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Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:44 am
by Solus

1. the issue has been dealt with, jack has been disciplined. TIME TO MOVE ON.
2. the 'favourites game' you speak of is only a clever way of inspiring bias amongst the community, distorting the facts that you oh so evidently seem blinded to. jack was chosen under some odd conditions i admit however when you mention smoosh stating he would not fire another mod? well consider this. that doesnt just apply to jack.
3. you claim you have no vandetta, but anyone who understands psychology in the slightest can see you DO infact have a vandetta, regardless of wether you'll admit it or not.
4. as PoT has stated many times, Jack has not been abusing powers since the original incident which he was dealt with. your claims of continual abuse only relate to his usage of the forum as a user, not as a moderator. find me an example of him insulting a user or using his mod color to express opinion, then you'll have proof.
5. this post is not spam, ive adressed your points, in a calm and logical manner.
6. you claim your not spamming? Smoosh has handled the situation, thus the issue dealt with. yet you repeatedly make these rediculous posts and argue back and forth, creating new threads when old ones are locked or gotten rid of. if another user did this then you'd claim that was spam no?
7. your claims of spam as demonstrated above are hypocritical in themselves. your only proving my point listed at number 3.

if i am warned for this post, i will take it gladly, but also be advised i will take this up will bill if it does happen. this is not spam. this is not disrespectful. i have my opinion, get used to it.

also, if i were to make a petition for you to be removed from the forums PERIOD, then would you not be issuing counter claims and other such things? think about it tetris, your only digging yourself a deep deep hole that you wont be able to get out of. dont drag everyone down with you, it wont help you any more or less.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 8:31 am
by Solus
Tetrismonkey wrote:Ok Jack here I go....

Now reread all those "insults" I have made....

Whats in common?

EVERYONE that that I made those comments on actually displayed using about 1 braincell, all they do is this **Filtered** over and over throughout this thread, and its becoming quite irritating, expecially SINCE IVE ASKED **Filtered** 10 TIMES NOT TO SPAM THIS THREAD. And yet all of your **Filtered** friends get to do this **Filtered** and you still have yet to mod and warn them after Nim even stated to not spam again.

Is it my fault that your friends lack the intellegance to post anything but spam in a section where spam is very irritating BECAUSE THESE ARE SERIOUS MATTERS?

Know what Jack, you really want an insult?

Find better friends, there not very smart, just lame ass spammers that cant keep out of my thread and you cant do your job.

WOW, thats so insulting compaired to you calling people Idiots, dumbasses and retards.

Well done tetris, youve just proven my point, jacks point, PoT's point and all of us 'lame ass spammers'. congratulations on dragging yourself into the dirt. if you cant accept what people say, then dont post here. your going to meet with opposing opinions which you consider 'spam' for some reason. again congratulations on completely stuffing up, showing the community what your true colors really are.

dont like my opinion, too bad. dont dismiss it as spam. read our posts rather than attempting to take your 'high ground' and falling short in the eyes of many.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:44 am
by Guardianx
Jack wrote:P.S. Tetrismonkey, I have been authorized to issue the following ultimatum.

1. Continue insulting people as you have(as long as it's not completely outta line EX. you're pedo) but cease whining about being insulted

2. Continue whining about being insulted, and cease your insults.

3. Continue doing as you are now, and begin to recieve insults any time you insult anyone.

Edit: You've also been PM'd therefore claiming you did not see this is not a valid excuse, a no reply will be a default option three.

why dont you stop insulting people first

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:28 pm
by killtacular
Tetrismonkey wrote:Ok Jack here I go....

Now reread all those "insults" I have made....

Whats in common?

EVERYONE that that I made those comments on actually displayed using about 1 braincell, all they do is this **Filtered** over and over throughout this thread, and its becoming quite irritating, expecially SINCE IVE ASKED **Filtered** 10 TIMES NOT TO SPAM THIS THREAD. And yet all of your **Filtered** friends get to do this **Filtered** and you still have yet to mod and warn them after Nim even stated to not spam again.

Is it my fault that your friends lack the intellegance to post anything but spam in a section where spam is very irritating BECAUSE THESE ARE SERIOUS MATTERS?

