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Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:47 pm
by Deathshotshooter
Yes thats true, but i do have a sister :)

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:48 pm
by Iƒrit
and your using her account?

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:56 pm
by Apocalypse
Ifrit wrote:and your using her account?

and there's a rule about one person per account. isnt there?

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:02 pm
by Deathshotshooter
Ifrit wrote:and your using her account?

Woah woah woah, now thats putting words into my mouth. I never said i was using her account, i just said i have a sis. And to expand on that, she hold my resources (that i havent sold) in brokers with my friends (decipher and zirtux). Zirtux is also holding some of my resources that my sis cant protect as he is larger.

Are you gonna call a delta alleigence member a cheater now too apocalypse?

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:08 pm
by Apocalypse
Deathshotshooter wrote:
Ifrit wrote:and your using her account?

Woah woah woah, now thats putting words into my mouth. I never said i was using her account, i just said i have a sis. And to expand on that, she hold my resources (that i havent sold) in brokers with my friends (decipher and zirtux). Zirtux is also holding some of my resources that my sis cant protect as he is larger.

Are you gonna call a delta alleigence member a cheater now too apocalypse?

you know what pal, you helped a scammer, even if i believe you did so unknowingly, even your friend said as much and the least you can do is apologize and you havent done that. in fact you act as though you've done nothing wrong at all and that you have no responsibility in this. but sadly you do. YOU contacted me. you added that scammer to our chat and for that you should apologize. but i know since you're a no good scumbag with zero morals you dont have the stones to admit screwing up, whether on purpose or accidentally and apologize for it.

BTW i never said YOU were a scammer, i said you helped one. and you have. one way or another you did. and all your posts and actions so far have shown you arent sorry and i take that as you having done it all on purpose.

PROVE ME WRONG. just say you're at least partly to blame an apologize. sincerely. its the least you can do and the least anyone could do for what they did.

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:13 pm
by Iƒrit
Deathshooter you should really stick to one story...

Deathshotshooter wrote:
Apocalypse wrote:
I <3 You wrote:
Apocalypse wrote:deathshotshooter is helping him.

just an FYI. avoid him too.


also avoid that ID.

What are you talking about? deathshotshooter doesn't even have an account LMAO he sold everything

earlier this week i get a PM from him on the forums asking if i would be interested in buying an account from a friend of his. deathshotshooter and i chatted on MSN, he added this d.ecipher character....

anyway fast forward to last night. i get scammed, suddenly i go back to talk to deathshotshooter and suddenly he doesnt remember any such conversation nor the PMs he sent me. after sending him a copy of one suddenly he has a vague remembering of such PMs being sent by him.

then yeah he vaguely remembers, adding the scammer to the MSN chat....

but at the same time when i went to him last night he claimed decipher wasnt selling an account. well days ago he was and hooks me up with the d.ecipher scammer and last night he claims decipher wasnt selling an account.

i smell BS and lots of it. he hooked me up with that scammer and did so on purpose.

one doesnt need to have a game account to take part in scams.

Ok first of all you need to stop putting words into my mouth. I never said i didnt remember sending you msgs. And yes i do remember sending you that msg and i do remember inviting to a convo with us together.

And just because i invited him to a convo with you doesnt mean i have an affiliation with that person. He buged me about finding buyers for him, so i did. At that time i did think it was the decipher i knew.

And as I<3U said, i don't posses an account anymore. If you want proof, msg id=4742, he the one that bought my account. His email is

You can flash and call me scammer all you want but i have more then a dozen people for SGW that can vouch for me.


Deathshotshooter wrote:... woofie? That was my old account id=4742. I sold it to a guy with email

so which email did you sell the account to?

Also which email is it that is the scammer?

Decipher wrote:Hello SGW Community.

I've just received word from a contact on SGW that an individual has decided to create an email address and is attempting to purchase (or scam) an account.


my email address is

Pronyma wrote:I've encountered a

Is this another scam email?

