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Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:57 am
by Esker
Why are there more people playing as Tauri? They are humans, plain and simple. More to relate to, perhaps? Perhaps these "veteran players" simply like being a certain race because of the race on the show, or perhaps they enjoy the experience of being a different race if they were Goa'uld or Replicator. So don't give me that.

Besides...I'm not necesarily complaining about the decrease in defense I just suffered, but rather the, as you put it, "teenie-weenie-bikini" addition to our attack (Speaking from an asgard standpoint) that should've been more. Losing 500k in defensive action and gaining 100k in strike is NOT balancing. I should've lost 500k in defensive, and gained that lost amount in my strike.

And just so you don't go worrying, the weapon count I have is equal on both sides, so I know it is simply the new percentages, not my particular weapon count.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:10 am
by Guest
chunkysoup wrote:And yea, if the Goa'uld race is the INCREDIBLY powerful and great and easy to play, and the Tauri race sucks so much and is unfair and unbalanced and worthless, then why is that Tauri still outnumber Goa'uld 2-1??? Why aren't newer players joining as Goa'uld and more importantly, why aren't all you veteran players (that must SURELY realize just how great it is to be a Goa'uld) signed up as Goa'uld in Quantum??? Yea thought so...

I did and I'm finding the goa'uld bonuses are much more helpful. And next wave in quantum I will play the replicators because their bonus is even better.

I just wish there would be a reset on the main server so I could change without having to start all over again wrt everyone else. I can assure you I would play replicator.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:14 am
by Enfant Terrible
That was me posting just now

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:20 am
by Guest
chunkysoup wrote:Alright so let me get this straight... for the longest time you guys (Tauri and Asgard) have been complaining non-stop about how much it SUCKS that you guys get just a teenie-weenie-bikini of a bonus of your attacks and defense and such a huge, damaging, unfair subtraction from your defense and attack... And now that forum fixes the inbalance a bit to give you a boost to your respectively lacking defenses and attacks... you whine some more. Hmmm... What else do you want him to do? Make your weapons free? Will that satisfy you? He just greatly diminished your one weakness that you've been complaining about for the longest time, while you still have that nice little bonus in your attack/defense (not to mention the 10% of weapons)!!! Stop it already! Jeez

please, id rather have the attack . defense went up so little u gotta buy 60 to even notice lmao. lets take away some of your bonus lol . wouldnt be so quick to talk then lol. I thik there should be a vote on who favors the upgrade to non upgrade and probably mayby, just mayby 10 percent would favor ugrades 0 percent from tauri cause im sure they would rather have there power back lol

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:34 am
by Enfant Terrible
Anonymous wrote:
chunkysoup wrote:Alright so let me get this straight... for the longest time you guys (Tauri and Asgard) have been complaining non-stop about how much it SUCKS that you guys get just a teenie-weenie-bikini of a bonus of your attacks and defense and such a huge, damaging, unfair subtraction from your defense and attack... And now that forum fixes the inbalance a bit to give you a boost to your respectively lacking defenses and attacks... you whine some more. Hmmm... What else do you want him to do? Make your weapons free? Will that satisfy you? He just greatly diminished your one weakness that you've been complaining about for the longest time, while you still have that nice little bonus in your attack/defense (not to mention the 10% of weapons)!!! Stop it already! Jeez

please, id rather have the attack . defense went up so little u gotta buy 60 to even notice lmao. lets take away some of your bonus lol . wouldnt be so quick to talk then lol. I thik there should be a vote on who favors the upgrade to non upgrade and probably mayby, just mayby 10 percent would favor ugrades 0 percent from tauri cause im sure they would rather have there power back lol

I would keep this change as tau'ri. The defense hike is more percentage wise than the drop in attack, and a percentage change reflects the true benefit. The net change you see after the change is somewhat deceptive.

Let me put it this way.

A tau'ri wants a strike and defense of 3 million. In order to achieve this before the change you needed to buy about 39 attack weapons and about 187 defense weapons, for a total of 226 weapons.

Now you need to buy 50 attack weapons and only 143 defense weapons for a total of 193 weapons.

There are TWO benefits here. You need fewer weapons in total. AND you need fewer non-discounted weapons and more discounted weapons making it even cheaper. This is a savings of about 5 MILLION naquadah. It's actually closer to 6 million and there will be another bit saved for the troops trained.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:38 am
by Guest
come to thank of it tauri and asgaurd dont realy have a bonus at all. tauri has more attack power and asgurd has more defensive but the tauri defens is like having stickmen gurd your base lol. dont know bout what attack is like for asgaur our bonuses are nulled out buy lack of oppisits gould gets naq bonus and a free banking plan lmao, but no negatives and reps get there nice little sabs with no negatives they have no oppisites that screw them like tuari and asgaurd . and then there respective strenghts get bumped down . as for tauris price drop on attack weapons well gould lost there transaction fees and reps spy is cheaper. i see no negatives on there end . thats the cold hard fact

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:47 am
by Guest
is it me or was the update just changed back. looks like my attack and defense went back to normal. i hope so. :twisted:

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:58 am
by Enfant Terrible
I will agree that after these changes that reps and the goa'uld still have better bonuses.

Where I disagree is that these changes have made it worse for the tau'ri, becaue the plain fact is they haven't. You just have to look at the numbers and it's obvious they haven't.

Since the changes were made my strike is back to what it was before but my defense is now 33% better.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:12 am
by Aram
As a Replicator turned Asgard I can give some perspective. Being balanced isn't all it's cracked up to be. I first tried the Replicators b/c of the spy bonus. When I found out that 25% didn't even apply to the rankings, I was a bit disappointed to say the least. There are Tauri who have HUGE attacks and think it's fun to attack more balanced players. Well I'm now Asgard and love my new defensive bonus, it cost me 11 million naq in the changeoever but every bit was worth it! One of the reasons u see Asgard leaving their money about is b/c usually its safe enough.