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Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:39 am
by Rocky
Cole wrote:I wonder how the hooligans part of England's supporters are feeling right now, considering match was cancelled...

Jim, football hooligans are awesome ... am/101851/

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:01 pm
by minisaiyan
Two of the last 4 posts make me dissappoint. Please do not associate anything such as football or a type of music to this mindless violence. No single group make up 100%. Perhaps the majority do like football, or perhaps many of them do like rap music, but that does not make these things to blame, and to refer to them whilst discussing this topic would infer so.

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:19 pm
by Juliette
Moving on from an otherwise very irrelevant segue..

[spoiler]Tottenham race riots – not the first, not the last

Last night’s devastating riots in Tottenham by predominately immigrant youths shocked many, but will not have come as a big surprise to regular visitors of this website. Sadly, the crimes are just the latest in a series of tragic events that would never have happened if the left had not decided to subject the people of this country to ‘multiculturalism’.

Saturday night’s violence saw 26 police officers injured – with eight admitted to hospital – when 300 people attacked police in north London on Saturday night and into the early hours of Sunday.

Shops were looted, police cars and a double-decker bus set alight, and petrol bombs thrown at officers.

There are further reports of rioting tonight in Enfield, north London.

Although the news channels are hard at work portraying the perpetrators of these crimes as the victims of them, wheeling out black ‘community representatives’ who blame the ‘racist’ white police for black violence, the truth is that this is just the latest battle in the immigrant-on-indigenous war forced upon this country by those who aid and abet mass immigration.

The area that witnessed last night’s horrific scenes was very close to that of one of Britain’s most notorious riots, just over 25 years ago. In 1985, PC Keith Blakelock was hacked to death by men with knives and machetes on a rundown housing estate in Tottenham when around 500 mainly black youths rampaged through the streets, attacking police, looting and setting fires.

Both Tottenham riots are just two in a series of such events in Britain over the last 30 years.

Thirty years of hate: Britain's worst race riots

1981: More than 300 people are injured, including 279 police officers, as black men hurl petrol bombs in Brixton, south London. The two-day clash causes £6.5m damage. Later in the year there is another riot in Brixton, as well as riots in Manchester, Southall and Toxteth, Liverpool, where a man is killed.

1985: Trouble flares up again in Handsworth, Birmingham. Black rioting leaves two people dead and dozens of buildings gutted by firebombs. More than 50 cars are set alight and two shops gutted.

1985: Broadwater Farm. White PC Keith Blakelock is hacked to death in a racist murder by men with knives and machetes.

1995: A policeman is almost kicked to death after being pulled off his motorcycle during a second immigrant riot in Brixton.

1995: Three nights of fighting causes more than £1m worth of damage after gangs of Asian youths run wild in Manningham, Bradford.

1998: A group of 100 youths throw bottles, cans and stones at police as the five suspects of the murder of teenager Stephen Lawrence arrive at the inquiry.

2001: Bradford, Oldham, Leeds, Burnley. Muslim Asian youths fight on the streets of northern towns, hurling petrol bombs and stones. Eighty police officers are injured in Bradford alone.

2005: ‘Black British’ and ‘black Asians’ riot for two consecutive nights, with both groups committing a string of violent crimes against each other, including two murders.[/spoiler]

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:27 pm
by Cole
Juliette wrote:Moving on from an otherwise very irrelevant segue..

[spoiler]Tottenham race riots – not the first, not the last

Last night’s devastating riots in Tottenham by predominately immigrant youths shocked many, but will not have come as a big surprise to regular visitors of this website. Sadly, the crimes are just the latest in a series of tragic events that would never have happened if the left had not decided to subject the people of this country to ‘multiculturalism’.

Saturday night’s violence saw 26 police officers injured – with eight admitted to hospital – when 300 people attacked police in north London on Saturday night and into the early hours of Sunday.

Shops were looted, police cars and a double-decker bus set alight, and petrol bombs thrown at officers.

