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Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:40 am
by Sleipnir
Cleaned off-topic posts from thread.

high empty wrote:See what most of you forget is that forum is from a socialist country with a ton of pot smokers, so if he trys to help the little guys don't blame him, it's his living place.

In that case I'm glad he's not from India, or playing the game would be pretty pointless.

Since this game doesn't provide the option of flying a passenger plane into the big guy's command star I don't think it's unreasonable to give the little guys something to strike with. Ascension shouldn't just be about who ascended with the most AP's or who ascended first. If you played main well, congrats, you get a big starting bonus. Don't sit on your ass and expect it to keep you on top.

How many people are still as opposed to the AT update as before you knew what it was going to do? Because for those of you that worked hard for their top spot, I guess you can imagine they will have lost their extra AT advantage long before they even get close to getting close to you. It's a long way from rank 800 to 1.

high empty wrote:You have a test server use it, then i wouldn't have to read thur 13 pages of crap. It does seem like you have been humbled.

Testing this update on the dev-server would be a little pointless. The only way to get an idea of the effect of increasing AT's is if people actually use them. I don't think many people will log in to the dev server just to spend all those extra turns (which have no influence on the real game) just so Forum can see the effect it brings.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:16 am
by Nostradamus
Sleipnir wrote:
Since this game doesn't provide the option of flying a passenger plane into the big guy's command star I don't think it's unreasonable to give the little guys something to strike with. Ascension shouldn't just be about who ascended with the most AP's or who ascended first. If you played main well, congrats, you get a big starting bonus. Don't sit on your ass and expect it to keep you on top.

Oh yes, all of us on page one we did nothing then ascend with a huge ammount of APPs, we all have low IDs cause we were the first to ascend, blah, blah , blah.

All of us have worked very hard to get there and you are also forgetting another thing ..... given 1 tril naq to a new shell I bet we can get more APPs then most people, it's not only about having the naq is also how you spend it. And also I bet given 1 mil APP to invest in a newly ascended account we would also come on top after 2 weeks of playing (just playing, no attacks).

As Mojo pointed out the superweapon as it is now is badly flawed and even with the 50% dmu redistributed it's beeing used the same way as before. Forum should consider one of the suggestions we made to limit the use of it so that the big accounts can be hit only by big accounts ...... even if it's only a game a sense of reality must exist, it's very wrong that someone who hasn't played ascended 1% of what others did to have a chance to destroy the account of someone who worked 100 times more.

Sleipnir wrote:
How many people are still as opposed to the AT update as before you knew what it was going to do? Because for those of you that worked hard for their top spot, I guess you can imagine they will have lost their extra AT advantage long before they even get close to getting close to you. It's a long way from rank 800 to 1.

Forum is to blame here for 2 reasons :
1. he didn't explained this, it would of been very easy, so for some reason *cough* ALL big players thought of the worst possible scenario
2. he used a wrong analogy .... a black hole has a huge gravitational force, and gravity is proportional to the square distance ... so using simple logic someone ranked 10 would of gained 100 times more turns then rank 1 and because going down the ranks someone would of made 2000 turns in less then a day it was also very logic to assume that top ranks would of gained only a small fraction of the daily 48 turns

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:48 pm
by Shooting Star
Let me explain something to you folks. Without something drastic changing in ascension, nothing is EVER going to happen. The top people will stay the top people and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
Frankly right now, I am so frustrated I am going to give you an insight as to what you are up against. Since none of you can recon me, let me just tell you that I am currently making 1.6 million planets per day and around 12.5 billion DMU per turn. I have 60000 fleets and a 201 charisma. My max LF level is currently at 100. Now, with that kind of power, I should be able to squash most of you like bugs. But no, Forum has taken pity on you and made my account a gentle giant when it comes to attacking you (if I even can). Yes, believe it or not, there are accounts in the game that I am currently unable to attack because they are ranked so low. Is that fair? No. Why did he do it? Because I played too well and made many of you look foolish (which a lot of you were for quick ascending). I currently have over 100 million planets, and, barring a galactic disturbance of epic proportions, will have over 200 million planets in less than 9 weeks (end of May). Currently, if I convert my daily income into LF, it is the equivalent of a 1.7 million APP ascension EVERY DAY. That's 11.9 million APP every week or 47.6 million APP every month.