@Deathshotshooter - Nothing is adding up, Apocalypse is scammed 2 days before the real decipher makes a post, but your RL friends with him (decipher)...But you add a impersonating email to a converasation selling a account, and admit that you did add the email, but act like you had no knowledge of it at first, but also cant tell the difference between your RL friends email and this impersonator? just doesnt make any sense. You apparently sell/buy both UU and accounts, but dont have a account yourself?...ok...but how are you selling/buying UU without a account for them to go to, or to leave from?? Also why can't you see your flaw here you caused someone who trusted you to get scammed by your ways seriously you dont feel any remorse at all? You had knowledge this guy was using a RL friends email, that wasnt him, and you added him to a convo to sell an account, out of all the multis/scammers you have caught you really didnt think this one out...IT JUST MAKES NO SENSE

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:07 pm
by Z E R O
Ifrit, thanks for saying what I was thinking. :x

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:16 pm
by Apocalypse
Pronyma wrote:Ifrit, thanks for saying what I was thinking. :x

its what ive been saying the entire time. nice to see others are thinking the same thing.

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:23 pm
by Z E R O
Apocalypse wrote:
Pronyma wrote:Ifrit, thanks for saying what I was thinking. :x

its what ive been saying the entire time. nice to see others are thinking the same thing.

I was almost scammed as well. It's all a bit fishy to me.

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:48 am
by Deathshotshooter
Apocalypse wrote:
Pronyma wrote:Ifrit, thanks for saying what I was thinking. :x

its what ive been saying the entire time. nice to see others are thinking the same thing.

Last night, well night for me. Me and decipher (the real one), explained the whole situation to infrit, and clear it up. I shall post that convo (too lazy to retype everything, when i get back from school.


Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:47 am
by Iƒrit
ok well lets just say it is completely suspecious and here is another thing I over looked
Decipher wrote:Hello SGW Community.

I've just received word from a contact on SGW that an individual has decided to create an email address and is attempting to purchase (or scam) an account.


my email address is

I have over 100 contacts from the SGW community that can verify that statement.

Should anything occur from that email address, please be aware that it isn't my account and I am not responsible for the actions the account takes.

I will continue to investigate this matter and will post if anymore leads are found.

Thank you for your co-operation and time.


but two hours later...

Decipher wrote:Also I would like to add that I am not suggesting the other email is attempting to scam an individual, but should an event such as that occur, I do not want to be blamed for anything that transpires.


but this is 2 days after someone else had already been scammed, and 3 days after you knew about the inpersonator...

now lets post your convo...

4/21/2008 11:55:17 PM Deathshotshooter - hey you there?
4/21/2008 11:55:27 PM Ifrit - yup
4/21/2008 11:55:32 PM Deathshotshooter - kk
4/21/2008 11:55:39 PM Deathshotshooter - ill try to clear some stuff up for you k?
4/21/2008 11:55:52 PM Ifrit - k
4/21/2008 11:55:54 PM Deathshotshooter - its too hard for me to quote your reply and add my own stuff in
4/21/2008 11:55:54 PM Deathshotshooter - lol
4/21/2008 11:56:09 PM Deathshotshooter - kk first thing
4/21/2008 11:57:22 PM Deathshotshooter - "Nothing is adding up, Apocalypse is scammed 2 days before the real decipher makes a post, but your RL friends with him"
4/21/2008 11:57:52 PM Deathshotshooter - kk heres what happened. Monday 14th, i came home from school and i was added by a
4/21/2008 11:58:23 PM Deathshotshooter - at first i had no idea but i had a faint feeling that it was the decipher i knew from school
4/21/2008 11:58:58 PM Deathshotshooter - after talking with him, he told me that this was a new email of his
4/21/2008 11:59:18 PM Deathshotshooter -
4/14/2008 11:36:52 PM Decipher Hey
4/14/2008 11:36:59 PM Decipher Yo
4/14/2008 11:37:02 PM Decipher whats with the new email?
4/14/2008 11:37:34 PM Decipher ohh its my new email just for sgw