There are further reports of rioting tonight in Enfield, north London.

Although the news channels are hard at work portraying the perpetrators of these crimes as the victims of them, wheeling out black ‘community representatives’ who blame the ‘racist’ white police for black violence, the truth is that this is just the latest battle in the immigrant-on-indigenous war forced upon this country by those who aid and abet mass immigration.

The area that witnessed last night’s horrific scenes was very close to that of one of Britain’s most notorious riots, just over 25 years ago. In 1985, PC Keith Blakelock was hacked to death by men with knives and machetes on a rundown housing estate in Tottenham when around 500 mainly black youths rampaged through the streets, attacking police, looting and setting fires.

Both Tottenham riots are just two in a series of such events in Britain over the last 30 years.

Thirty years of hate: Britain's worst race riots

1981: More than 300 people are injured, including 279 police officers, as black men hurl petrol bombs in Brixton, south London. The two-day clash causes £6.5m damage. Later in the year there is another riot in Brixton, as well as riots in Manchester, Southall and Toxteth, Liverpool, where a man is killed.

1985: Trouble flares up again in Handsworth, Birmingham. Black rioting leaves two people dead and dozens of buildings gutted by firebombs. More than 50 cars are set alight and two shops gutted.

1985: Broadwater Farm. White PC Keith Blakelock is hacked to death in a racist murder by men with knives and machetes.

1995: A policeman is almost kicked to death after being pulled off his motorcycle during a second immigrant riot in Brixton.

1995: Three nights of fighting causes more than £1m worth of damage after gangs of Asian youths run wild in Manningham, Bradford.

1998: A group of 100 youths throw bottles, cans and stones at police as the five suspects of the murder of teenager Stephen Lawrence arrive at the inquiry.

2001: Bradford, Oldham, Leeds, Burnley. Muslim Asian youths fight on the streets of northern towns, hurling petrol bombs and stones. Eighty police officers are injured in Bradford alone.

2005: ‘Black British’ and ‘black Asians’ riot for two consecutive nights, with both groups committing a string of violent crimes against each other, including two murders.[/spoiler]

Hmmm which site is this text from?
I wanna check the whole page..

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:20 pm
by RepliMagni
Juliette wrote:Moving on from an otherwise very irrelevant segue..

[spoiler]Tottenham race riots – not the first, not the last

Last night’s devastating riots in Tottenham by predominately immigrant youths shocked many, but will not have come as a big surprise to regular visitors of this website. Sadly, the crimes are just the latest in a series of tragic events that would never have happened if the left had not decided to subject the people of this country to ‘multiculturalism’.

Saturday night’s violence saw 26 police officers injured – with eight admitted to hospital – when 300 people attacked police in north London on Saturday night and into the early hours of Sunday.

Shops were looted, police cars and a double-decker bus set alight, and petrol bombs thrown at officers.

There are further reports of rioting tonight in Enfield, north London.

Although the news channels are hard at work portraying the perpetrators of these crimes as the victims of them, wheeling out black ‘community representatives’ who blame the ‘racist’ white police for black violence, the truth is that this is just the latest battle in the immigrant-on-indigenous war forced upon this country by those who aid and abet mass immigration.

The area that witnessed last night’s horrific scenes was very close to that of one of Britain’s most notorious riots, just over 25 years ago. In 1985, PC Keith Blakelock was hacked to death by men with knives and machetes on a rundown housing estate in Tottenham when around 500 mainly black youths rampaged through the streets, attacking police, looting and setting fires.

Both Tottenham riots are just two in a series of such events in Britain over the last 30 years.

Thirty years of hate: Britain's worst race riots

1981: More than 300 people are injured, including 279 police officers, as black men hurl petrol bombs in Brixton, south London. The two-day clash causes £6.5m damage. Later in the year there is another riot in Brixton, as well as riots in Manchester, Southall and Toxteth, Liverpool, where a man is killed.

