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Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:26 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Oh boy! #-o

Ok, firstly, their are lines (i wont use the words clouds because it's clear they are not clouds) in the sky's, someone says those are chemicals more accurately-aluminium, barium and other heavy metals, we say "OK, where's the proof!?", we then see soil studies carried out which show elevated levels of aluminium and barium in the thousands of times higher than they were a few years ago, we also see the PH levels of the soil rising as a result of the raised levels of aluminium. we have seen the patents for mixing this crap with the jet fuel and we can also see the patents for the spraying....

If i let go of a stone over a cliff side while looking away and at no point do i look at the stone or the cliff, i don't need to see it fall or hear it crash at the bottom to know it has fallen, by the same token, i don't have a clue about physics or gravity to feel and know its i need to be an expert in chemicals or the weather to know what is coming out of those jets shouldn't be happening? please mate, what kind of logic is that????? :?

Did you even bother to watch the film or are you going by what i have said about nozzles-you took that and filled in the blanks to make it look like you watched the footage???

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:45 pm
by Alpha13snake
Kit-Fox wrote:Oh lordy loo, the mental cases have taken over.

Really now, why the insults....

For sake of argument then,

A - How do you know that what you can see attachedto the wings are nozzles? They could be a whole slew of other things. Did you examine them? Or were you told? Told by who? Possibly someone with an agenda & axe to grind maybe?

You can clearly see it in the video, did you watch it? Oh and heres a close up from another source, wonderful things those zoooom lenses


B - If this evergreen operation is as high security as you say it is, why is there a picture on the internet showing the internals of a plane??

Whistleblowers & leaks, Loose lips sink ships, you get what I'm saying here...

C - You would need more liquid than a plane can carry to have any sort of usable effect. Remember please that airplanes do have weight limits.

Liquid??? Does spraying have to be done with liquid? Ever heard of crop DUSTING? The last time I checked dust is lighter than liquids isn't it? Aluminium, Barium & Strontium in a dust form would be lighter than water would it not?

D - Without knowing the exact flight path of that plane & knowing the weather situation for the flight path it is impossible to say with any sort of certainty that atmospheric effects couldnt be responsible for what is seen on that vid.

No they are not responsible for the evidence seen in that video, come on Kit really this is all you have... You would have me distrust my own eyes.

Meh thats all i can think of atm, i'm sure i'll come up with more. But then what can i say, i'm clearly just a novice compared to two people who clearly must have degrees in atmospheric weather to be as sure as they are about what they are saying :p

So we're not qualified to question what is happening to our skies then, is that what your saying? That video was filmed by a pilot. Is he qualified to question it and even put it up on youtube for the masses to see for themselves?

Why is it so hard to believe?

They have been caught red handed...

Watch the skies for a day and see how sure you really are...

I know go to the doctor and ask him to test your Aluminum levels, see what happens.

Mean while:-

Alert: CBS Outlet Calls for Chemtrail Pics--Fire Away! ... _Away.html


How long will we be polluted and blocked from the sun? It's enough!!!

by Zen Gardner

OK, they want photos. So, let's send them photos! The following article from an Atlanta CBS affiliate (I know..) ran a piece and is claiming to want to know more. So, let's give it to them.

Here's the story excerpt from the intelhub post on BIN today:

"Looks like the subject of chemtrails got some mainstream coverage out of Atlanta when a local CBS affiliate ran a story televising details.

CBS – “These are literally crimes against humanity, nature,” said Michael Murphy, a chemtrail researcher from Los Angeles. Murphy produced a documentary about the so-called chemtrail cover-up. He said he believes the chemicals in the chemtrails, aluminum, barium and others are making us sick.

CBS is requesting pictures to be sent to them of chemtrails along with comments.

CBS Atlanta wants your chemtrail pictures. Send them to

Send away, people! I've sent a big batch and they've posted them! Maybe someone will listen!

More important---Then contact your local paper, weather channel, EPA office, local government, and say "Why aren't YOU doing something about publicising this outrage like they are?"