Know what Jack, you really want an insult?

Find better friends, there not very smart, just lame ass spammers that cant keep out of my thread and you cant do your job.

WOW, thats so insulting compaired to you calling people Idiots, dumbasses and retards.

with all the filtered words in here Im appauled your still in the respect group.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:26 pm
by thaltek
:shock: i guess i was a little suprised to see that the respect group even let him in....

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:08 pm
by Zeratul
thaltek wrote::shock: i guess i was a little suprised to see that the respect group even let him in....

its long since he joined... he joined the group sometime around the start of last december...

as for whether he will remain a member, that is an internal discussion (one that has been started, and in which he is able to take part)

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:28 am
by David Bliss
i like jack

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:16 am
by Alex
Tetrismonkey wrote:Seeing that the community would rather see a dictator instead of a community control the forums is sad.


It's not a dictatorship incase you don't know the different types of governments. Which I will assume you don't as a dictatorship would have one person in TOTAL command. In our case it would be Forum, however you aren't calling Forum a dictator... You are saying Jack is the dictator. Since he is only a mod and still has superiors he is in no way shape or form a dictator. Perhaps you would like to go and use google to try to come up with a better statement. If not then GTHO.

Secondly, you seem to make an arse of yourself over and over again. Why should Jack, or anyone else for that matter respect you or listen to you if all you are going to do is moan and complain.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:50 am
by Iƒrit
i dont recall the thread being about tetris at all, and all of a sudden its been twisted in his direction. I do think the topic is about Jack...
maybe im just :?

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:54 am
by Alex
Earendil wrote:He was not talking about every user, you made it so, he was talking about YOU Jack, and you're spammer friends that always show up if someone throws a bit at you.

@ Alex that's funny about TM being a dictator, what do you cal the 'ultimatum that Jack threw at him then?

I never caleld TM a dictator. I stated clear facts and evidence that Jack isn't. Unless you think Jack is really Forum? Thats quite the conspiricy theory you've got there. Either that or you totally missed my point in what i wrote before.

If that's the case I would suggest Hooked on Pheonix. I hear it really works well.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 12:11 pm
by Alex
Earendil wrote:Jack, I really do not care about what you quoted, i know TM far better than you and I know how he can be sometimes, but he is a great friend and person. The reason i do not care about your spolier is because this thread was about something you did as a MOD not a regular user, sure TM was being a hypocrite at times, everyone is, there is no way around that.

While i'm at it, i personally like Auriel, but half of the examples you posted were of him saying something to her after a silly spam/comment spell from her.

So, from a forum user to another, STHU and quit twisting everything.

@ Ifrit, thanks

Earendil, I really do not care about what you quoted, i know Jack far better than you and I know how sexy and irristable he can be sometimes, but he is a great friend and person. The reason i do not care about you is because this thread was about something that you know nothing about. sure Jack made fun of you at times, everyone does, there is no way around that.

While i'm at it, i would personally like to thank TetrisMonkey, you have reminded me that there are still retards on the internet.

So, from a forum user to another, STHU and quit twisting everything.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:24 pm
by thaltek
*agrees with alex*

by far jack has/is one of the better examples of fairness, and i would personally say that he is one of the better eggs around these forums. don't get me wrong there are other good eggs around here too, but jack is one of the really good ones. if you think jack is giving you a little attitude he probably is, after all he is a Texan..... :lol:

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:26 am
by Clarkey
I guess the petition can now be closed. :D

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:46 am
by Legendary Apophis
Anyway this petition received only 14 it's not like it's going to do much of a forum-quake! 8)

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:40 am
by FreeSpirit
As much as i agree that Jack does not have what it takes to be a global mod i think that digging up old dirt on other peoipke discussing this topic is pointless and tetrismonkey as much as i value your guts i had expected more from you.

Jack will probly need time and gain experience to become a good mod and his current actions may have spoken against him, but as every human being he has his flaws. I guess im kinda in a i dont give a rats ass stage anymore. However if the community starts fighting eachother making fools of everyone who posts there is no use to even read the forums anymore. If you look at the forums 85% of the current posts are ether made in anger, envy or jalousy. I guess that all i wanna say is stop the bickering and make some constructive posts on the subject