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Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:20 pm
by RepliJake
Everyone likes more turns, can everyone get more? so top get 2 then more for the people you were gonna give 2 to etc. It could make everyone happy?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:30 pm
by Forum
i see no flaw in that logic. (except the make everyone happy part, thats impossible i have learned ;) )

and the update did start with 2 action turns/turn (which fueled the whole debate/complaints) and the only issue was it benefited top over bottom...
this change from 1+ to 2+ would not cause that to be any bigger of an issue ...
so update is still like it was before, but doubled... DONE.

RepliJake wrote:Everyone likes more turns, can everyone get more? so top get 2 then more for the people you were gonna give 2 to etc. It could make everyone happy?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:33 pm
by RepliJake
Forum wrote:i see no flaw in that logic. (except the make everyone happy part, thats impossible i have learned ;) )

and the update did start with 2 action turns/turn (which fueled the whole debate/complaints) and the only issue was it benefited top over bottom...
this change from 1+ to 2+ would not cause that to be any bigger of an issue ...
so update is still like it was before, but doubled... DONE.

RepliJake wrote:Everyone likes more turns, can everyone get more? so top get 2 then more for the people you were gonna give 2 to etc. It could make everyone happy?

Best news I've heard in a while, Thanks

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:37 pm
by Aegidius
Forum wrote:i see no flaw in that logic. (except the make everyone happy part, thats impossible i have learned ;) )

and the update did start with 2 action turns/turn (which fueled the whole debate/complaints) and the only issue was it benefited top over bottom...
this change from 1+ to 2+ would not cause that to be any bigger of an issue ...
so update is still like it was before, but doubled... DONE.

RepliJake wrote:Everyone likes more turns, can everyone get more? so top get 2 then more for the people you were gonna give 2 to etc. It could make everyone happy?

In this particular moment that will benefit CoP because of the war and the fact that the top players can use the turns in a more efficient way (to mass, sab etc) but in the long run more actions turns /turn is always a good thing if u keep the 2k turns maximum.

RepliJake wrote:Best news I've heard in a while, Thanks

see? :-D

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 7:11 pm
by Forum
<<<admin cleanup of a few posts (AEgidius & Teal'auc ) that i saw as potential to sidetrack the topic.. - Teal'auc , thanks for the backup. AEgidius - I believe you when you say you did not mean to imply any bias on my part, or offense. None taken.>>>

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 8:13 pm
by AI_
okay, thers 12 pages and im super busy right now, can one person sum up what WILL happen, as iv seen a few things change throught the parts that iv reead of this topic

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:10 pm
by Forum
in short:
*2 action turns/turn with more for rank 800+
*superweapon, when sold, gives 50% of the sale price to the seller
*max attack or def strength (natural before bonus) on ascended on ascended attack is the minimum of life force, or 5x max life force. (used to be max of life force, period.).

AI_ wrote:okay, thers 12 pages and im super busy right now, can one person sum up what WILL happen, as iv seen a few things change throught the parts that iv reead of this topic

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:56 pm
by craven
Bravo to Forum for putting an end to the exploitation of the Super Weapon that was going on. Exploitation is just another form of cheating in many peoples books. Mods on this forum do not allow clever ways to bypass the rules, and neither should Forum.

Thank you for all the time and effort you have put in to this game Forum. I truely hope you are making a mint off of it.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:07 pm
by Arashi
Now that I've read all 12 pages (as of when i finished reading them)...

1) I think that this new update seems OK, based on the last "summary" Forum posted.

Forum - Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:10 pm wrote:in short:
*2 action turns/turn with more for rank 800+
*superweapon, when sold, gives 50% of the sale price to the seller
*max attack or def strength (natural before bonus) on ascended on ascended attack is the minimum of life force, or 5x max life force. (used to be max of life force, period.).

2) I have only been playing Ascension for about 6 months, my ID: 1862 and I'm rank 64 currently, I don't have a fraction of the stats the top players have, but I've put what I do have where it can do me the most good. My rank has kept going up. *could also be top players selling down too though*

***BTW: I'm only 3x Ascended so far, 7 more to go, unless Forum implements the 11 - 20 ascensions***

3) People really should have paid more attention when the turns stopped... I noticed that the code stopped changing too, which means something broke (or at least that's what I thought had happened).

