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Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:47 am
by lone dragon
Um he has stated he is only leaving for the holidays..

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:53 am
by ƒëmmë ƒatalë
lol, he's probably forgotten this thread

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:55 am
by lone dragon
ƒëmmë ƒatalë wrote:lol, he's probably forgotten this thread

He knows he owes me a match

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:00 am
by ƒëmmë ƒatalë
lone dragon wrote:
ƒëmmë ƒatalë wrote:lol, he's probably forgotten this thread

He knows he owes me a match

well he hasn't posted in here since he first posted it... very unspammerish of him [-(

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:47 am
by [BoT] Jason
ƒëmmë ƒatalë wrote:
lone dragon wrote:
ƒëmmë ƒatalë wrote:lol, he's probably forgotten this thread

He knows he owes me a match

well he hasn't posted in here since he first posted it... very unspammerish of him [-(
Maybe coz he actually quit and noobs like guild reassure the reasoning behind why he is doing it?

Cheers Eric, we had our tough times but you know you're noob on my heart :P

Enjoy life

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:12 am
by ƒëmmë ƒatalë
Jason... wrote:
ƒëmmë ƒatalë wrote:
lone dragon wrote:
ƒëmmë ƒatalë wrote:lol, he's probably forgotten this thread

He knows he owes me a match

well he hasn't posted in here since he first posted it... very unspammerish of him [-(
Maybe coz he actually quit and noobs like guild reassure the reasoning behind why he is doing it?

Cheers Eric, we had our tough times but you know you're noob on my heart :P

Enjoy life

](*,) again, read his selling post.... its only a temporary leave.. he knows I will track him down and kill him otherwise :-D

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:39 am
by RoKeT
Sorry guys, yeah I am leaving for good, the selling thread, well at the time it was for the hollidays... but it's not so much anymore, My friends here and my loved ones here are in my heart forever, but the rest... well your the reason lol, and myself i blame lol because people who dislike me are probably because of my flaws lol, but yeah i'm leavin guys if you haven't noticed in my posting and everything, I have some offers nothing outstanding yet but once the accoutn is gone so am I, sorry...

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:55 am
by ƒëmmë ƒatalë
RoKeT wrote:Sorry guys, yeah I am leaving for good, the selling thread, well at the time it was for the hollidays... but it's not so much anymore, My friends here and my loved ones here are in my heart forever, but the rest... well your the reason lol, and myself i blame lol because people who dislike me are probably because of my flaws lol, but yeah i'm leavin guys if you haven't noticed in my posting and everything, I have some offers nothing outstanding yet but once the accoutn is gone so am I, sorry...

sorry that answer is not acceptable [-(
:smt089 :smt022 :smt089 :smt022 :smt089

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:28 am
by RoKeT
Sorry... Got to go lol, just don't want to be here anymore lol :) but thanks Femme your a big place in my part and I promise you'll never lose me!

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:52 am
by ƒëmmë ƒatalë
*deepens voice* but, but, but... what if I grow some Ballz... just for you

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:58 am
by RoKeT
Lol Femme :) lmao, :) :) :) you girl are one of the only reasons I'm still here, your heart is massive, and I thank you for being the girl you are, I hope one day to meet you in RL your amazing! :)

Koji, it means a lot that you created a vendetta, and I'd agree with the TS fun if I could have ever understood you mate hahhahaha lmao jp jp jp

Jason, we have had our struts but at the end of the day you know I'd back you in game and in RL if you ever needed it, adn I ever found my way to your house xD hehehehe

Lone, Mate, you sir became a good friend, and an intellectual rival probably superior but your one hell of a guy to talk to and it means a lot to have your friendship bro

SJ, you leaving, probably is what killed the game for me, you and LoCe were my best in this game towards the end, you will always have my back if you ever need anything, including RL issues let me know I will always be there for you, thats how close you are to me :) :)

CC, you were a good guy... but honestly take everything way to personal, as a friend you should have known I'd make some kind of gay reference towards you or a family member, it's kinda like my thing... but anyways, I hope to be your friend again one day...

KJ- Wow LMAO mate you sir are the funniest guy, I love how open you are it makes it so much fun to talk to you lol, I'm glad i got to know you before I left your a good man :) Thanks mate :)

Snipez, my little brother, that is all I will say, you know you and I will keep in touch, I love you little brother dont' worry you'll never loose me

Clarkster, you sir... well other then me are maybe the most hated man on here, maybe even top me hehehehehe but anyways mate your a good frined, and have been ther for me more then you know, your a good guy, I just wish sometimes you'd be that fun Clarkster you let show every once and a while!

InR, mate you are a good guy, we had our scruff but i"ve always respected you, you are a good friend bro

Lith, and Ashu, Maybe not guys... but I'll never know lol, with the comments on here, it makes it known that I should leave...

Guild, mate, I don't care wat you think considering I have a PM from you when I said I wanted the drama stopped, and well you said you were just having fun and nothing personal... so which are you lying to me or the forums? lol

Jim, you sir are a good man, a friend till the end and liek i siad to others and like i promised you, you will never lose me as a friend bro

Ian... what you said hurt mate, and you did I feel stab me in the back, but you know i Love ya bro... I just kinda wish you woulda been nicer but in your deffense well... I wasn't nice to your alliance...

Lizzy... Thanks Girl for always bein my girl aswell and always being there for me when needed you :) The best raider in SGW history!!! lol

Everyone else

Sorry to the ones who I didn't make a "good" impact in... I will not fake who I am for this game nor will I pretend I regret anything I've done... for me this is a game, but sometimes... well it became more then a game, and thats why I'm leaving, I will not go into personal things here, but it's time for me to go... I've gotten to far into this "game" that it's just not a game to me anymore...

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:25 am
by ~Snipez~
i'm holding you to that post if you dont i will join femme in her hunt for you :smt117

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:58 am
by InR
Roket my boy, we had our beefs.... u know why? cause we allways have competition who is funiest most valuble and most awesome player alive ;)

we cant have 2 kings, and now when u gone, im only one left :smt019

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:12 am
by Clarkey
RoKeT wrote:Clarkster, you sir... well other then me are maybe the most hated man on here, maybe even top me hehehehehe but anyways mate your a good frined, and have been ther for me more then you know, your a good guy, I just wish sometimes you'd be that fun Clarkster you let show every once and a while!
RoKeT mate, thanks for the words. It's the forums that sucked the "fun Clarkster" out of me, not anyone or anything in particular, just the forums in general. But I'm getting that fun side back slowly. You've got a good heart RoKeT, maybe i'll still see you on GP sometime.... when I find time myself to work on it. :smt058

Re: Sellin up and Headin out

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:15 pm
by ~Coyle~
Sorry to see ya go mano, hopefully you do return. Your a cool chap, take care :)