give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

Maybe people don't want to participate because they can't stand filthy brown-noser mods who suck up to the admins for higher positions on the forum :-k
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

Ĕɱƿŷ wrote:Maybe people don't want to participate because they can't stand filthy brown-noser mods who suck up to the admins for higher positions on the forum :-k

I've said it once, and I'll say it again. I've told certain individuals I do not wish for this position because of people like you, with attitudes like yours. I do not want a target on my back, false accusations thrown my way, nor having to deal this politics involved with this forum. It's a waste of my time. This is why I enjoy the Market as it keeps the big idiots out, and the people with business in.

You want to complain about the voting, go ahead. The voting system is perfectly fine as it is. You and Decca are just up to your old stupidity again. That's your business, do not make it the forums.

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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

What position? I said nothing about positions, I don't even think I referred to you then but if you have such a low self-esteem that you think everyonoe is against you then, well, they have people to help you for that.

Anyway as I said before Mr Brown-Nosey Noobert Spaminator. This is not about you and your terrible modding, it's about people having a right to vote. Not just because they're a No-Good-Noobert-Spammer. But because they actually contribute things to this forum besides stupid pictures and whining on a daily basis (e.g. Noobert)
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

Ĕɱƿŷ wrote:What position? I said nothing about positions, I don't even think I referred to you then but if you have such a low self-esteem that you think everyonoe is against you then, well, they have people to help you for that.

Anyway as I said before Mr Brown-Nosey Noobert Spaminator. This is not about you and your terrible modding, it's about people having a right to vote. Not just because they're a No-Good-Noobert-Spammer. But because they actually contribute things to this forum besides stupid pictures and whining on a daily basis (e.g. Noobert)

You said nothing about positions? Oh really now?
Ĕɱƿŷ wrote:I agree, every since Noobert became a mod things have gone downhill. Let's be Frank (Noobert's real name), Noobert is a little brown-noser, all he does is suck up to anything with power. And with good reason too, he'll get a fancy new green title of market global mod soon I suspect. But what people fail to realise is that Noobert will not do a good job as global mod, he'll do a terrible job like he's been doing as regular mod.

Wait wait, let me guess. This must be forged, right? :smt042

Grow up, you spoiled insolent child.

You want to vote? Post. Simple as that. Contribute, and you will be able to post. Besides, my photos are sexy. Everyone knows this.
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

Now Noobert (the spammer), I already said why people don't want to contribute, if you have a look a few lines up you'll see why people don't want to post in the forum and you'll also see (if you look in a mirror) the large brown blob on your nose.
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

Ĕɱƿŷ wrote:Now Noobert (the spammer), I already said why people don't want to contribute, if you have a look a few lines up you'll see why people don't want to post in the forum and you'll also see (if you look in a mirror) the large brown blob on your nose.

Besides the obvious fact you have an obsession with 'brown blobs' and the fact you are beyond 'smart'..

If they do not wish to post, why would they have need of the Ombudsman?
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

If you do not post, you do not need the assistance of an Ombudsman and therefore do not get to vote. It is not hard to get 150 posts if you are active on the forum, and if you are not, then you do not need the Ombudsman's help. Maybe you could use that reasoning for Awards, however Ombudsman there is a reason why you need a post count. Hell, I bet most of the people who post so much would not even realize there were an election going on if they were not told to vote in it.
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

perhaps they don't, but maybe they want to vote for who they believe is in the interest of other users.
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

Iƒrit wrote:perhaps they don't, but maybe they want to vote for who they believe is in the interest of other users.

This would be an excellent point if they were not only voting for their friends. I bet you 90% of the people voting haven't even read the other applicants threads to begin with. I'm probably wrong on the percentage, but not far off.
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

Noobert wrote:
Iƒrit wrote:perhaps they don't, but maybe they want to vote for who they believe is in the interest of other users.