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:27 am
by bryan
Forum wrote:The % was supposed to be a suprise but I will give it away...
The seller gets 5%.
The remaining DMU goes to accounts active within last few days... spread evenly. It does not just disappear...(damn socialist weapons!)

hmmm that sorta scares me in a way.... the selling was meant to give you a chance to rebuild... 5% is not that much...

instead, id suggest you can only buy the weapon once a month. that will force at least 7-8 different players to end up getting it... im fairly sure the 8th ranked person wont be giving away 400b DMU like is currently happening

As for needing big ascends to get anywhere on ascended.... my biggest was 200k, with 4 at 5k or least, and one at 80k. ascended is not brain surgery... you push the up button and the defence button... alot. thats it

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:50 am
by RobinInDaHood
bryan wrote:hmmm that sorta scares me in a way.... the selling was meant to give you a chance to rebuild... 5% is not that much...

Admin changed the amount to 50%.


Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:48 am
by Killy
See, although i do not write much on any forum here.. i do read. And i do read all even 12 pages of complainments here from poor people with daily income same or bigger as my monthly is. With stats and size i won't try to compare. Yes, almost made me cry cos those people won't get 2 or 3 AT per turn.. ahh, wait.. i'm ranked 197 in ascension ?!?.. i'm sure that can be fixed soon down to 1000+. But hey.. the truth is my rank means nothing. I could be ranked 50 but still what is the point if those handicaps from above can demolish me anytime they want? Yes and descension should be easier:

Mar 13, 2007 Mojo Rising ascendedAttack 151,860 Life Force Lost
Mar 13, 2007 EnterTheLion ascendedAttack 151,860 Life Force Lost

Why not killing all of me with one attack? I can understand it's hard to be up there and spit on those below who have absolutely no chance ever to come any closer or even better - who can in no way hurt u back - ever. I feel such sadness cos those on top of ascension can not advance even faster. I feel roses dying in gardens cos there is some kind of limit u can grow up to.. i can only dream of and my heart is full of anguish cos there is a superweapon i could never bought (400bil - are you serious?!? - how much does it take to get such DMU ? How many years for normal people?) so i never even dream about attacking someone with it.. or someone big.. oh, wait, those sad people on top are not from different camps.. my whole game play in ascension was never ment to attack anyone and especialy not anyone of them since u get crashed to zero in no time, eh? This must be fun putting efforts and time and will and god knows what else to be stoned back to earth then.. ahh, probalby i choose wrong way, eh? Or my tactic is wrong or my defence is wrong or maybe simple just simple fact i'm not Omega or DD.. hm, what a thought.. could be possible that i would advanced some 1000% more if i would be them? Ahh, must be that i do not want to ascend again, sure. Now how likely is that i get anywhere near tops with power ascensions of 10mill AP or more? I'm probably dumb for not trying? It's no use since the whole ascension for me is no new server and no new game - personaly i don't like to play games when i constantly losing and i have no chance to get anywhere better - but wait - i never choose to play ascension - i was forced to. Same as i'm forced to defend from those poor ones who will now get 1 AT less then some rank 800 and they did 12 pages and few other topics about refound of superweapon or what it is? Gee.. i wonder know why so many people do not play ascension at all? Or why choose vaication.. What can player achive here if not COP? And yet he is forced to play it. And guess what.. now it's even possible to descend those non COP.. what about that update? Noone of you above have second thoughts? Must be fer game, eh? Now let me see for how many people on ascension server is deascension benefit? Updates should benefit most of the populations, eh? Must make game better, eh? I bet that noone who starts now - won't even try to ascend. And if he is - he would enter vaication mode here. Cos it's smart decision to make. Why putting so much efforts and resources in some ascension if there u can achive nothing, u can not defend against those on top and each second u play - they are more powerfull and more superuntouchable. And yet now they have power to destroy enemies in main with descension - lol, 1 turn less will really help.

You know what would be fer if ascension is higher being? and u want to play ascension so much being so much good here playing god.. what is main server then for? Put a different limit on maximum army size on main for each ascension there would be. So none ascended players can advance to 100mill without plague and 10× ascended can only be at 50mil size or sth. That would be something to decide and same time would be harder to meet criteria for further ascending. But it's kinda too late for that i guess.

But hey, Mr.Admin, it's perfectly clear those on top will stay there and the rest will have no chance to defend or to get any closer. In fact - if you would reduce all their stats and income and karizma and god knows what per turn by 50%. They would still advance compare to others on very same turn. So there is acctually nothing to do or to fine tune or whatever. Just put some special button there so they can descend people in one hit. I would really feel guilty if this would take some more time and would affect loosing their precious resources and turns (now 1 less then rank 800+ remember) on someone like me.

