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Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:43 pm
by chrbo
Tekki wrote:The people talk about catching up - as in -properly- catching up, is because to do significant damage to someone with the top levels, you have to be at those levels yourself. If you aren't then you can't damage. Even now, while it's -theoretically- possible to descend some people, in practice it's a goal that's years and years away for most of the server.

Why on earth are you comparing players who barely plays acended to the "top players" of ascended? Of course they shouldn't be able to compete, but as people have been telling you: everything becomes expontentially more expensive. That enables people to "catch up", of course a person who is farming the same amounts as the top players will never be on par with them, but eventually there won't be a big difference.

Tekki wrote:In main for example to do damage to the 5t MS that exists, I DO NOT need a 5t MS... a 1t one will suffice, or even a 500b strike would do it in a pinch. Sure another 5t MS would make it easier but it's not necessary. The same as with covert levels, I may not have a lv 38/39 but if I have a lv 35, I can pump a lot more spies into it and get the same results - though the losses I will grant are bigger. In ascension this just isn't possible when talking descension.

You could make the same sacrifice on ascended as well, stop upgrading anything other than the powerups connected to TOC. You will be a glass cannon yes, but if you sab someone with a C39 while only having C35 you will lose most of your army, I would say that's basically the same.

It's easy enought to catch up on ascended:
1. Exponential costs
2. Limited # ATs
3. Lots of farms

The only problem I see is the new players who ascended for the first time, starting out with a few k planets and basically no CER. It takes quite a while to get into range of the "farms". But that's not really your concern, you don't want to make it easier for new players. You want to make it almost useless to play more than others.

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:41 am
by EbilCC
well then heres my radical solution

newbies as said before get extra time stop being decended get 100 million planets to start 50 million CER per day but only if they login after they join the server

next thing people say dont do a reset ok how about a mini reset? get rid of accounts with

1. No main accounts (people who deleted and banned can still play ascended and well that isnt right needs to be sorted)
2. every month suspend inactive accounts main bonuses if they dont login or *inactive* (bascially decending themselves by not playing. people who dont tplay ascended loose bonous in main makes them play and have it login i dont know up to 10 days in 30 a 3rd to be active

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:52 am
by Robe
CCexy wrote:get rid of accounts with

1. No main accounts (people who deleted and banned can still play ascended)

This has been suggested before and makes sense to me too.

Also, if you set Vacation in Ascended, you lose your ascended bonuses in main.
So the reverse logic should apply.
If you set vacation in main, you should lose a bonus in ascended.

CCexy wrote:2. every month suspend inactive accounts main bonuses if they dont login or *inactive* (bascially decending themselves by not playing. people who dont tplay ascended loose bonous in main makes them play and have it login i dont know up to 10 days in 30 a 3rd to be active
I can see your logic but I am not sure if its necessary now that its possible to descend inactive accounts.
Prior to the latest update this would have been a good idea.

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:56 am
by EbilCC
yes inactive doesnt mean that there arent high ascended in main

eg someone who is TAG thinks hes undecendable has to still login or lose his bonus thats the stick to make people play

the carrot should be some changes suggested here making it worth playing

and ive come across accounts no main that are set up well that decend people for there mates or *thats what they say* there mates mite just use it to decend others cos there accounts are bad thats why

whhat do you think about newbie upping ideas

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:36 am
by Field Marshall
Ok, I thought I should share my little tete á tete here.

The issue is simply inactivity.

To tackle this, you make the server worth playing and a reason to log in other than making yourself "undescendable".

Firstly, promote defences and logging in to check your account, reverse the AT generation for low ranks and give the ATs to the high ranks.

Secondly, make all account descendable, before the recent updates anybody with personal defence levels of 800 would be reasonably safe for a prolonged period of time.

Make it interesting, give people goals. Military experience should help this. Maybe even alliances?

Simplify it, it took me about a year to actually start playing ascended, because I had NO idea what it all meant. It is very confusing and far too complex!

Again with seeing Renegade's post, make untrained planets as income planets, this will force the "snipers" to give out excessive incomes and for them to give a little back to the ascended community.

I apologise if this has been said excessively, but I can't really warrant spending more than an hour reading the previous long threads, this is my PoV and somethink I would like to see :) last thing, remove the rank modifier...!

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:38 am
by renegadze
Field Marshall wrote:Ok, I thought I should share my little tete á tete here.

The issue is simply inactivity.

To tackle this, you make the server worth playing and a reason to log in other than making yourself "undescendable".

Firstly, promote defences and logging in to check your account, reverse the AT generation for low ranks and give the ATs to the high ranks.

Secondly, make all account descendable, before the recent updates anybody with personal defence levels of 800 would be reasonably safe for a prolonged period of time.

Make it interesting, give people goals. Military experience should help this. Maybe even alliances?

Simplify it, it took me about a year to actually start playing ascended, because I had NO idea what it all meant. It is very confusing and far too complex!

Again with seeing Renegade's post, make untrained planets as income planets, this will force the "snipers" to give out excessive incomes and for them to give a little back to the ascended community.

