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Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:43 am
by stuff of legends
Like kikaz said, even if it were to be reinstated, it would be quite pointless, so maybe it should be bettered first before its released? Admin is keen on getting this thing back in the game so he should be quick to upgrade/update it to actually benefit the server and not be as pointless as initiate revolution.

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:20 pm
by Kikaz
That's actually not what I said I voted for it because of the farming benefits...

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:00 pm
by stuff of legends
Kikaz wrote:Really why the hell are people that against it.. There is only ONE weapon and it can only be used ONCE.. It doesn't even descend the player that gets hit with it..

So thats not leaning towards the word pointless then?

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:23 pm
by Iƒrit
the ascended server needs more risk involved, this is a good suggestion. Though there needs to be limitations on control of the weapon and its need something that is beneficial if it came back as it was, it would be virtually useless. I like the idea of accounts that are "untouchable" status having something to fear and are probably the majority who voted against it.

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:43 pm
by Kikaz
stuff of legends wrote:
Kikaz wrote:Really why the hell are people that against it.. There is only ONE weapon and it can only be used ONCE.. It doesn't even descend the player that gets hit with it..

So thats not leaning towards the word pointless then?

No, the weapon was far from pointless and I was just pointing out that all the people voting no really shouldn't be THAT afraid of it.. Seeing as 90% of them would never even have it used on them seeing as it can only be used one time then it is auctioned again..

So yeah would appreciate you not warping my words to mean something you want them to mean...

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:12 am
by stuff of legends
Kikaz wrote:
stuff of legends wrote:
Kikaz wrote:Really why the hell are people that against it.. There is only ONE weapon and it can only be used ONCE.. It doesn't even descend the player that gets hit with it..

So thats not leaning towards the word pointless then?

No, the weapon was far from pointless and I was just pointing out that all the people voting no really shouldn't be THAT afraid of it.. Seeing as 90% of them would never even have it used on them seeing as it can only be used one time then it is auctioned again..

So yeah would appreciate you not warping my words to mean something you want them to mean...

i took it the wrong, was not on purpose.

Anyway, this super weapon still needs to be fixed, i find it, as it were, pointless, other than that i dont see why it shouldnt be added?

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:32 pm
by Sarevok
Undecided for me. I can see the advantages and dis-advantages. If it was to be brought back, i'd like the DMU from it put somewhere save for the user (aka converted to cache)

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:05 am
by Lore
The super weapon was flawed from launch. Jason was told how it would be abused and controlled before it was ever released, and what he was told came true. He altered it 3 times I think before finally removing it complete from the game. As far as I know it is basicly the only one of many piss poor updates he actually removed instead of forcing on the players.

The SW was in a time where people actually built accounts. Not like now where you simply keep everything untrained till you need it. The original super weapon destroyed everything. All weapons, all trained planets (except income). It "floated" to random accounts. Then it changed so that who ever was hit, got the weapon next. This was the balance that stoped the rank 1 account always getting hit. When you used it, you knew you were next to be destroyed. Of course everyone simply untrained and left nothing to destroy. Then the auction came in, because the one who got smashed, but could not use it in return basicly got screwed. The auctioned goods went to the owner of the SW. Then it was used to move funds from player to player. So admin changed it so the player got 50% and the other 50% went to all accounts on the game. The problem was it was on a timer, and those online when sales happened got 80+% of the DMU and those who slept/worked/school got nothing.

At every step in the evolution Jason was told exactly how it would be used/controled/and kept within certain players. He used it anyway and the players themselves defeated the idea and forced its removal as a bad update.

It will not spark interest or activity, except from rhose who already play as the same exploits and abuses will arise that arose last time.

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:07 am
by Juliette
**Filtered** no. For all the reasons Lore mentioned. ;)

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:05 pm
by Tekki
Definite no.

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:53 am
by Mathlord
Agreed with Tekki and well said Lore (happy someone else remembers the real pain of the superweapon).

All it did in its last incarnation was make the rich get richer.

Now if you want to make a weapon that different powers bid on with the ability to one touch descend a top account with the proceeds being littered around the server, I'd be interested in that...and it would definitely make the big alliances actually play on ascended again, but as it

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:40 pm
by Lore
Mathlord wrote:Agreed with Tekki and well said Lore (happy someone else remembers the real pain of the superweapon).

All it did in its last incarnation was make the rich get richer.

Now if you want to make a weapon that different powers bid on with the ability to one touch descend a top account with the proceeds being littered around the server, I'd be interested in that...and it would definitely make the big alliances actually play on ascended again, but as it

I fail to see why people who actually play the server should be held ransom, and not given means to defend themselves, and then everyone but them get paid for their destruction.

What incentive is there for Anyone to do anything other then train, farm, untrain,,,,,wash rinse and repeat.

Make the game playable, and people will play it,,,, ignore it like the red headed step child and this is what you get.

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:48 pm
by Sarevok
That is probably best done by balancing the attack and defence of personal stats. Whilst people only need to log in once a month or less often to protect from de-ascension, people won't log on more then that.

Tis why Main is much more active. You leave your account for a month on there, don't expect to have anything but miners left

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:18 pm
by ~[ Greased Gerbil ]~
Never really got into ascended, but I would if there was an effective superweapon. I've done a bit of a think and come up with my two cents:

1. SW should be a descension weapon. Probably the most pertinent weapon, as it has an effect on both servers. Main players will need to keep an eye on their Ascended accounts more often.

2. Should be rotated randomly, but all players should be notified by an automated ingame PM as to who has the weapon. Can stop the SW from being bogarted by the big boys and stop people who happen to be online when it is used from getting a huge DMU farming advantage.

3. Timing. I thought - just maybe - that the SW should have a very short timespan. Say 8-12hrs. People might log in everyday, just on the off chance that you might be able to descend someone with one hit that day.

4. Target limitations. Possibly, the SW would require one the user's stats to be within a certain percentage of their target's stat to work (i.e. strike power or something that players often change...). The applicable stat could change every time the SW is passed on (the server-wide PM from point 2 could either notify everyone of the applicable stat, or leave it a surprise known only to the holder). Might get people tinkering with their accounts to try to descend, or avoid being descended by, a specific player; which could also help open up people's accounts to other vulnerabilities while trying to avoid or exploit the SW.

Admin might need to introduce a "SW Quick Attack" button on the battlefield so that the holder isn't trying to make these calculations themselves. I considered suggesting rank for the limitation, but it just makes it easy for the really big boys to avoid the SW 95% of the time.

5. More than one use. 3 would be an absolute maximum. Makes it just that little bit more dangerous, but worth logging on just to see if you have it.

Just my thoughts.

Re: Bringing back the super weapon

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:07 pm
by Lore
So A guy who never builds anything gets to wipe the top 3 accounts for **Filtered** and giggles?

Real motivation to play Ascended, Knowing that no matter how much you log in, or how diligently you play, that some 1 off fool, or guy who never trains anything can wipe you and 2 other players and their is nothing you can do to stop them.

Really make me want to play. :smt017