Best regards and good luck.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:00 am
by Shooting Star
First of all, to Killy, those attacks against you are because your alliance started a war. Secondly, you are lucky that 151,850 LF is ALL the damage we did to you. Frankly I look at it as a joke when you take a look at the massive damage that we could have dished out to you were there not a maximum damage cap in ascension. By all rights, you and many others should already be descended. With the insane rank modifier that is currently being employed plus the maximum damage cap, it is next to impossible to descend someone and that is not right.

Secondly, to whomever said we were cheating. I mentioned this in another post but I will mention it here. A week before Forum made the changes to ascension, while we were still doing the development server testing, he mentioned that, if you bought the weapon, you had to use it (this was because, as a playtester, I pointed out the abuse that sinister and I were going to use to just ping pong the weapon between the two of us and never let the weapon see the light of day). When he came out with the new update of how you had to use the weapon after you purchased it, again I was a good little playtester and pointed out that, if that were the case, I was just going to use it on some of the smaller members of my alliance and bid a ridiculously high amount of DMU for the weapon once they put it up for auction. I pointed out to Forum, a WEEK BEFORE the updates hit the regular ascension server, that that is exactly what would happen because both Sinister and I do not want to get hit by the weapon, because, frankly, we would lose 10 times as much as most anyone else on the server (which is why the super weapon is broken and needs to be removed from the game entirely, but I digress; see other posts for why the weapon is broken.) At that time, I pointed out to him that it would be a way, albeit a very inelegant way, to transfer resources to someone. He said, that's fine. I said, are you sure because that is what is going to happen if you leave the super weapon in the game? He said, Sure go for it. I said cool. I fail to see how what I did was cheating when I had the blessing of the game's CREATOR telling me that it was OK and even had the honesty (some would call it stupidity) to tell him exactly how we were going to use it before it ever hit the regular server. I do not appreciate my honesty and integrity being impugned on this Forum. If you wish to discuss my honesty and integrity privately, you may PM me or IM me (MSN

Thirdly, seriously, what the heck do most of you care what the hell happens to the superweapon so long as you don't get hit by it? I mean, really. This is the only "screw the big accounts update" that I have actually been able to turn into even a slight advantage and it isn't even for my benefit (directly; sure I guess expending all those resources to not get hit by the weapon is an indirect benefit). Basically a bunch of "have-nots" who are that way because they aren't as dedicated to the ascension server as some of us cried foul when we wouldn't let them play with our ball. Well it's our ball because we have expended more resources than some of you have seen in your entire ascended careers. And yet, we are currently doing you a favor by keeping a broken item out of the game and preventing your accounts from becoming truly wrecked and you are still upset. Despite all the updates that were detrimental to those of us who chose the slow path to ascension, I have made my account one of the most powerful in the game. Now I have a chance to use that position of power to make sure that no one gets absolutely devastated by this weapon and to help some of my friends in the process. If you want to try to take away my ball, you are more than welcome to try. The auction is open to everyone. Welcome to the revolution!

Re: Ohh

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:22 pm
by Hensenshi
Killy wrote:i never choose to play ascension - i was forced to.

You chose to play ascension by ascending. Don't want to play ascension? Don't ascend. Simple.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:29 am
by High Empty
Well i finally have found time to read the pages and to sum it up

* someone needs to get off their high horse, if you don't do well in main it's cause your not trying very hard*

See what most of you forget is that forum is from a socialist country with a ton of pot smokers, so if he trys to help the little guys don't blame him, it's his living place.

To the game suggests

TO recap

Turn changes as currently suggested with 1 turn normal, and 1+ per 800 ranks ( Should be based on influcence only)

Second Ascended weapon only returning 50% of the DM, well that's a bit harsh but well, ok can the other 50% go to any accounts that are on ppt,( ie newly reascended)


Descension, well to recap, he's just make it ALOT easier for people to be descended, as mojo think about it, you pump 400 DM into lifeforce, and you can use that lifeforce to do that damage.

Now descension, IT SHOULD BE NEAR IMPOSSIBLE, to descend someone who is fighting to stay alive, but inactive accounts should be easier to descend.


You have a test server use it, then i wouldn't have to read thur 13 pages of crap. It does seem like you have been humbled.


Odd ball, well reading thur this, can we have an donate to the god(aka forum) changer of the universe option. Say 1 to 1 planets donated you get lifers back. As a way to get ride of both lifers and others. OH i don't know It's an odd ball.