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Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:01 pm
by Magni
Lord Tarjcul doesn't quite know how to respond. He stares in wonder as he watches the bounty hunter draw his pistols and disposes of Kindee. He watches for a moment as Kindee stares at Marcus with eyes wide in disbelief. The think blood surges through Kindee's fingers as he clutches his throat, but that's all Tarjcul gets to see. At that moment, the bounty hunter plows Tarjcul into the wall, momentarily lifting him off his feet. Due to the shear size difference between the two, Marcus barely looses any of his momentum and Tarjcul hits the wall...hard. His armored head slams off the wall, and for a moment, Tarjcul's world goes black. The next thing he knows, he's lying on the floor listening to the sound of Kindee's blood pouring to the floor and shots being fired in the main club.

Tarjcul picks himself off the floor and looks to Kindee, just as something falls from his dying hand and rolls across the floor. The Sith pick up the small sphere and recognizes it at once, a thermal detonator. Poor Kindee must have been trying to detonate it as he sit there dying from Marcus's betrayal. Tarjcul takes it and heads out into the main club. He see's the bounty hunter struggling with the bouncer and rushes to try an catch up, activating and dropping the detonator as he makes his way through the crowd. Now Tarjcul is running toward the door and almost makes it through as the grenade goes off.

No witnesses.

The concussive force blows Tarjcul through the door and he makes to cover the non-armored portions of his body with the protected ones, just in case Marcus tries to kill him. Sure enough, a single shot flies through the air, striking Tarjcul on his armored neck and ricochets of harmlessly. The force for the blast knocks them both to the ground and Tarjcul is able to stand first.

"Relax, bounty hunter, if I were here to kill you, you wouldn't have made it out of that room. I just want to talk with you and perhaps offer you a contract. Besides, you wouldn't kill a child, would you?"

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:48 am
by Zeratul
Walking back out of the academy, Darth Perfidious spoke to the sith lords...
Proceed to the agreed-upon positions... The trap must be secret... You all know your roles... The Jedi will walk straight into the trap...

Soldiers, proceed to your ships, the rest of you, take your positions in the academy...

Jocasta, Proceed to the valley... I will take care of springing the trap when you have gotten the Jedi positioned where you want them...

Lord Tarjcul will soon have the Jedi notified...

As you wish, Master.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:01 am
by Angnoch
slips out the back of the club, motioning to the two members shadowing me to circle around to the front of the club weapons drawn, as I boldly walk straight towards the bounty hunter and the robed man

hmm looks like you two are getting right chummy, now what the kriffing hell was that all about? Kindee pulls a thermal detonator, the bounty hunter shoots him and slammed this kriffing idiot into the wall then the two of you went barreling through the civilians in the club....

give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill the both of you right now or at the very least call for the jedi

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:26 am
by Ra
"Indeed, perhaps we should request the presence of a Jedi." Marcus shifts aim of one blaster to the bothan. "You see, for some reason I don't think this thing (motioning to the cloaked figure) the Jedi promised."

I hope this doesn't hurt too much..

Marcus turned and jumped into the traffic lanes..landing seconds later on the top of his cab. A shout came from the inside of the vehicle.."What in the name of.." "Drive, take me to the Jedi Temple now"

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:48 pm
by Magni
Tarjcul watches as the cab with the bounty hunter on top as it speeds into the distance. He turns around to face the bothan.

"Well, since that fool of a bounty hunter has no doubt already alerted the Jedi to my presence, I think it's time for me to take my leave. And if you are looking for work, bothan, come to Korriban. My master may have work for you very soon."

At that, Tarjcul jumps, plumetting through the many layers of Coruscant, before landing hard on a cab. The driver doesn't even have a chance to say anything before Tarjcul plunges his lightsaber through the vehicle's roof and into the driver's head. The Sith Lord, then cuts a hole in the roof and removes the cab driver, tossing him aside. The cab immediately starts diving straight down before Tarjcul gets in and takes control. Having recovered control of the vehicle, Tarjcul then makes his way toward the docking platform.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:09 pm
by semper
*The smoke filled room fizzles with the chatter and banter of a large series of huddled crowds. In one corner an Ithorian handles a blackened instrument violently whilst he blurts orders to his fellow musicians and the line up of saucy Duro dancers.

On a large platform, above the caged Ysolimiri's the mammoth Borglack sits eyeing up the dancers. His slime covered tongue slivers it's way round his face licking his lips as the grotesque Hutt sits in relative silence before his court of crime minions.

Suddenly a blaster fired off and an armoured figure walked through the main entrance into the smoke den dragging a corpse. The bounty hunter wore a mandalorian brest plate, but his helmet looked more like a swoop bike visor. Borglack groaned, his restful state disturbed as the music screeched to a unexpected halt.*

"Yaw bunty is ere. I exspeact full payment becawse of your guards incompetence keepin im secured."

