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Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:39 am
by GeneralChaos
homer1475 wrote:lol this is absolutely funny....
love seeing the mod solidarity global locks it... one global unlocks it ...

guess no one has heard the term TEAM

Thats because the mod that locked it, has been a mod all 5 minutes, as a serious attitude problem, and cant stand it when the cold hard facts are presented in front of them.

There are issues that need to be resolved but they wont be, because as soon as a mod steps up and speaks out, b00000m there removed to shut them up, then the next person sucking up on msn, or someone who does nothing ( lets say jack in this case ) gets promoted to supermod.

Still the issue that i asked about, about why is Dadigi allowed to abuse his admin rights on ts, and mod rights on the forums, by checking the IPs from TS onto the forums, this is a total abuse of both admin and mod rights, yet will the admin do anything, hell no he wont.....

Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:54 am
by MajorLeeHurts
I want to thank you all for tolerating me in this topic. I feel I have learned alot about you all and I must say you all share something in common with which to recapture a great mod team. Your passion,, commitment, and lust for a great forum stand out the most. Changes come and go , when a door closes another one opens yadda yadda yadda , you all know that.

The conflicts between you all ( mods, to be clear ) seem to be based on how you treat each other and the words you have used towards each other and not necessarily based on issues that can not be resolved through communication and understanding.

You all bare some personal responsibility in this turmoil. Its a tough lesson in life but sometimes you have to accept things as they are accept your roll in it and move on.

Its getting way to personal and the view of the mod team can only suffer at this point and the ability to mod will be held in contempt for each and every one of you if you cant come to some place of solidarity.

Stop for a moment take a breath lock this thread take this to your mod section and work this out.

The community deserves, and needs the team you are all capable of being.

Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:59 am
by GeneralChaos
It wont be worked out even in private, because 1 of the admins cant control the situation without locking, removing, a topic, or deleting a mod, its 1 thing for an admin to make bad decisions, its another for them to admit it, and a final 1 to undo them bad decisions.

He wants the conflict between mods and the community to get worse, congrats he getting it.

Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:56 am
by Nox
Wolf359 wrote:UNLOCKED.

I feel there are valid points/questions that have not been addressed/answered in this topic (some of them my own points) - therefore this needs to be left open until they are addressed.

damn, in about 3 pages i think this is the only good post lol

smoosh, you said way back, cant bother to look, that aurials being mod was controversial, but you didnt say anything about your opinion about it :?

about the main topic, you answered why jenny was fired, despite some ppl didnt agreed, it was your reason, your the admin, but there was another mod fired, freespirit, you didnt answer why he was fired

and now, seing that you fired jenny cause she masked cursing, and seing that many ppl have posted that Jack does it all the time, why dont you address that also pls

GeneralChaos wrote:
Still the issue that i asked about, about why is Dadigi allowed to abuse his admin rights on ts, and mod rights on the forums, by checking the IPs from TS onto the forums, this is a total abuse of both admin and mod rights, yet will the admin do anything, hell no he wont.....

what kind of abuse does he makes on TS ?? and why is there a prob on checking ips there and forum?? is it cause of forum multis or something ?? i dont get it why this a problem honestly :? :?

Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:07 am
by Nimras
Nox wrote:
GeneralChaos wrote:
Still the issue that i asked about, about why is Dadigi allowed to abuse his admin rights on ts, and mod rights on the forums, by checking the IPs from TS onto the forums, this is a total abuse of both admin and mod rights, yet will the admin do anything, hell no he wont.....

what kind of abuse does he makes on TS ?? and why is there a prob on checking ips there and forum?? is it cause of forum multis or something ?? i dont get it why this a problem honestly :? :?

Easy as a mod/supermod/admin on this forum you have the ability to check IP's yes but using that ability to check a IP against somewhere else like TS or lets say own Forum is wrong and abuse of your powers. Your work here is here and not to help your self avoid spies or make sure someone you dont like arent where you dont want them by checking IP's damn if you did that IRL you would be fired at the job.

Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:28 am
by Nox
Nimras wrote:
Easy as a mod/supermod/admin on this forum you have the ability to check IP's yes but using that ability to check a IP against somewhere else like TS or lets say own Forum is wrong and abuse of your powers. Your work here is here and not to help your self avoid spies or make sure someone you dont like arent where you dont want them by checking IP's damn if you did that IRL you would be fired at the job.

lol, many ppl did that, since the forum started, etl for example, lol, i wasnt even a mod (when i was a mod i didnt had access to ips) but i got all ips of some ppl that were accessing my alliance forum (again, the big cat lol ) and trace them all, you guys really think dagigi is the only one doing it :?

Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:33 am
by Azarak
homer1475 wrote:lol this is absolutely funny....
love seeing the mod solidarity global locks it... one global unlocks it ...

guess no one has heard the term TEAM


Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:45 am
by Wolf359
smooshable wrote:Seriously though, I don't think we're fooling anyone with our team work this week.

Without wanting to sound callous - 'team work'?

Throughout my time as a mod, supermod and Admin on this forum, I have been the one who has, probably more than anyone else, tried to ensure the mods work as a team. I have been the one, probably more than most, who has tried to get the community to understand how best to go about issues with mods. I have been the one, definately more than most, who has urged other mods to keep their arguments away from the public eye and resolve them in house - but when those problems go unanswered/glossed over/ignored, needs must! And I have definately been the one who has cleaned up mod messes more than most, and who has not batted an eyelid in telling people when they are the cause of the problems.

And when I see posts such as that above, I can hardly believe my eyes!

The post was unlocked because it wasn't justifiably locked, as I pointed out.

As for your team work comment - isn't the majority of this recent debacle as a result of the fact that decisions have been made in isolation, rather than as a team?

The answer to that question is 'Yes'.

- Let the community vote on new rule: isolated decision seemingly on the basis of a conversation with a non-mod and in the name of a 'democratic forum' - no proper mod discussion beforehand, meaning mod opinion is bypassed. Outcome: lack of team work, loss of faith in admin, potential undermining of mods ability to carry out their responsibilities. I'm all for increased interaction - but not to the setriment of those who enforce the rules.

- MLH initially discounted from ombudsman vote (despite being in top 3 for nominations): isolated decision without speaking to any mods, based on the assumption that the mods would not be able to work with MLH. Furthermore, goes against the aforementioned 'democratic forum' policy instigated by this admin - i.e. give the people what they want only when it suits! Outcome: lack of team work, further loss of faith in admin - issue resolved after numerous mods complain.

- Jack made a supermod: isolated decision, going against a recent supermod discussion in which it was agreed that there was no further need for any supermods. Despite this, the admin made Jack a supermod, without any consultation with the other supermods - which has taken place in every other case, on top of the fact that other mods had recently been turned down as supers for the reason that no further supers were needed. Furthermore, unlike those other mods who were turned down (at the time), Jack has no prior experience of a mod on this forum and therefore does not warrant being given supermod status (sorry Jack - you're my bud - but it's true).

- Firing of Teal'auc and Freespirit: again, an isolated decision with no warning - and given the prior weeks events, people can be forgiven for thinking why it occurred. I do not accept any explanation I have seen in that they were 'problem mods' - I respond to that with a direct question to the admin - 'a problem for whom?'.

So where is the 'team work' in that pretty lot? They are separate events - but there is an underlying thread of lack of co-operation to all of them.

People talk about another former Admin being a dictator - but I have to say that recent events have been just as bad.

MLH wrote:I want to thank you all for tolerating me in this topic. I feel I have learned alot about you all and I must say you all share something in common with which to recapture a great mod team.

You're more than likely right - but in reference to what I posted above - it is not possible so long as the people who actually do the work are kept out the loop, or their opinions discounted without sufficient reason, and thus undermined. My main grievance is in the way that things are being done in isolation and without consultation at the moment - and unless those responsible can change their ways, or at least acknowledge and be seen to consider strong opinions of others, the mod team will never be improved.

I have no desire to see anybody removed from their positions (all members of the mod/admin team (past and present) have added something positive) - I simply want the mod/admin team to actually work as a team. The fact that a significant number of people (not all of whom are obvious from this discssion) have brought up concerns or supported concerns of others, must surely make alarm bells ring in certain areas?

Therefore - if it takes getting all this out and having a public debate in order to actually get back to having some teamwork - so be it!

Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:31 am
by GeneralChaos
Excellent post Wolf, but be careful or you will end up being booted as a mod too, and well, sadly your probably the only decent one left now.

Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:53 am
by Teal'auc of the Void
Excellent post, Wolf. Agreeing with you :)


Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:06 am
by MajorLeeHurts
Agreed , excellent post Wolf

I appreciate the support for the OMB vote although I dont believe I was suited for it to begin with. I tend to not have much sympathy for educated ignorance and can be a bit of a disciplinarian when it comes to entitlement and spoiled brats :) but thank you all for stepping up to bat for me.

It seems you have outlined the issues rather precisely, however the solutions are a bit vague, and if Im reading you right what you ask for is better communication and collaboration with Admin. I agree that is really not asking for to much at all and makes me wonder why something so simple can not be accomplished.