4/21/2008 11:59:31 PM Deathshotshooter - so of course, what the heck i beleive him
4/22/2008 12:00:19 AM Deathshotshooter - he proceeds to tell me that he has an lg+1 account on his hands he wants to sell and he asks to me find him some buyers (at this point im still thinking that this is real decipher)
4/22/2008 12:00:40 AM Deathshotshooter - on the same day, i pm apocalypse in forums
4/22/2008 12:00:43 AM Ifrit - k
4/22/2008 12:00:53 AM Deathshotshooter - kk well i have a contact on my list thats trying to sell his lg+1 account for UU. I promised him that i would look for buyers for him so he would stop bugging me about it lol. Would you be interested? Henry.
4/22/2008 12:01:00 AM Deathshotshooter - thats the msg i sent him
4/22/2008 12:01:12 AM Deathshotshooter - that same day, the 14th, apocalypse adds me to msn
4/22/2008 12:01:21 AM Deathshotshooter - to discuss further
4/22/2008 12:01:38 AM Ifrit - k
4/22/2008 12:01:43 AM Deathshotshooter - i add to convo, assuming that he is the real one
4/22/2008 12:02:28 AM Deathshotshooter - 2 days later from the 14th = 16th
4/22/2008 12:02:43 AM Deathshotshooter - the real decipher "" makes a post on the forums
4/22/2008 12:02:54 AM Ifrit - one sec
4/22/2008 12:03:01 AM Deathshotshooter - kk
4/22/2008 12:03:11 AM Ifrit - how did he know someone was impersonating him?
4/22/2008 12:03:33 AM Deathshotshooter - i asked him at school on the 13th
4/22/2008 12:03:39 AM Deathshotshooter - to see where he got his lg+1 account from
4/22/2008 12:03:49 AM Deathshotshooter - cause he currently has a messiah
4/22/2008 12:04:13 AM Ifrit - ok
4/22/2008 12:04:22 AM Ifrit - and he said?
4/22/2008 12:04:31 AM Deathshotshooter - he tells me that he never made an account with such name
4/22/2008 12:04:49 AM Deathshotshooter - and never talked to me at all (he was offline the whole day)
4/22/2008 12:04:54 AM Deathshotshooter - that when i told him he should post on forums
4/22/2008 12:05:07 AM Deathshotshooter - stating he should post
4/22/2008 12:05:18 AM Deathshotshooter - wait, let me see if the REAL decipher is online
4/22/2008 12:05:23 AM Deathshotshooter - he can talk with me at teh same time

4/22/2008 12:06:20 AM has been added to the conversation.

