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Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:04 am
by Lore
SuperSaiyan wrote:
Lore wrote:
SuperSaiyan wrote:collectively no, but from 1 person, yes its nothing

well if its an alliance tax, and it benifits the alliance as a whole, then it is collectively, and no singularly.

well thats what I was trying to say anyway LOL

draleg was saying that the 1% was slowing him down, I don't see how such a little amount affects any single player

when added together, then yes, but that collective isn't coming off of one income, so it isn't going to slow anyone down

I disagree, it is infact slowing you down, Period. I don't care if its 1 naq a week its slowing you down.

Now the amount my be completely inconsequential but it is still a fact that can not be disputed, it is slowing you down.

Now I personally don't have a problem with alliance taxes, and at 1% I accept that as a maintanace cost.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:16 am
by Lore
SuperSaiyan wrote:technicallities :P

it may slow you down, but not enough to effect game play

*Accepts victory and walks away to stop spamming thread.*


Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:29 am
by Draleg
Jumps in to take Lore's place *grin*

The problem is not the 1% , its the collective of 1% income , plague , smaller players having game mechanics tuned to there advantage and so on .

Jason has being tuning the game to the advantage of new and smaller players for the last 2 years and i think its time to make it equal for all players again.

Lets see what Jason will do when he sees the poll in this topic , its obvious what the ppl want .

Use for unlocking new Alliance features; 3rd in command, etc - Lore 18% 18% [ 55 ] x
Use for Alliance-wide upgrades; UP,etc - Draleg 17% 17% [ 52 ] x

thats only 1% difference , did i hear someone insinuating 1% is not really a difference ?
If its not then both need to be added to the game.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:36 am
by Jack
Alliances need to be more functional. And yes, 1% is hardly anything to balk over

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:50 am
by Draleg
First of all , i don't believe in ghosts * big grin * ( try and scare me now ; p )

to the point ,

I don't mind the 1% hey , it can even be 10 % as long as its going to benefit the alliance in a way that wats put in is what you get out .
Alliance support is a good thing , good for your members and good for the team spirit.
When its used to give the " new / smaller players " an advantage again its just more of the same thing we have had for the last 2 years.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:05 pm
by Erebus
ok a few things

1st of all u guys are arguing over 1% i mean get over it

2nd of all 1% OBVIOUSLY effects evry1 but it does not always effect YOU in a BAD way

judging from the outcome of the poll whatever happens SHOULD satisfy all alliance members

so there is no right or wrong its just which ever is more PRACTICAL to put the use of ALLIANCE INCOME into action instead of just SHOWING a really big number on ur page

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:08 pm
by GameSquire
dang, I didn't put in my vote, I don't participate anyway, so I don't see why I should vote :lol:

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:41 am
by Draleg
bump , so is this going to be used in any way ?

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:04 pm
by DaDigi
All I can say is that Jason is working on the features as we speak.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:44 am
by Ruki
Awesome o.o

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:38 am
by Draleg
Ruki wrote:Awesome o.o

yes i am , and as i'm feeling in a good mood today , so are you :)

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:11 pm
by Polythamus
Sounds great..... :-)

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:20 pm
by Thesmarine
You should make the depositing function work like CO's. Users can select a percent of their income to donate each turn.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:11 pm
by TLO
I didnt go through all posts so here are my 2 cents

Since it`s an "alliance bank" it should be used only for upgrades for alliance as a whole, not for individuals...
Imho it would be unwise if the resources would be used in a way where certain individuals would gain from it, for example withdrawing system....

If the saved up money should be used for anything then for alliance wide upgrades...
upgrades made for the money should remain as a basic function of the alliance. That means that if you leave your alliance you lose a certain "bonus" which you gain only when you are a part of the alliance...

The upgrade could be a certain percentage increase in income, attack, defence, covert, planets or whatever else....
Make it that each upgrade point would present like 0,1% percent increase or more, depends on the admin ofcourse...

Yes the strong will get even stronger and weak will gain a little more but I would say it`s pointless....with it or without it the strong will still remain strong and weak will remain weak....

To prevent an extra growth in numbers and such, these alliance "upgrades" or "bonuses" would be available only during the war...
Imo this would either disadvantage or strengthen alliances during the wars, depending on the enemies alliance upgrades ofcourse....

I know it never would go through though but just trying to be a lil bit productive :-D

Anyway 1% is really nothing, if my income would be 47 bill I would even gave you 5% if I knew it would benefit my alliance as a whole, not only individuals :wink:

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:24 am
by Batz
Ok ok.... I've been through all the posts and unless i've missed someting people keep bring on the negatives to alliance wide upgrades but no has actually given any detail to what they could be?....

What are alliance wide upgrades exactly?