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Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:24 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Sabin le Rose wrote:I just don't understand how the **** they can justify spending so much money on something so...Trivial.

This project has been around for awhile, I believe.
Or the idea of the project...

4.4billion dollars.
Imagine what that money could have done to use technology that could benefit the WORLD, and not just a select few elite.

That money could easily push boundaries in alternative fuels, and waste reduction technologies.

i couldnt agree more.

there is technology ready to go that could power your home and car for very VERY little cost and is super clean, but this tech which has been around for years wont see the light of day in the consumer market unless a revolution takes place for 1 simple reason...greed!

these technology's would make us independent of governments and corporations and would put money back in our pockets...we cant have that now can we?!?!

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:02 am
by Cole
Semper wrote:
Lois Lane wrote:Tssk.. my father has invested heavily in CERN, enough to be considered a substantial contributor. Is his money dirty? :?

Risking the fate of the planet. Right.
This isn't a film here.. it's reality.
Scientific progress, REAL progress, requires taking risks or pushing the boundaries of ethics. The hero of alternative energy, mr. Tesla (him again), conducted research that was potentially dangerous to the area in which he conducted his experiments. Psychology and psychiatry benefited heavily from the morally twisted Nazi experiments around WWII. Europe acquired many inventions when the Mongols conquered and laid waste to most of Eurasia, bringing with them stories and actual inventions from China.

Really.. when taking a leap forward, we cannot always see where we will land. Sometimes, we need to take a leap of faith. That, (and because it's been paid for already) is the reason why CERN/LHC will do their research.
Besides, what do you think!? Do you really believe CERN would conduct an experiment that would suck up the planet? :P Nah.. sure, there are risks, but Doomsday will have to wait for a little longer.

Btw, it's a marvellous thing to visit. :-D

its all about that fine line again there Lois. Where as Master Tesla, and even Nobel or "I am become death, destroyer of worlds" dude leaped forward with scientific inventions that could all have massive consequences within the world, none of them ran the risk of actually destroying the planet with just their experimental stages. Yes they could obliterate massive areas of the world surface through even the merits of their inventions, but to quote Jurassic park, life finds a way. A black hole eating the earth. Life wont find a way round that one because there would be no earth left.

This entire experiment with CERN is reckless and you may say its taking leaps forward with risk and all that wonderful rhetoric, but I dont see how any scientist can justify it with even the remotest chance of this awesomely terrible risk of occurring.

I have no facts to debate this properly I know, but ultimately, I can see nothing, worth putting the entire planet on the line, worth achieving.

I know it is NOT the movies, but I do believe the film industry has some good morals with that old overstated message. Man should not play God in ways such as this. It never goes well.

CERN have already admitted the possibilities of Black holes arising, but see the chance as being so small, they have dismissed it. Thats just not good enough. :wink:

Then again, there is nothing I can do about it. Hopefully someone will see sense in the next 8 days and put a stop to it.

It might also be of interest that is was CERN and not the americans that invented the WWW.

**Goes to do further reading on LHC and CERN**

Comparing it with nuclear tests is wrong. Nuclear tests devastated pacific ocean nature yes, but none of tests or targettings (Nagasaki and Hiroshima on August 1945) destroyed the Earth.
And what are we trying to do here? Discover how universe got created?? Aren't we trying to play God there?
It's sooo wrong on all aspects. It's even more dangerous than Apophis, as unlike it, we will start this experiment.
Odds that Apophis hits Earth and destroy it are very very small, however, for that experient, it's totally unknown.

And don't forget something. Asteroids can be nuked, or the process using a giant mirror to reflect sunlight would change asteroid's way and save earth.
Black hole is not matter. Don't forget it. Matter can be destroyed or moved. Black holes, can't.
Comparing things that can't be compared.
Black Holes are the most dangerous thing around on the universe. Even a red giant solar expending could be be escaped from, considering growth time and time before it gets critical. We would have technology to travel between galaxies before it happens.

And we are going to try them. It's like having a nuclear bomb on your kitchen that you use as a table, and hope that your use of it, will never make the bomb explode.

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:17 am
by [KMA]Avenger
its like doc frankenstien, his motives might have been pure but the result was an experiment that went wrong and out of control...

i think people have seen what they are capable of and now the mentality is to make ourselves creators thereby becoming "GODS" ourselves...

somethings are best left untouched regardless of the benefits.

