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Re: Wave 28 Feeders

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:02 am
by HippyFool
Tetrismonkey.... your ape sig is what Affy is going to look like after he reads your post.


Re: Wave 28 Feeders

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:25 am
by Mercury Rising
feeders will be dealt with. period.

Re: Wave 28 Feeders

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:33 am
by [BoT] Jason
Its not illegal, that's why the members are massing you, not admin....So continue and see how far you get :)

Re: Wave 28 Feeders

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:02 pm
by Affirmation
HippyFool wrote:Tetrismonkey.... your ape sig is what Affy is going to look like after he reads your post.


The T-Monk has the right to his opinion, as do I, and as does everyone in our wonderful Quantum Forums (where at times, the Forums elevate the Quantum experience to something MUCH MORE than just a MMORPG game). He also has the right to come into the Quantum Forums and post/re-post the rules for the Main server as much as he wants, and argue over those rules and how much they don't have specifics that relate to the Quantum server and all that. I don't think anyone of us would disagree that those rules do nothing to explain any or all of the wonderful exceptions to the game that Quantum brings each new Era!

As long as that is the case old man Afferz will still occasionally point point out that, Yes, the essentials of the Main Server rules apply to the Quantum game and as we all who have played Quantum since 2004 Beta and 2005 Release will also point out, that there are also a further set of Quantum 'guidelines' which have been discussed, re-discussed, modified, honed, re-hashed, discussed some more, and debated over and over in the Quantum Forums, and then tweaked, changed, and un-tweaked, and yet reverse-tweaked, but no matter what are always ones that the Admin will help us enforce. Thats all. I feel and empathize with your argument, and agree that none of what we are saying and explaining in these Q Forums are specifically enumerated in the Main Server rules at all.

I will always allow/give you that the Main server rules do not completely cover all aspects of the Quantum server as long as you must also give it back that hardly ANY aspects of the ever changing special Era features of Quantum are EVER enumerated in the Main rules either.

It just cannot happen cause we all know that the Quantum server rules tend to change as often as the special Quantum features change every 90 days. No one could keep up with the constant alterations to the rules that would be necessary to govern the Q server, but it has become the tradition that we keep up with them here in the Quantum Forums. It is one of the most particularly favorable aspects of the Quantum server play that I enjoy, which, is that to stay active and up to date with the Quantum particulars and rule changes, you HAVE to stay active and up to date in the Quantum Forums. If the players take the time to go back and find the Forum Topics where the rules particular to Quantum have been hashed and deliberated, it is also usually because some poor player decided to come into Quantum and take advantage of play styles that have been forbidden or long frowned upon for fair play in the Q game.

I will also say that I have played in the Main server game, and have almost NEVER, ever, EVER visited ANY of the Main Forums. And yet I can play OK in Main, why? Because Main has a rigid set of rules for the seldom changing Main SGW server which are easy to find and accessible by simply clicking on the 'Help & Rules' link.

I can also very much appreciate the inalienable arguing of rights, I am an American (pompous and proud pusher of rights we are - right or wrong... haha), and also a veteran of the armed forces for America, so that automatically makes me stupid enough to place my life on the line, to have bullets whizz over my head, silly things like that, fighting for a simple written set of rights on a piece of paper. It also unfortunately means we often try to cram them down the world's throat at every opportunity like we are the moral police of rights in the world. So, I guess I am familiar with the life endearing ideal of making a simple principled argument based upon what I feel are inalienable rights. I appreciate anyone else who does and stands by their opinion so strongly. I have also seen people die for their principles, and conversely watched many players get banned from Q with the same swiftness of a NATO round.

Given all this, I am still strongly urging caution for anyone that wants to come into the Forums, report, support, and attempt to condone a bannable playing style or action (such as Cross-server trading...). I urge caution that after having it pointed out to them and backed up with past Forum Topics - where even Moderators and Admin agreed that this is the most recent agreed upon rules to the Quantum server, and just let them know that continuing to do it could and may have their wonderful Q player suddenly one day banned from the Quantum server.

I did not make this the way it is, I did not always agree with all the changes and modifications to the Quantum rules, nor did I always have a say in how or why this is enforced this way! It just is, what it is...

I have also been on the receiving end of Quantum server justice, Quantum community Forum wrath when I tried to be the "smarter" than everyone else player and play on the grey edges of the rules, so I am not saying that crazy itchy butt Affy gets to hark all this like I am some ideological angel of purity of fair and just play, but I DO think after all these many years I have earned enough respect and admiration at my ability to make mistakes and come clean about them to also know when to strongly caution my fellow players when they may be taunting the Q system and on the edge of getting a hard lesson. I am just being, I thought, a voice of experience and reason. I don't do it very often, usually I am the voice of stupidity, humour, drunken Forum ramblings, and getting Modded, censored, edited, and cautioned by Forum Moderators for my sometimes too colorful language and idiocy. But every now and then, I try to deliver a serious cautionary tale.

So, no, I did not go all crazy when I read the posting, but it still did not keep me from writing one of my longer that the average sit-down toilet trip 'Affy' postings though... Did it? HAHAHA

'Bad Affy' sez... Affy is as Affy does! :smt017

Re: Wave 28 Feeders

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:14 am
by Affirmation
Its been a while, I forget, what were we debating about?

Someone kept posting the Rules pertaining to Main server and I think we were politely trying to explain about how the special features and rules pertaining to each Era of Quantum are posted by Admin in the Quantum Forums and then we got into a circle of something. I am an old man, so I just wanted to make sure that everything I was attempting to explain, not for myself making any boasts about in-game justice, but for the sake of the server community peace of mind, was indeed going un-heeded.

Does that about catch me up?

Sorry, I had to change brands on my Adult diapers, and since the US economy is poor, I have had to cut back on my Geritol consumption in lieu of gas for my Chopper so maybe I am just the one who is confused. But, next Era for Q will start and instead of referring back to some page of basic rules cast in stone of old Main rules written 4 or 5 years back, without any thought for the persistent changes of an ever constantly changing game server like Q, I will just read in the Quantum Forums the Admins postings placed at the end/start of every Era to catch up on all the new rules and specifics for the new Era. So I will get caught back up then....

Sorry for the confusion, for a moment I thought I was helping. As usual, I am just farting into the galactic currents... :smt017

'Bad Affy' sez... You said it, Captain Affy Brain Fart-zilla... :smt036