4/22/2008 12:06:23 AM Deathshotshooter - kk
4/22/2008 12:06:27 AM Deathshotshooter - there he is
4/22/2008 12:06:51 AM - hello ifrit.
4/22/2008 12:06:58 AM - i'm the actual decipher, lol.
4/22/2008 12:06:58 AM Deathshotshooter - So as i was saying, on the 13th (tuesday) i went back to school asking decipher (ill just call him aly from now on) where he got his lg+1
4/22/2008 12:07:03 AM - notice
4/22/2008 12:07:17 AM Deathshotshooter - and he should becareful b/c that would mean he had two accounts
4/22/2008 12:07:20 AM Deathshotshooter - current messiah
4/22/2008 12:07:35 AM Deathshotshooter - and the lg+1 that told me he was selling
4/22/2008 12:07:41 AM Deathshotshooter - ohh, and i told him about this after school
4/22/2008 12:07:50 AM Deathshotshooter - another one of our friend Andy was there too
4/22/2008 12:08:02 AM Deathshotshooter - aly confirm?
4/22/2008 12:08:03 AM Deathshotshooter - lol
4/22/2008 12:08:06 AM - correct.
4/22/2008 12:08:12 AM - he asked me about the lg.
4/22/2008 12:08:18 AM - which i had no recollection about.
4/22/2008 12:08:28 AM - that was when we realized about d.ecipher.
4/22/2008 12:08:43 AM Deathshotshooter - yes, i told him that he should post about it on forums
4/22/2008 12:08:45 AM Ifrit - who is andy?
4/22/2008 12:08:54 AM - a non-sgw person.
4/22/2008 12:08:56 AM Deathshotshooter - Andy woo, he doesnt play SGW
4/22/2008 12:08:56 AM Ifrit - k
4/22/2008 12:09:09 AM Deathshotshooter - but if you want picture proof i can probalby find one on facebook
4/22/2008 12:09:09 AM Deathshotshooter - lol
4/22/2008 12:09:13 AM - lol.
4/22/2008 12:09:18 AM Ifrit - lol no need
4/22/2008 12:09:21 AM - is there any questions ifrit?
4/22/2008 12:09:25 AM Ifrit - just curious
4/22/2008 12:09:42 AM Ifrit - no go ahead i just want to read
4/22/2008 12:09:46 AM Deathshotshooter - kk
4/22/2008 12:09:47 AM Ifrit - :P
4/22/2008 12:09:51 AM Deathshotshooter - umm whered we leave off
4/22/2008 12:10:01 AM Deathshotshooter - so umm...i told him to post and such that day
4/22/2008 12:10:05 AM - well, shortly after we realized i had been dubbed, i posted on the forum.
4/22/2008 12:10:11 AM - to make sure my account was safe.
4/22/2008 12:10:25 AM - that was when all this transpired.
4/22/2008 12:10:46 AM Deathshotshooter - since then i deleted from my list now knowing the truth
4/22/2008 12:10:55 AM Deathshotshooter - 2 days later, apocalypse comes to me on msn
4/22/2008 12:11:01 AM Deathshotshooter - and asks me how well i know decipher
4/22/2008 12:11:17 AM - henry, unaware that he was being "scammed" identity wise, had accidently added him into a convo with apocalypse that started this all.
4/22/2008 12:11:19 AM Deathshotshooter - and of course i respond that i know him very well (at this point i totally forgot about
4/22/2008 12:11:45 AM Deathshotshooter - and he starts talking about his deal with decipher not going down well
4/22/2008 12:11:56 AM Deathshotshooter - which is akward for me, cause i went to msg him, but he wanst online
4/22/2008 12:12:29 AM Deathshotshooter - so this is when i added Tanya (zirtux from delta allegience)
4/22/2008 12:12:38 AM Deathshotshooter - also a friend of ours at school
4/22/2008 12:12:50 AM - our school is sgw infested.
4/22/2008 12:12:51 AM Deathshotshooter - and she also said she never heard anything about aly doing and account deal
4/22/2008 12:12:55 AM - quite amusing actually.
4/22/2008 12:12:56 AM - lol.
4/22/2008 12:12:58 AM Deathshotshooter - lol not really...
4/22/2008 12:13:15 AM Deathshotshooter - there chris, you, tanya, sunny (does he still play)
4/22/2008 12:13:19 AM Deathshotshooter - and well me...but i quit
4/22/2008 12:13:36 AM Deathshotshooter - ohh and jay
4/22/2008 12:13:37 AM Deathshotshooter - lmao
4/22/2008 12:13:39 AM Deathshotshooter - jay....
4/22/2008 12:13:40 AM Deathshotshooter - lol
4/22/2008 12:14:03 AM - basically, an error occurred on henry's side, and he acknowledges this mistake, but to be accused for helping a scammer when he unknowingly added him into a convo is wrongful.
4/22/2008 12:14:12 AM - bottom line, lol.
4/22/2008 12:14:27 AM Deathshotshooter - yea and everything after the 18th is on the forums
4/22/2008 12:14:27 AM Deathshotshooter - lol
4/22/2008 12:14:35 AM - an error occurred, he is sorry for that, but it isn't fair to tarnish his reputation on such a silly matter.
4/22/2008 12:14:50 AM Deathshotshooter - ohh and infrit
4/22/2008 12:14:58 AM Deathshotshooter - about your questions about my account
4/22/2008 12:15:03 AM Deathshotshooter - umm
4/22/2008 12:15:10 AM Deathshotshooter - wait let me copy and paste over
