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Re: Should school corporal punishment be brought back?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:42 am
by RepliMagni
And how does solitary work in schools? :-k

To zee cooler #-o

Re: Should school corporal punishment be brought back?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:44 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Should school corporal punishment be brought back?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:48 am
by RepliMagni
Kit-Fox wrote:Quite sipmly, they lose their education & their ability to progress in the world.

And most kids would be perfectly happy with that - means they don't have to do school work ;)

Re: Should school corporal punishment be brought back?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:50 am
CJL wrote:They make their choices in life. I am 17 and have seen some straight up idiots getting away with all sorts in school only to go unpunished or to get kicked out for a couple of days only to come back and repeat.

Why should anyone waste their time on such fools. Not to mention the money spent and the attention to those that give a crap lost

im also 17 lol and also in High School.

But i'm a "good" boy and only go to meet the principle for fights or swearing at Prefects nothing serious tho.but seriously those fools make other people's lives horrible if they get suspended they treat it like a holiday 7 days off school id do something to get suspended for 7 days off :).

I agree with ya Jason about the principal thing lmao,dads would be proud!!!!! :P

It is is the school's and Primarily the Parents responsibilities to raise there kids properly and teach them whats right and wrong.some parents do it differently than others and it shows in there kids when they are older,but others get to the point where they dont care and leave it to the school to re-educate a child what is right and Wrong when the Parents have clearly not done there job.

And guess what those are the people mixing it up with Drugs and going to jail/Getting killed in the future of Gang wars. So if this little law can help put Kids back on the right line then who are we to Fight it.....

Ps Plz don't Enable this Untill im done with school 8-[ 8-[ 8-[ 8-[

Re: Should school corporal punishment be brought back?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:55 am
RepliMagni wrote:
Kit-Fox wrote:Quite sipmly, they lose their education & their ability to progress in the world.

And most kids would be perfectly happy with that - means they don't have to do school work ;)

yeah that would be cool.

To add last time this Corporal Punishment was released Kids where getting hidings in there classrooms with a metal Ruler in South Africa maybe 20 years ago 20-30-40 can't remember when.

Even my dad got hit every day for not doing homework 5x Whip to ze Arse. thats just not right (swarming at a teacher , threatening a teacher, not obeying a teacher ,being rude maybe on a small scale that would be fine to punish a child.... But seriously Not doing Homework?? Id seriously heart a teacher if he/she tried to assault me for not doing homework. :smt042 :smt042 :smt042

Re: Should school corporal punishment be brought back?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:01 am
by Jack
**Filtered** no. Far too often teachers/principals/executioners are way too paddle happy.

When I was in elementary school, I had a principal me up and thew me. I landed against the arm of a chair and hurt my back. Not too bad, but enough to give problems for a good while after that. And corporal punishment was illegal!

IDK what he'd have done if he was actually allowed to hit me. He actually threatened to call the police that day, but I called his bluff and threatened him with kidnapping charges. He quickly let me go after that. :razz:

Re: Should school corporal punishment be brought back?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:03 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Kit-Fox wrote:Of course we should have Cororal Punishment

What people seem to have forgotten is that corporal punishment doesnt mean or require violence. It doesnt have to be getting whipped with a cane or whatever.

One of the better Army corporal punishments involved painting coal from a full bunker white, each peice of coal had to be painted & each peice fully covered. No violence, but it is a punishment & an effective one at that.

Another was to run X many laps with an artillery shell held above your head, arms locked straight. Which as anyone can tell you is bloody knackering.

Dont do the punishment you say? well thats simple, keep the offender in solitary till they do ;)

WOW, i like that post!