If you google your local papers for their contact information, you'll get a list of reporters and editors and their email addresses. Bcc them all! But be polite and let them know you're "so happy someone is finally willing to finally address this subject that's been in our faces for so long and polluting our skies etc." like this is gonna catch on. "Will someone here be brave enough too?"..or however you want to phrase it.

This is a chance to unload. We can at least try one more time, and maybe a tidal wave of Truth will hit the mark! Let's be response-able and do what we can. It holds people accountable and that changes a lot behind the scenes as well.

Hit it any way you can, and be true to the calling....Zen

PS. BIN will publish current chemtrail pics to help track where they are in real time to further expose their program. Download the app and it's pretty straightforward. There's loads of great chemtrail sites to help as well and use their info to help people know what's going on.

But whatever you do, post wherever you can, talk to people, take pictures, every little bit makes a BIG difference!

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:14 pm
by Alpha13snake ... 04c002.pdf

This should make some interesting reading for everyone interested.

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:12 pm
by Alpha13snake

Another interesting site here...

I think I'm willing to call this one aswell with these last 2 links...

Weather Modification, Inc Clients & Projects

Antigua Cloud Seeding Project
Province of Mendoza Ministry of Economy
Queensland Environmental Protection Agency
Burkina Faso:-
Program SAAGA
Alberta Hail Suppression Project
British Colombia Ministry of Forest
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
Saskatchewan National Hydrology Research Agency
Greek National Hail Suppression Program (ELGA)
Hellenic Navy Supply Center
Andhra Pradesh Rainfall Enhancement Project
Prakalpa Varsha - Maharashtra Rainfall Enhancement Project
Project Varuna - Karnataka Rainfall Enhancement Project
BPPT Weather Modification Program
Arab Automated Systems
Heshamite Kingdom of Jordan
Programme Sanji - Mali
Precipitation for Augmentation of Rain in Coahuila (PARC)
Programme Al-Ghait
Saudi Arabia:-
Program for Cloud Physics Research and Rain Enhancement in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
World Meteorological Organization in cooperation with SAU/WMO/FIT Rain Enhancement Project.
Canary Islands - AIRAO Incorporated
Bureau of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation (BRRAA)
ISKI Rain Enhancement Program
Petkim Petrokimya Holding, A.S. Rain Enhancement Program
United Arab Emirates:-
U.A.E. Rain Enhancement Program
U.A.E. Rainfall Enhancement and Air Chemistry Studies - DWRS
United States:-
Aeromet, Inc. (L-3 Communications) - U.S Department of Defense
BAMEX - Bow Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortex Experiment
CALIPSO - CloudSat Validation Experiment
Delaware Department of Agriculture Cloud Seeding Program
Edwards Aquifer Authority
Federal Aviation Administration - Great Lakes Division
Gratiot Weather Modification Project
Illinois Weather Modification Projects
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - National Hurricane Center
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program
New Mexico BLAST (Burst Light and Stratus Transmission) Project
North Dakota Cloud Modification Project (NDCMP)
North Dakota Thunderstorm Project - North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board
North Dakota Tracer Experiment - North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board
Northeast Sampling Program - Sonoma Technology, Inc.
NSF/NCAR ICE-L Field Campaign
Oklahoma Weather Modification Project (OWMP)
Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District Rainfall Enhancement Program
Santa Barbara County Water Agency
Sonoma Technology, Inc.
Stanislaus Weather Modification Program
State of South Dakota - Department of Natural Resources Division of Weather Modification
Texas Central High Plains Rainfall Enhancement Program
Texas Experiment in Augmenting Rainfall through Cloud Seeding (TEXARC)
Texas Weather Modification Program
The University of North Dakota - US Environmental Protection Agency
University of Arizona - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Upper American River Cloud Seeding Project
Upper Payette River Basin Cloud Seeding Program
Upper Tuolumne River Weather Modification Program
Utah Division of Water Resources
Utah Division of Water Resources
West Central Texas Council of Governments Rainfall Enhancement Program
Western Dakota Water Development District - Black Hills Council of Local Government
Wyoming Weather Modification Pilot Program

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:23 pm
by Alpha13snake
Ben Livingston: The Father Of Weaponized Weather ... e=bulletin