4/22/2008 12:15:39 AM Deathshotshooter - You apparently sell/buy both UU and accounts, but dont have a account yourself?...ok...but how are you selling/buying UU without a account for them to go to, or to leave from??
4/22/2008 12:16:20 AM Deathshotshooter - kk heres what happend, couple months ago, i sold my account id=4742 to (yes i just checked it right now). I sold my account for 22 mill
4/22/2008 12:16:59 AM Deathshotshooter - this 22mill in addition to all the naq i had saved for rebuild when i ascned, and the 40mill i already had on my account was sent to my sister's account, decipher's account and zirtuxs account to hold
4/22/2008 12:17:16 AM Deathshotshooter - zirtux held most of it as his army and power was able to protect it more
4/22/2008 12:18:04 AM Deathshotshooter - prior to my selling of my account, i had also lent zirtux 27mill UU for his army size growth, thus why it seems like i can constatly sell UU
4/22/2008 12:18:11 AM Deathshotshooter - because they have my UU/tehy owe me my UU
4/22/2008 12:18:33 AM - that is correct, from the 22 mil army, about 75% was sent to zirtux.
4/22/2008 12:18:51 AM Ifrit - or
4/22/2008 12:19:09 AM Deathshotshooter - as for buying UU, yes, i do not posses and account, but it was going to go the zirtux as she has been bugging about 100mill army size for the last couple days since i told her im trying to get some UU
4/22/2008 12:19:17 AM Deathshotshooter - umm, ill double check for you right now
4/22/2008 12:19:37 AM Deathshotshooter -
4/22/2008 12:19:40 AM Deathshotshooter - direct copy and paste
4/22/2008 12:20:31 AM Deathshotshooter - does that clear things up for you infrit?
4/22/2008 12:20:46 AM Ifrit - few questions...
4/22/2008 12:20:49 AM Deathshotshooter - kk
4/22/2008 12:26:08 AM Ifrit - chris (???), you (aly) (decipher), tanya (Zirtux) , sunny (???) and jay (???)
4/22/2008 12:26:19 AM Ifrit - do you know there forum names as well?
4/22/2008 12:26:53 AM Deathshotshooter - chris(~Heavenly Mortal~), Sunny(aly fill this in), Jay (azwraith)
4/22/2008 12:27:04 AM - caffine91?
4/22/2008 12:27:07 AM Deathshotshooter - ohh yea
4/22/2008 12:27:09 AM Deathshotshooter - something like that
4/22/2008 12:27:10 AM Deathshotshooter - lol
4/22/2008 12:27:14 AM - i'm not sure if he plays still though.
4/22/2008 12:27:24 AM - forum names, i'm unaware of them.
4/22/2008 12:27:37 AM - i'm DECIPHER :P
4/22/2008 12:27:48 AM Deathshotshooter - i think jay might be just Azwraith on forums too?
4/22/2008 12:28:35 AM - i believe so.
4/22/2008 12:28:56 AM - do you have any questions in regards to the situation with henry?
4/22/2008 12:29:15 AM Ifrit - no its pretty staright foward
4/22/2008 12:29:21 AM Deathshotshooter - kk
4/22/2008 12:29:25 AM Ifrit - oh
4/22/2008 12:29:27 AM Ifrit - I do
4/22/2008 12:29:52 AM Ifrit - do you have your friends MSN addys?
4/22/2008 12:30:02 AM Deathshotshooter - yea
4/22/2008 12:30:04 AM Deathshotshooter - umm
4/22/2008 12:30:24 AM Deathshotshooter - Zirtux (or was it live? lol)
4/22/2008 12:30:39 AM - jay's is like
4/22/2008 12:30:46 AM Deathshotshooter - sunny is
4/22/2008 12:30:51 AM - is daniel's.
4/22/2008 12:31:02 AM Deathshotshooter - chris is
4/22/2008 12:31:04 AM - don't envolve sunny though, he isn't aware of anything.
4/22/2008 12:31:15 AM - it's basically, me, henry, chris, tanya, and jay.
4/22/2008 12:31:20 AM Deathshotshooter - i dont think sunny even plays anymore :S:S
4/22/2008 12:31:30 AM - that's my point.
4/22/2008 12:31:33 AM Deathshotshooter - cause i know for a fact he doesnt even have ss
4/22/2008 12:31:33 AM Deathshotshooter - lol
4/22/2008 12:32:47 AM - lol.
4/22/2008 12:35:25 AM - BTW, henry don't forget elite.
4/22/2008 12:35:37 AM Deathshotshooter - ohh yea
4/22/2008 12:35:38 AM Deathshotshooter - anthony
4/22/2008 12:35:43 AM Deathshotshooter - but we dont even talk to him anymore
4/22/2008 12:35:49 AM Deathshotshooter - heck i dont even see him anymore
4/22/2008 12:35:58 AM - i see him first period if you want me to get him updated.
4/22/2008 12:35:59 AM - lol.
4/22/2008 12:36:21 AM Deathshotshooter - is anthony still in TAA?
4/22/2008 12:36:26 AM Deathshotshooter - wait
4/22/2008 12:36:28 AM Deathshotshooter - its TATS
4/22/2008 12:36:30 AM Deathshotshooter - i think
4/22/2008 12:36:30 AM Deathshotshooter - lol
4/22/2008 12:36:32 AM - TATS
4/22/2008 12:36:42 AM - oh... i remember that.
4/22/2008 12:36:46 AM - lm217.
4/22/2008 12:37:11 AM - scamming some guy, eventually sold account that is now in the care of jay.
4/22/2008 12:37:13 AM Deathshotshooter - yea i dont think henvely has a forum account, whenever he watned stuff he also asked us
4/22/2008 12:37:14 AM Deathshotshooter - lol

