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Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:32 am
by Juliette
Can we start with a few oil barons first?

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:34 am
by [KMA]Avenger
I have absolutely no problem with that at fact we can expand that to encompass the banksters and politicians....

where are those old shooting smilies when you need them!?! :(

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:51 am
by Ashu
If you park your car next to your house i recommend floodlights, a wooden bat a lot of patience.

Also, no more of this violence towards people, keep it civil or I'm locking it.

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:48 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Mittenz wrote:
Also, no more of this violence towards people,

what, not even towards thieves like those who stole MEZZ's petrol and the banksters that robbed the world of god knows how many trillions/quadrillions and the smiling politicians that helped the banksters rob us? :(

I personally think scum like that don't qualify for the title of "people". but hey, what do i know!?! :?

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:55 am
by Ashu
Those people are the result of an environment that made them what they are today. I pity them. I also feel shame for not making a difference. Not in the world, but in myself.

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:59 am
by Jack
Mittenz wrote:Those people are the result of an environment that made them what they are today. I pity them. I also feel shame for not making a difference. Not in the world, but in myself.

Theft is theft, doesn't matter if it's Orphan Annie doing the thievin or Hitler. All thieves must be dealt with, and dealt with equally. If I catch you stealing my gas, you'll be catching some hot lead.

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:04 am
by Ashu
I don't believe you for a second Jack. Neither does anyone else.

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:16 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Erm, Jack is from yeah, i believe him 8)

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:51 am
by Jack
Cattle theft is still a capital offense in Texas. And the method of execution? Hanging. :smt047

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:37 am
by Psyko
Mittenz wrote:I don't believe you for a second Jack. Neither does anyone else.

He is not likely to shoot someone he knows/likes personally, no; he'd probably beat the crap out of them, but he wouldn't shoot them. It's the random strangers that should be worried about getting shot. He'd totally do it.

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:47 am
Mittenz wrote:Also, no more of this violence towards people, keep it civil or I'm locking it.

It might not be very PC but the truth is Violence works, and a big stick will get you more results than a kind word.


Oh please Mr Gadaffi dont bomb your own people, thats bad - Bombs keep falling

Gadaffi, our planes are better than yours, you fly you die - Bombs stop dropping

Mittenz wrote:Those people are the result of an environment that made them what they are today. I pity them. I also feel shame for not making a difference. Not in the world, but in myself.

Anyone can use that excuse, in that case my desire to hurt thieves is not my fault it's my environment.

Im with the Arabs on this one, thieves should have their hands cut off.

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:48 am
by Ashu
Mittenz wrote:Also, no more of this violence towards people, keep it civil or I'm locking it.

It might not be very PC but the truth is Violence works, and a big stick will get you more results than a kind word.


Oh please Mr Gadaffi dont bomb your own people, thats bad - Bombs keep falling

Gadaffi, our planes are better than yours, you fly you die - Bombs stop dropping

Mittenz wrote:Those people are the result of an environment that made them what they are today. I pity them. I also feel shame for not making a difference. Not in the world, but in myself.

Anyone can use that excuse, in that case my desire to hurt thieves is not my fault it's my environment.

Im with the Arabs on this one, thieves should have their hands cut off.

A good diplomat and careful planning have ended more wars than the anger and hatred that have come from actually waging them. Nothing good will ever come out of wars, whatever the reason. What 2 world wars and so many genocides should have taught us is that communication and careful planning of policy assure that the backbone of a nation is held by its people and not by madmen with an agenda.

On topic.
People resort to stealing when they have nothing else to do. Would someone with petrol steal from another man? Why would they? Perhaps if he was mentally ill...
If the nation in cause creates a need for a product then vanquishes it off the market, what are the people to do? Its not an excuse, its simple action-reaction in regards to the mentality brought in by the environment.

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:05 am
by Juliette
Mittenz wrote:A good diplomat and careful planning have ended more wars than the anger and hatred that have come from actually waging them. Nothing good will ever come out of wars, whatever the reason. What 2 world wars and so many genocides should have taught us is that communication and careful planning of policy assure that the backbone of a nation is held by its people and not by madmen with an agenda.
Ha yes, madmen like Nicolas Narcotic, and David Canibomb. :) Aided and abetted, even solicited by the Unabama, we'll just keep blowing **Filtered** up until we have our oil supply, by helping another terrorist government in the saddle which will pay off our moral indignation with cheap oil.
**Filtered** retards, the lot of them. Stick with the villains you know, instead of replacing them with unreliable pieces of Al-Qaedaian **Filtered**.
Mittenz wrote:On topic.
People resort to stealing when they have nothing else to do. Would someone with petrol steal from another man? Why would they? Perhaps if he was mentally ill...
If the nation in cause creates a need for a product then vanquishes it off the market, what are the people to do? Its not an excuse, its simple action-reaction in regards to the mentality brought in by the environment.
I am hungry and cannot buy a bread. Am I allowed to steal a bread? :smt017 Dilemma.
When my car breaks down and I have no money to buy petrol, do I steal petrol? No, **Filtered**, why the **Filtered** do you even have a car if you can't pay for it?! :smt021 No dilemma.

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:11 am
by Ashu
I believe my answer applies to your response aswell.
Diplomacy+Actual Care+Support=no terror zone.
People are very much a result of their environment, not all people think like you and me. Some might think in terms of, well i have this car but no gas to run it on... My neighbor has gas which i need and my moral compass is nowhere to be seen. What should i do...

Re: Petrol Theft

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:20 pm
Mittenz wrote:I believe my answer applies to your response aswell.
Diplomacy+Actual Care+Support=no terror zone.
People are very much a result of their environment, not all people think like you and me. Some might think in terms of, well i have this car but no gas to run it on... My neighbor has gas which i need and my moral compass is nowhere to be seen. What should i do...

In some countries maybe people steal to eat or survive, with the exception of a tiny % of mental illness causes ( people who should be in care, not on the street ), in the UK people steal out of jealousy, greed and laziness. Only consequences deter people from just helping themselves to whatever they want, if the law doesnt provide sufficient deterrent you have 2 choices, let scum take what you have earned, or provide your own deterrent. Fear of a beating is a far more effective deterrent than anything the law currently offers.

I have not caught the thief yet, the hunt continues and if he has heard that Im looking for him that alone may have been enough to drive him out of my area, probably stealing from people who are not willing to find and beat him.