Now, I defy anyone to make a 47.6 million APP ascension every month in main for three or four months running to try and catch me. Yes I realize that some wouldn't have to do that much but try doing a 20 million APP ascension then. I don't think there is a single account in main that can do that.

My point is, my ascension account is self-sustaining but I can't do anything with it because I played too well and Forum had to put artificial hindrances in the game so I could not affect my enemies. So now what I am asking is the ability to transfer some of my ascension resources to my main account so that I can at least affect my enemies in one of the servers. Is that too much to ask?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:03 pm
by Sinath
Yep it is.

By Jason's standards you should be whipped like a dog, taken out back and shot for doing so well.

It unlikely that your ever going to need to donate to the game again. possible, but unlikely. So he probably could care less if he were to lose a few great players that have made such an impact upon this game. Cater to the newer ones that are still leachable.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:47 am
by Sleipnir
Nostradamus wrote:
Sleipnir wrote:
Since this game doesn't provide the option of flying a passenger plane into the big guy's command star I don't think it's unreasonable to give the little guys something to strike with. Ascension shouldn't just be about who ascended with the most AP's or who ascended first. If you played main well, congrats, you get a big starting bonus. Don't sit on your ass and expect it to keep you on top.

Oh yes, all of us on page one we did nothing then ascend with a huge ammount of APPs, we all have low IDs cause we were the first to ascend, blah, blah , blah.

Looks like you can read fine, so why don't you read everything I said? It's not about what you did to get where you are, it's about what you have to do to stay there. How do you think Microsoft would be doing today if they'd stopped developing after Windows 95?

Nostradamus wrote:All of us have worked very hard to get there and you are also forgetting another thing ..... given 1 tril naq to a new shell I bet we can get more APPs then most people, it's not only about having the naq is also how you spend it. And also I bet given 1 mil APP to invest in a newly ascended account we would also come on top after 2 weeks of playing (just playing, no attacks).

And again it's all about APP's. Ascension should be won by playing ascension, not main. Ever heard of anyone winning the champions league by cashing in the points they made in little league?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:04 am
by Nostradamus
You don't get it.

APPs are a foundation for your ascended account. No matter how many APP you get if this foundation isn't built the right way you will lose in the end (just think of the Asgard race cause I presume we all saw the last episode of SG1 ... they did 1 mistake a long time ago and no matter how much they advanced that mistake proved to be fatal).

To get this right you need to understand the game and also to PLAY the game, it's not enough just to log in and spend the dmu ..... and most top players are really playing the server and those that don't do it wont stay there for long.

It would be very interesting to see who ascended with the most APP in the server .... a chart with them and with the rank they have ..... of course most of them will be on top, because they spent resources in main KNOWING what to do next, but you will find people that had 2-3 times more APP to play with and they are left behind by others who played better.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:26 am
by Lord_Zeus
thanks for the spoiler... I havent seen it yet. Judging by those stats what I make is pitiful, and judging by how many app someone would have to get your pretty much uncatchable... there needs to be a way to catch up, drastically increase the amount of app ascending gives you? but not just a fixed amount, put it variable on the rank 1 account or something, or an average of the top accounts... some complicated formula there that Does make it possible to catch up, always. And with the rank modifier... I think it needs to stay, however the damage cap thats there needs to come off... I'm a weak as hell player and I can't descend people because of it... make it possible to descend people... theres a post I put in the suggestions section that would make it possible, but still hard to descend people,
as for your ascended account helping your main one.. what about some sort of bonus to your main account.. say 20% for top spot, 15% for next 10, 10% for next 15 and 5 % for the rest of the top 100... or something of that nature, mabye further spread out but less of an advantage or something?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:38 am
by Sleipnir
No spoilers please, not everyone has seen the last season yet.

