robben can do something here for netherlands maybe..

I Guarantee you this german team will win euro cup 2010 and 2014(if world hasnt ended by then). The team is practically staying the same. No changes will be made except maybe take Lahm out..
u know what, this german team is so sexy. Im gonna go ahead and predict 6:1. and this is gonna definitely be more fun then the final to watch.

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:11 am
by LegendaryA
Spain's weakness disappeared on last match, weakness being Casillas not being at his top level, he displayed quality by stopping two very likely to enter attempts from Germany, one by Kroos and don't remember who else almost got it inside.
If Casillas isn't at best level, Netherlands will definitely score several, no matter what quality in defense Spain has.
On the other hand, Stekelenburg needs to avoid doing mistakes like during match against Brazil.
Netherlands defense is also a problem. If Del Bosque does it again by bringing Pedro for an hour or so before bringing Torres, and if he decides to select Fabregas early, that might hurt the dutch, like it did for first half against Brazil's team in quarters. Van Bronckhorst will definitely have work to organise the defense infront of those dribbles madness spanish players: Pedro, Villa, Sergio Ramos, Iniesta to name a few (and probably Fabregas and Torres, both having still to prove their talent to the world in this world cup).

As much as Sneijder, Robben, Van Persie and Van der Vaart will be dangerous for Spain.

Now, it's obvious Puyol, Piqué and Sergio Ramos are top level defense, but even best defenses can fall, especially infront of an offensive team, even more if goalkeeper isn't at top level behind.

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:00 am
by Tek
GrizzZzzly wrote:Argentina have a crap coach. How can you be the coach of Argentina and leave Riquelme out of the squad. He was always the key player in the past. He has a keen eye and can break defences from the middle. He's always been the centre of the Argentine team. Maradonna replaced him with Veron who is like 80.....

Breaking down defences wasnt argentinas problem though, they lacked full backs (why leave zanetti & Zabaleta at home?) and any grit in midfield. Veron was in the side to fufill riquelmes role & went to SA on merit (he was voted Argentine player of the year) and is only a year younger then Seba. But saying that, even if roman went in the squad di maria would have replaced him to little effect, same as he replaced veron.

The biggest gaffe marradona made was leaving cambiasso at home, that side had all the creativity in the world but very little grit & bite in midfield.

Germany has Schweini, Holland have Van Bommel, Spain Have Busquets. Argentina needed cambiasso.

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:02 am
by Clarkey
Paul the octopus has predicted Germany and Spain to win.

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:17 am
by LegendaryA
Yahoo article contains funny part:

As the international tug-of-war between Germans wanting to eat him and Spaniards wanting to protect him to the death does something less than rage on, Paul the Oracle Octopus has continued with his charlatan ways and picked winners of both the third place match and the World Cup final. Given Paul's perfect record in picking his food out of the box covered with the flag of the team that goes on to win the World Cup match, these choices have now reached gospel status. Television networks in Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands interrupted their programming to broadcast their octopus overlord's decisions live on Friday. And then they waited, eager and nervous. For an octopus to eat a piece of food. ... sow,254898

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:13 am
by Nigatsu_Aka
Leg Apophis wrote:Yahoo article contains funny part:

As the international tug-of-war between Germans wanting to eat him and Spaniards wanting to protect him to the death does something less than rage on, Paul the Oracle Octopus has continued with his charlatan ways and picked winners of both the third place match and the World Cup final. Given Paul's perfect record in picking his food out of the box covered with the flag of the team that goes on to win the World Cup match, these choices have now reached gospel status. Television networks in Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands interrupted their programming to broadcast their octopus overlord's decisions live on Friday. And then they waited, eager and nervous. For an octopus to eat a piece of food. ... sow,254898

They provided what humans want to see. #-o

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:08 pm
by nightlight
Thats class....I have put money on Spain because of Paul the's a dead cert :-D

Re: 2010 World Cup

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:15 am
by LegendaryA
Paul gav predictions on two matches, now if he's right for both, well I guess we can say he outclasses all people who pretend to be experts about football and what they predict!