I apologise if this has been said excessively, but I can't really warrant spending more than an hour reading the previous long threads, this is my PoV and somethink I would like to see :) last thing, remove the rank modifier...!

Unfortunately, removing the rank modifier now at this stage, actually makes everything worse, yes I agree it needs looking at, but any increase of AT's needs to come way before this.

Reason: Due to all the previous inactives, a LOT of people build huge defs...which some that can just about be farmed over with the modifier. Changing this now, would mean, an attacker would have to match it 1:1

The issue with this, you need a def to protect your assassins, and you need assassins to protect your strike/def. So an Attacker, would need a huge Strike, and equally impressive def, and a huge assassin capability. Meaning an attacker would actually have to be a LOT bigger then the person he was attacking to have any chance of stealing the DMU.

Bare in mind, those currently with huge defs, don't normally have a huge strike to match.

Having more AT's would atleast give you a chance to mini mass a def to grab the DMU, although personally I'd have to see a lot of DMU to bother.

You want new people to enjoy playing, with a rank modifier update, I'd just outbuild them

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:02 am
by Field Marshall
renegadze wrote:
Unfortunately, removing the rank modifier now at this stage, actually makes everything worse, yes I agree it needs looking at, but any increase of AT's needs to come way before this.

Reason: Due to all the previous inactives, a LOT of people build huge defs...which some that can just about be farmed over with the modifier. Changing this now, would mean, an attacker would have to match it 1:1

Field Marshal wrote:Yes, and it would also give those people a chance to catch up, to farm low defences. The rank modifier is complicated to new players and promotes a sniper attitude.

Bare in mind, those currently with huge defs, don't normally have a huge strike to match.

Field Marshal wrote:Again, reversing that rank modifier will improve that...

Having more AT's would atleast give you a chance to mini mass a def to grab the DMU, although personally I'd have to see a lot of DMU to bother.

Field Marshal wrote:Agreed, completely...

You want new people to enjoy playing, with a rank modifier update, I'd just outbuild them

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:24 am
by Rottenking
Also maybe increase the max ammount of turns to 3k or maybe having two separate lit of turns
Physical and high functoning turns used for ascended being actions like god quest and decention, may make farming esier if you collect turns for dcentions at a different rate with a cap

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:25 am
by EbilCC
unfortuantly reversing the turns means bigger planet count and higher stats wins which is what were trying to avoid they can build so high stats small players who you all have moaned to protect cant grow as fast

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:30 am
by renegadze
Field Marshall wrote:
renegadze wrote:
Unfortunately, removing the rank modifier now at this stage, actually makes everything worse, yes I agree it needs looking at, but any increase of AT's needs to come way before this.

Reason: Due to all the previous inactives, a LOT of people build huge defs...which some that can just about be farmed over with the modifier. Changing this now, would mean, an attacker would have to match it 1:1

Field Marshal wrote:Yes, and it would also give those people a chance to catch up, to farm low defences. The rank modifier is complicated to new players and promotes a sniper attitude.

Bare in mind, those currently with huge defs, don't normally have a huge strike to match.

Field Marshal wrote:Again, reversing that rank modifier will improve that...

Having more AT's would atleast give you a chance to mini mass a def to grab the DMU, although personally I'd have to see a lot of DMU to bother.

Field Marshal wrote:Agreed, completely...

You want new people to enjoy playing, with a rank modifier update, I'd just outbuild them

Granted the modifier if less then 100% doesn't help at all, but removing it altogether so you only ever get 100% will not encourage people without a strike to build one...they'll remain inactive...and now even less likely to play because the chances of them being hit just decreased by 30%

Without the +30%, chances of "catching up" are extremely unlikely as you have less people you can possibly hit...a small player would have to train every planet they have into strike to have a hope of hitting many....leaving them vulnerable, because they simply couldn't not afford a def or assassin.

If we were all just starting out, then 100% agree all modifiers should go, to remove it completely right now, would only further inbalance the server. I'd be all for making changes now, letting them bed in, then have a serious look at how we tackle the modifier issue......but this is a major change that I feel needs to be looked at with great thought and possibly seperate to all other changes.

Some people have 0 strike
160+ quad defs

For me I'd have to build a 160 quad strike, lets say minimum 80 quad def, and a what 2 quad? assassin to have a rounded account that could actually farm top people.....I'm gonna guess that's a LOT of planets I need

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:43 am
by Field Marshall
renegadze wrote:
Field Marshall wrote:
renegadze wrote:
Unfortunately, removing the rank modifier now at this stage, actually makes everything worse, yes I agree it needs looking at, but any increase of AT's needs to come way before this.

Reason: Due to all the previous inactives, a LOT of people build huge defs...which some that can just about be farmed over with the modifier. Changing this now, would mean, an attacker would have to match it 1:1

Field Marshal wrote:Yes, and it would also give those people a chance to catch up, to farm low defences. The rank modifier is complicated to new players and promotes a sniper attitude.

Bare in mind, those currently with huge defs, don't normally have a huge strike to match.

Field Marshal wrote:Again, reversing that rank modifier will improve that...

