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Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:15 am
by Cole
Ĕɱƿŷ wrote:
Cole wrote:
Ĕɱƿŷ wrote:Obviously you should be smarter than to habitually use ANY drug recreationally or even non-habitually but the Government doesn't have any right to say you can't.
Of course he does! :roll:
No, he thinks he does, so he just does. He really doesn't though...

That, is your opinion!
Doesn't mean it's the case... Theory and practice are two different things...
It isn't the role of government to make laws that live our lives for us. You think something is immoral? Well that's fine but someone else might not and you can't have government telling us what our morals should be. In a sense the fact that these drugs are illegal outlines how democracy is bad. The government takes away our personal freedoms, we have a right to do what we want to OUR OWN BODY. That's what it comes to. Smoking a joint is not taking away life, liberty, or property from anyone else.

Too much freedom kills freedom. Because once you start about "we should make this, that and those legal", then what will be the stopping line once you start a legalizing spree?
Goal is not either zero freedom or total freedom, thanks God for that. Both are negative towards society, the first is dictatorship, leading to revolution, and the second is anarchy leading to chaos.

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:19 am
by Ashu
Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Let me say this about that. No.

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:42 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:56 am
by Cole
Kit-Fox wrote:And yet the No crowd are yet to counter any of the previously aired arguments or any of the new arguments conclusively to the point that would give a government grounds to interfere with the populace.

You all just bringing out tired stereotypes of how decriminalizing drugs will create lots of muggers/robbers/rapists/murders etc (take you pick of criminal boogyman)

Or trying to scare us about how damaging it would be to our & others health which has clearly been debunked by modern/recent independant research into the health effects of drugs.

Seriously at least try, or stop trying to be essentially killjoys. I suppose the No crowd are all for censoring the internet to protect the kiddies from all the porn on there?? As its the same stupid reasons used for promoting the idea of censoring the internet as it is for keeping drugs illegal.

ROFL that's such a cliché post. :smt112 (you generalize all people against legalizations of drugs are necessarily a bunch of puritans obsessed with morals. That shows you are completly off the picture)

Your arguments are based on the idea that humans are responsible no matter what and can deal pretty well with themselves, and that drugs only affect the ones taking them. And you scream prejudices when people don't agree with that, because they don't agree with theory that freedom leading to personal responsability is the ultimate solution for almost every problem. What arguments did you bring? Only weighting argument I saw from your side came from Lord Baal. By weighting argument I mean something that could counter the no side. Else, I just saw a bunch of theory.

Liberals are as much obsessed about freedoms as religious radicals are with limiting freedoms when this goes against morals. It's like a C.Ronaldo fan and a Messi fan argueing on who's the best footballer, it will never stop. :-D

Considering that Churchill said "the best arguement against democracy is a five minutes discuss with average voter", do you really think that the average Joe will be as responsible as you seem to expect from them? (I actually find Churchill to be excessive in his comment, but it's more or less true, even though there's no better syste than democracy, but it's not the subject)

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:05 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:40 am
by [KMA]Avenger
apart from LMAO! all i can think to say to the naysayers is this, you lot are super quick at taking things personal and feeling you need to engage someone in an argument/debate with the sole purpose of browbeating your opponent into an admission that you were right all along but extremely slow to open your minds and look at the evidence and then admit your wrong if you are indeed wrong....

with the exception of KF and possibly the OP, egomaniacs all of you!

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:03 am
by Cole
If I get it well, people are either utterly childish and are attracted like bees on honey with forbidden things and if it was legalised they wouldn't care anymore, or they are utterly responsible and would know perfectly how to deal with drug consuming...or at least never hurt by any mean anyone else but themselves.
Quite a twisted view of things.

Also, I'm curious about something, among those of you who support drug legalization and claim it would be much better if it wasn't forbidden, how many of you consume, or plan to consume -if it became legal- said drugs?
Why am I asking? I am just searching for biased and subjective point of views regarding drugs.

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:14 am
by [KMA]Avenger
1stly, i fully support legalising Hemp/cannabis/marijuana/weed (what ever you want to call it), but not cocaine, heroin and the likes of those kinds of drugs.

2nd, i tried weed a few times over 20 years ago and while i never really liked it i wouldn't stop others from smoking it, and i wouldn't support smoking weed and driving.

3rd, consider this article before thinking the Govt is right to outlaw weed, it was NEVER the Govts idea to outlaw Hemp completely, it was big-pharma and industry which lobbied western Govts for decades to outlaw the stuff:
and have a gander at this: ... =firefox-a

4th, legal or not, i would never indulge in drugs, its just not my "thing", but who am i or indeed, who does the Govt think they are telling me what i can and cannot do in the privacy of my own home?!.

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:19 am
by ~Massin4Christ~

My religious views have nothing to do with this...

I have a uncle that started doing weed around 13... Around 10 years later he got married, had 3 children... He was still doing weed, but had to find something else, that could help him deal with customers easily and not be so high off his ass, that they would notice... He ended up turning to Meth...

Anyways... He is 55 or so now... He has next to nothing... He has wasted his life away going for that next high... He completely missed out on his kids... Paid child support big time... Been in and out of Jail & Prison.. Right now I have more than he has... I am 19, he is 55... Anyone else see something wrong with that picture?

All drugs lead to something else...

You all **Filtered** due to Alcohol and Tobacco being legal... Its cause the government can easily tax it thats why... Weed, not so easy to tax, Meth not easy to tax... Thats why it is illegal... How long did it take for them to find these harmful things about tobacco? Alot of prescription drugs get legal you use from the FDA, and guess what how many drugs get pulled for causing problems that they never saw? You say you all know that Weed is less harmful than Tobacco and Alcohol... You use these half ass scientist that probably do the drugs themselves to try to prove it... Yea, move along...