1985: Trouble flares up again in Handsworth, Birmingham. Black rioting leaves two people dead and dozens of buildings gutted by firebombs. More than 50 cars are set alight and two shops gutted.

1985: Broadwater Farm. White PC Keith Blakelock is hacked to death in a racist murder by men with knives and machetes.

1995: A policeman is almost kicked to death after being pulled off his motorcycle during a second immigrant riot in Brixton.

1995: Three nights of fighting causes more than £1m worth of damage after gangs of Asian youths run wild in Manningham, Bradford.

1998: A group of 100 youths throw bottles, cans and stones at police as the five suspects of the murder of teenager Stephen Lawrence arrive at the inquiry.

2001: Bradford, Oldham, Leeds, Burnley. Muslim Asian youths fight on the streets of northern towns, hurling petrol bombs and stones. Eighty police officers are injured in Bradford alone.

2005: ‘Black British’ and ‘black Asians’ riot for two consecutive nights, with both groups committing a string of violent crimes against each other, including two murders.[/spoiler] ... ttack.html

That happened at my old school whilst I was there. 8-[

The current riots may have started with race concerns, and the peaceful protest organised originally would have addressed those issues, but it became just about thuggery and larceny rather than race by day three.

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:10 pm
by Jack
Spam split

Stop spamming or GTHO

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:27 pm
by Jack

Clarkey wrote:If I was with friends when a riot started and my friends joined in the rioting, I would tell them they're **Filtered** morons and I would walk away. When the police distribute images of them looking for people to identify them I WOULD report my friends. Because true friends in my eyes would not be so stupid. So i wouldn't care if I resulted my friends getting banged up and a criminal record for breaking the law.

I loved the SUN's title today "Shop a Moron!"

If the rioting required the use of baton rounds, rubber bullets, water cannons, 100's of police dogs, the army, then i would 100% back that support. You say about "rubber bullets can kill" and all that crap, well yeah maybe people will be unlucky and get killed but they are the ones rioting and carrying out arson attacks and MURDERING innocent people.

I agree with Clarkey! :o

RepliMagni wrote:
Clarkey wrote:If I was with friends when a riot started and my friends joined in the rioting, I would tell them they're **Filtered** morons and I would walk away. When the police distribute images of them looking for people to identify them I WOULD report my friends. Because true friends in my eyes would not be so stupid. So i wouldn't care if I resulted my friends getting banged up and a criminal record for breaking the law. really are naive old boy aren't you? Catching people cheating on sgw is one thing, ratting on the kind of people committing these riots is another thing entirely ;)

Lets have a scenario - you're out with a mate, he meets up with a bunch of guys and you tag along. All of a sudden these guys are breaking into a Comet and stealing TVs. What do you do? One of them has a knife, two others are carrying bricks they used to break a window, and another has a baseball bat. They aren't just gonna let you walk away from that...

Do you have any actual experience with these sorts of people? Because I do. If they are your friends, they'll let you leave.

I very seriously doubt that Clarkey would ever make friends with people that would riot in the first place. He's a goodie two shoes.

But let's for a moment say that he did. Somehow he was hanging out with some guys and they decided to riot. Clarkey being not a criminal, says "**Filtered** this **Filtered**, I'm out of here." The guys say "Hold on a second, we can't let you leave just yet cause you'll rat us out." He then becomes kidnapped. A victim. Thus he's now only guilty of being stupid.

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:50 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
What i'd like to see is these scumbags who've been torching buildings be brought up on charges of attempted murder :mad:


If this is true then the police chiefs also need to be brought up on charges of attempted murder before the fact! ... on-burned/

Edit: ... -poll.html
#-o ](*,)

v for Vendetta anyone?!

People who voted for those Orwellian measures to be used against the rioters/looters should not be allowed to have a brain or an opinion without first passing some kind of test for the competent use of a brain! :mad:

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:28 am
by Cole
From The Sun article, I agree with the poll about two most selected reasons: gang culture/criminal behaviour.

