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Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:59 pm
by smooshable
I wrote the rules and it was intentional to have both. They're not the same thing, just that the vast majority of those of the male sex have the masculine gender and those of the female sex identify with the feminine gender. If I were to call you Semper a girl, I would be saying that your gender didn't match your sex and that this is something to be mocked. But some people are quite proud to be males with a feminine gender.

Moral of the story is that sure, most people get through life being able to use the two interchangeably, but for the people this rule is meant to protect it is far more complex.

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:39 pm
by Jack
Colton wrote:My Canadian 2¢? He should have been given a verbal warning first. I've also noticed some mods clamping down on some people more than others and I don't think that's fair.. But hey, that's just my humble point of view ^^

Don't you know? I'm biased towards TJP and I never warn or ban anyone from FUALL! :-D

Colton wrote:Speaking of rules.. Shouldn't there only have been two parties posting in this thread?


Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:16 am
by Colton
lol :lol:

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:50 am
by Jack
Huntalaar wrote:Yup Jack banned me for posting once in a spam thread.

Lying scum.

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 5:24 am
by semper
smooshable wrote:I wrote the rules and it was intentional to have both. They're not the same thing, just that the vast majority of those of the male sex have the masculine gender and those of the female sex identify with the feminine gender. If I were to call you Semper a girl, I would be saying that your gender didn't match your sex and that this is something to be mocked. But some people are quite proud to be males with a feminine gender.

Moral of the story is that sure, most people get through life being able to use the two interchangeably, but for the people this rule is meant to protect it is far more complex.

surely it would have been simpler to have just used one or the other... :?

The difference between the two is nigh on negligible and only a few of us actually know there is one at all.

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:29 am
by Juliette
Semper wrote:The difference between the two is nigh on negligible and only a few of us actually know there is one at all.

Surely everyone knows there is an actual difference between the two, one (sex) being the biological category of male/female and the other (gender) as the socially and culturally created roles one can have. Who does not not know that? Back to school.

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:14 am
by Mordack
As the ombudsman is away for an indefinite period of time, I guess it would be best if we try to resolve things on our own for the time being. That's why I've chosen to start posting here. Once Bill is back, or we have a replacement, then I presume we'll go back to how things previously operated in this corner.

Your warning was ruled as valid, Nimras, and there is zero chance of it being removed. Although I can appreciate that you're apparently still quite upset about it, I fear that bringing it up at every possible opportunity isn't going to do much good.

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:51 am
by semper
Universe wrote:
Semper wrote:The difference between the two is nigh on negligible and only a few of us actually know there is one at all.

Surely everyone knows there is an actual difference between the two, one (sex) being the biological category of male/female and the other (gender) as the socially and culturally created roles one can have. Who does not not know that? Back to school.

I dont know. Make a poll.. lol.

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:52 am
by Juliette
Semper wrote:
Universe wrote:
Semper wrote:The difference between the two is nigh on negligible and only a few of us actually know there is one at all.

Surely everyone knows there is an actual difference between the two, one (sex) being the biological category of male/female and the other (gender) as the socially and culturally created roles one can have. Who does not not know that? Back to school.

I dont know. Make a poll.. lol.

I don't really care, so no.. :P

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:52 am
by caesar2
Skunky wrote:unlucky mate
but if your saying FS is he gay.. and the mod is saying its a RL insult
then the mod is homophobic :S

or The Jack is hack.

this looks like jack and Co. are abusing not rules and whole net. as Jack wrote in PM's:

Report closed. :lol:

Nope you're right, we all hate you TTF guys!

ZOMG! We're such horrible Nazis using facts to "control the people"!

As if there was anything worse then TTF scum. =;

and this kind of person is
Groups: Global moderators

btw, those PMs were just his poor answer on my reports. nobody noticed it, because all 5 reports were closed without moding, it looks like calling ppl gay is breaking a rule, must be used warning. But calling ppl ilierate, laughing on ppl's language, comparing someones brain with cat's brain IS NOT.

same GM and so diferent views.

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:44 am
by Manetheren
caesar2 wrote:
btw, those PMs were just his poor answer on my reports. nobody noticed it, because all 5 reports were closed without moding, it looks like calling ppl gay is breaking a rule, must be used warning. But calling ppl ilierate, laughing on ppl's language, comparing someones brain with cat's brain IS NOT.

same GM and so diferent views.

You left out the "lying scum" post he did in this thread.

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:02 am
by Jack
caesar2 wrote:
Report closed. :lol:

Nope you're right, we all hate you TTF guys!

ZOMG! We're such horrible Nazis using facts to "control the people"!

As if there was anything worse then TTF scum. =;

I'd love to put this quotes into perspective for our readers, unfortunately when your friends hacked the admin and used his account to delete mine I also lost a good deal of my PMs.

caesar2 wrote:btw, those PMs were just his poor answer on my reports. nobody noticed it, because all 5 reports were closed without moding, it looks like calling ppl gay is breaking a rule, must be used warning. But calling ppl ilierate, laughing on ppl's language, comparing someones brain with cat's brain IS NOT.

same GM and so diferent views.

So those are me responding to your five reports? Learn2count

Also the ONE report I closed was reporting someone from outside the war posting in the war thread, not what you listed.

Oh yeah you forgot one of my PMs!

Jack wrote:Yes, I am a terrible mass murderer in real life!

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:06 am
by Colton
Why does everyone have to pick on Jack :(

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:23 am
by caesar2
This is not only about Jack. there was a bunch of mods and GM's PMing me about my reports. shame... all were negative. my reportes were not good enough.

and now i see the point: if FUALL member breaks rules, rules are removed. when TTF member breakes rules, rules are in place.

jack, if your account was hacked its your problem, it wasnt me who hacked it so you should not acuse ppl in general.

or your trying to tell, your abusing your power as GM to revange TTF cuse you cant find those hackers? how can we understand all you have done and all what you wrote?

well, sure your murderer, if says that 8) if nothing else, your killing the forum moral and rules. well, and you ahve another staff helping you with this.

keep going!

ps: to tell someone is gay is not right, but i remember a war, called FUALL vs TO and if i remember right, we were public called gay, right? nobody was banned, not even warned. depends on GM/mod how he see that, if its RL insult breaking rules or its just a roleplaying.

anyways, ombudsman is mistick person, never around, always hiding. than he comes from shadows, decline all complaints against mods and GMs and hides back. why do we need this kind of institution? ah, i forgot. we dont need it, just few biterish ppl need it to play with ppl, moralize but self breaking rules and even more, like we noticed in another thread, mods like to go behind this forum to poke about someones life and net identity.

we need to open another discussion: do we need ombudsman? do we need this forum? do we need to listen all these kind of "moral" GM's and mods?

NO... they need us. we dont need them. without them we can exist, they cant exist without us.

jack, your nothing without lithium, without TTF. if you want to play with puppets make a party for every forum staff member, those who need to feel "The Power" of moding will come for sure.

At the end, if lithium was warned cuse "gay", we should reopen old cases. i think we dont have a rule wich says how old posts can be reported.

maybe tomorow we will find one new rule about this. who knows, mods need to play this game, we dont :) have fun lame's.

Re: Board warning issued for:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:27 am
by deni
you are right C2, if it was not for a few rotten apples, these forums would be a nice place to read and post. Unfortunately it is always the same people causing 90% of the trouble and trying to blame their poor choice of language and behaviour on the mods. It is indeed sad.

Anyways, if calling someone gay in a derogatory manner is not insult anymore, then maybe we should remove one of REK's warnings that he got for calling TLE a gay alliance. Or Nigatsu's last warning that he got for making comments about Mukasa's gender? You sure you want that?