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Re: Muslim brotherhood declares 11th of march...

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:45 pm
by Mordack
Actually, Avenger, I am quite aware of the claims made about the role which the British authorities played in the initial formation of the Muslim Brotherhood. Although I have yet to see anything which constitutes substantial proof of these allegations, I wouldn't be in the least surprised that they were true. The role which the British and American intelligence services have played in covertly influencing Middle East affairs in the decades following the Second World War has been widely documented.

However, I am of the opinion that our alleged 'control' over this organization, if indeed it ever existed, has been diminished to the point of nothing over a period of many, many decades. I do not see our hand in current events. Things change. Obama Bin Laden, for example, was once funded by the CIA; but it would take a hardened conspiracy theorist indeed to suggest that they were complicit in all of his actions since the mid-nineties.

Re: Muslim brotherhood declares 11th of march...

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:47 pm
by RepliMagni
Mordack wrote: Obama Bin Laden, for example, was once funded by the CIA; but it would take a hardened conspiracy theorist indeed to suggest that they were complicit in all of his actions since the mid-nineties.

Was that deliberate? :smt050

Re: Muslim brotherhood declares 11th of march...

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:49 pm
by Mordack
RepliMagni wrote:
Mordack wrote: Obama Bin Laden, for example, was once funded by the CIA; but it would take a hardened conspiracy theorist indeed to suggest that they were complicit in all of his actions since the mid-nineties.

Was that deliberate? :smt050

Haha, I'd been writing about Obama on another forum some moments before, so I guess he was still in my head.

It wasn't a Freudian slip, I promise!

Re: Muslim brotherhood declares 11th of march...

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:57 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Mordack wrote:Things change. Obama Bin Laden, for example, was once funded by the CIA; but it would take a hardened conspiracy theorist indeed to suggest that they were complicit in all of his actions since the mid-nineties.

Care to rethink that "opinion"?

Bin Laden was met in July 2001
at the American hospital at Dubaï (press)

[spoiler]Wednesday October 31 2001 - 2h51 GMT

PARIS, Oct. 31 (AFP) - Osama Bin Laden was treated in July at the American hospital in Dubai where he met a person in charge of the CIA, the French daily newspaper the Barber and Radio International France (RFI) reported on Wednesday.

The two media's quoted "a witness, professional partner of the administrative direction of the hospital", as confirming that the man that the United States suspects of having financed the attacks of September 11 arrived on July 4 at Dubai by plane coming from Quetta, in Pakistan.

Osama was immediately transferred to the hospital for a renal processing (Kidney Dialysis). He left the establishment on July 14, adds the Barber.

During this stay, reports the daily newspaper, the local representative of the CIA was seen going in the room of Bin Laden.

"A few days later, the CIA man bragged in front of some friends that he had visited the billionaire Saudi".

According to the Barber and RFI who quote an "authorized source", the representative of the CIA was recalled to Washington on July 15.

Bin Laden is sought by the United States for terrorism since the attacks against the American embassies of Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. But Osama's links with the CIA are older and go up back to the time where Bin Laden took part in the combat in Afghanistan against the Soviet forces.

According to the Barber, Bin Laden was accompanied in Dubai by his personal doctor and faithful lieutenant, tentatively identified as the Egyptian Ayman Al-Zawahari, by bodyguards, and an Algerian male nurse.

Osama was treated by urologist Doctor Terry Callaway, a specialist in the renal calculi (kidney problems) and male infertility. Contacted by telephone on several occasions, the doctor did not wish to answer questions.

Several sources had already given a report on a serious renal infection of Bin Laden, who has installed a mobile dialysis machine in his Afghan den of Kandahar during first six-month period 2000, according to "authorized sources" quoted by the French daily newspaper and RFI.[/spoiler]

The Truth is stranger than fiction and for that reason...I HATE the word "conspiracy" in the context of "theory". whenever i read or hear that word (pukes) i immediately think of little green men from planet X trying to invade the earth in order to suck peoples brains out though their nostrils :smt078

Re: Muslim brotherhood declares 11th of march...

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:24 am
by Juliette
One source. My, my.. and the original article was removed from the French news site. =D>
Not the most convincing thing. But maybe it is foolish not to change your opinion based on a single article? (My God, if you'd do that, your world would .. )

Re: Muslim brotherhood declares 11th of march...

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:16 am
by [KMA]Avenger
LOL, how many sources does it take?

Does the info become invalid simply because 1 news article has been removed, is it not worth researching for yourself??

I think the trouble is that you just cant be arsed to go see, so you say "One source. My, my.. and the original article was removed from the French news site. =D> Not the most convincing thing."

At the time of the attack on the WTC, the info about Bin Laden was widely reported, people who had seen him and his CIA handler in the American hospital in Dubai had gone public.
This is the French report, but it was WIDELY reported in the UK and US, just not on the front page of the rags, or the TV news:

You cannot go around trying to discredit info simply because 1 source is down, As Einstein said:

"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance."
-- Albert Einstein


"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance; that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
-- Herbert Spencer


"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get."
-- Ian Williams Goddard


Re: Muslim brotherhood declares 11th of march...

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:52 am
by Juliette
Seriously. It's fine if you disagree with me, but I see the same news you see, and I have 'googled' just as much. What, you think I searched for the original article in my imagination?! No. And the few sites that did cite it and weren't conspiracy-sites tore it to pieces. ( for example cites the article, but places a critical note at the not-too-smooth interaction between French and American intelligence agencies, as do a few other sites I give more credence to -WaPo, NYTimes- than random conspiracy-bloggers.)

I don't care if you disagree with me based on the same information. You obviously do, and seek to discredit me by saying I could NEVER have searched as much as you have searched. That is just delusional and insulting. Next time, I suggest you use a little bit of that sizeable brain, and remember who you are replying to. Damned hardheaded Brit. :smt018

Re: Muslim brotherhood declares 11th of march...

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:04 am
by [KMA]Avenger
I stand do-do your research.

I hate to harp on about it, but that incident a year back ( i think it was a year back lol) which wiped out my computer which was quickly followed by that cheap Chinese PSU blowing it up a 2nd time wiped out all the info i had stored, as well as all the links i had regarding this matter...suffice to say that as i said, at the time there was allot more info about this...

the above was like a 10 second search, i'll endeavour to find something a bit more substantial for you :-)

Re: Muslim brotherhood declares 11th of march...

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:38 pm
by Jack
Do you still have the HDDs?

Re: Muslim brotherhood declares 11th of march...

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:05 am
by Brdavs
I think its great whats going on. Power to the people I say.

If they wanna drag Gadafi, Al Khalifa & Abdul-Aziz through the streets I`ve got nothing but sympathy.

Why would the yanks (and those they support) be the only ones entiteled to a revolution for a brighter and more just tommorow.