Having more AT's would atleast give you a chance to mini mass a def to grab the DMU, although personally I'd have to see a lot of DMU to bother.

Field Marshal wrote:Agreed, completely...

You want new people to enjoy playing, with a rank modifier update, I'd just outbuild them

Granted the modifier if less then 100% doesn't help at all, but removing it altogether so you only ever get 100% will not encourage people without a strike to build one...they'll remain inactive...and now even less likely to play because the chances of them being hit just decreased by 30%

Without the +30%, chances of "catching up" are extremely unlikely as you have less people you can possibly hit...a small player would have to train every planet they have into strike to have a hope of hitting many....leaving them vulnerable, because they simply couldn't not afford a def or assassin.

If we were all just starting out, then 100% agree all modifiers should go, to remove it completely right now, would only further inbalance the server. I'd be all for making changes now, letting them bed in, then have a serious look at how we tackle the modifier issue......but this is a major change that I feel needs to be looked at with great thought and possibly seperate to all other changes.

Some people have 0 strike
160+ quad defs

For me I'd have to build a 160 quad strike, lets say minimum 80 quad def, and a what 2 quad? assassin to have a rounded account that could actually farm top people.....I'm gonna guess that's a LOT of planets I need

Very true, but that is an inherent problem with ascended. If it were active, that defence would quite possibly not exist.

If that person was active and checked regularly it might be, my guess however is that they log on once a day and exchange their dmu into LF and use it to further improve their account.

I like the rank modifier but to me, it does seem to reward sporadic behaviour and does not promote an activity thing. I used to log on once a week, build a ridiculous strike and just farm the first few pages until my turns were up.

That's as a reasonably inactive person against active people having a 30% bonus on top of them. Note, that main is almost a complete parallel, where currently, the active/top players are rewarded with bonus for ascending.

I would like to see ascended become active, but there is a lot of the use of the word "boring"...too complicated, messy and incoherent.

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:52 am
by Atomos
Ascended server's fine, lets leave it as it is.

Though the idea of small players ganging up to take out a bigger ascended account looks good on paper, lets take a look at the alliance and social dynamics of the game.

Small players tend to be semi active. They tend to have few contacts in game willing to risk getting smashed by the bigger alliances out there.

If they can even succeed in finding a group to descend a larger account, chances are the larger account will call in their friends and the whole things turns into a massive smashing on both ascended and main for the small players.

Ganging up only helps alliances and by which I mean big well established alliances, in reality it'll kill the small players.

Like I said, ascended is fine as it is.

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:34 am
by Borek
Well the ganging up is an option, no one HAS to do it. Another thing that was discussed a little way back was that ascended accounts are unlinked from main accounts, meaning ID numbers are randomised and God Quest no longer reports the main account. Put this in and ganging up suddenly becomes more viable.

Also if you read the notes Tekki made about Ganging up then actually it does NOT help the big accounts who have alliances, the amount of damage you can do to an account is still capped like it is now, all it allows is multiple attacks from different players to reach the cap. Currently if a person with 500 personals attacks someone with 800 personals they will probably not even break through their standard LF, let alone deplete the reserves, but you get 10 people with 500 personals and they can actually get the account with 800's down to the 33% cap every 2.5 hrs.

5 accounts with 800's retaliating actually do not make a great deal of difference, if the target is not online to refill they are going down.

If you add in the idea Ifrit and myself had about making Energy channeling level affect how much LF you can refill each turn then and effectively capping it, it means anyone is descendable and to avoid it you have to either maintain a large defense and/or log in pretty often to at least check, and more often if you wish to permanently stop a team from descending you.

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:58 am
by Field Marshall
Anothing you may want to consider is a "reverse god quest", where you can spy on somebody in main to get there ascended ID :)

No more hiding [-X

Re: So what is the problem?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:01 am
by renegadze
Borek wrote: Another thing that was discussed a little way back was that ascended accounts are unlinked from main accounts, meaning ID numbers are randomised and God Quest no longer reports the main account. Put this in and ganging up suddenly becomes more viable.

Do this, and see how many people delete their ascended accounts, having them not linked is possibly the worst suggestion so far. If you want something that's unlinked to your main accounts, go play Choas/Quantum or other such similar games.

Borek wrote: Also if you read the notes Tekki made about Ganging up then actually it does NOT help the big accounts who have alliances, the amount of damage you can do to an account is still capped like it is now, all it allows is multiple attacks from different players to reach the cap. Currently if a person with 500 personals attacks someone with 800 personals they will probably not even break through their standard LF, let alone deplete the reserves, but you get 10 people with 500 personals and they can actually get the account with 800's down to the 33% cap every 2.5 hrs.

Yes, but you people build good accounts (on both main and ascended) because they don't want to be vulnerable to every noob who logs in....this completely penalisies those that have bothered to play. I have to accept that for me trying to descend some accounts, it's like spitting in the wind.....but the same can be said for my MS trying to take down the top 10. - You'd argue this is possible, but the target would have to be offline, their alliance would have to be away from the ppt button, and I'd have to pray someone didn't counter me, by looking at the attack logs.