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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 11:07 am
by Chong089
thanks ark, i would of given you guys a heads up, but then you would of sabbed us first and then we would be at square one again, now that uve lost a large portion of you army its my fair, and now hopefully we have given some of our larger members the advantage over you guys :) notice we took most of you big players down.

Wasnt just about masssing you we wanted your strongest n largest armys taken down.

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:34 pm
by ~Lord Shizzo~
lol about time something happened here, i was getting super bored. still kinda funny that you launched the attack at us and we still have the top spots. but nice attacks never the less. you guys just stirred up the hornets nest. And everyone thought we were going to break the treaty. So i guess we will see how this turns out =)

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:40 pm
I'm so confused at all of this... curses for me being out of the loop...

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:57 pm
by qacol
[BERSERKER] wrote:I'm so confused at all of this... curses for me being out of the loop...

Your going to have to get your account dirty now.

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:59 pm
by arkangel13
well apperently ur HC decide they were going to go against the DM without alliance approval. now that they have lost their armies yet we remain on top all will pay for their insulence.

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 1:13 pm
by Marisha
Wait till we get our secret weapon in place :)

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 2:16 pm
by qacol
Marisha wrote:LOL what a noob. You would waste all that money on your members just because they got massed. Thats sad, see you dont have nothing else to spend it on.

So is your member a noob for buying you your package?

So who is sad now.


Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 2:20 pm
by ~Nemisis~
Marisha wrote:Wait till we get our secret weapon in place :)

lol at secret weapon <
just keep in mind,just because your big it just means more to have killed.
and your hint as to his size well that makes it easy to watch.

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 2:52 pm
by Marisha
qacol wrote:
Marisha wrote:LOL what a noob. You would waste all that money on your members just because they got massed. Thats sad, see you dont have nothing else to spend it on.

So is your member a noob for buying you your package?

So who is sad now.


No my member is by far not a noob, it was just the fact that you brought your whole top members support packages and thats not cheap, so i just said you had that much money to waste, and nothing better to spend it on.
And you wasnt even involved in the war so i would expect alot back off them if i was you. Why couldnt they buy themselves one anyway? :S
Kinda harsh making you pay for it all, but then again we all know how foul ~vengeance can be.

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 2:56 pm
by Marisha
~Vengeance wrote: lol at secret weapon <
just keep in mind,just because your big it just means more to have killed.
and your hint as to his size well that makes it easy to watch.

Well if your so big and you get the enemies first they arent going to be able to fight back are they?
You have a bigger army size then me but not much bigger, you havent got that much left to kill lol, and i didnt get the support package to sit on PPT i got it for the UP ;)

And it kind of goes in advantage that half of the active players in Origins hate you, but of course you dont care about that, we will just see how it all turns out, yes?

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 4:56 pm
by ~Lord Shizzo~
LoL. he buys 5 SS at 10 dollars... for 5 players,
your man buys 2 SS at 50 dollars... who spent more money here? and save more people?

btw... i like how you all are talking big now... because if we never laid off of you guys in the first place we wouldn't be in this position.... but that's our fault. who's the bigger backstabbers now? but now the game just got a little more interesting.

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 5:21 pm
by Marisha
Ok you've made your point that he spent more lol, didnt know which one he had brought you guys. But i didnt do it for the PPT anyways it was for the UP like i said, and exactly you did it to "save yourselfs" your soppose to be "war mungers" this is what i dont understand? But im sure you have some evil plan of some sort up your sleeve :)

how are we all talking big now? Yes we might be classed as backstabbers but common was you seriously going to keep that treaty forever. im sure you would of broke it at some point when you was big enough and it was making the game so BORING. We was the two main alliances everyone depended on waring against eachother and then we became allies.
But oh well whats done is done now.
Btw why are you getting our members to join your alliance lol? :?

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 5:31 pm
by ~Lord Shizzo~
yeah we are war mongers, but were not stupid. We aren't just going to lash out like some wild beast. We will think this out strategically and logically. BTW someone bought us PPT. None of asked for it. Why wouldn't i use it if it was given to me? to set up a counterattack. He was smart about it, you really think we'd let you covert phase us every turn? I bet you guys are upset about that, that you couldn't hit us every turn.

about the treaty, maybe we were going to adhere to it, maybe not. You'll never know. Maybe we were trying to show everyone we aren't as heartless as everyone thinks. But once again you'll never know.

last but not least, we aren't recruiting your members. Your members are coming to us, saying that you guys screw them over because of this... I guess this wasn't a "Alliance" decision. Just probably the High Councils decision. Looks like you guys are turning out to be worse than we are.

But im glad this happened, because now i have something to do here now and i look forward to the fun ahead of us. :o :lol: :o

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:22 pm
by Tek
qacol wrote:
Tek wrote:
qacol wrote:Well any one who knows me from main- Knows I have the #3 MS over 2.1 trill. Four attack/def duals 200+ bill on perm merlin. We spend the cash to make your lives hell.

Oh the horror

You Have a TA HC as your commander. Don't talk no crap.

How about you dont jump to conclusions, i was ironically mocking your use of your funds. Its your money use it how you want.

Come on now mate im not subtle if i had a problem youd know about it, regardless of My C/O. Im random, not stoopid :shock:

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 9:41 pm
by Donn
after reading all this, i think we have a love/hate relationship going, i mean all of us knew that the game was goin downhill and now,at least for awhile it will be fun, and I hate you alll