Mothership capacity increase of by 3% per Tech level

Fear Of The Duck
Forum Zombie
Posts: 7910
Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:32 am

Re: Mothership capacity increase of by 3% per Tech level

Kateaclysmic wrote:PROBLEM!

I like the technology, but...

When buying weapons and shields, it TELLS you you have x capacity, but in fact you have x-1 + a capacity where a E (0,1). With fleets this doesn't seem to happem; if it says you have x fleets then you can buy x fleets.

I like to quickly type in how many I'm missing after attacking/an attack and then click to purchase then click on the next screen I need to go to. Because of this update I have to WAIT to see if I could buy x or if I only have between x and x-1 capacity available before I can go to the next screen. The only solution I have so far is that I always type in x-1, but that's annoying because I should be able to instantly know how many I can buy and then go on about my business without having to have 1 less or waiting for the screen to refresh telling me that it worked or that I have to buy 1 less.

ya can do what i do: just have always x-1 and then there's no probs, ya buy what ya've lost and what ya've upgraded (+the %).

still... those round numbers... :smt011

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