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Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 2:43 am
by Shadow_Dragon
hmm I disagree the naq used to train then the naq that woulve generated is important, as to this being a way to balance things out? thats non-sense its clearly a lil bug for the bossman to fix, kinda means that an inactive as more uu that I do?? lol

but im sure it will be corrected and even if it isnt I can gain those lost uu soon enough..

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 2:48 am
by Sorrow
2k will come back soon enough. I'm just waiting for the guide on all the updates, because there are a few things I can't figure out.

For example I have 10 weapons each for attack and defense.

Firing Power 22,940 Ranked: 1,804
Shield Strength 22,940 Ranked: 1,799

How do inactives have more than that? I know untrained units add to the power too but such low rank is just wrong, since I even haven't even lost my army like others.

Also something is wrong with the ME too..

Era Military Experience 0 Ranked: 122

I can't make myself commander so I suppose the self co option was taken out.

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:33 am
by bigcakes
yep, i also lost my army, sweet. would be great if i could get them and my income back.

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:54 am
by EnVy!
244 army here... they fix later on... no worries .. admin day also

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 4:38 am
by [BoT] Jason
WorldShip Weight (in zettatons) 2,303
no realm alert??
wow massing is gonna be easy
also i cant make any one my CO?

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 6:25 am
by Neimenljivi
Jason - all hats of for you mate!
I said I won't play this era because it's summer and I won't be at home for quite a long time but boy logging into Quantum was basically a stairway to heaven if u know what I mean lol :D I like this era A LOT, it can compare to Old Skool era - both are splendid! Finally something different to drag players back to Quantum!
Congradz mate and I'm really looking forward to seeing it all fixed :)

Woohooo for my first summer era ever lol :-D Not really playing full time though but I can promise you that there might be a few fights xD :P :sge

EDIT: Oh and are techs and UP still linked with top techs/UP?


Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:18 am
by S1eepy
Units have been replaced

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 2:52 pm
by Forum
ok - the units (miners type) have been returned ... the issue found/fixed (a=a+1 is fine. a=a=1 is not :) )
missing income was at most 9 hours worth -- will have to live with it. if anything, you got a bit more miners for the will even out.

the ranking of sensor fixed.

there is no realm alert (no realm :) )

the galactic attack logs are coming -hopefully in the next day or so

the make fleet commander (even yourself) is working again.

Armada (aka alliance) functions should work, but just post here if not (not all tested)...not sure if 'order by' of alliances worked last era - i have to assume it did not. it does now....

help guide (in game updates) updated. in particular i would like to see comments on the battle system. and/or what is reported from it...we can do a lot there for people who like detail :)

nobody commented on the debraining of Worldship Components ...i am disappointed :)

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:36 pm
by Angnoch
it looks good admin first Q wave ever :D

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:42 pm
by Lokra

Everything looks great. The only problem I still seem to be having is still the commander option. I can not make myself my commander. :( I know you said it was fixed but not for me. :D Thank you for all the work I am looking forward to this era.

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:50 pm
by S1eepy
Have you got Accept New WorldShips into Fleet? box ticked? on your command center

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:52 pm
by Lokra
I stand corrected everything is fine now. Thank you S1eepy!!! :D

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 4:08 pm
by S1eepy
The new battle system looks interesting. % damage to weapons as well as losing a small number of weapons per hit. Similar to the previous method.. where you took a % damage on weapons.. and lost a small amount of units.
UU/Miners are safe from attacks
Scanners/Sensors vulnerable unless you do devastating damage.

Im slightly worried that it will become very easy to mass someone. Because there is no way of slowing attacks on you (def con).. and even if you repair constantly, you will be losing weapons per hit.
With scanners/sensors being killed per hit as well, it will make a snipers job much easier. Even if you are online when someone masses you.


A few points id like to clear up.

1. Max turn capacity when you stop generating turns. Still 2000?
2. UP cost still linked to top-UP?
3. Tech cost still linked?
--i expect all of these will just be "yup"--

4. Previously, you needed to have 1/3rd or someones covert to see their Naq on hand, and 1/5th to see their Army Size.
This wave.. does your Scanners need to be 1/3rd and 1/5th of their Sensors?

5. When attacking you can kill Sensors and Scanners.. but can you also lose them?

I think thats it for now :lol:

Thanks Forum

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 4:48 pm
by schuesseled
S1eepy wrote:5. When attacking you can kill Sensors and Scanners.. but can you also lose them?

Some Scanner and Sensors completely destroyed, when hit. They are just not made to take a beating...The amount that are destroyed depend on the surface area of your WorldShip used by that component (factor of component count), and how well your Shields held against the enemy Weapons. Remember that simply having more shield power than fire power does not mean you are untouched...unless you overwhelm, some hits DO get through.

Is what the update specifies, but does need some clariffication if thats on both defending and attacking. I assumed just attacking but after re-reading id say it infers both.


Like the new era, looks fun :) Very different and "sweet" as Jason say's attack system. Basically is just a big MS war :)

Re: Era 19 - Living WorldShips ...its a biggy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 5:49 pm
by HippyFool
S1eepy wrote:A few points id like to clear up.

And... By removing techs, will that interfere with each race bonus? Or are weps already going to have the X% bonus (for asguard tauri).

Also, I am presuming there are simply no 'special' race bonus this wave?

Umm... No critical (or similar function) - its gonna be a pain but i love it, its gonna be a lot of fun! - However, you will absolutely HAVE TO make sure that massing is not really easy. If the top defense can be massed easily by some random sniper who farms for an hour, and there is no crit function, then this wave WILL go to hell. Please be very careful, it could be crucial to this waves success!

mm thats all i can think of for now :)