*A small hunched dirty protocol droid emerges from the shadows*

"Oh.. ho.. ho.. ho. Benda Cra breevo das ven.... ha ha ha."

"The Illustrious Borglack says he wont pay for your mistake."

Cra tsar ven greedas bounty mon, woj ilk vo arien. Foor bren hast ver zol banta poo-doo.

"The Supreme Borglack adds that you should take the bounty, that it is a reasonable gesture of his benevolence. Otherwise he will have his men turn you into Bantha Fodder."

*The bounty hunter looks around the room to see two dozen or so fellow bounty hunters and trained Gamorrean Guards rising from their seats brandishing weapons. He notices at the side of Borglack a hooded figure playing with something beneath his cloak.*

"Looks like you godda deal this time slug"

"Ha..ha..ha...ha. Arien gor, bounty Harras."

"Good Move Bounty Hunter"

*The bounty hunter snatches the credits from the hand of the nearby Weequay and marches out of the chamber in a composed manner. Before he has left the music once again roars to a high, the dancers start playing and the Hutt goes back to his entertainment*

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:04 am
by JediMasterX
Triko watched as the smaller objects quickly floated into the air. He wasn't suprised. He knew the Padawan could do that. However when the big piece of armor began to rock side to side on the low cuct crass and soon hover off of the ground, this took Triko by suprise. It seems he is well atuned to the force. Triko thought.

"Is that what you desired me to do?"

"Yes, yes, very good Akadalyte. Now, what I want yo-"

"Master Triko, come in!"

Triko quickly pulled out his comlink. It was one of the members of the Council. He wondered what they could want this time, especially since he just left there.

"We require you and your Padawan's presence before the Council immediately. We have urgent knews."

"Very well, we're on our way."

He turned to his Chiss Padawan. "It seems that we do not have any time for this and are needed before the Council. Come, follow me."

Triko grabbed is Jedi Robes and quickly put them on. He moved at a quick walk. It was never good to keep the Council waiting. The doors hissed open for him and his Padawan. Inside was what appeared to be a well armored Bounty Hunter. His armor and the dual pistols made him intemidating. It was a rare occaision for any non-force users to be in the Jedi Temple, let alone a bounty hunter in the High Council Chambers. Triko knew that the man wasn't here to do harm, he must have some information.

"Marcus Vel, this is Jedi Master Triko and his Padawan Akadalyte. Now please, retell your story so that we may here it with the other two present.. spoke Albus Marr, a Human on the Jedi Order.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:33 am
by Ra
Removing his helmet Marcus spoke..

"Indeed, allow me to express my gratitude again masters, for santuary. As I was saying, I encountered force users on Tatooine about two days ago. I had been given information on the missing Jedi Yullzah. The force users were clad in black and bore red light swords. I however sense they were weak in the force, or at least very early in their training. I was able to kill three and wound one, something I doubt I could do against a Jedi. I however digress, to the heart of the matter I found this (produces paper with symbols scribbled on) on one of the bodies. They appeared Jedi at first look, however they seem different. Finally I believe there may be a sith here on Coruscant, I last saw him at the Outlander club."

Marcus then presented the paper to Albus and stepped back next to the newly entered Jedi.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:31 pm
by Angnoch
staring listlessly after the bounty hunter and the sith

what the kriffing hell was that about, I mention the jedi and everyone runs like a bunch of sissy girls

one of Blade group, a human female with waist length brown hair and amber eyes places a hand on Kal's shoulder, his posture instantly relaxes as she speaks

"Kal its ok, I know you wont ever work with the sith even if that stoppa sleemo doesn't, we will get him next time, you should have let us fire instantly not even a Sith would be able to stop four autoblasters

Itani please his hand wraps around her's and gently pulls her's away just open me channel with the Jedi temple, tell them we have information they need to hear, maybe the blasted republic will pay attention to us and more importantly than anything prepare the group because with or without a republic contract we leave for Korriban as soon as possible

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 8:32 pm
by Magni
By the time Lord Tarjcul arrives back at the docking platform, there is already a group of Republic soldiers trying to seize his vessel.

Damn, they must have realized those access codes were fakes.

There seem to be six soldiers out in the open and they already have Tarjucl's pilot restrained. There are also two dead soldiers lying outside the shuttle.

Seems my pilot didn't give up without a fight. Good.

Tarjcul accelerates towards two of the soldiers standing guard, and by the time they notice the cab flying at them, it's far too late. As the vehicle plows into them, Tarjucl jumps from the cab, lightsaber in hand. He lands just as the cab and the two Republic soldiers go careening off the edge. Tarjcul extends his hand toward another soldier who is too close to the edge for his own good. A wave of force emanates from the Sith's hand and the guard is thrown off the edge.

Hmm...just three more.

Finally, the remaining Republic soldiers comprehend what is going on and open fire. After a few easily deflected shots, two of them go down. Tarjcul quickly uses Force Push on the remaining soldier to knock his blaster out of his hand and lifts him into the air with the Force.