fast fowarding...

4/22/2008 12:48:33 AM Ifrit - ok one more thing
4/22/2008 12:48:40 AM Ifrit - i promise its the last:P
4/22/2008 12:48:43 AM Deathshotshooter - lol
4/22/2008 12:48:44 AM Deathshotshooter - kk
4/22/2008 12:48:48 AM Ifrit - you said your sister plays
4/22/2008 12:48:53 AM Deathshotshooter - mhm
4/22/2008 12:49:07 AM Ifrit - whats her ID and account name
4/22/2008 12:49:15 AM Deathshotshooter - umm not sure abouut ID
4/22/2008 12:49:23 AM Deathshotshooter - but her account name is cookie dough
4/22/2008 12:49:29 AM Ifrit - k
4/22/2008 12:49:39 AM Ifrit - does she use the forums?
4/22/2008 12:49:53 AM - i don't believe so.
4/22/2008 12:49:54 AM Deathshotshooter - sometimes, but through my account
4/22/2008 12:50:04 AM Deathshotshooter - shes too lazy o wait for admins to activate
4/22/2008 12:50:27 AM Ifrit - ok

ok, so you found out about the account on the 14th? you tell Apocalypse about it? but also speak to your friend on the 13th??? still isnt adding up man you knew about the account pervious to the sale, you admit to telling your friend about the scammer previous to the sale, but say you had nothing to do with the scam??

EDIT - you also mentioned deleting the email (d.eicpher) after speaking with your firend on the 13th but still added him to the convo for a sale on the 14th???

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:13 am
by Apocalypse
4/22/2008 12:03:33 AM Deathshotshooter - i asked him at school on the 13th
4/22/2008 12:03:39 AM Deathshotshooter - to see where he got his lg+1 account from
4/22/2008 12:03:49 AM Deathshotshooter - cause he currently has a messiah
4/22/2008 12:04:13 AM Ifrit - ok
4/22/2008 12:04:22 AM Ifrit - and he said?
4/22/2008 12:04:31 AM Deathshotshooter - he tells me that he never made an account with such name
4/22/2008 12:04:49 AM Deathshotshooter - and never talked to me at all (he was offline the whole day)
4/22/2008 12:04:54 AM Deathshotshooter - that when i told him he should post on forums

ok if this was on the 13th....

and this was on the 14th...

Re: Account


Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:01 pm

No new messages Account


Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:33 pm

then you knew and did so on purpose.

but lets not stop here!

fact is i was on MSN and i even saw you on MSN during the four days of 14th-18th, in fact i had MSN on ALL DAY LONG each day. but lets ignore that for a second. you could have sent an email to my MSN, you could have sent a PM on the forums (which you did before so what stopped you this time?) had at least two other ways to warn me and didnt. that STILL makes you culpable.

but you admit founding out of the 13th and then pull this on me on the 14th.

or are you going to change the story AGAIN?

decipher makes this thread on the 16th. why does it take him 3 days between the 13th and the 16th? even if you had that conversation on the 16th, that's still 2 days before i got scammed and was still plenty of time to send me a notice, which you never made the attempt to do.

no matter how you slice it you have a responsibility to claim and try to make right.

now just to make sure you cant claim being confused here is this as well:

4/22/2008 12:06:58 AM Deathshotshooter - So as i was saying, on the 13th (tuesday) i went back to school asking decipher (ill just call him aly from now on) where he got his lg+1

you reiterate that you talked to him on the 13th about the account, one day before you contacted me. you've busted yourself.

and i love this part...