Live bullets...that means real bullets? :o

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:04 am
by Lithium
i ve a question ?

is the gov able to stop these rioters ? i mean those that have plans only to rob shops.

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:14 am
by [KMA]Avenger
@jim, bullets= real ammunition.

@Lith, i have a question...have people become so spineless-so incapable of governing themselves that they need Govt to do everything for them?
Before you answer that, keep this in mind...the power of arrest comes from common law and was the right of every person on the land. police forces were created (correct if wrong) to organise citizens whose job it was to keep the peace. to do that they needed powers of arrest and those powers were granted to the newly created police force by the citizens who lived in common law. that power has been usurped by Govt. try to arrest a burglar (or looter) and see what happens to you.

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:31 am
by Lithium
[KMA]Avenger wrote:@jim, bullets= real ammunition.

@Lith, i have a question...have people become so spineless-so incapable of governing themselves that they need Govt to do everything for them?
Before you answer that, keep this in mind...the power of arrest comes from common law and was the right of every person on the land. police forces were created (correct if wrong) to organise citizens whose job it was to keep the peace. to do that they needed powers of arrest and those powers were granted to the newly created police force by the citizens who lived in common law. that power has been usurped by Govt. try to arrest a burglar (or looter) and see what happens to you.

man my question was very simple , anyway im answering u: yes a lot of peaple have become that because the power that gov has , police and other structures has been abused in different levels, starting from personal gain to controlling the population.

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:38 am
by Cole
[KMA]Avenger wrote:@jim, bullets= real ammunition.

@Lith, i have a question...have people become so spineless-so incapable of governing themselves that they need Govt to do everything for them?
Before you answer that, keep this in mind...the power of arrest comes from common law and was the right of every person on the land. police forces were created (correct if wrong) to organise citizens whose job it was to keep the peace. to do that they needed powers of arrest and those powers were granted to the newly created police force by the citizens who lived in common law. that power has been usurped by Govt. try to arrest a burglar (or looter) and see what happens to you.

People being able to arrest others? Lol I could see this overly abused (skirmish between neighboors, one arrests the other because he broke a minor rule, or even worst, they arrest each others lol).

Rely on the "people" and many will use it for personal reasons. Even though the yungthugs taking opportunity here aren't the brightest kind, don't expect 'more respectable" citizens to be flawless if such a way of policing was to be brought back...

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:06 am
by Clarkey
Lithium wrote:i ve a question ?

is the gov able to stop these rioters ? i mean those that have plans only to rob shops.
Are they able to stop them completely? Lets see, can we stop terrorism or general crime completely? No. That's your answer.

But they can attempt to make them think twice before doing such things.

P.S. Has anyone seen the looter in my avy? :shock:

P.P.S. Jack agreed with me. :shock: :shock:

Re: London/UK Riots 2011

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:10 am
by RepliMagni
Cole wrote:
[KMA]Avenger wrote:@jim, bullets= real ammunition.

@Lith, i have a question...have people become so spineless-so incapable of governing themselves that they need Govt to do everything for them?
Before you answer that, keep this in mind...the power of arrest comes from common law and was the right of every person on the land. police forces were created (correct if wrong) to organise citizens whose job it was to keep the peace. to do that they needed powers of arrest and those powers were granted to the newly created police force by the citizens who lived in common law. that power has been usurped by Govt. try to arrest a burglar (or looter) and see what happens to you.

People being able to arrest others? Lol I could see this overly abused (skirmish between neighboors, one arrests the other because he broke a minor rule, or even worst, they arrest each others lol).

Rely on the "people" and many will use it for personal reasons. Even though the yungthugs taking opportunity here aren't the brightest kind, don't expect 'more respectable" citizens to be flawless if such a way of policing was to be brought back...

Well, there is the interesting quote from Peel (the person who established the Met police force): "the police are the public, and the public are the police." ;)