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Re: Feedback to the Admin Team.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:03 pm
by deni
Byrnes wrote:
Tropic Thunder wrote:Its not spam nor flamming, i was proving a point which dastupy summed up quite well actually.

Dastupy wrote:You aren't important enough in the forum hierarchy , so no.
But if you were an admin on the other hand...

In other words, admin/mods will favour themselves and their friends over anyone else in the forum, so how can this be a fair and respectful community if the mod team arent going to show it back.

I agree it seems mods spam things and arent warned but I post in a war topic I recently spammed in then im asked not to post then i join that alliance wish everyone good luck and im warned but if i was blue green or yellow it would be fine I see mods saying things sorta hurt full yet its ok but if i were to do it I would be warned im tired of seeing mods do things that arent allowed but if we do it we are warned.

And you know they are not warned for sure? I did not realize you had access to their user notes :roll:

You gotta love pointless general accusations. It gets funny when the accusers get asked for examples and cannot provide any.

Re: Feedback to the Admin Team.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:06 pm
by Byrnes
I dont spend my forum time looking for proof of biased mods or mods getting warned but when I see them continue to do it in the same thread its sorta a sign that no one is taking care of it

And if you want to show me so User notes I wont mind.

Re: Feedback to the Admin Team.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:11 pm
by deni
Byrnes wrote:I dont spend my forum time looking for proof of biased mods or mods getting warned but when I see them continue to do it in the same thread its sorta a sign that no one is taking care of it

And if you want to show me so User notes I wont mind.

If you do not have any proof, then please refrain from accusations.

And no, the user's notes are not for you to see.

Re: Feedback to the Admin Team.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:11 pm
by Byrnes
I have a name of someone i see who does it alot.

Re: Feedback to the Admin Team.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:14 pm
by Byrnes
No not you but why would you think its you?
And thats the first time youve replied to me in a long time ive pmed you a few times with no replies.

Re: Feedback to the Admin Team.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:22 pm
by Byrnes
And what does that have anything to do with any of this those arent the Pms i was talking about :lol:

Re: Feedback to the Admin Team.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:50 pm
by Clarkey
Byrnes wrote:I agree it seems mods spam things and arent warned but I post in a war topic I recently spammed in then im asked not to post then i join that alliance wish everyone good luck and im warned

Sounds like an Oms case to me. :-k

Re: Feedback to the Admin Team.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:51 pm
by Byrnes
By recently I ment at that time i had spammed it i guess I would talk to people in it then i joined the alliance and posted again and warned.

Re: Feedback to the Admin Team.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:56 pm
by semper
Earendil wrote:you've asked and directed everything at me Semper, the fact is, it was voted on 3-0. There are other Admins who you can talk to and blame them not answering right away due to ignoring you, 3's better than 1 no?

And like I said, Jason knew about this since Wednesday, what's happened along with a few other little things.

my god. I missed this little monologue.

Right well... I sent the PM's to ALL the admins. I left messages for both yourself and Zeratul over msn as I see you both on msn the most.

I began to direct my points directly at you for three reasons.

Firstly you were the one who sent the PM pointing out if I wanted to ask questions I could. (I have done so and am still waiting on the answers nearly a week later...)

Secondly, in the few pitiful replies you gave to some lengthy pm's in which you pretty much ignored everything important, you directly stated that it was YOU who removed my permissions. So yes... you are on the firing line because you're the one who did the deed and failed to do it properly.

Thirdly and finally you're the one who keeps making mistakes and is still around. Admitting to ignoring me, admitting you sent the PM in full knowledge it was useless, continuing to hang around, make post's and do things yet continue not to answer me (I need to check my other accounts inbox, reminder to self!)and give me validated reasons.

Thus far I have had to assume reasons and everything I did wrong there is not a person currently on the team that has not done exactly the same thing to a far worse degree and of them only two of them were punished, one with an hours ban and one with a weeks suspension.

SO yeah, I am looking forward to seeing these reasons.