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:25 am
by Cole
What surprises me the most is that there are believers who don't mind that one experiment, while it's obviousness at its best, that it's:
-playing God
-if it works, proving that we can equal god, and even say that God doesn't exist.

Frankenstein was similar, but difference, big big big wasn't a danger for solar system.

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:30 am
by [KMA]Avenger
LegendaryApophis wrote:
Frankenstein was similar, but difference, big big big wasn't a danger for solar system.

i agree, the scale between the to (even tho frankenstien was not real) is complete opposite, but the mentality behind both is the same.

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:50 am
by Demeisen
its not playing God at all. at most its trying to understand 'Gods' work. the alteration of life via genetic manipulation could be labled as playing god. an experiment trying to uncover the secrets of existence is what it is, nothing more.

the 4billion spent would be a drop in the ocean if it were put towards feeding/clothing the worlds poor.

part of being human is to be curious and to want to know more about the nature of reality. the LHC can answer many questions we have which cant be solved without such an experiment.

from what i know of these tiny black holes they happen all the time and blink out of existence almost as soon as they appear. and black holes are relatively weak unless they are extremely massive. the scientists who are conducting this event wouldnt be doing so if they thought it would end the world.

quite a few theories have been put forward and have been proven wrong. the nature of the LHC is that it induces this kind of debate and hysteria.

the benefits from this experiment could give us information which will aid humanity greatly. it is a vital next step in mankinds quest for greater understanding.

we are more likely to be killed by an asteroid (etc) or a gamma ray burst or colliding realities or huge climate change than by the LHC experiment. the scientists will have a very good idea of what will happen when its turned on. i said id probably cringe when its activated. i stand by that but i would say it will be from excitement. i see the possibility of the world ending being nothing more than something to discuss down the pub over the next week.

and where the funding comes from isnt important (unless the mafia funded it as a means for smuggleing at lightspeed). and if the world does end im sure some will be happy that the evil, nazi, sithlord, ghost, satan 'NEOCONS' will die along with everyone else.

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:04 am
by [KMA]Avenger
lol @ that last statement :lol:

not trying to stir up hysteria or anything so dramatic but i think scientists that experiment without knowing what could happen is reckless and unethical.

as for the end of the world, well i agree that we are more likely to be hit by a rock from space than be eaten by a micro-blackhole, but i still think some things are best left least at our present understanding of things when you look at the state of the planet, where the funding has come from and how we treat each other the motives for this becomes a bit suspect....

maybe its just me :?

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:06 am
by Cole
LiQuiD wrote:its not playing God at all. at most its trying to understand 'Gods' work. the alteration of life via genetic manipulation could be labled as playing god. an experiment trying to uncover the secrets of existence is what it is, nothing more.

the 4billion spent would be a drop in the ocean if it were put towards feeding/clothing the worlds poor.

part of being human is to be curious and to want to know more about the nature of reality. the LHC can answer many questions we have which cant be solved without such an experiment.

from what i know of these tiny black holes they happen all the time and blink out of existence almost as soon as they appear. and black holes are relatively weak unless they are extremely massive. the scientists who are conducting this event wouldnt be doing so if they thought it would end the world.

quite a few theories have been put forward and have been proven wrong. the nature of the LHC is that it induces this kind of debate and hysteria.

the benefits from this experiment could give us information which will aid humanity greatly. it is a vital next step in mankinds quest for greater understanding.

we are more likely to be killed by an asteroid (etc) or a gamma ray burst or colliding realities or huge climate change than by the LHC experiment. the scientists will have a very good idea of what will happen when its turned on. i said id probably cringe when its activated. i stand by that but i would say it will be from excitement. i see the possibility of the world ending being nothing more than something to discuss down the pub over the next week.

and where the funding comes from isnt important (unless the mafia funded it as a means for smuggleing at lightspeed). and if the world does end im sure some will be happy that the evil, nazi, sithlord, ghost, satan 'NEOCONS' will die along with everyone else.