Looks to me like the ball is in Smoosh's court now to answer the concerns you have, being as you have been so kind to lay them out as you have this should be easy and if it helps this process along I dont believe Smoosh would have a problem defining his motivations as I trust you all have the same goal in sight.

Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:49 am
by FreeSpirit
smooshable wrote:
Teal'auc of the Tok'ra wrote:
Jack wrote: and his lack of time to care for these forums stops him from knowing how things are. and when he's given misinformations by certain 3rd party who's been on power trip... hard to resist.

Jen, this is the ENTIRE problem and has been for many months.In this case Jason didn't agree with you. You don't stop to entertain the notion that your opinion might not be the only valid one. You won't entertain the notion that you might be wrong! You are always correct and therefore there must be some other reason he didn't do what YOU wanted. He didn't know any better? he didn't care? I somehow tricked him? What ever possible explination you can come up with to explain why things aren't done YOUR way. It is this attitude that is the only reason you are no longer a mod. No matter what anyone else thinks, or the reasons they give, or the volume of people who disagree with you, you are right and anyone that cannot see that has a problem.


U are really one to speak on a matter like that. Why dont you do all forum users and mods a favor and resign yourself?

How many fairytales have you and your brownnoser made up this week? Jenny and i work with tokra. The Eye is my forum multi and all that without even daring to show proof to those u acuse.

Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:10 pm
by Juliette
FreeSpirit wrote:U are really one to speak on a matter like that. Why dont you do all forum users and mods a favor and resign yourself?

Can't have 2 captains on a ship, if a Mod and an Admin have a character conflict, the Mod has to go. It's simple, logical, and not arguable.

FreeSpirit wrote:How many fairytales have you and your brownnoser made up this week? Jenny and i work with tokra. The Eye is my forum multi and all that without even daring to show proof to those u acuse.

(make that brownnosers, cause I'm one too by your definition [=anyone who supports smooshable]) Heck, by that definition Jason himself is a brownnoser.. :lol:

There's evidence enough for that Eye being yours, mate. ;)

As for the whole working with Tok`ra.. you and I work with a whole lot of people without realising it.. if we'd only know all the schemes going on, we'd go crazy. I don't doubt you know more than I do, Wes, but I'm sure that in some way, everyone works with Tok`ra. Leaking to Tok`ra however is actively aiding and abetting a criminal (yes, I have a record too, we know), so a different thing altogether. Whether there was proof for that, I don't know. :) What I do know is that there's suggestions and circumstantial evidence to point in that direction.. more so than there is clearing you. And I have been told there's direct evidence as well..
Unfortunately, because I really like you, and I really think that IF you did it, it must have been in some form of drunkenness.. or otherwise judgement-impaired. :)

Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:13 pm
by Wolf359
smooshable wrote:
Teal'auc of the Tok'ra wrote:
Jack wrote: and his lack of time to care for these forums stops him from knowing how things are. and when he's given misinformations by certain 3rd party who's been on power trip... hard to resist.

Jen, this is the ENTIRE problem and has been for many months.In this case Jason didn't agree with you. You don't stop to entertain the notion that your opinion might not be the only valid one. You won't entertain the notion that you might be wrong! You are always correct and therefore there must be some other reason he didn't do what YOU wanted. He didn't know any better? he didn't care? I somehow tricked him? What ever possible explination you can come up with to explain why things aren't done YOUR way. It is this attitude that is the only reason you are no longer a mod. No matter what anyone else thinks, or the reasons they give, or the volume of people who disagree with you, you are right and anyone that cannot see that has a problem.


While that may be correct - Jason also said that he did not have the full facts, or a full understanding of things that have occurred or led to this. And just as easily as you can say Jenny's opinion might be wrong, yours might be equally - the difference is, she couldn't fire you, and you have refused to communicate with, listen to or even acknowledge the opinions of a significant proportion of the mod team, because (it seems) you think you are right, and that is all that matters.

Re: just curious...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:25 pm
by Mystake
Wolf359 wrote: - Firing of Teal'auc and Freespirit: again, an isolated decision with no warning - and given the prior weeks events, people can be forgiven for thinking why it occurred. I do not accept any explanation I have seen in that they were 'problem mods' - I respond to that with a direct question to the admin - 'a problem for whom?'.

Wolfie, I do believe that you're forgetting that Jenny has been on the edge for months now and that I do believe that apparently she's been "warned".

However, I don't think that private dealings between Jenny's warnings and Smoosh need your approval or insight. To be fair to Jenny's privacy.