"Oh, I'm going to have some fun with you."

With a quick flick of his wrist, Tarjucl's pilot is no longer restrained.

"Prepare the shuttle for launch, we have to leave quickly."

The pilot runs inside of the shuttle and begins the startup sequence. In the mean time, Tarjcul moves the struggling soldier behind the shuttle, in the path of the engines' exhaust. The soldier's eyes go wide.

"No, please. Just kill me now!"

Tarjcul smiles behind his helmet and holds the soldier where he is. Within a few moments, the engines start up. As the hot exhaust starts to move toward him, his skin begins to bubble and he lets off a blood curdling scream, but it might as well be music to Tarjcul's ears. As the engines warm up, the Republic soldiers skin melts revealing white bone. His mouth is still gaping and he still struggles to be released, but his screams have ceased, probably because he no longer has vocal cords. Tarjcul is sure he can still feel it though. After a few more seconds, the man has been reduced to a floating skeleton, and soon even that has been vaporized. Satisfied, Tarjcul boards the shuttle and they depart for Korriban.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:35 pm
by Egeria
Deep down in the temple, in the lowest levels of the library, Lut'ien was helping the master of the library organize the holotomes and storage discs of the Jedi library, when all of a sudden she collapsed, writhing on the floor.

Lut'ien! Whats happening to you?!?
Barely above a whisper, she spoke in a strained voice, her body convulsing:
mMasterr! Iii Ccantt contrroll itt! Tthe visiionn! iI ssee SSufferrinng! ppain! Aannger!

With a final shudder, Lut'ien collapsed, unconcious, but relaxed...

Lifting the young padawan up, the Jedi Librarian carried her up to the medical sector of the temple, not sure whether the padawan was unharmed. After bringing her to the medics, she learned her padawan was unharmed. Knowing it would be best for her, The master left the padawan in their care, proceeding up to the Jedi council to report the event.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:26 pm
by Angnoch
Kal paces around the dingy apartment scratching his head, his eyes blazing furiously as Itani looks at him sheepishly

blast it Itani, why can't you raise the temple? The Jedi Masters gave me this channel as a direct access to them whenever I was on Coruscant and had any kind of information that they need to hear

his hands wave around furiously, and as he slams a fist against the wall three picts of his mother fly off the table seemingly at the vibration, Itani just looks concerned now

Kal maybe you should take a quick rest, its been a hectic day for all of us and really you are getting quite scary her voice comes out in a soft sympathetic honeyed tone meant to soothe Kal

ITANI!!!!!! I SAID GET THE KRIFFING JEDI TEMPLE ON THE COMLINK OVER AN HOUR AGO WHAT ARE YOU DOING THAT IS TAKING SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!???? a look of guilt and regret washes over his face as he sees her flinch back as though he struck her which he thought for a moment that he had considering the way she jerked her head to the side, but no he couldn't possible reach her from across the room
im sorry Itani, I know you are doing your best, its just sometimes you know how my anger gets especially in the face of a bastard like that sith, to think he could roam around so close to the Jedi temple and they didn't even realize it ha and they think they are all powerful blasted force users for both sides can't trust the lot of them but get me the Jedi anyway, can't let those Sith bastards get away with this kind of insult

as you wish commander, I do my best to serve you her words sound practiced and meaningless even to her own ears but Kal seems to accept it

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:22 pm
by Egeria
In the medical quarter of the temple, lut'ien woke up out of her spell of unconciousness.
Uuhhh... My head... What Happened? Where am I?

"Relax young one, you are safe now.", a nearby medical droid said to her. "You collapsed in convulsions down in the library. Your master brought you here for medical checkup. You should not leave until your master returns for you."

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:20 am
by Sammael
He thought to him self that this was a lot of money to kill this guy, but money is money.

A lander slowly descends outside the temple, a few droids move out of the way as it lowers itself and the door hisses open. The Jedi Master steps out from the ship and her long yellow cloak follows.

He watches the Jedi master go in to the temple through his scope of his 50 cal sniper.

he see the jedi master enter some room which must be very important since there where a few in there. He could feel the mood in that room i was tense it was upsetting something grieve was going to be revealed he feel like he should wait until later bu the payer had said here or no pay.

He prepares he self for the kill, watching down the scope slowing his heart his breathing under cover waiting for the right moment.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:54 am
by Egeria
The Jedi librarian entered the council chambers and started to speak, putting up an impenetrable force boundary around the ones not on the council, so they would not hear the words.

Esteemed members of the council!
I would like you to explain what there is to do with my Padawan, mere minutes ago, she collapsed in convulsions down in the library archives, speaking strained words about the dark side!
Someone so recently raised to the rank of padawan should not know of the dark side!

Would you please explain to me what is happening to her? It will be impossible to train her fully if she collapses like this again!

Right now she is down in the medical quarter, being checked by a medical droid!