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Re: A final solution?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 9:18 pm
by Sarevok
Bump :lol:

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:29 pm
by semper
well I am more than willing to work on these ideas a lot more.. and I am happy to see I have converted some more to the cause.. so do I hear anymore doubts?

JustinPowers wrote:Semp, I'm liking a lot of those suggestions but had some modifications you might consider:

1) Your suggested changes to Def Con/Nox - how about leaving them as they are for the average player, but implementing your changes for players at war? Here we would define "at war" to mean either your alliance being in a war, or you having declared war on another player and them having declared war back. It balances the game more and also makes more sense in the context of the Nox in the TV show - protecting a race while they're out waging war? Doesn't make sense to me :p

WELL a fair thought.. the only problem then is relying on people to accept those wars.. something which any person would never do.

2) More planets for larger members - How about just increasing the effect of increasing your planet size? You could then, say, require a 1million army size to upgrade your planets to Normal size, 10million army for Large, etc (these are just examples). It makes sense that larger army size is needed to maintain larger planets, especially in the context of your larger army for more miners suggestion.

POSSIBLY...and I think this could actually be implemented a long with my idea. It's logically thinking that the planets are increased in size by terraformers, whilst the increase in planet numbers represents more a large empires ability to control more planets.

3) The Teachers/Educators issue - Many of you are concerned about this possibility. I wasn't around for that particular fiasco but it sounds like the concern is that a group of big players will run rampant, flattening the smaller ones. That's a concern I have - these suggestions put great power in the hands of the bigger players. A seemingly simple solution would be the formation of a group of large players determined not to let that happen. Preferably led by Semp since it's his idea that would enable such a group to form :p
This group would be essentially unpaid mercs, defending the small players for their own sense of justice, honour, or pleasure at massing a bunch of big bullies. I know this is an idealistic suggestion but there are at least some honourable big players out there and more who would just enjoy taking the big boys down a peg :D

That's where the politics and the role play/things would be interesting.

PERHAPS even increase the protection power of the nox on smaller players? Represent mercy.. and, better yet.. increase their ppt numbers (let them have 2 1/2week). At least that way.. where as they are now at a disadvantage to larger players when at war with them (as it should be..) they can happily protect themselves for lengthy periods of time (to represent their stealth through small size.. etc etc..)

However, you have to be careful with the power of small accounts.

ok.. next!

Yogi Bear wrote:This whole idea is so complicated and adding so much to the game that lagg on turn change would be even longer it would go from being 10 15 seconds to load a page to minutes of lagg time....

No, it's just altering the mechanics of game play, not the constant stats that are dynamic and need to be continually adjusted

Also your idea on this uu drain thing is good but your numbers are way to big like you said before some one can loose 60 mill uu in 6 hours :shock: :shock: Most of us sleep and work and go to skool and have a social life.... there should be a cap on how much you can loose per turn that is a percentage of your natural UP per turn eg you can loose 20% of your natural UP per turn this way say if you have a natural of 250k you loose 50,000 uu a turn which is way more then anyone gets from UP a turn so they will still go backwards just not so fast and given you cant have planets adding more then 50% of your natural no matter what the UP is person is gonna go backwards...

MAYBE..but you need to remember that example was only in the case of a completely unprotected (ie, no nox, no critical and no defence) LARGE account that was constantly being hit, and I MEAN constantly being hit to keep the war level at maximum. But these uu loses HAVE to be heavy, and a %loss is already in effect. I can assure you, I have a very active life.. probably a lot more active than most here and I go to university.. so I am well aware of the risk's... really.. all I can say is it's just tough luck really. If you want to commit to the game, you give that commitment for the entertainment. If you want to mouth off to half the forums and cruise by logging in once a day on average and literally near enough be untouchable whilst increasing your army size.. that's NOT how it should work...

Also the ruling on perg is currently that you can't enter perg with in 24 hours of hitting an account so that part of your suggestion is already in the game. Nor can you enter with in 24 hours of ppting..

Excellent news!

I like the idea of your MS defending your planets but i think that attacking a planet should be like attacking some one normally each attack win or loose you loose fleet... so if im massing a planet then i should be loosing fleets like i would loose attack soldiers in a normal battle and if i get the planet in one hit i should still loose fleets like i would if i was doing a normal naq hit...

Yeah, agreed.

Also if the planet has more then 5 times your fleets attack in defence then there should be like an over blast or something from the planet. This would blast the the opponents MS out of your galaxy for 24 hours along with destroying all its fleets and destroying all its shields.... That way planets will actually be defendable and if people don't do their homework they will wreck themselves...(if the planet has a platform on it, it looses its overblast capability, with your oppenent just loosing fleets as they attempt to mass the planet)

No, I don't agree with the MS being blasted out for that amount of time... however.. I do agree that your MS should take damage off failed planet attacks (perhaps something equal to the excess).. FINALLY online with this note.. should be MS hit points! Which would be a fantastic idea. The concept of people continually just rebuilding old MS's is.. a little silly. I know someone may have the blue prints for the old MS, but they don't have the hull or old capacity. So I reckon MS's should have hit points until they are destroyed for good. Same for the ascension server and being descended...before you're permanently descended and taken to a Damon.