As for AP's being the foundation of an account, I guess I will be losing then. I ascended once with a whopping total of 1890 APP. And to this day I have never cashed them in. Yet still my ascension account is top 100. If the only way I could do marginally well in this server was to do multiple huge ascensions, then I would quit. I'm not planning on spending weeks on raiding a huge army in main just so I can do a huge ascension and get to the top of ascension. Just playing your top account shouldn't be enough. You should need to play hard to stay on top. Keeping rank should be at least as difficult as getting it.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:03 am
by Profitteroles
Shooting Star wrote:Let me explain something to you folks. Without something drastic changing in ascension, nothing is EVER going to happen. The top people will stay the top people and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
Frankly right now, I am so frustrated I am going to give you an insight as to what you are up against. Since none of you can recon me, let me just tell you that I am currently making 1.6 million planets per day and around 12.5 billion DMU per turn. I have 60000 fleets and a 201 charisma. My max LF level is currently at 100. Now, with that kind of power, I should be able to squash most of you like bugs. But no, Forum has taken pity on you and made my account a gentle giant when it comes to attacking you (if I even can). Yes, believe it or not, there are accounts in the game that I am currently unable to attack because they are ranked so low. Is that fair? No. Why did he do it? Because I played too well and made many of you look foolish (which a lot of you were for quick ascending). I currently have over 100 million planets, and, barring a galactic disturbance of epic proportions, will have over 200 million planets in less than 9 weeks (end of May). Currently, if I convert my daily income into LF, it is the equivalent of a 1.7 million APP ascension EVERY DAY. That's 11.9 million APP every week or 47.6 million APP every month.

Now, I defy anyone to make a 47.6 million APP ascension every month in main for three or four months running to try and catch me. Yes I realize that some wouldn't have to do that much but try doing a 20 million APP ascension then. I don't think there is a single account in main that can do that.

My point is, my ascension account is self-sustaining but I can't do anything with it because I played too well and Forum had to put artificial hindrances in the game so I could not affect my enemies. So now what I am asking is the ability to transfer some of my ascension resources to my main account so that I can at least affect my enemies in one of the servers. Is that too much to ask?

I totaly understand where you are coming from but i can also see where admin is coming from.

I think its admins goal to slow everyone down to allow the smaller players to catch up the same happened in main with the limits, its admins way of trying to please the majority and make the game enjoyable for everyone, Unfair for the top few but when you look at the fact he will upset 10 players to please 1000 i can see why he is doing it, unfortunatly the top 10 tend to be the most dedicated players and i think he should keep them happy

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:56 am
by Sleipnir
Profitteroles wrote:unfortunatly the top 10 tend to be the most dedicated players and i think he should keep them happy

Question is, how long will they remain happy if they notice no one is catching up to them and no one will. It's a matter of balance between allowing the top to reap the benefits of their hard work, and keeping them challenged.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:38 am
by EliteAceMan
well i dont have 40 days to save up AT to deascend someone, my account will be up for sale.

If he wanted us all to quit he shoulda just asked.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:23 am
by [DDE] Bastion
EliteAceMan wrote:well i dont have 40 days to save up AT to deascend someone, my account will be up for sale.

If he wanted us all to quit he shoulda just asked.

He did ask in a way, and I quit, just because of his nice way of asking...

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:23 am
by RobinInDaHood
EliteAceMan wrote:well i dont have 40 days to save up AT to deascend someone, my account will be up for sale.

If he wanted us all to quit he shoulda just asked.

I think these kinds of problems happens in almost any game once you've hit the point at which you can't grow anymore and/or no one can catch up with you.

In World Of Warcraft, people drop off that game in droves once they reach level 60 and play it for a while. Few players pose much of a challenge anymore, it gets boring running around whacking noobs, and you can't progress any higher and there wouldn't be any point of doing so even if you could. Such is the situation with ascension. Some players can't really progress any "higher", no other players pose much of a real challenge, there is little joy in descending nooby players, and no real point in trying to continue to build your account. You're a victim of your own success, as it were.

Most games have an end goal and it shouldn't be all that surprising when the game becomes boring after you've achieved your goal. If everyone could be satisfied with a single game forever regardless of limits or skill level, we'd all still be playing Pong and no other games would ever have been released.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:52 am
by EliteAceMan
Then i guess SGW is about to burn out.... it was fun but its over for me.

Re: re: turns/turn ; superweapon bidding ; ascended attacks

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:58 am
by webb123
I can understand the updates

BUT they are too biased.. i could have very few planets but constantly farm, ascend a few times and poooff i have 40 million APP XD
and loads of LF from farming people with the super weapon