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Re: Forum Modding becoming OTT?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:59 am
by semper
buck wrote:Needs must...and So on...

:? :(

Re: Forum Modding becoming OTT?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:05 am
by Mr Nice Guy
DaDigi wrote:
e. Stat posting
The posting of other users current in game stats are not permitted on the SGW forums. You are however permitted to post your own.

Yes and most of time when someone posts their own stats still gets erased and a message about not posting them.

REK wrote:burn the forum users burn em all :sge

oh crap this isnt my Admin account :?

** watchin REK burning** ... ** this is fun** :lol:

Wolf359 wrote:@ darkalbino

If anything, the modding recently has gotten better than what it has been in a long time, so to say it is OTT is just ludicrous and seems to stem from the fact that you have had something modded that you don't agree with (rightly or wrongly) - in which case you have an ombudsman to go through, not to post bleating about it in General.

As good that u guys kicked Nimras butt out of the section he was for been too good and doing his job banning someone u guys didnt wanted to be banned. Made him look like an idiot and sent to the bench... just cause he did what others closed eyes and didnt do! Yes that good it has become! And Ombusman dont work at all. I sent him a message about a warning from jack and still waiting... i got answers by Lore Robe Zeratul and someone else... wich didnt lead to anything at all aswell... good work that is...

Wolf359 wrote: @ teesdale - yes, you can see peoples stats by spying on them - but not everyone can spy on everyone in game - therefore stat posting is not allowed, because I'm sure if it was, then we'd have some people who would post the stats of others to encourage people to gang up on them, or simply because they had a grudge on them.

The ability to see somebody's stats needs to be earned - not given away for free on a forum. What happens outside these forums is not our concern - but while the rule exists (and it isn't going to be removed) it will be abided by or modded accordingly. Whether people disagree with or dislike the rule is, frankly, irrelevant.

Still kind of dumb rule... most of the players are in alliances... wich haves their own forums... and can easily post the enemies stats and so... just a change of place, doesnt fix the problem, just move it away!

Re: Forum Modding becoming OTT?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:05 am
by Mr Nice Guy
Tetrismonkey wrote:SOoo

We can round to a number about the other person? Just cant post there EXACT stat?

Like say I mass someone, and I say Before stats:(old stats of the user)

Then I post After Stats:(but are rounded to numbers, not the exact stats)

Would that be ok or am I just you know, giving you more things to think about? :-D

they could say u are masking the numbers ??? warning... ? :lol:

Re: Forum Modding becoming OTT?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:18 am
by weilandsmith
The rules have been clarified and made clear. Players can only post their own stats and no one else's whether rounded up or falsified. Rules on masking has also been given clarification.

As for the complaint of over modding, Darkalbino_ is advised to file this with the ombudsman in the ombudsman's corner. Locking topic.

Re: Forum Modding becoming OTT?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:20 am
by Lore
Prince_of_Darkness wrote:
DaDigi wrote:
e. Stat posting
The posting of other users current in game stats are not permitted on the SGW forums. You are however permitted to post your own.

Yes and most of time when someone posts their own stats still gets erased and a message about not posting them.
Thats because the standing forum rule was NO stat posting, even tho I have suggested a discussion or the lobbing for change NO ONE has bothered to do so. They had rather do like you and sit back and complain.
REK wrote:burn the forum users burn em all :sge

oh crap this isnt my Admin account :?

** watchin REK burning** ... ** this is fun** :lol:

Wolf359 wrote:@ darkalbino

If anything, the modding recently has gotten better than what it has been in a long time, so to say it is OTT is just ludicrous and seems to stem from the fact that you have had something modded that you don't agree with (rightly or wrongly) - in which case you have an ombudsman to go through, not to post bleating about it in General.

As good that u guys kicked Nimras butt out of the section he was for been too good and doing his job banning someone u guys didnt wanted to be banned. Made him look like an idiot and sent to the bench... just cause he did what others closed eyes and didnt do! Yes that good it has become! And Ombusman dont work at all. I sent him a message about a warning from jack and still waiting... i got answers by Lore Robe Zeratul and someone else... wich didnt lead to anything at all aswell... good work that is...
You talk about things you know nothing about, and as for your claim about your warning, we can pull it all out and go through it AGAIN as I have proven you wrong over and over and I don't mind doing it once more. I'll post it all publicly if you want if you will finally end this mindless propaganda. Seems if you got 4 answers all saying the same thing you would get the point.

Wolf359 wrote: @ teesdale - yes, you can see peoples stats by spying on them - but not everyone can spy on everyone in game - therefore stat posting is not allowed, because I'm sure if it was, then we'd have some people who would post the stats of others to encourage people to gang up on them, or simply because they had a grudge on them.

The ability to see somebody's stats needs to be earned - not given away for free on a forum. What happens outside these forums is not our concern - but while the rule exists (and it isn't going to be removed) it will be abided by or modded accordingly. Whether people disagree with or dislike the rule is, frankly, irrelevant.

Still kind of dumb rule... most of the players are in alliances... wich haves their own forums... and can easily post the enemies stats and so... just a change of place, doesnt fix the problem, just move it away!

NO its not a dumb rule, would you train covert, or buy any covert levels if you did not have to? Point blank, some people like yourself, like to push rules and at some point in time you would see threads with complete intell logs on 1/2 the server posted for all to see. You may not understand that, nor understand the down side to it. That doesnt mean we, and the majority of the people in these forums don't see it.[/quote]

You got a complaint get your own thread and don't necro a nearly 3 month old thread to spew your propaganda.