4/22/2008 12:10:01 AM Deathshotshooter - so umm...i told him to post and such that day
4/22/2008 12:10:05 AM - well, shortly after we realized i had been dubbed, i posted on the forum.
4/22/2008 12:10:11 AM - to make sure my account was safe.
4/22/2008 12:10:25 AM - that was when all this transpired.

shortly after? 3 days is shortly after? :? sounds more like you all were slow to move on this at all. in fact judging by the lack of warning and how slow this was posted i'd say you all did this as more of an afterthought than as a gesture to warn people because if you wanted to you could have done it sooner and sent me a warning every way possible so YOU could at least say that you tried to tell me, which you didnt even bother to do.

and since you admit to having others hold resources from your old account you are in a position to make up for what you did (setting me up with that scammer) and didnt do (warn me).

now i know you wont but your own words are here for everyone to read. you admit to so much yet think you did nothing wrong. lol what a joke.

BTW the 13th was on sunday, not tuesday. but lets say you had the chat on tuesday. that's still 3 whole days before i got scammed, plenty of time to send messages and emails. and still one day before this thread was posted. so you all knew and sat on the info.

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:21 am
by Deathshotshooter
Sorry by the 13th, i actually meant the 15th. 14th, was a monday, so i told him on 15th, which was a tuesday. Not the 13th, my mistake in typing.

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:30 pm
by Iƒrit
Deathshotshooter wrote:Sorry by the 13th, i actually meant the 15th. 14th, was a monday, so i told him on 15th, which was a tuesday. Not the 13th, my mistake in typing.

Normaly I might be inclined to believe that it was a typo, but here is the thing you said the 13th twice. Once to me without Decipher in the room, and then a second time with decipher in the room, also asking him to confirm your statement, meaning he also stated that you told him the 13th. Your story still isn't adding up...

Ifrit wrote:4/22/2008 12:02:28 AM Deathshotshooter - 2 days later from the 14th = 16th
4/22/2008 12:02:43 AM Deathshotshooter - the real decipher "" makes a post on the forums
4/22/2008 12:02:54 AM Ifrit - one sec
4/22/2008 12:03:01 AM Deathshotshooter - kk
4/22/2008 12:03:11 AM Ifrit - how did he know someone was impersonating him?
4/22/2008 12:03:33 AM Deathshotshooter - i asked him at school on the 13th
4/22/2008 12:03:39 AM Deathshotshooter - to see where he got his lg+1 account from
4/22/2008 12:03:49 AM Deathshotshooter - cause he currently has a messiah
4/22/2008 12:04:13 AM Ifrit - ok
4/22/2008 12:04:22 AM Ifrit - and he said?
4/22/2008 12:04:31 AM Deathshotshooter - he tells me that he never made an account with such name
4/22/2008 12:04:49 AM Deathshotshooter - and never talked to me at all (he was offline the whole day)
4/22/2008 12:04:54 AM Deathshotshooter - that when i told him he should post on forums
4/22/2008 12:05:07 AM Deathshotshooter - stating he should post
4/22/2008 12:05:18 AM Deathshotshooter - wait, let me see if the REAL decipher is online
4/22/2008 12:05:23 AM Deathshotshooter - he can talk with me at teh same time

4/22/2008 12:06:20 AM has been added to the conversation.

4/22/2008 12:06:23 AM Deathshotshooter - kk
4/22/2008 12:06:27 AM Deathshotshooter - there he is
4/22/2008 12:06:51 AM - hello ifrit.
4/22/2008 12:06:58 AM - i'm the actual decipher, lol.
4/22/2008 12:06:58 AM Deathshotshooter - So as i was saying, on the 13th (tuesday) i went back to school asking decipher (ill just call him aly from now on) where he got his lg+1
4/22/2008 12:07:03 AM - notice
4/22/2008 12:07:17 AM Deathshotshooter - and he should becareful b/c that would mean he had two accounts
4/22/2008 12:07:20 AM Deathshotshooter - current messiah
4/22/2008 12:07:35 AM Deathshotshooter - and the lg+1 that told me he was selling
4/22/2008 12:07:41 AM Deathshotshooter - ohh, and i told him about this after school
4/22/2008 12:07:50 AM Deathshotshooter - another one of our friend Andy was there too
4/22/2008 12:08:02 AM Deathshotshooter - aly confirm?

4/22/2008 12:08:03 AM Deathshotshooter - lol
4/22/2008 12:08:06 AM - correct.

Re: User Impersonating Decipher

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:42 pm
by Deathshotshooter
Ok infrit, easy way, think of it this way. I said that i talked to him at SCHOOL on the 13th correct? If 14th is a monday, 13th would have been a sunday, and thus no school. So it has to be 15th. :)