Raising the price on changing alert levels and all that is just silly as it will just make everyone permanently sit on nox and max alert as it is to expensive to change every time you think your at risk

No it wont.. not if they want to attack anyone. Remember.. the lower the level the higher your UU losses and the faster you can be attacked AND the number of attacks YOU can make yourself. If you have a high crit/nox you wont be able to do much attacking.. but you can still be massed. On the other hand.. someone nailing you, you can retaliate against and make them suffer... lots of people in this game want to fight.. now they can fight, but it will cost them. After all this is meant to be a role playing game.. and that requires politics and the likes..and the power to be in the larger more powerful accounts. It's how the game originally was, and how it should be. Wars should be winnable, and should be a big thing again.

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 5:55 pm
by Sarevok
I like the MS idea. The way it is now, where if your MS looses everything, just put 10T into it, and it being fully powered again is silly. Give it 1million hit points, and every attack does 10-100. make the repairs cheep, like 1000-1m naq/hp. It's very hard to destroy the MS, but at the same time, it is still doable.

I also agree with far small account having better protection, say under 25M or something. Or, the protection is 25% more, -1%/million until 25m is reached, whereby it is the same protection as everyone else.

The planet sizes is interesting. However, there's the problem of the people that aren't falling into the rules, what would happen to them. Perhaps it is downsized, the naq returned, and all stats stay, until it's taken. After it goes below the rules, then it can not exceed them again, until the account becomes larger.

I'm with you on the no lag difference. It's just different calculation, not more.

Though it's bad for me personally, the idea of being able to reduce an account to nothing is a good idea. Makes wars FAR more win-able. If you can crush your enemy into making almost nothing, they have no where else to go, but to surrender

Well, this is my view :)

Re: A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:59 pm
by semper

Re: A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:35 pm
by Sarevok

Re: A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:31 am
by semper

Re: A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:56 am
by Sarevok
Bump for consideration in upcoming updates

Re: A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:25 am
by ~[ Greased Gerbil ]~
Your ideas seem very well thought out. Some don't affect my style of play, but I still agree with them for the most part.

Re: A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:12 pm
by Sarevok
A thought for you Semper, re the MS imbalance. Why not use a system like this (the logic will follow)

For every AT up to 10, your MS does 10%*AT's used. Above 10, it's full capacity can be used. So, using 3AT to mass, would provide only 30% power from your MS (and similarly your opponents). 10-15AT would incur full MS usage.

Logic for this? My assumption is that AT is meant to be a measure of TIME spent attacking/raiding. Hence i guess why attacking a planet MUST use ALL 15AT. So, if you say it's in terms of seconds (for instance), then, 1AT=1second. Now, this change won't affect normal army's (attacking and defending) as I'm sure most/all people can fire their gun(or other item) within 1 second. But, most/all ships I've seen in the series can't offload their full power within 1 second. Given 10 seconds, then I'm sure they could get close. Until they'd start re-firing the same weapon.

Just a thought

Re: A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:13 am
by renegadze
there are many a thing wrong with the game, some of the ideas are good...others not so....

The idea I can go to bed with a fully built def, have it massed just as I go offline then find out I've been losing 1mil men a turn doesn't really appeal (unless I misunderstood). I do agree something should be done about the 0 def's and I like your ratio, but maybe have a grace period of say 8 hours to rebuild said defence after it's massed? (apologies if you did state this...I was skimming lol)

but I think we all truely know the major problem with main is the 1 AT BS massing. It means all these people with nothing to lose can also mass cheaply.....also the sabbing system needs to be made a LOT stronger

Re: A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:59 pm
by Sarevok
I agree with the both the 1AT massing, and the sabbing issue, however, with relation to 0 defense, make it 10-12 hours. I say this because, if you work for say 8 hours, and it takes 30mins travel time to work(i once had about 1-1.5hrs) then that's 9 hours, and you start loosing. 12 hours is a better number

Re: A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:23 am
by Sarevok
Bump for the thought of some of these being brought in in the update...

Re: A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:13 pm
by Lore
Sarevok wrote:I agree with the both the 1AT massing, and the sabbing issue, however, with relation to 0 defense, make it 10-12 hours. I say this because, if you work for say 8 hours, and it takes 30mins travel time to work(i once had about 1-1.5hrs) then that's 9 hours, and you start loosing. 12 hours is a better number

What if you work 12 hr shifts at work?

Like I often have too?

Re: A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:03 pm
by Sarevok
16 hours, happy? :P

*Hopes no-one is a nurse etc with 24 hours shifts"

Re: A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:00 am
by Lore
Sarevok wrote:16 hours, happy? :P

*Hopes no-one is a nurse etc with 24 hours shifts"

I would be satisfied with that better then 8 hrs.

I have access via my phone but not everyone does.