1- That's a matter of opinion.
2- Put it into travel and study solar system's planets, satellites and comets would beless dangerous and so much more usefull. Another 4bil WASTED that could have helped Mars project...
3- I couldn't care less what happend after big bang. However, travelling thru solar system is a big curiosity factor, and has a real use.
4- They would do it, because there are chances it doesn't happen. As long as risk factor is not 100.00%, it will be tried...
5- We'll see...I can hope nothing will happen..
6- We could do it later when we can afford doing it properly if we so much want to do it...
7- No. Asteroids can be destroyed or moved with giant mirrors put in space to move its direction with sun energy. I seen it on scientist doc, not some serie B movie. Colliding realities...and now we say the experiment's dangers are fiction... :roll:
8- I fail to see what's soo good coming from that...many more useful things to work about in science.
9- You forgot the bigfoot, alien conspirators and lizard people... :smt018

And...didn't you all see Armagheddon?
Asteroids can be stopped, even documentaries (with different ways tho) say it is possible.

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:29 am
by Demeisen
[KMA]Avenger wrote:not trying to stir up hysteria or anything

i understand that :wink: . its natural to be edgy with things like this.

1*what isnt?
2*its not wasted and 4bil wouldnt go far towards a mars project.
3*lucky you dont decide what to investigate. this experiment could lead to discoveries which will change the world. its not all about big (planets, comets etc). small (quantum) is important too.
4*if there were a 1% risk they wouldnt try it. i remember something along the lines that the risk of disaster posed by the LHC is like winning the lottery jackpot 3 weeks running. . .
5*same here :-D
6*its not a sudden thing. we've been building towards it. nows the time.
7*maybe asteroids can be stopped. if you detect it in time, if you get the items in space in time. you say they can be moved. this is from theory which you trust yet you dont trust the LHC theories? Colliding with another plane is possible (from what i last read/saw).
8*knowledge about the fundamentals of science will be greatly helpful. and all science is useful from the dramatic to the mundane.
9*i have a heard of lizard people for their green milk.

LegendaryApophis wrote:And...didn't you all see Armagheddon?

lol i believe NASA still gets people to watch that film, and attempt to point out all of the (many) scientific inaccuracies in it.

yeh its possible to stop asteroids. not easy though. id be much more afraid of asteroid (etc) impact. you are statistically more likely to die from an asteroid than lightning in any given year. if that asteroid is going to hit us we need to hire the A-Team to stop it. i pity the fool rock that gets in mr Ts way :lol:

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:43 am
by Juliette
BBC4 Radio will be broadcasting "Big Bang Day" on 10 September to coincide with LHC being switched on. Included in this event will be a radio episode of the BBC show Torchwood with a plot surrounding the LHC.


You've all been had. It's just another War of the Worlds scare.
Remember that?

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:49 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Lois Lane wrote:
BBC4 Radio will be broadcasting "Big Bang Day" on 10 September to coincide with LHC being switched on. Included in this event will be a radio episode of the BBC show Torchwood with a plot surrounding the LHC.


You've all been had. It's just another War of the Worlds scare.
Remember that?

so your saying that 4.4 billion has been spent to build something just to have a dramatic radio broadcast?? :?

yes i know the hysteria that show whipped up which made people think the martians were invading :lol: :lol:

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:04 am
by Demeisen
i hoped it would be live on tv but ill be listening to the radio thing. sounds fun :-D


Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:15 am
by Cole
What I find funny, is that there are people who keep claim, that black holes aren't dangerous, while BBC diffused a fictional movie with mention of this event, and what it could probably do, if it turned wrongly.
So...some unaware and lies spreaders would be a thing, a somehow serious channel is another. Isn't it?
Yes, in that movie they said it would probably not happen...With "if", we could create a new world though! If positive always turned out to win, that would be known already..

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:28 am
by Sabin le Rose
LiQuiD wrote:
the 4billion spent would be a drop in the ocean if it were put towards feeding/clothing the worlds poor.

I don't see where anyone said anything about feeding or clothing the worlds poor...

I admit, that money would do nothing to feed or cloth the poor.
However, it WOULD do wonders for kickstarting the programs designed to look for alternative fuel sources, as previosly stated.

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:05 am
by [KMA]Avenger
i was the one who said it could go towards feeding the poor...

generally speaking now...4.4 bil dollars is not chicken feed.