The only reason its not harmful is because most people that smoke weed, dont go smoke every hour like someone that smokes cigarettes. Not yet, but if it becomes legal, I bet they will...

Anyways... NO!

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:37 am
by [KMA]Avenger
same old tired arguments with little to no thought behind them because they have an uncle who smoked weed and is penniless...well, i can counter that, because i have relatives who have been smoking weed for 40+ years and are EXTREMELY rich, and i don't mean 2 or 3 million. one of my cousins is worth upwards of half a billion pounds, another one of my cousins is in jail for trying to smuggle 80 kilos of heroin. its all swings and roundabouts, so i don't accept that argument. everyone is different and not everyone smokes weed and yet many people who have never touched drugs are big time losers.

how about you lot do your research and find out the real reasons behind Hemps illegalization?!

but i wont hold my breath for that, instead, just say no, after all, its easier than doing some research and engaging the brain :smt015 :smt099 :smt115

did you even look at the links that have been posted?

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:41 am
by Empy
Cole wrote:If I get it well, people are either utterly childish and are attracted like bees on honey with forbidden things and if it was legalised they wouldn't care anymore, or they are utterly responsible and would know perfectly how to deal with drug consuming...or at least never hurt by any mean anyone else but themselves.
Quite a twisted view of things.

Also, I'm curious about something, among those of you who support drug legalization and claim it would be much better if it wasn't forbidden, how many of you consume, or plan to consume -if it became legal- said drugs?
Why am I asking? I am just searching for biased and subjective point of views regarding drugs.
I've never done any drug and I don't plan on doing any ever, that probably includes drinking too...

It should be legal regardless of if it's bad for you. It would reduce crime rates because it would erase drug dealers, who are criminals, and provide a gateway for people to worse things. Like someone who's name I forget (Dark Tacoma maybe) brought up in a country I again forget the name of (gosh maybe I do smoke Weed) when all drugs were legalized the crime rates went way down.

I'm talking about where I live, the US, the government does not have any right to tell people they can't do a drug that will only harm themselves. That is the government living our lives for us and it is wrong. I prefer to have the freedom to do what I want when it harms no one else but me, and that being said I reiterate I would personally never do any drugs.

Never thought I would find myself saying this but if you really do read up on why Marijuana was illegalized you will be very surprised, as KMA Avenger has said... there was no good reason for it, and there is still no good reason for it. People just can't open their minds and see reason they just assume it's bad because it's illegal regardless of why it was made illegal in the first place.

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:21 pm
by GrizzZzzly
I haven't read the whole thread but what about Passive smoking? tobacco and Cannabis affects passive smokers more than the actual smokers themselves. If it was legal to smoke at work, in restaurants, clubs, everywhere your affecting others more than yourself. Stop thinking about your own personal freedoms. Do you think it should be legal to drug other people? pregnant women for example.....

I'll give you a statistic to dwell on, 50% of people who smoke, die from a smoking related death.

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:30 pm
by BMMJ13
GrizzZzzly wrote:I haven't read the whole thread but what about Passive smoking? tobacco and Cannabis affects passive smokers more than the actual smokers themselves. If it was legal to smoke at work, in restaurants, clubs, everywhere your affecting others more than yourself. Stop thinking about your own personal freedoms. Do you think it should be legal to drug other people? pregnant women for example.....

I'll give you a statistic to dwell on, 50% of people who smoke, die from a smoking related death.

Yea, and 100% of people who smoke will die eventually. :smt025

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:48 pm
by lone dragon
Ĕɱƿŷ wrote:In a sense this outlines how democracy is bad. Catering for the bottom of the rungs in society. Homosexual marriage, the proposed legalising of drugs, legal age of sex, sex ed, the list goes on.
Well I should hope you don't go in to a long-winded post on the "morality of society" because it would be rather pointless. It isn't the role of government to make laws that live our lives for us. You think something is immoral? Well that's fine but someone else might not and you can't have government telling us what our morals should be. In a sense the fact that these drugs are illegal outlines how democracy is bad. The government takes away our personal freedoms, we have a right to do what we want to OUR OWN BODY. That's what it comes to. Smoking a joint is not taking away life, liberty, or property from anyone else.[/quote]

Still legalizing drugs brings it out into the world affecting others bodies and freedoms so it become an issue of do people have the right to force their drugs on people who either dont want them near them or cannot have them near them. Wouldnt you agree empy? "Homosexual marriage" This specifically while not on topic is behind doors and their choice, drugs of any kind in the open affect everyone in some way.

Re: Recreational Drugs - Should they be legal ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:58 pm
by Empy
GrizzZzzly wrote:I haven't read the whole thread but what about Passive smoking? tobacco and Cannabis affects passive smokers more than the actual smokers themselves. If it was legal to smoke at work, in restaurants, clubs, everywhere your affecting others more than yourself. Stop thinking about your own personal freedoms. Do you think it should be legal to drug other people? pregnant women for example.....

I'll give you a statistic to dwell on, 50% of people who smoke, die from a smoking related death.
I don't think smoking Marijuana has any appreciable passive effect on the people around you. It certainly does not affect the people around you more than yourself. If we're talking about cigarettes though obviously I agree, and that is why (at least in the US, and Minnesota) it's pretty much illegal to smoke in public. There are designated smoking areas, and there is the street, and your own house. Those are the only places you can smoke. It's illegal to smoke in public places.