This would be an excellent point if they were not only voting for their friends. I bet you 90% of the people voting haven't even read the other applicants threads to begin with. I'm probably wrong on the percentage, but not far off.

can you prove that or are you speculating?
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

Iƒrit wrote:can you prove that or are you speculating?

Speculation, of course. Just take a look at the individuals who have voted, and look where their allegiances lie. Do you think they would vote for anyone but their friend and alliance member?

This is how the current voting has turned out, correct me if I am wrong but there is very few individuals who have voted 'outside the box'.

Turkey & Lone Dragon - Omegan Empire, Jack, and Mordack (both doing it for..different reasons).
Kjakur & Kojak - Dark Dominium Empire.
Ifrit & Odin - The Legion, and Titans.
Psi & CJL - Random Players thus far, and a few Moderators.
Clarkey - Random Players thus far.

I cannot blame anyone for how they have voted though. It's only nature to vote for your friends, alliance members and not somebody you barely know. I just wish people would take the time to read up on the other candidates.
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

I actually see some people voting for candidates who are not in their alliance, for sure. But just because some are voting for alliance mates or friends doesn't prove anything. However we certainly can speculate their motives, unless anyone has solid proof of anything otherwise, its asinine at best to insinuate such.
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

Iƒrit dude, speculation or no speculation you just have to read this thread to see that decca has been prompted to vote for Turkey and is reason for this thread. Turkey is likely trying use this thread as further leverage to look like he's "helping" the community.

Look at this.....

1) decca has not returned to this thread to respond, surprising? No, because he had no intention of joining in this community anymore than he previously did in the first place until promoted to vote.

2) decca has never complained about previous Ombudsman voting campaigns, because Turkey was never campaigning.

3) You say there's no evidence that he's been asked by Turkey to vote for him, but where's the evidence that he wasn't? The dude came here complained and left again.

4) Have you looked at decca's ingame account? It doesn't even look like he plays the game anymore. By Turkey's statements in his campaign thread where he said those that have quit the game should quit the forums gives even more reason why decca shouldn't get to vote. he isn't active on forums, and hardly ingame.
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

Clarkey wrote:Look at this.....

1) decca has not returned to this thread to respond, surprising? No, because he had no intention of joining in this community anymore than he previously did in the first place until promoted to vote.
certainly is a possibility, just as it is possible that he had to go and the only time he had was to post his concern(s).

2) decca has never complained about previous Ombudsman voting campaigns, because Turkey was never campaigning.
The second part is speculation, at best. You infact could speculate it was because of me that decca posted, me and him started out in the same alliance after all 8-[

3) You say there's no evidence that he's been asked by Turkey to vote for him, but where's the evidence that he wasn't? The dude came here complained and left again.
that certainly is true all the way around, but I disagree that he (or anyone for that matter) shouldn't be able to vote for someone that he/she believes to be good representative for users. Usually though someone has to be proved to be guilty by the accuser(s) not defend his innocence against them, at least in most civilized societies.

4) Have you looked at decca's ingame account? It doesn't even look like he plays the game anymore. By Turkey's statements in his campaign thread where he said those that have quit the game should quit the forums gives even more reason why decca should get to vote. he isn't active on forums, and hardly ingame.
meh, don't really care... honestly I disagree that if you are not playing ingame you should leave forums, but to each's own I suppose.
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Re: give adult, white, land-owning males the vote please.

Thing is, the post count is to get people part of the community to vote. If you are not part of the community, then you have no need nor should you be voting. While it is possible to be part of the forum community without doing so, I imagine most of those who do not meet the requirements to vote have been asked by someone or another to do so. I definitely do not think it is just one group, however there is a reason the rules are in place. If you are not a member of the community, then you likely do not know the different candidates nor will you be involved with anything the ombudsman does or is. As people have said, there can be a reason that someone just became active again recently and has been posting more before the elections, however you would be surprised by how many have suddenly joined the voters group yet have not posted in months or even years, or who have tried spamming 100+ posts in day or two after the elections started.
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